At this time, in the office building of a KTV, Chen Jiuzheng is listening to the report of the people.

"Brother Jiu, I've already investigated people who are close to He Feng. Among them, Wang Xiangyun should be the closest one to He Feng. They are suspected of having a relationship with each other. " Said the little melon.


Chen Jiu eyebrows slightly provocative, "is not that he Feng just work for Wang Xiangyun, two people how to become lovers?"

"Well, I'm not very clear. I've also heard some people say that. And not long ago, there was a very popular post on the Internet, saying that he Feng was taken care of by Wang Xiangyun and Gong Wei, vice president of Wang Xiangyun company, and posted their intimate photos. "

With that, melon takes out his mobile phone and turns out a few photos for Chen Jiu to see.

In the photo, he Feng and Wang Xiangyun hand in hand, appears to be very close. As for Gong Wei, it seems that they have a good relationship.

"It seems that the relationship between He Feng and Wang Xiangyun is not simple, but Wang Xiangyun is not a nobody, not a last resort. We can't move. What about Gong Wei? Do you know where she is now? " Chen Jiu asked.

"Because today is Saturday, Gong Wei didn't go to work in the company, and I haven't found her residence yet, so..."

"In addition to these two women, is there anyone who is more intimate with He Feng?"

"Yes, there are several people who are close to He Feng, and they are basically women."

Little melon nodded and said: "one of them is Xia Menglu. It is said that she seems to be He Feng's lover. Last night, they spent the night together in Haoyan hotel. Even many brothers of Baiyun Gang witnessed it. However, just got the news that Xia Menglu had breakfast with He Feng at this time, and then left with another woman. The woman, who seems to be from the Public Security Bureau, went to the direction of Yuncheng group. "

"What about the public security bureau? Or to Yuncheng group? "

Chen Jiuyao shook his head and said, "I'm sure she can't fight this woman now. Even if she enters Yuncheng group, she can't fight. Although the security of Yuncheng group is poor, it's still a little defensive, unless she leaves the company midway or comes out after work in the evening. However, it will be too late in the evening, and if she gets together with He Feng at that time, it will be even harder to start. Is there anything else? "

"Another one, Ning Caizhu, is a white-collar worker who used to work in a newspaper office and has two apartments under his name. When he Feng first came to Jiangbin City, he rented her apartment, and the relationship between them seems to be quite good. " Melon road.

"Just good?" Chen Jiuyi stares.

"Yes, yes..."

Melon some uneasy way: "they seem to be pure landlord and tenant relationship, not too close contact. And now he Feng doesn't live there any more. It seems that they haven't met each other much. But I think they should be very familiar, because I have seen the picture of Ning Caizhu. She is a beautiful woman. In the style of He Feng, she should not let go. Otherwise, we'll catch Ning Caizhu and lure He Feng to come. How's it going? "

Chen Jiu is frowning, considering whether or not to do so according to melon.

According to xiaogua, it's very easy to catch Ning and pick bamboo, and there is a certain probability that he Feng will be attracted.

But the relationship between Wanshi Hefeng and Ning Caizhu is not so good? That's a failure. I can't earn 30 million yuan.

Doodle doodle

At this time, melon's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

He took out his cell phone, looked at it, and answered it.

For a moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, charged: "OK, I know, you continue to stare there, wait for He Feng to leave, immediately report to me."

Hung up the phone, melon looked at Chen Jiudao: "nine elder brother, just below the brother came the news, said to find a good relationship with He Feng woman. What's more, this woman is just in an old welfare home. If he Feng leaves and doesn't stay with her, it will be much easier for us to do it. "

"Are you sure they have a good relationship?" Chen Jiu's eyes lit up, too.

"Well, the brother made it very clear that both of them held hands, and the woman was also very beautiful."

"Damn, that he Feng is really lucky. She is in a woman's nest all day long, and she is also a beautiful woman."

Chen Jiu was a bit jealous.

"That nine elder brother, do we catch Ning to pick bamboo or catch this welfare home?" Melon asked.

"Wait and see. If he Feng leaves early, we'll take care of the welfare home. If he left late, he should catch Ning Caizhu first, and then see if he has a chance to catch Xia Menglu. " Chen Jiu squinted.

"Well, I'll arrange the brothers below now and be ready to do it at any time."

