"No, you just said to eat eggplant for beauty. How can you stop eating it now? That won't do! "

He Feng directly put the eggplant into the bag, and then threw it to the boss together with the potatoes, "boss, help me weigh these two dishes."

"Good! Brother, you're so lucky to find such a beautiful girlfriend. You'll have to do more exercise in the future. Don't be too tired in the end. " The boss is also a wretched man, just vaguely heard the conversation between He Feng and Gong Wei, now is a bad laugh.

"Ha ha, don't care about my body. If you have time, you'd better care more about your own body. Don't let your daughter-in-law take eggplant home." He Feng is laughing to reply a way.

Smell speech, that wretched boss immediately a face of bashful meaning, at the same time looking at He Feng is full of surprise.

How does this guy know he's not good at that?

He was afraid that he Feng would say something and let the vendor next door hear it. How could he set up a stall here in the future?

"Man, I won't weigh these two dishes. You can eat them directly." The boss didn't even weigh the dishes, and directly threw them to He Feng, "the dishes here are more expensive. You can go to other places and buy them again."

"Oh, then I won't be polite to the boss. Goodbye."

He Feng, with a smile, went to another food stall.

As for Gong Wei, she looks surprised.

How can he Feng see that the boss is not fit?

Is it because of his powerful medical skills?

This man, how can he be so powerful?

Next, Gong Wei and he Feng bought a crucian carp, shrimp, and a little seasoning, so they went out of the market.

"Weiwei, shall we go back directly now?"

He Feng is carrying vegetables in his hand, and a bottle of foreign wine bought in the nearby cigarette hotel. He asks with expectation.

"Go ahead and buy two more vegetables." Gong Wei is an old man who goes to set up a stall in front of him.

Outside the farmers' market, because the control is not so strict, many local farmers will sell their own vegetables, which are cheaper than those in the vegetable market.

However, because their dishes are not washed very well and they don't use electronic scales, most people don't want to buy them, so that they can't sell much when they set up a stall outside for a long time.

Every time Gong Wei came to the market to buy vegetables, she would buy some vegetables outside. Even if she didn't need them, she would buy them and eat them the next day.

For nothing else, I just hope these hard-working and poor old people can go home early to cook and eat, and don't be hungry.

"Sir, there are not many vegetables left, and there are not many tomatoes left. Weigh them all for me." Gong Wei pointed to the two vegetables on the ground and said, "and these eggs are from your hens, right? There are only more than 20 left. I'll weigh them all. "

Opposite her was an old man in his late eighties. His hair was white, his back was bent, and his face was full of traces left by time.

Now I'm sitting on the concrete floor with a bag under my ass.

The old man has a good memory. When he saw Gong Wei, he was stunned and immediately said with a kind smile: "little girl, you've come to buy vegetables again. Eh, I brought a boy with me this time. Is he a boyfriend? "

Gong Wei blushes a little and wants to explain something, but the old man is already busy weighing dishes for her.

"Little girl, these dishes are 26 yuan and 70 cents in total. Just give me 26 yuan."

In a short time, the old man had finished weighing.

This price is much cheaper than the price in the vegetable market.

In particular, this egg is produced by domestic hens. Its nutritional value is far higher than that of ordinary eggs, but its price is not higher than that of ordinary eggs.

"Here you are, sir." Gong Wei takes out 30 yuan and hands it to the old man.

The old man took the money, took out four coins, and told: "little girl, this tomato can be eaten directly with cold sauce, sweet."

"All right!" Gong Wei smiles and is about to pick up the vegetables and leave.


But at this time, a group of figures suddenly came over. The leader kicked the dishes in front of the old man directly, and said angrily: "old man, I told you yesterday not to come to set up a stall to sell vegetables. I didn't expect that you would dare to come. Do you know that it's forbidden to set up a stall here?"

"Ah! My food, my food... "

The old man was stunned by the sudden kick, and his old face was full of panic, especially when he looked at the scattered dishes in front of him.

"Well, what are you doing? Why do you want to kick off this man's food? "

Gong Wei saw this scene and her pretty face was full of anger.

These people are so hateful.

"Eh, beauty, I didn't expect that we would meet again. It seems that we are really predestined

At this time, a man with dyed hair at the head laughed in surprise.

This man is no one else, it is not long ago on the road with Gong Wei's brother Chen.

"Well, I have no chance with you." Gong Wei snorted coldly and asked: "I'm asking you, the old man sells vegetables well here. Why do you kick over his dishes? What's stopping him from selling vegetables here? Are you a city manager? Even if you are urban management, you are not allowed to control ordinary people with this attitude. "

"Ha ha, beauty, you're really funny. I'm not a garbage city management, but in this area, what I say is more effective than the city management."

