Ning Caizhu's heart is full of complexity. He fengken forces Huang Wenwu to kneel down and kowtow to apologize for her, which makes her moved.

However, he Feng is not afraid of the tragedy?

"I forgive him!" Ning Caizhu replied helplessly.

"OK, now that I've forgiven you, let's go on eating. I haven't had enough yet." He Feng said with a smile, and then returned to the seat, "Zhu Zhu, you haven't eaten much, come and eat together. Only when I look at you can I eat better. "


Ning Caizhu doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. Is this guy too hearty?

In the end, though, she sat down.

"Zhuzhu, you should eat more vegetables. Don't eat too much meat at night." He Feng picks vegetables in a bamboo bowl.

As for Huang Wenwu, he directly chose to ignore him.

At this time, Huang Wenwu was still kneeling on the ground.

He felt as if all the customers in the hotel were looking at him and laughing at him, which made him feel like he was losing all his face.

"Boy, dare you wait for me in the restaurant for half an hour?"

Huang Wenwu stood up and glared at He Feng.

Even the sharp pain in the knee, he did not care.

"Why should I wait for you for half an hour?"

He Feng rolled his eyes and looked at Huang Wenwu like an idiot. "Or, if I wait for you for half an hour, can I get rid of the consumption tonight?"

"Consumption?" Huang Wenwu didn't respond for a long time.

Not only Huang Wenwu, but no one in the audience came back.

When you understand he Feng's meaning, you look strange.

At this point, this guy is actually concerned about the consumption of this meal.

"Ha ha, as long as you wait for half an hour, all your consumption tonight will be free."

Although I don't understand why he Feng raised such a question, Huang Wenwu didn't think much about it and waved his hand directly.

"Well, I'll wait."

He Feng smiles at Huang Wenwu.

Smell speech, Huang Wenwu also no longer pay attention to He Feng, turned around and ran out of the hotel.

"Where are you going, boss?"

Huang Wenwu's assistant followed him.

"Don't you talk nonsense, Eagle bar!" Huang Wenwu patted the assistant's forehead and said: "at this time, brother yuan is drinking in the bar. Anyway, it's not far from here. You can drive me right away. Today, I want that guy dead! "

"Good!" The assistant nodded heavily, then quickly ran to a BMW X4 parked on the side of the road.


"He Feng, that Huang Wenwu, must have gone to ask for help, and probably directly called the Wolf Gang. Are you sure you want to continue to wait?"

As soon as Huang Wenwu left, Ning Caizhu was worried.

There's no way. The energy of the Wolf Gang is too huge. Ning Caizhu's heart is full of fear.

"Well, Zhuzhu, you still don't take my words to heart. Didn't I just say that when I was there, don't be afraid. I'm just deaf to my feelings. "

He Feng sighed helplessly.

"Then you must at least tell me, why are you not afraid of the Wolf Gang?" Ning Caizhu asked.

"With these fists, of course!" He Feng waved.


Ning Caizhu frowned, "what do you mean? Is it difficult for you to think that you can beat so many people of the Wolf Gang by yourself? "

"Sometimes, more people don't mean he's strong. And a small number of people doesn't mean they are weak. " He Feng grinned, "although brother Feng is only a person, as long as brother Feng is willing, even if he is against the world, he is not afraid."

Ning Caizhu rolled his eyes. I didn't expect that this guy was serious.

"Why don't I call the police now?" Ning Caizhu doesn't want to talk too much with He Feng. She's afraid that if she delays a little longer, Huang Wenwu has already brought people here.

"Report to the police. The police are almost off duty now. Don't delay people's time to go home."

He Feng took Ning Caizhu's mobile phone and said, "hurry to eat. If you don't eat again, you will waste food."

Ning Caizhu was still worried, "but..."

"Well, if you really can't believe me, you can leave by yourself. In a word, I don't like Huang Wenwu very much. I must wait for him to come back. " He Feng said directly.


Ning Caizhu thought for a while, and finally bit the silver teeth. After all, he sighed, "forget it, let's die together."

"Ha ha, don't talk like you're going to die. You can rest assured that none of us will die today. " He Feng smiles, and then continues to pick bamboo and vegetables for Ning. He also continues to eat them.

I have to say that although Huang Wenwu is not very good, the chef he hired is really good, which can be compared with five-star hotels. No wonder the food is expensive, but the business is still very good, and there are several branches.

Many customers around also stayed, waiting to see the bustle behind.

As for the waiters, two of them went outside to block new customers from entering, so as not to expand the influence of the matter.

Huang Wenwu said it would take half an hour, but he came back with a group of people in less than 20 minutes.

At least 15 people came down from three cars. All of them looked fierce and evil. Their waists were bulging. It was obvious that something was hidden.

"Brother yuan, the waiter has just told me that the person is still in it and has not left. You see, how about I chop off his hands and feet myself later? "

Huang Wenwu came to Yuan Kun and begged.

"It seems that you are very angry now. In that case, you can do it yourself later. However, the customers inside, you have to get out, don't make things too big. Recently, we Wolf Gang are planning some big things. Don't be influenced by your trivial things. "

Yuan Kun waved his hand casually.

