"Dudu, Dudu..."

Just out of Haoyan Hotel, he Feng's mobile phone vibrated.

Feel out to see, impressively is Chu month to call.

"Yueyue, why did you call me early in the morning? Did you miss me?"

Although Xia Menglu is by his side, he Feng doesn't hide his character.

Now he wants to let Xia Menglu know what kind of man he is.

Sure enough, after hearing he Feng's words, Xia Menglu immediately widened her eyes and stared at him.

In this regard, he Feng seems to have not observed.

Opposite the mobile phone, Chu Yue is driving away from home, on the way to the police station.

"How are you doing last night? Are you free to go to the police today? " Chu Yue said, "I have a very important thing to tell you. You will be shocked after hearing it."

"Well, it's almost done. I'm going to have breakfast with my sister at the moment. After breakfast, I'll go to your police station. It seems that it won't be long from here."

He Feng winked at Xia Menglu.

Hearing he Feng's words, Xia Menglu is even more surprised.

He Feng just opened his mouth and was teasing the girl on the opposite side of the phone. He thought he Feng would not let the girl know her existence, but he didn't want to answer so directly. He didn't mean to hide it at all.

"And where are you? Your car is broken. I'll drive over to pick you up now. " Chu Yue is quite happy.

He Feng looked around and saw a KFC store not far ahead, so he reported the address of KFC to Chu Yue.

"It's not too far. I often go to this KFC store to eat. You can wait for me in it. I'll be there in 15 minutes just to see who the girl is. Hang up first. Bye Chu Yue said with a smile, then hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, he Feng looks at Xia Menglu and asks with a smile, "Lulu, I'll see that beautiful woman later. She says she wants to see you."

"Beauty of the moon?"

"Yes, I don't know if you remember. That's the beautiful policeman who came when Qian Zhou bullied you that day."

"Pretty cop?"

Xia Menglu thought about it and said, "if I remember correctly, it seems that there were two beautiful policemen at that time?"

He Feng patted his head, "Oh yes, I almost forgot. The younger one is Yueyue. You can see her later anyway. "

"Brother Feng, this beauty named Yueyue, does she... Like you, too?" Xia Menglu asks tentatively.

"Well, I'm not sure. Maybe she's not as brave as you. She hasn't told me yet. However, I think she seems quite interesting to me. You can help me pay more attention later to see if she likes me as much as you do. " He Feng said with a smile.

"You still laugh. There are so many beauties around you." Xia Menglu Du Du mouth, "in addition to Wang Dong, you and Gong always have yuan Dongzhu, the relationship should not be general?"


He Feng a Leng, did not expect that Xia Menglu would ask so directly.

If it had been before, he might have been more reserved.

But now

Since Xia Menglu wants to know more about himself, he will not hide anything.

Immediately, he Feng nodded, "well, Weiwei is my girlfriend now. As for sister yuan, it's still a little short. "

"Oh! Ok... "Xia Menglu sends out a long" Oh "word, and then follows He Feng to KFC, but she doesn't ask any more questions.

And he Feng, is to take out a cigarette, leisurely smoking, let Xia Menglu quiet thinking.

"Brother Feng, I'm suddenly a little curious. What did you do before?"

About to walk to the door of KFC store, Xia Menglu suddenly raised her head, looking at He Feng and asked.

He Feng threw the cigarette end on the ground and stamped it out, "Lulu, you finally asked this question."

"At last? Brother Feng, have you been waiting for me to ask this question? "

"Of course, it's only when you ask this question that you really want to get to know me." He Feng nodded, "as for what I used to do, I told you too specifically, you may not understand, because it's too complicated. But I can tell you, what I used to do was kill, set fire, rob. I've done almost everything that pirates do. "

"Murder? Arson? Robbery? "

Xia Menglu frowned. Meimou kept staring at He Feng, and then shook her head. "I don't believe it. Brother Feng, you must not be that kind of person."

"I know it's hard for you to believe it, but I won't explain too much. After you get along with me more, you will naturally know that I didn't cheat you today." He Feng laughed, "forget it, let's go to breakfast."

Two people into the breakfast shop, he Feng ordered some food, Xia Menglu is a pair of worry.

"Still thinking about what I just told you?" He Feng asked while eating porridge.

"Well! I just want to find out what kind of person you are, brother Feng. " Xia Menglu nods.

"Ha ha, I just told you, but you don't believe me. What else can I say?"

He Feng gave a wry smile and said: "so, you'd better get along with me for a while, so that you can understand it gradually. For example, this morning, don't you know something about me? And this, perhaps, is just the beginning. "

Xia Menglu nodded thoughtfully and suddenly asked, "brother Feng, I want to ask you another question. Since you say you are a bandit, does Wang Dong know?"