Brother Chen laughed and said, "these people sell vegetables on my site, but they don't give me management fees. How can I tolerate him? And this is not the first time. Today, he has to pay me the management fee. "

Finish saying, also temporarily don't go to Guan Gong Wei, directly toward a face nervous worry sitting on the ground of the old man, "old guy, management fee you give or not?"

"Little brother, I really have no money. I really can't get out of your management fee, old man. " Poor old man.

He sells vegetables here for about 50 yuan a day at most, and only 1000 yuan a month, and not every month. But brother Chen wants him to hand in 800 yuan a month, which is almost all the money he sells vegetables in a month. How can he get it out?

What's more, he also heard people here say that there was no management fee here. It was just brother Chen who made it up.

What's more, management fees are all about protection fees collected by gangs.

"Can't you take it out?"

Chen elder brother eyes a stare, "can't take out management fee, you still dare to sell vegetables here?"? And it's been sold for so many days. Hum, since the management fee can't be paid, you should pay all the money you sell these days. Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite. "

With that, he was going to rob the money that the old man had put in his pocket.

The vendors selling vegetables all around had already withdrawn from the market for the first time when they saw brother Chen coming. However, there were still many people watching around. Everyone looked at the old man sympathetically.

"Alas, the old man is poor. He can't sell for 1000 yuan a month. Brother Chen even goes to collect 800 yuan for protection."

"I can't help it. Who wants him to be a member of the big wave Gang. The big wave Gang is in our area. It's the local emperor. "

"It seems that the big wave Gang didn't charge protection fees before. They also have many stores of their own. Recently, I don't know what happened. Brother Chen actually took people to bear it. Should he take it into his own pocket?"

"Shh, you can't talk nonsense. Don't make it impossible for us to do business when we normally pay management fees."

Everyone looked at brother Chen with disgust and fear.

"Don't touch my money, you brute, stop it!"

The eldest brother's face suddenly changed when he saw that brother Chen robbed the money in his pocket. All the money was for his little grandson to study in the second half of the year. How could he be allowed to be taken away by brother Chen? Grab the pockets with both hands.

"Damn, you old man, you dare to stop me. I won't smoke you."

Brother Chen saw that he couldn't take the money from the old man, so he raised his hand and was ready to slap it.

Many people can't bear to look at it again and don't look back.

Gong Wei can't see it any more, so she has to stop it.

But he Feng's action is faster than her


The crisp slap sounded.

But the slap didn't fall on the boss's face, but brother Chen's face was slapped severely, and the whole person was slapped on the ground, with a bright red slap on his face.

This slap, let the whole audience are instantly silent down, all people are gaping at He Feng.

Just now, this guy didn't say a word. He seemed to be standing by and watching. Why did he start all of a sudden?

Other people fight when they don't agree with each other, but they smoke when they don't even speak.

This, this special is too good, isn't it?

However, people looked at his eyes immediately revealed worry, some close to He Feng, but also quickly back, for fear of being misunderstood by brother Chen as a gang with He Feng.

You know, brother Chen is not alone. There are four people here. Besides, behind brother Chen, there is a big wave gang.

Brother Chen is lying on the ground now. He feels that his mouth has a strong smell of blood. He opens his mouth to spit out two broken teeth mixed with blood.

"I grass, you still Leng do what, still don't give me start to do him?"

Looking at the broken teeth on the ground, brother Chen's eyes are red, immediately jumped up, pointed to He Feng and yelled.

"Damn, you dare to attack our brother Chen?"

"Damn, I'm tired of living, aren't I? I'll beat you to death. "

"If you don't fight today, you will kneel down and beg for mercy. I'll give you my surname."

Suddenly, the other three people who came with brother Chen rushed to He Feng under the leadership of the first fat man.

"Be careful, young man!" The old man exclaimed with fright.

Gong Wei was a little worried at the beginning, but she was not afraid when she thought of He Feng's terrible skill. She squatted down beside the old man and said, "don't worry, sir. He Feng will be fine."

"But... They have a lot of people." The old man is still nervous.

But the next moment, he will understand why Gong Wei is not worried at all.

Bang Bang

See he Feng two hands take dish, directly two feet kick out, is accurate kick in three people.

Even the fat man, who is nearly 300 kg in weight, is easily kicked out and falls heavily on the ground. He cries in pain and can't get up for a while.

Seeing this scene, everyone is completely stupid.

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