"He Feng, what are you doing?"

Gong Wei just opened the balcony glass door, turned around and saw he Feng waving to the bathroom, then asked curiously.

As soon as the voice fell, she seemed to think of something. Her face changed in a moment, and she ran into the bathroom quickly, like the wind at her feet.

Sure enough, his underwear is hanging on the wall, but also swaying by the wind.

Although the bathroom didn't turn on the light, the light is not very good, but as long as the eyes are slightly better, you can see clearly, even the lace on the side of underwear can see clearly.

And he Feng's eyes

This guy didn't even bring his myopia glasses. He must have good eyesight.

For a moment, Gong Wei wants to find a hole to drill in.


On the sofa, he Feng looks at Gong Wei's graceful figure, and then looks at the underwear hanging on the wall, only to feel that the evil fire in her lower abdomen is beginning to flee again.

Although yuan Yashi helped him solve it once yesterday, he Feng didn't enjoy it at all.

Besides, when he was abroad in the past, he almost had women every night, and even often slept with more than one woman at the same time.

After returning to China for more than two months, he didn't sleep with any woman once and didn't get a real catharsis.

Therefore, the evil fire in his body will be ignited almost casually.

This is not, at this time, he has an idea that he wants to rush up and push Gong Wei down.

But after thinking about it, I'll forget it. If I do that, I guess this woman will have to play with herself.

"Weiwei, can you make me a pot of tea first? I'm thirsty! "

He Feng quickly opens his mouth to change the topic, but also to change his mind, so as not to make the thing under his body uncomfortable.

"OK, ok..."

Gong Wei saw he Feng didn't open his mouth to tease himself. She was relieved. Then she quickly picked up her underwear and threw it into the next bucket.

She likes to be clean, even a little bit of cleanliness. Ordinary clothes are washed by washing machine, but underwear is washed by hand.

But just after taking a bath last night, he received a phone call from Wang Xiangyun and learned that Wang Xiangyun and he Feng really got the marriage certificate, which made her feel no mood to wash clothes in an instant.

When she got up early in the morning, she had two panda eyes and was not in the mood to wash clothes. After work, she completely forgot about washing clothes, which led her to take He Feng directly into the house.

But don't want to, this guy just came in and saw his two clothes at a glance.

Fortunately, this guy seems to be quite witty and didn't make fun of himself.

Gong Wei went back to the living room, her cheeks flushed, but pretended to be nothing happened. She quickly made tea for He Feng, and then went to the kitchen, "you sit here for a while, I'll wash the dishes."

"All right!"

He Feng is also not polite, picked up the tea on the table to blow up, slowly tasting.

After a cup of tea, the evil fire in He Feng's body is completely suppressed.

Stand up, he Feng followed into the kitchen, casually pulled a topic, "Weiwei, your house must have 120 or 30 square meters at least, there are three bedrooms in it, usually you live alone?"

Gong Wei tried to calm her tone. "Yes, my parents are also in Jiangbin City, but they work far away from me, and they can't drive. They take the subway and bus for nearly two hours, so they don't live with me. They occasionally come to play on weekends."

"Aren't you usually bored?"

"How are you?"

Gong Wei said casually: "however, occasionally yunyun or sister yuan will come to accompany me, it won't be so boring."

"Well, if they come to accompany you, you'll sleep in the same bed?" He Feng is very curious about this.

"Of course, can't we two girls sleep in separate beds?" Gong Wei white He Feng one eye.

"Tut Tut, I envy you for sleeping those two beauties."

He Feng a face envy of way: "of course, I also envy them very much, unexpectedly put you this kind of great beauty to sleep."

"Why, isn't Xia Menglu already your little girlfriend? Have you not put her to sleep yet?" Gong Wei asked directly.

"How can we? Strictly speaking, we don't even count our friends and girlfriends. We are just getting to know each other. When we get to know each other, we have to talk about love and have a deep understanding. You used to be the manager of the marketing department. You have a lot of experience in seeing people. You can see that Lulu is very simple. I won't take her to bed so early. She has to take the initiative. "

He Feng is very serious said.

"Eh, I didn't expect that you would care so much about Xia Menglu's idea. I thought you would take her to bed immediately after you got her."

He Feng's words make Gong Wei feel a little curious, "but also, Xia Menglu is really simple, you can think so for her, still have a little sense of responsibility."

