"Yes, sister yuan, he Feng's massage technique was so powerful that I was shocked at that time. If I didn't know too much about the whole thing and he Feng, I would even doubt whether he Feng and those female customers would be together. "

Gong Wei is also full of shock, "He Feng, tell me quickly, how did you do it? It's amazing. "

"You want to know?" He Feng drives seriously.

"You don't have to talk nonsense. Talk about it quickly. Don't beat about the bush." Yuan Yashi urged.

"You can't say that casually. It's my secret."

He Feng grinned and said, "as for secrets, I usually only share them with my women. Well, which one of you wants to hear? "

"Only with your women?"

Two female hear he Feng this words, all is a Leng.

"If you don't have a serious one, say it quickly, or sister yuan won't be happy." Yuan Yashi said angrily.

"That is, if you don't say it, sister yuan and I are angry with you." Gong Wei also said.

"I say two beauties, you are a threat."

He Feng looked in the rearview mirror and suddenly said, "but since you really want to know, I'll tell you."

Hearing the speech, Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi all raised their ears and listened carefully.

It's no wonder that they both care so much about it. After all, they are both women, and they love beauty very much. If he Feng really has the ability of "plastic surgery" for women, then if they have a bean or blister on their face, don't they need to worry a little?

"The reason is very simple. I know kung fu and have practiced real Qi. As soon as my real Qi enters their bodies, it will automatically help them eliminate the funny scars on their faces." He Feng said.

No matter Gong Wei or yuan Yashi, he Feng treats them as her own women in her heart, so she doesn't want to hide them.

"Kung Fu? Have you ever practiced true Qi? "

Gong Wei was amused by He Feng's words, "I said he Feng, can you pull a little more? Really angry? I'm not angry. "

"If I hadn't lived in modern times, I might have believed you." Yuan Yashi is not curious.

"Wipe, tell you the truth and don't believe it?" He Feng is depressed. It's a big secret of him. Even his daughter-in-law Wang Xiangyun didn't say it. They didn't believe it!

"Can you make us believe that? How can anyone in this world be really angry! "

Gong Wei stares at He Feng and says, "tell us the truth quickly. Don't fool around any more."

"Well, I'll tell you the truth! In fact, it's very simple. Didn't I tell you that I know some medical skills, and it's Chinese medicine. Before I massaged those female customers, I controlled the acupoints very well. I activated blood flow on their faces. In addition to some beauty drugs in Duomei cosmetics, the effect came out immediately. "

To tell the truth, they don't believe it, he Feng can only start to talk nonsense, "of course, the main reason is that the chickenpox on their faces doesn't appear for long, it's only three or four hours, so it's very easy to help them eliminate it."

"Is it?"

Gong Wei is frowned, some do not believe.

No way, he Feng said is too simple.

However, compared with the previous explanation, Gong Wei thinks what he Feng said is reliable.

Not only did she feel reliable, Yuan Yashi also nodded, "so, your medical skills are really powerful."

Originally, she was not sure whether he Feng could cure her brother.

But now, in her heart, the head has already risen the thick anticipation.

"He Feng, on Sunday morning, if you can cure my brother, even if it's just a little better, I will give you a big gift." Yuan Yashi patted He Feng on the shoulder who was driving the car.

"Er... Sister yuan, don't be so polite to me. If I can cure your brother, I will do my best."

He Feng said helplessly.

I didn't expect that. They didn't believe it when they told the truth. They just made up a reason, but they believed it.

Medical skills?

He has some simple medical skills, and with the help of Zhenqi, the therapeutic effect is quite remarkable, which often makes people mistakenly think that he is a miracle doctor.

But he knows very well that when it comes to medical skills, he is just half baked.

One of his brothers came back to life, which really has the ability to bring the dying back to life. Although he didn't practice his true Qi, he Feng can't compare with him in terms of curing the disease and saving people.

However, they are happy!

"By the way, Weiwei, those female customers said that there was something wrong with the quality of cosmetics, and they also attracted so many reporters. Why didn't you put the product test on record for those reporters?"

He Feng suddenly thought of it and asked: "if you take the test record to the reporter, I believe they will not be able to go back to the black cloud city group. At least, no matter what the outside world hears, we won't be blamed. "

Gong Wei frowned and said, "I'd like to take the test record, but I've been looking for it for a long time, but I can't find it. It's strange to say that I remember seeing this thing when I was moving things from office to office. Why can't I find it when I need to use it? "

"Was it stolen?"

He Feng asked subconsciously.

