"Shut up, I'm not interested in you at all." Wang Xiangyun said with a disgusting face, "however, isn't your computer technology very powerful? Now that you have driven Zhou Heng away for me, you have to give me the top job for Zhou Heng. Is that ok? "

"Daughter in law, who told you that my computer technology is very powerful? I just know a little bit about hacking. "

"You're not good at computer? Then you'll have to find me someone with great computer skills. Otherwise, you, the head of the finance department, don't do it any more. Just concentrate on my skills. "

"Wipe, you are trying to drive me to Liangshan."

"No, right? OK, I'll announce the new appointment right now. If I remember correctly, there is a more suitable candidate in the finance department to be a minister than you. Does that person seem to be Wenxuan? "

Wang Xiangyun grinned and turned to leave.

"Damn it, Wang Xiangyun, stop!"

He Feng see Wang Xiangyun to leave, immediately opened his mouth to call it.

Why does he want to be the head of the finance department? It's not because Xia Menglu is in the finance department that he has more time and opportunities to get along with Xia Menglu alone when he comes to the finance department.

If I left like this, would I spend less time with Xia Menglu?

"Well, think about it?"

Wang Xiangyun stopped and asked faintly.

He Feng rolled a white eye, "you won still can't, after the company's protective net by me to be responsible for.". However, for the usual simple maintenance and some small problems, don't come to me. Can someone from the technology department handle them? "

"Sure, Zhou Heng is not alone in the technology department. You just need to do it at the critical moment. It won't take up too much of your time. In addition, the company's important documents need to be encrypted to prevent being broken by some hackers, stealing the company's business secrets, causing huge economic losses. Can you handle all these things? "

Wang Xiangyun stares at He Feng and asks.

"Don't worry, with me, even if it's a little movie in the computer of our company's employees, those hackers can't find it." He Feng said bland, it seems not much interest.

He is really not interested in this kind of thing. He just doesn't want to show his computer skills too much.

"Well, it's up to you. In addition, I this U disk, you also give me to set up a bit of encryption, done after give me

Wang Xiangyun takes out a blue and white porcelain U disk and hands it to He Feng.

"Put it on my desk. I'll get it for you sometime. I'll give it to you when I get off work later. " He Feng is lying on the soft bed smoking a cigarette and doesn't want to get up at all.

"It's not urgent to pick me up. I have to work overtime tonight. You can come back to the company to pick me up at 12 pm." Wang Xiangyun put the U disk on his desk.

"Well, I'll pick you up at the office at twelve."

He Feng knows that Wang Xiangyun is busy recently and is doing her new research. It's not surprising that she will work overtime until 12 p.m.

However, I am still disappointed. It seems that I have no chance to climb onto Wang Xiangyun's bed in the near future.

Wang Xiangyun saw that he Feng was so lazy, and there was a trace of disappointment in his beautiful eyes. "You just took the post of finance department director, don't go to collect debt, just have a leisurely rest?"

"What's the urgency of debt collection? Anyway, it's still half a month short of the deadline we set. " He Feng's slow way.

"Well, you'll have a good time. If you can't recover all the foreign debts of the finance department in half a month, I'll replace you and make Wenxuan minister." Wang Xiangyun said impolitely.

"Don't worry, if you can't get back the foreign debt, even if you don't withdraw me, I will resign myself. Well, I won't be your assistant any more, so I'll go back and continue to be my courier. " Hefeng road.

Wang Xiangyun deeply looked at He Feng, beautiful eyes with a trace of confusion and curiosity.

Can this man really recover all the foreign debts in half a month?

You know, those who are in debt are not good talkers. Especially those who are backed by gangs or big groups are more difficult to deal with.

However, after these two days of getting along, especially the fact that he Feng earned 10 million yuan yesterday with one million yuan, no, one hundred thousand yuan, Wang Xiangyun felt that he Feng might be able to create a miracle.

This morning, Wang Xiangyun was shocked when he heard Gong Wei's vivid description of what happened in Ming yuzhai last night. He was a little sorry that he didn't go to the scene last night.

"I'll wait and see if you can recover all these foreign debts in half a month."

Wang Xiangyun recalled his thoughts, then seemed to think of something again, and said with a smile: "by the way, you and sister yuan seem to be very familiar now?"

"With sister yuan..."

Hearing Wang Xiangyun suddenly talking about yuan Yashi, he Feng immediately felt guilty of being a thief. However, on the surface, he was pretending to be confused. "Why did sister yuan and I suddenly become very familiar?"

