"It's very serious. I hope it's within the scope of response. Otherwise... "

Gong Wei shook his head, did not speak, a worried look, obviously extremely worried.

He Feng suddenly came to Gong Wei, took Gong Wei's hand, and said with a smile: "Wei Wei, don't worry, I'm here, there won't be an accident."

"Oh, don't say these numb words here. Be careful to be seen and spread to yunyun's ears."

Gong Wei's pretty face is slightly red, and she quickly pulls out her little hand.

"Hehe, you can tell if you know. She doesn't care about her husband." He Feng said with a smile.

"You know that you are poor. If you let yunyun know, nothing will happen to you. I don't know how to face yunyun."

Gong Wei helpless way: "at least, now I don't have a little psychological preparation."

He Feng said: "yunyun, in fact, you don't have to be psychologically prepared. I'll explain to her then. "

"This kind of thing can't be explained at all! Forget it, now is not the time to talk about it. Let's go to the cosmetics store and have a look. The problem must not be too serious. "

Gong Wei said, quickly toward the front, he Feng is with the side.

Because of the problem of Duomei cosmetics, although the store didn't put up the sign of suspending business today, no one was allowed to come in, so it was very empty and there were few people. Most of them were employees in the store.

Before long, two people came to Duomei cosmetics store.

This store is the head office, so it is different from the ordinary cosmetics store. The space inside is quite large. It has more than 500 square meters, and there are many dressing rooms, rest rooms and so on.

At this time, in the cosmetics store, in addition to some staff, there are more than ten female customers.

Some of these customers are wearing masks, some are wearing hats, and some are wearing sunglasses. But without exception, their faces are long things, rashes, chickenpox, white spots, it is very ugly.

"I bought the skin care products in your store this morning. After using them, my face will be like this. What do you do in the end?"

"If you don't help me cure my face, and then compensate me for my mental loss, I'm not finished with you."

"I will let all the people in the world know that you are selling fake products, and you will be Duomei in the future... No, you Yuncheng group will never sell another skin care product."

"Wang Xiangyun's heart is so vicious that she takes care of her beauty and makes other women ugly. I'll go to court to sue her."

We are excited!

At this time, the cosmetics shop can be described by these four words.

One by one, these ten people were very angry. If it wasn't for the security guards and staff, they would rush to the front and beat the store manager who was standing there.

"Weiwei, why don't you come out on this?" He Feng looked at those emotional female customers, frowned and said that he was a little worried. After Gong Wei appeared later, these female customers hurt Gong Wei.

"It's OK for me to come forward. They are ordinary people, most of them are emotional. As long as I pacify them, they won't mess around."

Gong Wei looked at He Feng and said, "it's you. Don't be impulsive later. You'll start beating people. Once you make a move, the trouble will be even greater. At that time, the wind review of our Cloud City Group will fall to a low point. "

"Don't worry, I never hit women." He Feng grinned.

Gong Wei didn't pay any attention to He Feng. She quickly walked to the front of the store manager and said, "sister Qu, how come there are more customers who have an accident?"

"Mr. Gong, you've come at last. If you don't come again, all these people will cut me off. They all came to buy skin care products in the morning. Now they are all in trouble one by one. They all come to the door to find trouble. "

Qu Jie is a 40 year old woman, wearing a work dress, a look very capable and smart.

But at the moment, she was also a little flustered, obviously did not know how to deal with the problem in front of her.

"Are you sure all of them have bought skin care products in our shop?" Gong Wei asked.

"I'm sure. I've asked Xiao Xu to check the monitoring. They all bought it. What's more, they also took out the invoice. It's really our shop. " Qu store manager road.

Smell speech, Gong Wei brow slightly wrinkled under, also feel the thorny matter.

"Eh, that woman seems to be the top of Yuncheng group. I heard my friend say that the new vice president of Yuncheng group seems to be her."

"Vice President? Then she must give us an account, or she can't leave

"That's right. We've been waiting here for a long time, but we haven't given a definite explanation. Now there is a cloud city group high-level. We can't let her go."

"She's pretty, but I don't know if her heart is as vicious as that Wang Xiangyun."

I don't know which female customer recognized Gong Wei's identity, and then all the customers gathered around one after another.

"What do you want? Be careful to hurt our general manager

The security guards were about to force the female customers away.

"Don't mess around. Don't hurt the customers." Gong Wei asked the security guards to stop.

