
Ning Caizhu was a little stunned.

She didn't expect that Huang Wenwu would be so direct. As soon as he said he was leaving, he invited him.

What surprised her even more was that she let herself be the store manager directly and offered generous treatment.


Is it a maintenance fee?

After Ning Caizhu was stunned, he felt a little angry.

What kind of woman do you think you are?

"I'm sorry, I've found a new job. I can start next week. Thank you for your kindness." Ning Caizhu said calmly.

If the person who said this was not Huang Wenwu, and if there was no Wolf Gang behind Huang Wenwu, Ning Caizhu would definitely beat the table and curse people.

And the Wolf Gang

It's really not what she can provoke.

That kind of underground force, she was afraid when she thought about it.

"Well? It seems that you are not going to give me face

Although Huang Wenwu still had a smile on his face, his eyes were cold. "Don't you know what makes my world of Sichuan cuisine open many branches in just three years? Have you heard of the Wolf Gang? "

Inducement, then coercion.

Relying on this means, Huang Wenwu is almost a hundred trials.

Not to mention a young girl, even a big man would be scared to hear the word "Wolf Gang".

"In the future, you will follow me, I promise to make you popular, drink spicy, wear brand-name clothes and carry brand-name bags every day. If you have a mobile phone... I can give you an apple x tonight. How about that? " Huang Wenwu continued to lure the way.

His meaning has been very clear. He directly threw the problem to Ning Caizhu, which made Ning Caizhu bear great psychological pressure.

Once the latter can not bear, tonight, it is at his disposal.

To be honest, Ning Caizhu is under a lot of pressure at the moment. After all, the name of the Wolf Gang is too scary.


Let her yield to a scum like this, she would not die.

Looking at He Feng, who is sitting on the opposite side, eating and drinking as if nothing happened, Ning Caizhu suddenly gets angry.

This bastard has known each other for such a long time. Now he is bullied, but he turns a blind eye to it and allows himself to be bullied.

Damn it!

It's so hateful!

All of a sudden, an idea came out of Ning Caizhu's mind, and her beautiful eyes lit up.


Ning Caizhu looks at Huang Wenwu as if he is moved.

"What can I do for you? An apple x, ten thousand yuan, is less than one third of the daily turnover of my branch. "

Seeing Ning's bamboo picking, Huang Wenwu's heart was filled with excitement, and his eyes were full of lust.

It seems that we can have a good time tonight.

Such a beautiful woman has never played before.

This time, even if you vomit more blood, it's worth it.

"But... You have to ask my boyfriend if he wants to. If he's willing to let me work with you, I'll have no problem

Ning Caizhu is both moved and embarrassed.

"Your boyfriend?"

Huang Wenwu's eyes just looked at He Feng, as if he Feng had just been found, "this little brother, are you the beauty's boyfriend?"

He Feng chewed the food in his mouth and ignored Huang Wenwu, as if he didn't hear him.

"Boy, our boss is talking to you, do you hear me?" Huang Wenwu's assistant said unhappily.

He Feng swallowed a mouthful of food, just raised his head, looked at Ning Caizhu, nodded and said: "you are not nonsense, I was sleeping with Zhu Zhu last night. After a while, we are going to open a room in a hotel. Do you think it's a boyfriend

"To a hotel? Ha ha, I'm going to open a house. It's not you who opened a house in the past, but me. " Huang Wenwu in the heart secretly sneer, but on the surface is only light way: "just what I said to your girlfriend, I think you should hear it? I... "

Before he finished, he Feng interrupted him, "I didn't hear you!"


Huang Wenwu looks stagnant.

However, thinking that Ning Caizhu was already excited by his own conditions, he chose to endure first.

"Well, I'm going to open a branch and ask your girlfriend to be the store manager. Your girlfriend is satisfied with the terms. But your girlfriend wants to ask for your opinion. I don't think you're going to object, are you? " Huang Wenwu asked, squinting his eyes. There was a cold smell in his eyes.

"To be your store manager? This is good! "

He Feng a face of surprise color, and then asked: "that, my girlfriend to you when the store manager, then I can be what?"

Ning Caizhu hears he Feng's words, and his brows are slightly wrinkled.

What does this guy want?

Does he really want to follow Huang Wenwu?

At this time, she had some regret in her heart. If she had known that she would have refused, she would not have been in the same trouble as now.


Huang Wenwu took a look at He Feng and said faintly, "if you want to work in my shop, I can arrange a foreman position for you. The treatment is OK."

"It seems that boss Huang is very generous." He Feng said with a smile.

Around many customers hear he Feng's words, looking at him is a face of contempt.

