"404? How could it be 404? "

The female employees are full of doubts.

However, she didn't think much about it. Anyway, it's just gossip news. It's just leisure after dinner. If it's gone, it's gone.

"I'd better go to Jiangbin Xindu newspaper to see if there is anything new."

Female employees input five words of "Jiangbin Xindu daily" on Baidu, and then click search.

She has become used to visiting this website twice a day.

The company's network speed is good, the web page soon opened, directly into the front page of Jiangbin Xindu newspaper.

However, when female employees see the content on the home page, pretty face suddenly changed, almost subconsciously, they opened their mouths and exclaimed.


"Xiao Ke, what's the matter with you?"

"It's too dissolute. Ha ha, I'm not looking at something unhealthy, am I?"

"What are you talking about? We can be pure."

Several colleagues beside all laughed, but the two colleagues sitting next to the female employee Xiaoke subconsciously looked at her and glanced at her computer.

"Wocao, you are open enough to watch action movies in the office."

"Tut Tut, I really can't see it. I'm so brave. I dare to watch this kind of film even when the leaders go out."

The two employees were also surprised.

Xiao Ke blushed and quickly explained, "don't talk nonsense. I didn't want to see that kind of thing. However, as soon as I enter the front page of Jiangbin Xindu newspaper, this page will pop up automatically. "

Speaking, Xiao Ke quickly forked out this page, after all, there are many male colleagues in the office, "if you don't believe me, you can open Jiangbin Xindu newspaper to see if I have lied."

"Yes? Let me see. "

"I'll see if our little boy is lying."

Some curious colleagues in the office have opened Jiangbin Xindu newspaper one after another.

At this point, it's amazing.

"I'll go. How did Jiangbin Xindu newspaper become a yellow net? All the pornographic pictures. "

"No, it's Miss Cang's play. How come I've never seen it? It shouldn't be... "

"The following text is also very wonderful. I can hardly see it. Which editor wrote it? I will be his fan in the future."

Everyone was shocked by the content of the front page of Jiangbin Xindu daily.

Then, some more open-minded male employees quickly took photos and sent them to wechat circle of friends.

After all, Jiangbin Xindu newspaper is a famous newspaper in Jiangbin city. There must be a lot of people who like it.

However, they soon found that as soon as the circle of friends was opened, many friends in Jiangbin city had already made a circle of friends.


At the moment, on the eighth floor of a building, the whole floor belongs to the work area of Jiangbin Xindu newspaper.

People who can work in Jiangbin Xindu newspaper are proud of this, because their work is not only beautiful and decent, but also quite high wages.

As long as the number of news browsing and forwarding is high, the Commission will be quite substantial.

At ordinary times, we are very happy all day long. We talk about some gossip, or find some gossip outside, write a news release, send it to the website, and then find some friends with their own traffic to forward it.

But now

Everyone was in a panic, panic, confusion, because their website home page was full of all kinds of obscene pictures and words.

They rely entirely on this website to eat. If something happens to the website, it can be said that their jobs will be broken, which is simply bad news for them.

"How's the technology department doing now? Did you get rid of all this rubbish? "

There was a roar of anger.

Everyone was startled to hear the sound, and no one dared to speak.

"President, the staff of the technology department have tried their best, but... Our technology department has completely lost control of the website. Let alone delete these things, we can't even close the website now."

Qi Xun, editor in chief of Jiangbin Xindu daily, said anxiously: "in addition, I have just called a friend of internet police, who clearly told me that our website was hacked by a hacker."

"Can your friend, the internet police, help us clean up the rubbish on the website? If he can handle it, I will reward him a lot. " President Wang Bin said.

"President, I have asked him for this. But he told me directly that he didn't have the ability. Moreover, he asked his captain to help, and his captain was helpless

Qi Xun said solemnly: "his captain is one of the top 100 hackers in China. If he doesn't have a way, then we really don't have a better way

"No way!"

Wen Yan, Wang Bin almost ran away.

It's like being forced to shoulder, but being forced to shoulder can at least resist and scream, but now they can't even resist.

Even, by who strong shoulder don't know.

Incomparable anger!

Also incomparable humiliation!

"Then you hurry to investigate for me, what's going on in the end, why there are powerful hackers to attack our website." Wang Bin said angrily: "is there a new person who has written something that should not be written and offended a powerful person, which leads to the other party's revenge. You can't tell me that this hacker is full of food and support, deliberately attacking our Jiangbin Xindu newspaper. "

Qi Xun was puzzled and said: "president, I've thought about your problem. However, the employees of Jiangbin Xindu newspaper have done well. No one has left for one or two years, and no new post has been vacant. Naturally, no new employees have been added. Those old employees, who are also experienced in writing press releases, should not offend others. "

"Did you write about any big people recently. For example, a senior official, a senior member of the society? "

"No, no, absolutely not. I will look at all the news involving the upper class and never send it to the website casually. And will be sent to the Internet, it will certainly not bring trouble to our newspaper

"What's the matter? Does it come true that some powerful hacker has come to attack our newspaper after eating enough? "

Wang Bin is annoyed and grabs a handful of hair, but he has no doubt about Qi Xun's words. Qi Xun is the old backbone of Jiangbin Xindu newspaper. He is the editor in chief all the way, but he relies on his strength. There will be no mistakes in his work.