Then, she said to the female customers, "Dear customers, I feel very sad that you have such an accident. But I can assure you that the Duomei cosmetics launched by Yuncheng group have passed the quality inspection of relevant departments, and the quality is sure to pass the standard. If you don't believe it, you can call the police and let the relevant departments intervene in the investigation. "

As soon as Gong Wei finished, a female customer said coldly, "hum, I guess you are just as vicious as Wang Xiangyun. First you made fake skin care products to harm us, and now you shirk responsibility. You... You are making money without conscience. You are not human

"Yes, they are not human at all. They just shirk their responsibilities, but they don't consider our feelings."

"I've never seen such a shameless businessman!"

"Call the police, right? I'll call the police now. I think I'll be afraid of you cloud city group. It's a big deal. "

One by one female customers are more and more excited, and even some female customers feel out their mobile phones and are ready to call the police.

People's feelings, it seems more angry.

Click! Click

At this time, the sound of a shutter rang out one after another, and three reporters kept taking pictures outside the crowd.

One of the reporters quickly took a few photos of the female customers, then found a gap and took several consecutive photos of Gong Wei.

"How did the reporter come in?"

Gong Wei's face suddenly changed, and her heart was a little flustered.

Once the reporter writes the angry side of these customers into a press release and sends it to the Internet, the reputation of Cloud City Group, which is only slightly improved after a long time, will collapse in an instant, and the wind review will also fall to a low point.

"Mr. Gong, our reporter wants to know why you Yuncheng group sell fake goods? Is it because your company is short of money, so you want to make a big profit with cheap fake goods? "

The male reporter, who was taking photos of Gong Wei, asked out loud.

With the male reporter's question, the other two reporters also quickly took photos of Gong Wei, willing to become the foil of the male reporter.

No way. As a peer, they immediately recognized that the male reporter who asked the question was Xu Fei, the ace reporter of Jiangbin Xindu newspaper, the top person in their industry.

"It's this guy. It's very fast."

He Feng also recognized the identity of Xu Fei, who had pursued Ning Caizhu before.

Ning Caizhu also introduced him at that time, saying that Xu Fei was the ace reporter of Jiangbin Xindu newspaper. He was very good at catching the most sensitive news events at the first time.

Judging from what happened in today's Yuncheng group, Ning Caizhu is right. Xu Fei is really capable.


This kind of ability, let he Feng quite unhappy, because he saw, Gong Wei after hearing Xu Fei's question, already was angry and flustered, did not know how to carry on the strong refutation.

Those employees standing on the side are also very anxious.

Because of the negative impact of things, it seems that it will expand infinitely. At that time, Yuncheng group will be really finished.

"If I had known that, I should have called yunyun over."

Gong Wei already had some regrets in her heart, because she felt that in the face of such an abrupt and urgent event, only Wang Xiangyun of the whole Yuncheng group had the ability to solve it.

Now that Wang Xiangyun is not here, it will be a real trouble.

"Who allowed you to take pictures? Don't you know this is a place to do business? "

Just then, an angry voice suddenly sounded.

Then, before they could react, they saw a figure, walked up to the ace reporter Xu Fei, grabbed his SLR camera, and fell to the ground heavily.


That valuable camera, instantly fragmented.

In particular, the most expensive lens was smashed into rags.

In this regard, as the party He Feng is not a look.

After smashing Xu Fei's camera, he quickly ran to the other two reporters, didn't give them a chance to react, so he grabbed the camera in their hands.

Bang bang!

It was also a heavy fall to the ground, and the two cheap cameras were smashed to pieces.

"He... He Feng, why did you break my camera? What do you want to do?" Xu Fei recognized the person is He Feng, although some surprised in the heart, but immediately is a thick anger.

This bastard smashed his camera for no reason. How can he work?

"That is, who are you to smash our cameras?"

"There must be an explanation, or we won't be rude."

The other two reporters also reacted, and then roared angrily at He Feng.

All of a sudden, the whole cosmetics store was quiet. We didn't expect that such an episode would suddenly appear.

What's more, the man who came to the store with Gong Wei dares to smash the reporter's camera.

You know, in any enterprise or store, once there is a conflict with customers, when reporters come to the door, the first thing they think about is how to plug the reporter's benefits and seal the reporter's pen.

Otherwise, once a reporter scribbles a news release and sends it to the Internet, the negative impact will not be generally great.

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