Girlfriends are about to be given unspoken rules by others, but they still say they are generous.

It seems that this guy is also an eye opener.

"Of course, I'm famous for my generosity." Huang Wenwu smiles, "since you agreed, then..."

"Boss Huang, I didn't say I agreed."

He Feng once again interrupted Huang Wenwu, "because I think, when the foreman seems not suitable for me, a little condescending."

"You don't want to be a foreman? What do you want to be? " Huang Wenwu asked impatiently.

This guy is so ungrateful. It's in the face of his girlfriend to be his foreman. He's even picky.

Ning Caizhu also looks at He Feng curiously. She wants to know what he Feng wants to be when he Feng is not a foreman?

Is it difficult? Does he want to be a store manager?

"Boss Huang, actually, I have a wish since I was a child, a wish to be a boss when I grow up. So, I think since boss Huang asked me what I want to be, I will tell the truth. "

He Feng grinned, "I want to be the boss of Sichuan cuisine."


Once he Feng's words came out, the whole room was quiet, and there was an uproar immediately.

"Who is this guy? I want to be the boss of Sichuan cuisine? "

"My head is definitely pinched by the door. I'm killing myself!"

"Ha ha, I'd like to see how he will lie down and leave Sichuan cuisine in the future."

Around to Huang Wenwu quite understanding customer, looking at He Feng is a face of sympathy.

"He Feng, you..."

Ning Caizhu is also shocked, and then immediately to He Feng made a wink, pretty face is full of worry.

This guy, too, can cause trouble. He even provokes Huang Wenwu.

Ning Caizhu really regretted his death at the moment. He knew that he would not lead the problem to him.

He Feng noticed Ning Caizhu's eyes and said with a smile: "Zhuzhu, don't you like to eat the dishes in Sichuan cuisine? After I became the boss here, you will be the boss. What do you think? "


Ning Caizhu is completely speechless to He Feng, and then looks up at Huang Wenwu, "boss Huang, don't be angry, I..."

"I'm not angry, of course. It's rare to meet such a straightforward young man. I'm too happy to be angry."

Huang Wenwu took a deep breath, pointed to He Feng, grinned and said, "since you want to be the boss of Sichuan cuisine, I'll help you."

"What?" Everyone's eyes are wide open. Is boss Huang so generous?

Even Ning Caizhu can't understand what Huang Wenwu means.

"Oh? Really? " He Feng just laughed.

"Of course!"

Huang Wenwu said generously, "it's just right that I didn't have a son. I really don't know who to leave Sichuan cuisine in the future. Since you want to be the boss of Sichuan cuisine in the world, I'll leave it to you in the future. And now, you should shout "Dad" twice. Remember to shout louder. As long as you make my father happy, you will be the boss of Sichuan cuisine in the future. "


Only then did everyone understand what Huang Wenwu meant, and they all laughed.

"You want to be my father?"

He Feng suddenly laughs and lights himself a Jinsheng cigarette and walks to Huang Wenwu.

"He Feng, don't be impulsive."

Ning Caizhu was afraid that he Feng would do something impulsive, so he quickly advised.

Huang Wenwu can't be provoked casually. Once he leads to the Wolf Gang, the consequences will not be acceptable to ordinary people. It's estimated that even Wang Xiangyun behind he Feng will have enough to deal with.

Huang Wenwu see he Feng suddenly came to his side, can't help looking at He Feng.

Seeing that the latter is not outstanding, he smokes only seven yuan a pack of cigarettes, with a disdainful smile on his lips.

"As your father, that's a blessing you got in your last life. My dear son, why don't you call me dad Huang Wenwu said with a faint smile.

"If you want to be my father, you can't just make money. At least you have to be civil and martial. Now, let me have a look first. How is boss Huang's Kung Fu? "

Voice down, he Feng directly slapped toward Huang Wenwu draw in the past.



His action is very fast, Huang Wenwu has not responded, that corpulent body, was pulled over on the ground.


A mouthful of blood mixed with broken teeth was also spit out from his mouth.

"Wipe, boss Huang was beaten?"

"What's the matter, that boy, dare to attack boss Huang?"

"Not only did he do it, but also he hit boss Huang and vomited blood."

"I'll bet he won't survive tonight!"

"You want to say that?"

Huang Wenwu's assistant didn't respond for a long time. This is the first time he has seen Huang Wenwu beaten since he became Huang Wenwu's assistant. He was beaten so directly, simply and decisively that he didn't even leave time for them to respond.

"Asshole, how dare you beat our boss and kill you!"

Finally, Huang Wenwu's assistant responded and immediately said to a group of waiters not far away, "what are you doing in a daze? Why don't you come to me and beat him hard?"

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