"Brother Feng, you, you're here, Wuwu..."

Xia Menglu is hugged by He Feng and starts to cry. This girl, even though her family situation was not very good in the past, was a little bit tired at most. How could she be drugged and forced to do that like today.

"Don't be afraid, since brother Feng is here, it will be OK." He Feng gently patted Xia Menglu's shoulder, comforting the woman.


At this time, the middle-aged fat man stood up and angrily pointed to He Feng, "smelly boy, who are you? You dare to beat me. Do you want to die?"

At the beginning, he was really confused by He Feng, and he flew away with one blow. Now he felt that his face was not his own, and the pain was completely numb.

But now, after looking at He Feng, he doesn't take him seriously. He's just a poor loser. The clothes he wears are estimated to be only one or two hundred yuan.

You may not be able to beat such a poor loser yourself, but as long as you spend some money, you can easily kill each other.

"Lulu, wait a moment, brother Feng will teach him a lesson first." He Feng glanced at the middle-aged fat man and said in a low voice.

"Brother Feng, please take me away from here. I'm... I'm so sick. I don't want to stay here."

Xia Menglu shakes her head and says that she feels as if there is a fire in her body. It not only burns her body and makes her want to take off all her clothes, but also burns her head, which makes her want to vent the gang.

"Lulu, this beast, must teach him a lesson today. As for your body, don't worry. As long as brother Feng is there, you will be fine. "

With that, he Feng released Xia Menglu and walked towards the middle-aged fat man.

"You... What do you want to do?"

Seeing he Feng coming towards him, the middle-aged fat man was a little flustered. "I can tell you, I'm the finance director of bell group. Bell group, you know? It's a big listed company. You can imagine my identity. Even people from the Public Security Bureau, I know. If you dare to touch my hair, I promise you'll spend the rest of your life in prison. "

"Bell group? Hehe, the person who dares to move him Feng is just a bell group that I have never heard of. Even if you move the leader out, you can't be saved today. "

He Feng's eyes suddenly fell on the middle-aged fat man's arm, and then two hands flashed out.



With the sound of two broken bones, the middle-aged fat man's arm fell down.

"Ah The middle-aged fat man made a terrible scream.

"It's painful? This is just the beginning... "

He Feng smile, "but you don't have to be afraid, because I won't kill you."

"No, don't... please, let me go."

The middle-aged fat man was painful and scared. He knelt down in front of He Feng with no dignity. "As long as you are willing to let me go, I can give you money, 100000? Two hundred thousand? Five hundred thousand? Fine! As long as you let me go, it's all negotiable, isn't it? "

He is very clear, even if he Feng does not kill him, it is estimated that the final result will not be much better than killing him directly.

"Ha ha! No good He Feng grinned and said, "just now, you took off the clothes with these two hands, so I abandoned your two hands. And the root of all this is the dirt on your body. So, you dirty thing, there's no need to exist. "

"Dirty things?"

The middle-aged fat man didn't react at first.

Then, the whole person's face suddenly changed, "no, no! Ah

With He Feng kick in the past, the middle-aged man issued a pig like cry.

Then, his head tilted, and he fainted in pain.

"Brother Feng, I'm... I'm so hot. I'm so sick."

On the bed, Xia Menglu seems to have been extremely hot. The sheets on her body have been torn off by her, and even the ones on her upper body have not been taken off by her.

The upper body, it's all exposed.

It's the lower body, still wearing a professional dress.

On Xia Menglu's face and neck, there was a strong flush.

Now her blood flow speed is many times faster than usual.

Her eyes were full of confusion, her lips seemed to be too dry, and she kept licking them.

In addition to her whole body is very hot, seems to be itchy, let her two hands keep grasping, rubbing, two legs also irregular twist.

It is obvious that the middle-aged man under the medicine, the effect has been sent out.

"Lulu, don't worry. You'll be fine."

He Feng hurried forward and took up the sheet to cover Xia Menglu's delicate body.

He has long known that Xia Menglu's figure is very good, very sexy, but this is the first time to see Xia Menglu naked.

I have to say that Xia Menglu's figure is not so sexy. In addition to the perfect curve, the size of some parts also surprised he Feng, especially the young feeling, which was very charming.

Even he Feng read countless women, many women also sleep, but the figure can be better than Xia Menglu, really few.

Maybe the figure will be better than Xia Menglu, but only with the figure is so charming, so let the man heart, absolutely can't compare with Xia Menglu.