"Isn't it? If you don't know her very well, will she speak for you in front of so many company executives this morning? I've worked with her for many years, and from what I know about her, if you don't have a special relationship with her, she can't speak for you on that occasion. "

Wang Xiangyun looks directly into He Feng's eyes.

Wang Xiangyun is staring at him. He Feng, who has a guilty conscience, is even more worried.

However, his face is still quite calm, no mood fluctuations, just surprised: "is it? Then I'm not very clear. I just think it's normal for me and sister yuan to be your assistant together, and I'm so handsome. Should she say something for me? "

In He Feng's face and answer, there was no clue, so Wang Xiangyun didn't ask any more.

After all, with her understanding of Yuan Yashi, Yuan Yashi is also a woman who has a high demand for her male partner. She can't see a man younger than herself.

Moreover, Yuan Yashi has been hurt once in her feelings. Now, the demand of choosing a man will be higher. An ordinary man can't even enter her eyes. In her opinion, unless yuan Yashi is blind, she will fall in love with a man like he Feng.


Wang Xiangyun nodded noncommittally, did not go on to ask, but said: "you don't see sister yuan on the surface seems to be very beautiful, in fact, her life is very hard, if you can help her in the future, try to help her."

"Daughter in law, you can rest assured. I know you have a good relationship with sister yuan, and you have worked with her for many years and have a close relationship. I will certainly try my best to take care of her."

He Feng laughed and said, "I heard from sister yuan today that her brother seems to be in hospital, right? I know a little bit about medicine, and she's going to the hospital to see her brother at the weekend. So, I've told her to accompany her to the hospital at the weekend to see if I can help them with my medical skills. "

"Really? Can you cure sister yuan's younger brother? " Wang Xiangyun was surprised.

She knows yuan Yashi very well. No matter in her life or work, Yuan Yashi is bound by her younger brother.

If her brother's illness can be cured, it will definitely be a turning point in her life.

"I didn't say I could cure it. Although I know a little about medicine, I just know a little bit about it. If it can be cured, I have to see her brother first, and then make a diagnosis. But if it can be cured, I will do my best. "

In this matter, he Feng did not dare to give Wang Xiangyun too high expectations, so as not to be disappointed again.

Yuan Yashi's younger brother hasn't been cured for so many years, and his illness is a little puzzling. It's certainly not so easy to cure. Even he Feng doesn't hold too much hope.

"Well, that weekend..."

Wang Xiangyun paused and said, "at the weekend, I'll try my best to make time to go to the hospital with you."

"I know you are very busy recently. It doesn't matter if you don't go. Anyway, I'll tell you the situation later." He Feng took a smoke and said.

"All right then!"

Wang Xiangyun nodded helplessly, because she was really busy recently, "I still have a lot of things in the afternoon, go ahead, you don't forget these things I told you. In addition, you should also pay close attention to the foreign debt of the finance department. If you can't get any money back then, ha ha, you'll wait for everyone to laugh at you. "

He Feng grinned, then closed his eyes, "good afternoon, daughter-in-law!"

"Well, half a month later, you'll be teased. I won't leave you in the company any more. " Wang Xiangyun see he Feng this appearance to come angry, snorted a directly out of the office, and then a door to heavy closed.

After Wang Xiangyun left, he Feng slightly opened his eyes, "Wang Xiangyun, the mother-in-law, is very sensitive to emotional matters. She even suspects that there is a relationship between me and sister yuan. But fortunately, brother Feng's performance skills have passed the test, and she has not seen the flaw. Otherwise, I'm afraid she will not support me and sister yuan, or even go directly to sister yuan to speak ill of me. "

Shaking his head, he Feng closed his eyes again and went to sleep directly.

Of course, he doesn't just sleep. During his sleep, he is still running the Qi in his body, constantly refining it to make it more pure.

During this period, Zhou Heng had sent Zhou Xin to the emergency department of the hospital. After some rescue, he finally stabilized his injury, and then sent him to the intensive care unit.

It didn't take long for the weekly salary to wake up.

"Brother, am I in the hospital?"

Seeing Zhou Heng sitting next to him, Zhou Xin glanced at the surrounding environment and thought about what happened in the restaurant of Yuncheng group before. He immediately became angry. "That he Feng really dares to lay such a heavy hand on me. I won't let him go. I want him to die!"

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