"Check again, those employees didn't send the news to the website, but did they publish it on other platforms, such as microblog and circle of friends." Wang Bin said.

Hearing this, Qi Xun seemed to think of something, and his brow couldn't help wrinkling.

"Why, what do you think of?" Wang Bin asked, "if you think of it, you can say it quickly. Let's ponder it together."

Qi Xun thought about it, looked at Xu Fei's vacant seat not far away, and said: "well, I saw Xu Fei post on Weibo before, and then there were many big V forwarding, which made this post hot all of a sudden. And this post involves two upper class people. "

"What post did he post, and who did it involve?"

"This post is about a loser named He Feng who was taken care of by two goddesses of Yuncheng group, namely Wang Xiangyun, chairman of Yuncheng group, and Gong Wei, vice president of Yuncheng group."

Qi Xun said: "as far as I know, the reason why Xu Fei sent this post is that his camera was smashed by He Feng and his finger bones were broken by He Feng in Baiyun shopping mall at noon, so he wanted to discredit He Feng. But it shouldn't matter. After all, he Feng is just a loser. He should not be able to find powerful hackers to hack our website. "

"He Feng is incompetent, but can you guarantee that Wang Xiangyun and Gong Wei are also incompetent? Don't forget, Zhou Heng, Minister of Technology Department of Yuncheng group, is also a hacker who can be ranked among the top 100 hackers in China. " Wang Bin said.

"Zhou Heng?"

Qi Xun also thought of this person, face a change, "should not, is really Wang Xiangyun let him do it?"

"No matter whether Wang Xiangyun really keeps a man or not, you should not disclose this kind of thing, even if you post on personal microblog."

Wang Bin shook his head disappointedly. "Fortunately, I know Wang Xiangyun. I interviewed her before and have her contact information. I'll call her now and apologize to her in person. "

With that, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Wang Xiangyun's private phone.

At the moment, Wang Xiangyun is working in the office.

Doodle doodle

The mobile phone on the desk suddenly vibrated. She picked it up and saw that the caller ID was "Wang Bin, Jiangbin Xindu newspaper." Xiumei wrinkled slightly.

"Why did President Wang call me? Do you want to interview me about Duomei? "

Although confused, Wang Xiangyun still pressed the answer button, "Hello, President Wang."

"Wang Dong, I'm calling to apologize to you."

Wang Bin a mouth, is full of apology, "our newspaper's Xu Fei, in the micro blog posts, said you take care of male employees, this is too funny, I will go back to give him a lesson."

"Oh, it turns out that Xu Fei was from Jiangbin Xindu newspaper? I don't know yet. But it doesn't matter. I didn't pay attention to this post. Because I'm going to hold a press conference tonight to announce something to the outside world. " Wang Xiangyun said with a smile: "I didn't take care of He Feng, because he is my husband."

For this matter, Wang Xiangyun originally wanted to hide for a period of time, because she didn't want the whole world to know that she was married.

But after thinking about it, it seems that it can't be hidden for a long time. After all, many high-level officials in Jiangbin city have already known it, and sooner or later it will spread to more people.

It's better to make it public.

As for the divorce of two people a year later, she didn't care too much. After all, there are too many divorcees now. Even if they get divorced, is that normal?

"Er... It turns out that Wang Dong is already married. I'd like to congratulate him here." Wang Bin surprised way.

But he was more puzzled.

Because from Wang Xiangyun's words, he found that Wang Xiangyun did not know that Xu Fei was an employee of Jiangbin Xindu newspaper.

In this case, it shows that the website is black things, should have nothing to do with Wang Xiangyun.

But if it wasn't wang Xiangyun, who would it be?

You can't just wait, can you? They are going to close down and get rid of their names.

So, he still couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Wang, do you know about the blackout of the front page of our Jiangbin Xindu newspaper?"

"Your homepage has been hacked?" Wang Xiangyun frowned, "what's the situation?"

Wang Bin said: "just a few minutes ago, a lot of obscene and dirty things suddenly appeared on the front page of Jiangbin Xindu daily. They can't be deleted, and the website can't be shut down. Even the internet police can't help it. Wang Dong, I don't want to tell you the truth. I think it's the news written by the following reporters or editors that offended someone. That's why they incurred such retaliation. "

"Avenged? Obscene filth? "

I don't know why, when Wang Xiangyun heard this, he Feng appeared in his mind.

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