"Brother Feng, I want to..."

Suddenly, Xia Menglu doesn't know whether it's intentional or unintentional. Suddenly, she pulls the sheet apart, and at the same time, she pours on He Feng.

This sudden move, let he Feng defenceless, directly was xiamenglu to push down.

"Brother Feng, I love you. Take me!"

After he Feng is pushed down, Xia Menglu seems to be transformed into a wild animal and kisses He Feng incessantly.

But because she has never experienced the things of men and women, even can not connect the kiss, so it can only be a random kiss.

The more so, the more uncomfortable she was.

"Damn it, that bastard gave Lulu too much medicine. It's not easy to take such heavy medicine at all. Afterwards, it will cause great harm to the body, and even leave sequelae. "

He Feng light scolded a, the eye is icy cold, flashed a obliterate idea.

To be honest, he doesn't want to miss such an opportunity to overthrow Xia Menglu. Because he Feng is different from ordinary people, if he really did with Xia Menglu, then Xia Menglu's body will certainly be able to recover, and will not leave any negative effects.

Moreover, Xia Menglu likes him. Even if she has a relationship with Xia Menglu, she will not blame him. Maybe she will be happy.

But he Feng doesn't want to, because he thinks it's not the right time. Xia Menglu doesn't know much about him. He doesn't like such a simple girl and becomes a "woman" in such a muddle headed way.

"Lulu, I'm sorry."

Now that he has made a decision, he Feng naturally won't let Xia Menglu go on.

Otherwise, it's not Xia Menglu who is suffering alone. He himself will be suffering too much. Maybe he will really push Xia Menglu as soon as his brain is hot.

His thumb in the temple of Xia Menglu pressed once, Xia Menglu Jiao body will be weak lying on the bed, fainted in the past.

Then, he Feng's palm pressed on Xia Menglu's stomach to absorb the medicine in her body.

It has to be said that the therapeutic effect of Zhenqi is not comparable to that of ordinary science and technology, and the efficiency is even less.

In less than two minutes, the red color on Xia Menglu's body faded, and he Feng's palm also came back.

"Alas! How did brother Feng become Liu Xiahui? "

Looking at the delicate body on the bed, he Feng feels that he has a trace of evil fire in his body.

This is good. The fire in Xia Menglu's body is removed, but there is fire in his own body.

"Damn, if we meet this situation again, we can't think so much, or we'll find ourselves guilty."

He Feng quickly put away some thoughts in his heart, and then covered the quilt for Xia Menglu.

At this time, Xia Menglu has fallen into a deep sleep. For a while and a half, she will definitely not wake up. Maybe she will sleep until tomorrow morning.

Dong Dong

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps from outside.

The footsteps are quite dense, obviously there are a lot of people.

He Feng frowned, he knew that these people must be looking for him.

So, he can only get up and walk towards the door, so as not to disturb Xia Menglu to have a rest.

Although the power of medicine in a woman's body has been relieved, her mind is also very tired. At this time, it's better to have a good rest.

"Hall leader, that's the man. He just hit our brothers."

Just out, there is a security pointed at He Feng shouting.

"Master?" He Feng took a look at a middle-aged man.

This man looks thin, but from his every move, he looks not like a weak man, but like a smart cheetah.

His eyes were bright and full of aggression.

"Why does this man look so familiar?"

The middle-aged hall master glanced at He Feng and suddenly frowned, as if thinking about something.

Soon, he thought of the identity of He Feng, his face changed slightly.

"Who are you, he Feng?" The middle-aged hall leader asked in surprise.


He Feng replied flatly.

He knows that his fame is not small now, so he Feng is not surprised to know his identity.

"It's really he Feng. You don't seem to have anything special. Why do our guild leader want to recruit you? And I also heard that although our leader is soliciting you, you don't seem to have given face. Do you think you are great, so you disdain to agree? "

The name of the middle-aged hall master is yuan Diao. After confirming he Feng's identity, he looks at He Feng's eyes with a strong displeasure.

The security captain's face changed slightly when he heard the middle-aged hall leader's words.

He thought he Feng was just an ordinary person, but he didn't expect that he was the person their leader wanted to invite. No wonder he dared to run wild in Haoyan hotel.

He Feng frowned, "sorry, I don't know who you are talking about. I was invited by more than one gang. But it doesn't matter. Whether you are from the Baiyun gang or the Wolf Gang, it doesn't matter much to me, because I really don't care to agree. "

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