Li Shuan's handcuffs, he will check every day, this morning to see he Feng, he checked, absolutely no problem.

But in He Feng's hand, it was as easy as tofu to break.

Does this guy really have the ability?

For a moment, Li Shuan's back was a little chilly.

"Alas! Three police officers, I don't think we can do this. I don't think you had a good rest last night. Why don't you go back to sleep? " He Feng said with a smile.

Looking at the smile on He Feng's face, Li Shuan felt as if he was laughing at himself, extremely arrogant, which made his anger in his heart like a ignited explosive bag, which was about to explode.

"Well! Yesterday I let Chu Yue hold your hand. Today I come to laugh at me. I really don't think I dare to move you? "

Li Shuan snorted, then said coldly: "He Feng, you rely on your own strength to destroy the police's case handling tools, which is tantamount to flouting laws and regulations and provoking our police. Xiao Zhou, you two go to give him some color first. I want to see if he dares to underestimate the police. "

"Yes, Captain!"

Less than two people with Xiao Zhou to He Feng is not happy, got Li Shuan's order, two people are out of the baton.

To be exact, it's a baton wrapped in a layer of cloth.

Beating people with this baton will only hurt people, but it will not leave scars, let alone the scars of the baton.

At that time, even if they are asked by outsiders, they can say that the injury happened before they entered the police station, or they fell in the police station. Anyway, there is no evidence to prove that they were the police.

Seeing this behind the scenes, Li Shuan skillfully shut down the monitoring here.

But his hand was on the handle of the gun.

When Xiao Zhou and he Feng teach each other a lesson, as long as he Feng dare to fight back, that is to attack the police. Then he will have reason to shoot him.

"Boy, I don't know how strong you are, but I don't think your skin is that thick?"

"Hey, dare to upset our captain, you'll be waiting to cry today."

The two policemen stood beside he Feng, smiling coldly.

Hoo Hoo!

Then, two people almost at the same time waved the baton, heavy toward He Feng body called in the past.

"Bang Bang..."

Two batons, respectively, fell on He Feng's chest and back, making a dull sound.

Almost at the same time, Li Shuan's face showed a cruel smile.



The cry of pain followed.

However, the smile on Li Shuan's face was solidified.

Because, cry painful person is not He Feng, but is smaller than with small week two people.

The two men's batons seemed to hit he Feng, but they clearly felt that a huge force poured in from their hands and directly hit their chest. If they were hit hard on their chest, it was extremely painful, and they could not help stepping back two steps.

"What's the matter? What are you two doing? "

Seeing this strange scene, Li Shuan was angry again.

"Captain, I, I don't know what's going on." I knead my chest.

"Yes, it's strange. Captain, did you see this kid sneak on me just now? I feel like he punched me. " Xiao Zhou is also rubbing his chest.

"He hit you?"

Li Shuan said angrily, "he stood there and didn't move. How could he hit you?"

Although he hoped that he Feng would fight Xiaozhou and Xiaozhou back, he really saw it clearly just now. He Feng stood in the same place and didn't even move his fingers. How could he hit them?


Xiaobi and Xiaozhou dare not refute Li Shuan, and they also know that Li Shuan will not lie.

"Xiao Zhou, maybe we just collided with each other. Well, I'll do it first this time. You'll stand by and wait He said.

"All right!"

Immediately, less than once again waving a baton, to He Feng's chest hard hit in the past.


As soon as the baton fell on He Feng's chest, the baton made of rubber broke directly.


He Feng was amused, "I said, officer, it seems that the quality of the tools you bought is really not good, so how can you handle a case?"? It's better to go home and farm. "

"Why did it break all of a sudden?"

Looking at the broken baton, some of them couldn't come back.

Li Shuan is a face of surprise, is it difficult to make the ghost He Feng? Or is it just a coincidence?

"It must be a coincidence that this baton has been used for a long time, and he Feng is more powerful than ordinary people. It's not strange to interrupt all of a sudden."

Li Shuan pondered and believed that it was a coincidence.

So he said to Xiao Zhou again, "Xiao Zhou, you go up. Remember, stab him this time, don't smoke. "

"Good captain."

Without any hesitation, Xiao Zhou picked up the baton and went to He Feng's side.


