"Embarrassed? You mean... "

Ning Caizhu didn't react at the beginning. After he Feng understood what he meant, he couldn't help exclaiming: "they are really doing that kind of thing?"

"Ha ha, lonely men and few women, do not do that kind of thing, then do what kind of thing?" He Feng said with a laugh: "so, I'm afraid you're going to lose our bet today. Later, you must be ready for a kiss. "

Ning Caizhu's face was coy and said, "now I haven't seen it with my own eyes. How can you be right? Maybe they just drink tea or something. "

"It's hard to talk at this time. Forget it, I won't argue with you. Since you don't believe it, I'll take you to see it now."

Say, he Feng then walks toward that building, rather pick bamboo to think, followed behind.

"By the way, I borrow your mobile phone. The pixels of my mobile phone are too poor, and the camera effect is not good." He Feng said.

"Take it!"

Ning Caizhu unlocked his apple x mobile phone, handed it to He Feng, and asked, "do you know what floor they are on?"

"Of course, on the eighth floor."

Into the elevator, he Feng did not press the eighth floor, but press the seventh floor.

"You have already made it clear that Liu boyue lives on the eighth floor?" Ning Caizhu is surprised.

"Liu boyue has the heart to kill me. Of course, I have to find out about him." Hefeng road.

"Then why do you press the seventh floor?"

"Liu boyue is an experienced criminal policeman. He must have rich investigation skills. If we were discovered by him as soon as the elevator was opened, wouldn't all our previous achievements be wasted?"

He Feng said with a smile: "and we first go up the seventh floor, and then go up from the seventh floor, we can avoid making such low-level mistakes."

"That's what the novel says, anti reconnaissance means, right? He Feng, I'm really curious. What did you do before? "

As a reporter of Xindu daily, Ning Caizhu has also met many powerful people, but he Feng, a man with a strong sense of mystery, has never seen him before.

"So you want to know me? Then you should be my girlfriend. I'll tell you everything. By then, you will know the secret of my size. " He Feng said with a bad smile.

"Go away!"

Ning Caizhu cuts he Feng hard.

Soon, the elevator came to the seventh floor.

The elevator door opened, and the two went out. Then they went to the stairway and went upstairs.

The two men's steps were very light, and they did not dare to make a sound.

He Feng walked in front, looking around.

Suddenly, he stopped and said to Ning Caizhu, "Shh, there's a hidden camera over there. I'll deal with it."



He Feng nods and doesn't say much. Instead, he takes out a cigarette and flicks his fingers.


The cigarette is like a sharp arrow. It shoots out quickly, shoots heavily at a place on the top of the stairs on the eighth floor, and then falls to the ground.

"Well, let's hurry up a little so that Liu boyue won't find out that the monitoring is broken."

He Feng continued to go up, the pace is still very light, but the speed is much faster.

Ningcai bamboo is also in a hurry to keep up.

"The door is locked. What should I do?"

After arriving at Liu boyue's door, Ning Caizhu looks at the closed door and asks.

"What else can I do? Just open the lock?"

He Feng took out his key, then took down the iron ring, straightened it, and then inserted it into the lock hole.

"This guy, is it difficult to use a wire to open the lock?"

Ning Caizhu looked at it in surprise and tension.


In less than three seconds, there was a click on the door.

Then, he Feng quickly pushed the door open, the whole person also jumped in.

"That's it?"

Ning Caizhu was dumbfounded.

She thought he Feng had to spend a few minutes, but she didn't expect to open the lock in less than three seconds.

Is this guy the lock God?


At this time, there was a heavy crash in the room.

Ning Caizhu ran in.

As soon as I went in, I heard Liu boyue's roar.

"Who? Get out of here

Walking into the master bedroom, Ning Caizhu regretted it, and a thick blush appeared on her pretty face.

Because, Liu boyue and Yan Xue on the bed, at this time is red fruit body, the whole bedroom is also covered by a heavy hormone breath.

Obviously, the two men were just doing something indiscreet.

"Ah Ning Caizhu shouts shyly, covers his face quickly, turns around and runs out of the bedroom.

Liu boyue on the bed can't manage Ning's bamboo picking. He quickly grabs the quilt beside him and covers Yan Xue.

At this time, he also recognized the identity of the photographer.

He Feng!

"He Feng, you want to die!"

Although the whole body is not inch, but Liu boyue is lazy to pay attention to, the whole person jumped up, a leg toward He Feng kicked in the past.


However, he Feng is not the one who was kicked down in the end, but himself.

Liu boyue covers his chest and lies on the bed. He Feng's foot makes him honest.

"He Feng, what do you want to do? Do you know that it's against the law for you to break into a house. I have the right to arrest you. " Liu boyue deserves to be an old criminal policeman. Although he was frightened, he quickly calmed down and glared at He Feng.

