"Don't worry. This guy will never die for a while."

He Feng took another puff of cigarette, then flicked the ash and waved to the outside, "two people from outside, carry this person out."

Although many people in the finance department didn't like to see he Feng, it was only limited to the group.

In addition to the business group, it doesn't matter who the other employees are. Anyway, their income will not be affected.

Even, instead, they like a minister like he Feng, because it won't be too strict with them. They can be lazy when they go to work.

Therefore, two male employees soon ran into He Feng's office and carried the seriously injured Xu Fei out.

"President Wang, are you ok? I think your face seems a little white. Aren't you sick? Why don't you go back and have a rest first? "

He Feng sits back to his position, and his eyes fall on Wang Bin.

"I'm... I'm fine!"

Wang Bin wiped the cold sweat on the forehead, looking at He Feng's eyes, but showed a deep fear.

This man, the means is too cruel.

Xu Fei slandered his reputation on his microblog, so he directly targeted Jiangbin Xindu newspaper, and he wanted to kill the whole newspaper.

Now, Xu Fei suddenly starts, he immediately seizes such an opportunity, directly injures Xu Fei.

Although he is not a doctor, he can also see that Xu Fei's injury is not a year and a half, and he will never recover, and it will cost a lot of medical expenses.

Wang Bin's heart has secretly made a decision, in the future, no matter what, can't with He Feng do right, otherwise in the end he will die very miserably.

"Minister He, you can rest assured that Xu Fei will be severely punished in the future."

Wang Bin looked at He Feng with a flattering look on his face. "Just now, I suddenly thought of something. It seems that Xu Fei has leaked the secrets of the newspaper and sold the information of the newspaper to other newspapers. According to the contract, he has to pay at least a hundred times of economic compensation for this kind of behavior. "

"Yes? That plot is really quite serious. You must be severely punished in the future to avoid this situation in the newspaper office in the future. " He Feng nodded with satisfaction.

This Wang Bin is really interesting.

"Yes, I'll report to minister he when things are settled." Wang Bin said with a smile.

"It's up to you!"

He Feng said: "by the way, President Wang, what do you think of our Cloud City Group?"

"Cloud City Group?"

Wang Bin was stunned and said without hesitation: "Yuncheng group is certainly good, with unlimited potential. I believe that under the leadership of minister he and Dong Wang, Yuncheng group will definitely recover to its most brilliant moment in a short period of time, even surpass the past and achieve greater achievements. "

It has to be said that Wang Bin is worthy of being a veteran in the workplace. This kind of flattery comes at will.

Even, he put Wang Xiangyun's name behind he Feng's, which shows how awed He Feng is.

"In the future, Yuncheng group will definitely step on the top of the world and become a real multinational group. However, for the moment, the reputation of our Cloud City Group has been very low. However, some other media are reluctant to report on our Cloud City Group. Although our Cloud City Group will rise in the future, the process is a bit difficult. "

He Feng shook his head and sighed.

"Minister He, you can rest assured that I am good at propaganda. When I went back to the meeting, I immediately asked Lao Qi to write a report in person to publicize Yuncheng group from all aspects. Even, I will let several newspapers that have strategic cooperation with me publicize Yuncheng group together. I can assure you that in a few days, at least people in Jiangshu province will look at Yuncheng group and have a strong and good impression. "

Wang Bin assured to say, and will deliberately amplify some of the voice, so that people outside can hear.

All of a sudden, those people outside who are staring at the bustle inside all take a cool breath, looking at He Feng's eyes are full of shock.

"My God, what's going on here? How do I feel that President Wang is more polite to minister he than to Mr. Wang? "

"Yes, yes, just now he put Minister He in front of Wang Dong's name. Obviously, he attached more importance to minister he."

"What's more, because of minister he's words, he has to help promote our Cloud City Group in an all-round way, and he has to unite with other newspapers. What a big hand it is. It's hard for Wang Dong to find a large newspaper to publicize us now, isn't it?"

"It seems that we all underestimated He Feng. He must have a different origin."

"It's necessary. After all, it's the man who has had an affair with Wang Dong and Gong Zong."

In addition to shock, people are more curious.

Only Wen Yu sneered, "what if you can publicize the company? Now that you are the director of the finance department, you should take the people from the finance department to make a fortune. But obviously, you can't do it at all. In this respect, I don't know how much worse than my cousin. "

"In that case, I would like to thank President Wang."

He Feng arched his hand with a smile. Wang Bin is really on the road. He just needs to click a word, and he can understand what he means.