"She doesn't know!"

He Feng shrugged, "she doesn't know me much better than you, but she knows me a little earlier than you."

Xia Menglu blinked her eyes, "I really don't understand. Since you two don't know each other so well, why do you want to get married?"

"Not only to get married, but also to find a way for her to give me a baby nose."

He Feng laughs a, let a few other customers around, can't help looking toward him.

He Feng quickly pointed to the breakfast in front of Xia Menglu, "hurry to eat, the moon is estimated to be coming, you don't ask this and that again, after you slowly will know."

"Oh! All right

Although there are still thousands of questions in her heart, Xia Menglu still has a good breakfast.

Seeing this, he Feng nodded with satisfaction.

Sister or simple point good, obedient, do not need to spend too much of their own mind.

Doodle doodle

When the breakfast in front of two people is about to finish, he Feng's mobile phone suddenly vibrates.

It's Ling Weiyu.

"Little feather, do you miss brother Feng?" He Feng pressed the answer button.

Sitting opposite, Xia Menglu can't help but raise her head and take a look at He Feng.

This... Which woman?

Xia Menglu suddenly felt numb, and her heart was quite complicated.


Ling Weiyu heard he Feng this question, a little stunned.

Just when she hesitated and was about to answer, he Feng laughed, "ha ha, I'm kidding you. But you call me early in the morning. What can I do for you

Ling Weiyu was silent for a while and then said, "well, there's one thing. Brother Xiaofeng, you gave one million yuan to Aunt yuan, but aunt yuan didn't know how to use it. She always felt that there was no need to spend money here and there, so I suggested that he buy two air conditioners for the children, so that in summer, it won't be so hot any more. "

"Isn't that good? But in addition to air conditioning, you can also buy two TV sets, computers, washing machines and other electrical appliances. " He Feng said: "anyway that one million ah, you are free to use, when used up... I'll go to earn it."

"Ah? There are so many things to buy. "

Ling Weiyu suddenly big head, "I started to watch air conditioning on Taobao last night, and I didn't know what to buy after watching all night. Now that you ask me to buy a TV, a computer or something, I will be more entangled. "

"What's the point? Just buy what you like, isn't it? "

"But... I'm just obsessed. The price of these things is not cheap, and the quality is not very good. I don't know much about them. Or, brother Xiaofeng, are you free now? If you are free, you can come to the welfare home. Can you help me to choose

Ling Weiyu asked tentatively: "if you don't have time, it's OK. I'll pick it slowly."

He Feng thought, this Ni son is entangled, estimate is not willing to spend money.

Even if let her choose slowly, she may not be able to make up her mind to buy it in the end.

"Forget it, I'll come to you later and help you buy everything." He Feng said with a smile.

He still loves little feather and treats it as his sister.

"Really? Well, I'll wait for you in the welfare home. "

Finish saying, then excitedly hung up the telephone.

Sitting opposite Xia Menglu looked at He Feng and asked, "brother Feng, do you have something to leave later?"

He Feng did not hide, said: "there is a sister, she wants to buy some electrical appliances, but do not know what to buy, so let me help her choose. Later, I'll go over first. "


Xia Menglu's beautiful eyes flickered twice, but she didn't continue to ask.

At this time, on the side of the road outside KFC, a red BMW 320 came over, and a woman, Chu Yue, came down from the car.

"Here she comes!" He Feng just saw Chu Yue, and then looked at Xia Menglu, "Lulu, are you full?"

Xia Menglu picked up the paper towel on the table and wiped her mouth. At the same time, she looked at Chu Yue outside the gate, "brother Feng, is that the moon in your mouth? How beautiful

"It's pretty, but... I'm afraid I'll break my promise to her later."

He Feng laughs, then walks out of KFC store with Xia Menglu and walks to Chu Yue.

"He Feng!"

Chu Yue waved to He Feng, and then looked at Xia Menglu beside him. Her eyes swept around, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She held out her hand to Xia Menglu, "Hello, beauty, my name is Chu Yue, and I'm He Feng's... Good friend."

Xia Menglu Leng Leng, but soon reaction, the same hand, with Chu month's hand together.

"Hello, Miss Chu Yue. My name is Xia Menglu." Xia Menglu pondered, continued: "is also the maple elder brother's good friend!"

Chu Yue said with a smile: "in that case, are we good friends?"

Xia Menglu can feel Chu Yue's affection for her, and she laughs, "of course, it must be!"

She doesn't know why Chu Yue likes her so much, but since Chu Yue really wants to make friends with her, she won't refuse.

He Feng looked at the side is very inexplicable, these two women are not familiar with it, how now the first time to meet, has become so familiar?

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