He held the baton tightly in both hands and stabbed him in the stomach.


As soon as the baton fell on He Feng's stomach, Xiao Zhou felt a strong force coming along his arm, hitting him, knocking him out and falling to the ground.

"Xiao Zhou, what's the matter with you?"

Li Shuan asked angrily.

Because of the previous scene, Li Shuan looked very carefully this time, but he still didn't see any movement of He Feng. He stood there and didn't move.

However, Xiao Zhou just like being attacked, flying backwards.

This is really too evil!

"Captain, i... I don't know!"

Xiao Zhou kneaded his stomach to get up and said in pain.

He was also working on the embankment just now, but he Feng didn't move his fingers in the whole process, which made him extremely puzzled and depressed.

"He Feng, did you just start?" Li Shuan looked at He Feng and asked angrily.

"Officer, didn't you just stare at me all the time? Did you see me do it? "

He Feng pitifully said: "assaulting a police officer is a felony. I don't have the courage to do such a thing. You can't wrongly me."


"Well, even if you want to extort a confession by torture, you have to get better quality weapons, right? It's made of bean curd dregs. You... You look down on me. " He Feng said sadly and indignantly: "a scholar can be killed but not humiliated! Officer, why don't you just shoot me! "

Although the mouth said so, but he Feng is not on the heart. Don't say just ordinary rubber baton, even if the other party latte stick, also don't want to hurt he Feng.

With the powerful Qi and the control of power, we only need to rebound the power back, and then we can let these people humiliate themselves.

Li Shuan couldn't feel it. He Feng was just laughing at them.

"Shot you?"

Li Shuan wants to kill He Feng with one shot, but if he shoots without any reason, he will definitely bear criminal responsibility in the end, and the consequences are not what he can bear.

"Captain, what shall we do now?"

Xiao Zhou came up and asked.

Li Shuan took a deep breath and said, "you two should watch him here first. I'll ask Liu Bureau for instructions."

"Okay, okay!" Xiao Zhou nodded quickly.

"He Feng, don't be complacent. You will suffer later."

Li Shuan glared at He Feng and turned to walk out.

He Feng yelled at Li Shuan's back: "officer, you have to speed up. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you to extort a confession from me by torture when the moon comes."

Li Shuan's step obviously stopped for a while, but it was faster immediately.

And he Feng also took back his eyes and pondered a little, "it seems that the Liu Bureau saw that yesterday's assassination failed and was ready to play by another means. However, this method can be used to deal with ordinary people, but it can be used to deal with me. Ha ha, I'll play with him and see what powerful means he can take out. "

He Feng guessed that the Liu bureau must often do this kind of thing when he said that the monitoring often broke down.

But his reputation outside is fair and he is an excellent policeman.

This is definitely a cop who is good at camouflage!

It's a cancer of the police!

Although he Feng is not a member of the government, and is not interested in the Chinese government, he is not willing to help the Chinese government.


He hated this kind of scum police since he was a child.

If these policemen were not incompetent, how could they be captured by traffickers and abducted to Africa?

This kind of cancer in the police must be removed!


Dong Dong!

Li Shuan came to Liu boyue's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

Liu boyue's voice rang out.

Li Shuan opened the door and went in. At a glance, he saw Liu boyue sitting at his desk eating breakfast.

"Liu Ju, I listened to you and tried he Feng. But... There seems to be something wrong with this guy. "

Li Shuan said directly that he broke the handcuffs and batons, and that Xiao Zhou was injured.

"Well? That he Feng, unexpectedly so evil door Liu boyue also frowned.

If so, it is unrealistic for them to use some means of extorting confessions by torture.

And the words of normal inquest, he Feng estimates to won't bird them at all.

"Liu Ju, what shall we do now?" Li Shuan asked, he really has no way now.

Liu boyue couldn't think of a better way.


Think of song Yan's promise to him, think of the beautiful things that may happen tonight.

"Li Shuan, you will keep he Feng in the detention room for 48 hours. In these 48 hours, we can't give him food and drink, we can't let him sleep. In addition, more police are sent to conduct surprise interrogation on him, and even abuse and humiliate him. In short, use all kinds of methods to provoke him and make him fight the police. At that time, he will be charged with at least one assault on the police. "

Liu boyue said coldly.

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