"No, I should thank minister he for giving me such an opportunity to publicize Yuncheng group. Otherwise, a few years later, after Yuncheng group becomes the world's top plutocrats, I'm afraid I haven't had this opportunity. "

Wang Bin flattered appropriately, and then immediately said: "by the way, Minister He, you are now the Minister of Yuncheng group. Do you need me to do an interview for you? We can open a column for you to interview. The effect will be quite good. I believe that in a few days, the whole province of Jiangshu will know that Yuncheng group has a powerful finance minister. "

"I don't need this kind of publicity, but your form of publicity is good. I'll ask my colleagues later to see if they need it. If they need it, I'll ask for your help again. " He Feng doesn't like to be exposed in the public's view. He just wants to be a quiet and beautiful man. He doesn't want to be a bubble girl, and then he wants to be a bubble girl.

"Minister he has said a lot. It's my honor to serve Yuncheng group." Wang Bin said quickly.

At this time, Yang Ying came in with tea and handed a cup to three people.

"President Wang, after chatting for such a long time, let's have some tea first."

With that, he blew the tea, determined that it was not so hot, raised his head and swallowed it.


Wang Bin wanted to taste it slowly, so as not to lose his temper.

Can see he Feng this action, he is a bit embarrassed, don't know oneself should drink slowly, still drink with He Feng same?

He felt as if he would do something wrong no matter how much he drank

"President Wang, don't you like tea?"

He Feng see Wang Bin with a teacup in a daze, not from curious asked.

He did not expect, because he was thirsty, a drink of tea, will let Wang Bin so tangled.

"I... I like it."

Wang Bin also no matter so much, directly learned he Feng, raised his head and swallowed the tea in the cup.


However, as soon as the tea entered his stomach, his face turned red.

Because it's too hot!

"President Wang, why are you so anxious? Isn't it burnt?"

He Feng looked a little confused, too hard to open it?

Read in Wang Bin just attitude is good, he said to Yang Ying: "sister Yang, quickly pour a cup of cold water for president Wang."

"Okay, okay!"

Yang Ying quickly took a disposable cup and poured a cup of cold water for Wang Bin in the water dispenser of the office.

After drinking cold water, Wang Bin felt better, but his throat was still hot. He must have been scalded.

His heart is full of grievances, why he Feng a drink nothing, his drink almost not burned to death?

"Minister He, I'm really sorry. I was so thirsty just now, so..." although he had a sore throat, Wang Bin was afraid that he Feng would be dissatisfied with what he had just done. The first sentence was to apologize.

"I'm sorry. If you're thirsty, you can drink the water in my office water dispenser. It's free anyway." He Feng pointed to the drinking machine and said.

"OK, OK, I'll pour it myself when I'm thirsty."

Wang Bin nodded again and again. Seeing that he Feng was not angry, he was also relieved. Then he took advantage of the heat to hit the railway: "Minister He, what happened to the official website of our newspaper..."

"What happened to the official website of your newspaper? What's the matter? I'll check... "

With that, he Feng turned on the computer and began to check it.

See, Wang Bin quickly back a step, eyes also dare not see he Feng there, for fear that he Feng will not be happy.

"President Wang, isn't your newspaper quite normal? There's so much positive energy in it. There's no problem. "

After a while, he Feng raised his head and looked at Wang Bin.

"No problem?"

Smell speech, Wang Bin a face doubts.

"Yes, if you don't believe it, come and see for yourself." He Feng points to the computer screen.

Wang Bin can not manage so much, went directly to He Feng's front, looked at the computer screen.

At this time, he was so stupid that he even thought his eyes were blurred and rubbed them several times.

But the results showed that he did not read it wrong. There was no junk information on the front page of their official website. It was as if it had never happened.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was standing in He Feng's office and there were so many people around, Wang Bin even thought he was sleepwalking.

However, looking at the faint smile on He Feng's face, Wang Bin deeply understands that he is not sleepwalking. He Feng waves his hand and cleans up the dirty things on the official website of the newspaper.

This kind of means is unthinkable!

"Thank you, Minister He."

Wang Bin solemnly said, but did not say what is thank, "in the future you have any place to use Wang, although the mouth, Wang must be willing to, wholeheartedly for your service."

"Really, I can harass president Wang at any time after that. Don't worry about me, President Wang." He Feng laughed and said, "President Wang, you should be very busy, right? Or... I won't disturb you? "

"You should be busy, Minister He. I shouldn't disturb you any more."

Wang Bin knows that he Feng is chasing customers, but he is not angry at all. Instead, he bows to He Feng and says, "Minister He, this is my personal card. My mobile phone is open for you 24 hours."

With that, he took Qi Xun out of the office, and then walked into the elevator under the gaze of a group of financial staff.

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