"Well! Your mobile phone is really different, the pixel is not generally good, even if the light is not good, also take so clear. Tut Tut, the male is just fierce, the female is charming, and the figure is even better. If this video reaches the Internet, the forwarding volume will be terrible. "

He Feng put away his mobile phone, a smile on his face: "it seems that it's time for brother Feng to change his mobile phone."

"He Feng, give me your mobile phone, otherwise, I will certainly arrest you and even sentence you."

Hearing he Feng's words, Liu boyue's eyes finally flashed out of his uncontrollable panic, but his mouth was still very hard.

"Dear Liu Bureau, do you think that if this video goes online, you still have a chance to catch me?" He Feng smiles.

"You... You want to die!"

Suddenly, Liu boyue's hand came out from under the pillow.

What he held in his hand was a pistol.

Muzzle, accurately aimed at He Feng.

Liu boyue's fingers are about to pull the trigger, and a touch of cruelty emerges in his eyes.

However, he soon found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't press the trigger.

"What's going on?"

Liu boyue looked down and found that he Feng's hand had caught the pistol and closed the insurance.

"Liu Ju, after playing with guns for so many years, I think from now on, you are no longer suitable for playing with guns."

He Feng smile, and then a little effort on the hand, the pistol to snatch over, his face raised a smile.

"I declare that you are no longer a policeman."

"He Feng, you really want to be right with me, don't you?"

Liu boyue takes a deep breath, suppresses the panic and confusion in his heart, stares at He Feng, and his eyes turn red.

He is very clear that if he Feng really spread this video, his police career will not only be put to an end, but even the whole person may be destroyed.


He is not alone in this matter.

There is another Yan Xue!

Yan Xue is the wife of song Shiqun.

Once song Shiqun knows that he's in bed with someone else's wife, the consequences will be

It's unthinkable!

"Against you? No, no, Liu Ju, it's not me, but you that really let us go to the inside. "

He Feng shook his head again and again, "when you order people to arrest me in the police station, you should be prepared for the arrival of this moment."

"He Feng, right... I'm sorry, I'm wrong. I shouldn't be right with you. You... Will you let me go? I promise I'll never provoke you again. "

Liu boyue began to lower his posture and pleaded: "besides, I'm the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. I can help you with a lot of things."

He Feng sneered, "if you just do the wrong thing to catch me, I may also consider letting you go. However, you should be very clear, how did you get the post of deputy director? You are a cancer of the police. You'd better go to jail and repent in the future. "

Smell speech, Liu boyue's eyes emerge an incredible color.

Does he Feng know what he did before?


"He Feng..." what else does Liu boyue want to say.

"Bo Yue, don't beg him!"

At this time, the whole person was hiding in the quilt, Yan Xue suddenly showed his head, "no matter how you ask him, he will not let you go, he will only look down on you more."

He Feng grinned and said, "Yan Ju is still smart. I really look down on him more and more. But I don't understand. You can look up to a scum like him? "

"It's not up to you to take care of Yan Xue."

Yan Xue disdained looking at He Feng, said directly: "say, how much money, you can give me the mobile phone."

"About money?"

He Feng blinked and said with a smile: "I don't know what price can Yan Bureau offer?"

When Liu boyue saw this, his eyes lit up again.

It seems that I'm used to being poor. Suddenly, I didn't expect that there is a kind of omnipotent thing in the world, called money.

Money can make the devil push the mill.

"Ten million!"

"Yan Ju, I'm wang Xiangyun's husband. Do you think I lack 10 million people?"

Yan Xue looks ugly, but she continues to offer, "as far as I know, the financial situation of Yuncheng group is not very good. I'll give you 50 million yuan, how about it?"

"Fifty million, I don't want either." He Feng said with a smile.

"One hundred million!" Yan Xue gritted her teeth.

One side of Liu boyue heard Yan Xue out of the price, eyes are staring, heart thumping crazy.

Ning Caizhu, standing outside the door, also has a heart beating.

At the same time, he Feng is guessing whether he Feng will promise Yan Xue to give her the mobile phone, and then take a hundred million to leave.

After all, it's a hundred million. It's astronomical for ordinary people. Even for the top rich in Jiangbin, it's a big number.

"A hundred million?"

He Feng suddenly silent down, seems to be thinking.

But soon, he shook his head, "a hundred million is not a lot, but I think it's a little less for song Shiqun, the richest man in Jiangbin city?"

"One hundred million is not enough?"

Yan Xue's face became extremely ugly, "He Feng, don't go too far, the price is already very high."

He Feng shrugged, "I said, the price is not low, but you are the wife of song Shiqun, the richest man in Jiangbin City, should be able to come up with a higher price?"

"Say for yourself, what price do you think is appropriate?" Yan Xue stares at He Feng.

He Feng pondered, just opened his mouth, "I don't talk nonsense, one billion, what do you think?"

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