"So, do you like me better now?"

"Well, it's a little bit of a favor."

Gong Wei takes out two fingers and pinches them together. She makes a gesture, which looks very witty.

"Er... I thought you would suddenly fall in love with me!"

"Ha ha, just keep dreaming."

Gong Wei's sexy lips rose slightly, but she was a little pleased.

It seems that he Feng has no feelings with Xia Menglu. If he transfers Xia Menglu away, he Feng won't be angry, will he?

She had some worries about this before, but now she is much better. She even thinks about whether she should transfer Xia Menglu in the near future.

"By the way, can you wash fish? I'll cut the potatoes first Gong Wei said.

"Of course it will!"

He Feng went over and took the fish out of the bag, then began to clean it with tap water.

As for Gong Wei, she took the peeled potatoes and began to shred them.

"Vivi, let me ask you something." He Feng said while washing the fish.

"What's the matter?"

"I heard in the company that sister yuan seemed to have been hurt emotionally?"

"Well? Why did you suddenly ask about sister yuan? You are very concerned about her! "

Gong Wei suddenly looked at He Feng and said, at the same time, a trace of vigilance rose in her heart, "this He Feng, should not be interested in sister yuan again?"

"I asked casually. Last time we had dinner in the canteen, she was angry and left for no reason. At that time, I heard that she seemed to have been hurt emotionally." He Feng shrugged.

He really wanted to know something about yuan Yashi, but if he asked directly about this kind of thing, Yuan Yashi might not want to answer, and maybe it was to expose other people's scars. Therefore, he thought that he could only ask Wang Xiangyun or Gong Wei.

And Wang Xiangyun, the woman is more sensitive than Gong Wei. Once she asks, she may suspect that she is interested in Yuan Yashi, which may destroy their relationship.

So he asked Gong Wei directly.

But don't want to, Gong Wei also seems to be quite sensitive, suddenly alert.

"In fact, sister yuan's emotional career is very complicated. Her family used to be poor, and her younger brother was seriously ill. In order to cure her brother, when she just graduated from high school, her family married her to a rich family in the village. Although the rich man didn't marry her immediately, and he still gave her money to go to college, she was pestered by her all the time and cheated her for millions. " Gong Wei said.

"That's all?"

He Feng frowned. Yuan Yashi had already told him about these things, but he always felt that Yuan Yashi's emotional injury should not be this.

"Another time, it was sister yuan's real first love."

Gong Wei said: "at that time, sister yuan just graduated and met a boss who fascinated her. Her boss also fell in love with sister yuan at first sight, and actively pursued her. Only a month later, the two began to fall in love. Because sister yuan grew up in the countryside, she has a conservative personality. At most, she only kisses her boss hand in hand and never sleeps together. Her boss seems to have lost patience. After less than three months of talking, sister Yuan found out that her boss had fallen in love with one of her colleagues. Moreover, after her boss learned about this, she did not feel guilty at all. Instead, she directly asked sister yuan if she would like to sleep with him. If not, she would be expelled. Finally, sister yuan resigned and left on her own initiative. "

"Er... There is such a thing

He Feng finally understood why when he asked yuan Yashi if he had a boyfriend, Yuan Yashi would suddenly become so angry.

It turns out that she was severely hurt by her first love boyfriend once.

"In the future, don't talk about whether she has a boyfriend or not in front of sister yuan. Otherwise, sister yuan will be angry again. Maybe she will never talk to you again and put you on the blacklist completely. " Gong Wei kindly reminds us.

"Yes, I see."

He Feng nodded with a smile.

In the heart is murmuring, sister yuan put me into the blacklist? I'm kidding. Can you imagine the relationship between sister yuan and brother Feng?


Yuan Jie's life is really hard these years. Even the only love that makes her full of beautiful fantasy has brought her great harm.

This woman needs a man's love too much.

No wonder, after saving her and expressing concern for her, she would do something to vent her anger.

"I really hope that sister yuan can find a man who can really bring her happiness in the future..." Gong Wei sincerely wishes.

He Feng took a look at Gong Wei, then bowed his head and continued to wash the fish.

Gong Wei may think it's hard for yuan Yashi to find a woman she likes.


The man beside her at the moment had already let out his anger on Yuan Yashi last night.

Moreover, the man is still thinking about whether to really let yuan Yashi become his woman.

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