"Well, it's not that hard. Men have to be a little bit responsible, don't they? Since my grandfather wants me to marry Wang Xiangyun and have children with her so much, I, as a grandson, have to satisfy his old man's wishes. "

He Feng waved his hand, a look I can bear.

Ning Cai bamboo is a little distressed.

"He Feng, I think it over. I'll bet with you."

Ning Caizhu said with a soft smile: "if they really go to bed and do that, I'll let you kiss them. If you don't do that, why don't you kiss me for a big meal? "

"Er... Yes, of course."

He Feng a Leng, didn't expect Ning Caizhu's bet is to invite her to dinner, this is not disguised let oneself find her date?

This woman, shouldn't be so easily fooled by herself? Is your performance really that powerful?

"But what happened today, can you stop talking to Vivian?" Ning Caizhu worried: "Weiwei and I are college classmates and have a good relationship, and she and Wang Xiangyun are best friends. I'm afraid she will be embarrassed when she knows about our relationship."

"OK, don't worry. I won't tell Vivian." He Feng touched his nose and felt guilty.

This matter, even if Ning Caizhu does not remind, he certainly will not tell Gong Wei.

Otherwise, Gong Wei is not embarrassed, but rather embarrassed.

"By the way, he Feng, there's something I can't figure out."

Ning Caizhu said: "you don't seem to like gossip very much, do you? Why do you know that after seeing Liu boyue and Yan Xue have a private meeting, you will be so interested, and you have to follow up personally? "

After all, Liu boyue and Yan Xue are not ordinary people, and their identities are quite fierce. If such people offend, they will surely come to a bad end.

Even if Ning Caizhu didn't leave his post at this time, he was still a reporter of Xindu newspaper. After knowing this, he absolutely didn't dare to go out.

"We have to keep up. As a policeman, Liu boyue's first task is to protect people's safety, but now he is destroying other people's families. As an excellent three good youth, I must stand up at this time. "

He Feng's chest is shaking.

Ning Caizhu rolled his eyes, "you are still a good youth. Tell me the truth quickly. What's the reason? Why do you want to fight against Liu boyue and Yan Xue?"

See Ning Caizhu ask, he Feng also know, this Nizi is concerned about themselves.

He did not hide, said with a smile: "it is not a big thing, that Liu boyue helped Yan Xue's son deal with me, now I have a ready-made opportunity, of course, I have to fight back."

Although he found evidence of Liu boyue's crime in the morning, the evidence was only against Liu boyue himself.

What happened in front of us can not only deal with Liu boyue, but also solve song Yan's mother Yan Xue together. It's killing two birds with one stone, and he Feng will not let it go.

"Liu boyue is dealing with you?" Ning Caizhu doesn't understand.

"Just last night, I was caught in the Bureau by Liu boyue, and I was locked up all night. If it wasn't for a friend of Wang Xiangyun's to help me, I'm afraid I can't get out yet. "

"Do you want to pull people off the stage when you shut them down for one night? Will this aggravate the resentment? "

"What if, on this night, I was not only tortured but also assassinated?"


Ning Caizhu raised his hand to cover his mouth.

"Hey, Chuzhu beauty, drive carefully. Don't let me die in your hands instead of in the hands of the killer." He Feng quickly reaches out his hand to help Ning Caizhu stabilize the steering wheel.

"Well, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Ning Caizhu hurried to drive seriously, but there was still a trace of disbelief on her pretty face, "this Liu boyue, really arranged someone to assassinate you?"

"Can it be fake? If it wasn't for my skill, I would be lying in the coffin instead of sitting in your car. " Hefeng road.

For He Feng's skill, Ning Caizhu also saw it today, so it's not surprising.

"Then, why did Liu boyue arrange for someone to kill you?" Ning Caizhu continued.

"Of course it's because of song Yan!"

He Feng didn't want to say: "you see, he just helped song Yan arrange someone to assassinate me. He went out on a date with song Yan's mother tonight. Doesn't that explain everything?"

Smell speech, rather pick bamboo to He Feng's words also don't have much doubt.

"In that case, Liu boyue really went too far and was not qualified to be a people's policeman. It's better for such a policeman to take off his uniform as soon as possible. " Ning Tsai Chu Road.

At the same time, she was also a little lucky in her heart. Fortunately, he Feng was powerful and didn't get killed inside.

Before long, Liu boyue's car came to a villa outside the gate.

After greeting the guard, his car drove in.