"No? The security of our Cloud City Group is still very good. Minister Fang is in charge of it very well. There should be no such thing as theft, right

Gong Wei doesn't believe it.

"Yes, during Fang Kan's years as minister, Yuncheng group has never been stolen." Yuan Yashi also shook his head and said, "it should not be possible for the detection record to be stolen."

"All right!"

He Feng knows that Gong Wei and her old employees have great trust in each other, and it's hard for them to doubt her words.

He didn't say much anymore and drove the car seriously.

On the way, Gong Wei received a phone call from the store manager, saying that the female customers had explained to the reporter clearly, it was a misunderstanding.

In addition, they also vigorously promoted Duomei cosmetics.

These women would have said that, coupled with the amazing effect of He Feng's massage, this kind of publicity seems to have given birth to a magic power, and the wind like publicity goes on.

Those who got the news swarmed into Baiyun shopping mall.

Now, in less than ten minutes, Baiyun shopping mall is about to be crowded.

"He Feng, I'm going to yunyun's office now. Do you want to go there?"

After getting out of the car, Gong Wei walked to the elevator and said, "you helped us a lot today. Yunyun will certainly thank you very much."

"Would she really thank me?"

He Feng Mou son is tiny a bright, "that you think, I helped her such a big favor, how can she thank me?"

Gong Wei of course knows what he Feng refers to, but she subconsciously takes a look at Yuan Yashi.

She is not sure whether yuan Yashi knows the relationship between He Feng and Wang Xiangyun.

From Gong Wei's eyes, Yuan Yashi knows that Gong Wei also knows the relationship between He Feng and Wang Xiangyun.

She shook her head and laughed, "Weiwei, the relationship between He Feng and Wang Dong, I know now."

Although Gong Wei concealed her, she was not angry. After all, it was Wang Xiangyun's private affair, even a secret.

"Hoo! That's good. It's hard to keep it from you all the time. " Gong Wei breathed a sigh, then looked at He Feng and said with a smile: "although you helped the company solve a big problem, but with my understanding of yunyun..."

Speaking of this, she gave a slight pause.

"How's it going?" He Feng urges a way.

"You should get more year-end bonus this year." Gong Wei smiles.


He Feng rolled his eyes, "it's better to treat me to a meal!"

He made three million yuan early this morning. Now he is not short of money, so he is not sure about the year-end bonus.

"Oh, it seems that you are very well-off now. You can't even look at yunyun's reward."

Gong Wei said with a smile, "OK, I'll tell yunyun to share the money with me and sister yuan."

"Ha ha, divide up my year-end bonus, then you must be prepared to do things with money." He Feng said with a smile.

"What do you want us to do?" Gong Wei looks at the bad smile on He Feng's face and pretends to be afraid, but she has a little expectation in her heart.

"Then you will know."

He Feng narrowed his eyes and said, and then walked toward the elevator, "in this case, I'm too lazy to see Wang Xiangyun, you go."

"Dudu, Dudu..."

At this time, he Feng's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

He felt it out and found that it was Wang Xiangyun.


"Are you in the company now?"

"I just arrived. What's the matter? Did you miss me?"


Wang Xiangyun was silent and said in a calm tone: "now you come to our company. You are alone."

Then he hung up.

"What? Wang Xiangyun asked me to go to her office alone. What does she want? " He Feng was surprised first, and then suddenly laughed, "she should not want to treat me..."

"He Feng, why are you laughing so obscene? What can I do for you? " Gong Wei asked.

Yuan Yashi also looks at He Feng in doubt.

"Well, I don't know why. However, she asked me to go to her office alone. That... Weiwei, sister yuan, you two go to do something else first. "

He Feng is a little worried.

He was pondering whether Wang Xiangyun suddenly figured it out and wanted to build a North nose with him.

"Er... Yunyun let you go alone?"

Gong Wei was stunned, but she didn't think much about it. She just rolled her eyes and said, "you can go, but don't expect to be too beautiful. Yunyun will come to you. It won't be what you think..."

"Wei Wei, you simply owe..." He Feng raised his hand and wanted to slap Gong Wei's little ass.

However, thinking that Yuan Yashi was still here and there was monitoring in the elevator, she restrained herself a little and said, "can't you let me have a little fantasy? How can you beat people so hard. "

"Ha ha ha ha, it seems that you still have self-knowledge!"

Gong Wei covers her mouth and laughs. She just teases He Feng on purpose. "Well, don't be angry. I'll definitely say something nice to you in yunyun's place in the future, so that you can get the beauty back early."

"That's about it!"

He Feng showed his satisfaction.

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