Originally, he didn't plan to come in person, but before he invited He Feng, he Feng's refusal made him feel a little depressed, so now he is ready to come out to have a good breath and see the excitement.

"Well, thank you, brother yuan!" Huang Wenwu said gratefully.

"Come on, don't talk nonsense. Let's lead the way. After the fight, the brothers just have a meal." Yuan Kun urged impatiently.

"No problem, no problem, brother yuan. This way, please."

Huang Wenwu leads yuan Kun into the hotel.

"It's coming. Boss Huang really brought people here."

"I wipe, am I right? Isn't that man yuan Kun, the leader of the Wolf Gang? "

"Yes, it's yuan Kun. I didn't expect that Yuan Kun actually went out in person. This time, the man is dead. "

"It's hard to say whether yuan Kun can have a whole body."

Seeing yuan Kun walking into the hotel, all the onlookers exclaimed.

Yuan Kun is one of the top ten hall leaders of the Wolf Gang. He is very famous in the underground world and has a huge network of relationships. Few people dare to provoke him easily.

People estimated that it was because of Yuan Kun's care that Huang Wenwu could make Sichuan cuisine so popular.

Since Yuan Kun cares so much about Huang Wenwu, he Feng's fate is worse than expected.

"He Feng, what should we do now? Huang Wenwu called people to come, and he also brought more than a dozen people. Looking at their appearance, they were all gangsters on the road, much more powerful than waiters. Shall we... Shall we be all right? "

Ning Caizhu also found the arrival of Yuan Kun and others. He had a calm look, and then he panicked again.

Although she is an excellent reporter, she is also an ordinary person. In the face of such a situation, it is very good that she is not directly scared to beg for mercy.

"What are you afraid of? Finish the food first."

He Feng turned his back to Yuan Kun and others, but he didn't even have the interest to look back.


Ning Caizhu see he Feng indifferent, a little want to curse, this guy don't worry about how to die, don't you know?

"Brother yuan, that's the man!"

At this time, Huang Wenwu's voice came from behind.

"Well? Why does this figure look so familiar? "

Yuan Kun looked in the direction that Huang Wenwu pointed out. After seeing he Feng's back, he suddenly felt familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

However, his sight was soon drawn away.

Sitting opposite He Feng, Ning Caizhu came into his sight.

"I wipe, there is such a beautiful beauty, such beauty, even compared with the four beauties in Jiangbin City, it is not inferior at all."

Yuan Kun suddenly came to the interest, also did not put He Feng's matter in mind, straight toward Ning Caizhu in the past.

"It's coming, it's coming, he Feng, it's coming!"

Although he Feng has been eating and has not paid attention to Yuan Kun and others, Ning Caizhu has always been concerned.

At this time, she was more anxious to see yuan Kun stride over.

But he Feng a mouth of food, but no time to pay attention to her.

At this time, Yuan Kun had come to Ning Caizhu and said directly to Ning Caizhu, "this beauty, I heard Xiao Huang say that you and your boyfriend seem to have offended him? Well, it's better to get rid of the enemy than to get married. Why don't you go out to see a movie and have a supper with me in the evening and I'll help you uncover it? "


Seeing this scene, people were stunned at first, then suddenly.

It seems that Yuan Kun also has a crush on this beautiful woman.

But this is also normal, this beauty is really too beautiful, as long as a normal man saw, will certainly be heartbeat.

"Brother yuan..."

Huang Wenwu was in a hurry, but he didn't dare to say anything. He didn't dare to annoy yuan Kun. Otherwise, let alone making money, it would be a question whether he could survive.

Ning Caizhu looks at Yuan Kun in surprise, but when she sees the undisguised evil in Yuan Kun's eyes, her heart suddenly bursts into a thick anger.

Who does he think he is?

Do you like toys?

"I, can I refuse?"

Thinking of each other's identity, Ning Caizhu didn't vent his anger. He just inquired tentatively.

"Of course you can refuse, but your boyfriend, I'm afraid it's hard to see the sun tomorrow." Yuan Kun said with a smile, as if he was talking about a trivial thing.


Ning Caizhu's heart trembles, and he dares to be angry and speechless.


At this time, a burping voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately, he Feng said: "who wants me not to see the sun tomorrow?"

"It's me!" Yuan Kun did not want to answer, even eyes are lazy to look at He Feng, has been staring at Ning Caizhu.

He can't get tired of this kind of beauty.

But soon he realized something was wrong.

Why does this sound so familiar?

Subconsciously, Yuan Kun immediately looked at He Feng.

"He Feng, is that you?"

Yuan Kun was quite surprised. He Feng, who had just met Huang Wenwu, was the one who hit him.

"Brother yuan, it seems that you really want me to die, but you don't want me to see the sun tomorrow."

He Feng shook his head with a smile. "Do you know that for people who don't want me to see the sun tomorrow, I usually make him unable to see the moon tonight?"

The voice falls down, he Feng's eyes suddenly burst out a substantial killing idea.

The temperature of the whole hotel seemed to plummet in an instant, and everyone felt a sharp chill.

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