"He Feng, this villa area is Zichen Yipin villa area. Ordinary people can't enter it casually. What shall we do?" Ning Caizhu stops the car on the side of the road not far away and looks at He Feng and asks.

"It's OK. Just wait for me in the car. I'll go down and have a look myself."

Finish saying, he Feng also does not wait for Ning Caizhu to reply, opened the car door directly to get off the car.

"Hello, you..."

Ning Caizhu looks out, but in a blink of an eye, she can't see he Feng.

"Well, where are the people? Why are you running so fast? This rascal must want to go over the wall. " Ning Caizhu shook his head helplessly, but there was a trace of tenderness on his cheek.

Over the wall?

How could he Feng do such a thing that primary and secondary school students would do?

As soon as he got out of the car, he showed his fastest speed and swept directly towards the gate.

The speed is so fast that ordinary people can only see one shadow with their naked eyes at most.

Especially at night, I can't even see the shadow.


The security guard who was watching the door suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing, and his hat almost fell to the ground.

He quickly helped his hat and looked at his companion on the other side suspiciously, "Xiao Zhang, why is the wind blowing suddenly? Is it going to rain at night

"Is it windy? No, I don't have any wind here. I'm dying of heat. "

"No wind?"

Smell speech, this security guard immediately feels back a cool, "I wipe, you frighten a person?"


The speed of the Mingjin level ancient warrior has exceeded the limit of ordinary people.

The dark strength level ancient warrior with bright strength is as fast as tiger and leopard.

As for the more powerful ancient warriors, they can already compare with high-speed railways and airplanes.

As for He Feng, an ancient martial artist who transcends his inner strength and cultivates true Qi, he can't see clearly with ordinary people's naked eyes when he tries his best to exert his speed.

Therefore, even if he Feng rushes into the villa area in front of the security guard, it will only make the security guard feel that there is a gust of wind blowing in front of him, and he will not suspect that he is a person.

After entering the community, he Feng caught up with Liu boyue's Santana.

Then, while tracking Santana in the back, he dodged the cameras in the neighborhood.

Before long, Santana stops in front of the gate of a single family villa, and Yan Xue, elegant and charming, walks down from the copilot.

Liu boyue also got off the bus.

"Bo Yue, I'm home. You should go back early."

Yan Xue looks at Liu boyue with a trace of affection in her eyes.

"Cher, I want to know, are you still happy to have dinner and watch movies with me today?"

Liu boyue asked expectantly.

Yan Xue laughed, "of course, I'm happy. I don't know how long I haven't had a meal with my good friends outside. As for going to the cinema, it's a luxury for me. "

"If you like, I can often accompany you to eat out and watch movies in the future." Liu boyue also laughed. He was afraid that Yan Xue would not be very happy when he was with him.

"Won't that delay your working time?"

"No, no!"

Liu boyue quickly said: "now I am also a deputy director, and many things are done by people below. Even if I'm busy, I won't work all day long. I have plenty of spare time. "

"In that case, it's up to you to ask me out in the future."

Yan Xue said with a smile: "well, I won't talk to you first, lest there will be a security guard to patrol later, I'll go back first. Come back and talk on the phone

"OK, talk on the phone." Liu Bo read nodded, but did not immediately get on the car, but watched Yan Xue to the door of the villa.

Yan Xue came to the gate, then opened the bag ready to find the key to open the door.

However, after searching for a long time, I didn't find out the key.

I rummaged through my pocket and couldn't find the key.

"Cher, did you forget your key?" Liu boyue asked, but his heart was quite clear.

Song Yan's arrangement was meticulous and in place.

"I remember I took the key when I went out in the morning. Forget it, I'll call Xiaoyan first to see if he is at home."

Yan Xue takes out her mobile phone and dials song Yan's phone.

"Hello, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable..."

However, when I called, I was prompted to turn off the phone.

"This Xiaoyan, in the middle of the night, the mobile phone is still turned off."

Yan Xue helplessly shook her head, and then tried to dial the home phone.

The landline got through, but no one answered for a long time.

"Xueer, can't Xiaoyan contact you?" Liu boyue asked with concern.

"Yes, he turned off his phone and no one answered his landline." Yan Xue frowned.

"That small inflammation may be out busy, now small inflammation is not a child, things can be many."

"He's OK, but occasionally he's busy."

Two people chatted a few words, suddenly they were all silent, and they all bowed their heads. The atmosphere seemed a little awkward.

A moment later, Liu boyue clenched his teeth, suddenly raised his head and asked: "Xueer, Xiaoyan is not at home, can't you wait all the time? Why don't you come to my house? "

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