"Well, this time we can only succeed, not fail. Since we are against He Feng, we can't give him a chance to live this time. Therefore, we must arrange the brothers who are more powerful and those who are hiding to use them. "

With that, Chen Jiu's eyes showed a strong sense of lethality.



"Brother Xiaofeng, look at this air conditioner. It's Gree's. I think the air conditioner is very good, but the price is a little higher. It costs nearly 2000 yuan."

At the welfare home, he Feng first greets aunt yuan, then plays with a group of children such as Xiao Ming and Tong Tong for a while, and Ling Weiyu pulls them to the air conditioner.

He Feng took Ling Weiyu's mobile phone and said with a smile: "Xiaoyu, why are you still using Hongmi mobile phone? It is too laggy. "

"OK, it's not that card. Anyway, I don't have much use except making phone calls and sending messages. This mobile phone is enough."

Ling Weiyu rolled his eyes, "brother Xiaofeng, I asked you to help me choose the air conditioner. What do you want me to do with my mobile phone? Quickly pick the air conditioner and see if you can find two cheap ones. "

"Why do you have to find something cheap?" He Feng is quite speechless.

"It's good to buy two cheap ones. I advised aunt yuan for a long time before she agreed to buy two. But she gave me the bottom line. The price of two air conditioners should not exceed 3000 yuan."

"Three thousand?"

He Feng asked: "I didn't give aunt yuan a million. Why does she want to spend it?"

Ling Weiyu took a look at He Feng and said in a low voice: "aunt Yuan said that the money is still reserved for you to buy a house and marry your daughter-in-law in the future."

"Poof He Feng laughed, "aunt yuan is really for my sake. I gave her money, but she saved it for me. If I had known that, I would have bought it myself. "

"In fact, what aunt yuan thought was not wrong. Although there are many opportunities to make money in this society, it makes people feel more pressure. If you have one million yuan, you should save it to buy a house and get married. "

Ling Weiyu blinked.

"What's the rush to buy a house? I'm still young. I can struggle for a few more years and think about buying a house. "

He Feng grins and thinks in his heart whether to tell Ling Weiyu about his relationship with Wang Xiangyun.

Suddenly, Ling Weiyu looks at He Feng and asks, "brother Feng, I saw a microblog post two days ago. The content of the post is that... You are taken care of by the chairman and vice president of Yuncheng group. Is there anyone who is deliberately discrediting the image of your company?"


Smell speech, he Feng touched nose.

I didn't expect that I hadn't thought about it clearly. Ling Weiyu had asked first.

This girl, I guess she has some doubts in her heart, right?

This time I called myself to the welfare home. Besides helping her choose the air conditioner, the more important thing is to learn about it from myself.

"Feather, there's something I want to tell you." He Feng thought and said in a low voice.

"Yes, what is it?" Ling Weiyu's eyelashes vibrated for a while, and she had a bad feeling in her heart, but she forced a smile on her face.

"I..." He Feng took a deep breath and said directly, "I'm married to Wang Xiangyun!"

With that, he felt much more relaxed.

At the same time, there are some doubts. I just treat Ling Weiyu as my sister. Why don't I tell her about it?

After all, even Gong Wei and Xia Menglu, they all said it directly, there was no psychological pressure at all.

Is it difficult to see Ling Weiyu as a simple sister?

When he thought about these, he didn't notice that Ling Weiyu's face was a little white when he heard him, and his smart eyes were full of loss.

"I see. Congratulations, brother Feng."

A moment later, Ling Weiyu chuckled.

He Feng surprised to see Ling Weiyu one eye, "little feather, you heard that I got married, so congratulate me, how not surprised at all?"

Ling Weiyu's reaction is really beyond He Feng's expectation.

"It's a bit of a surprise, but I don't know how to ask. Because I think, brother Xiaofeng, you may still have a lot of things you didn't tell me. What's more, I don't know much about you and Wang's sister-in-law. I'm afraid I'm asking too abruptly. " Ling Weiyu said with a strong smile.

But the more she laughed, the more painful she felt, as if there was a thorn on it.

Listening to Ling Weiyu's words, he Feng suddenly has a strong sense of guilt.

Because he knew that he made Ling Weiyu unfamiliar with himself.

"Little feather, I will tell you other things later. But now, I only tell you about Wang Xiangyun. "

He Feng explained: "in fact, the reason why Wang Xiangyun and I got married is just fate."

"Nature makes people?" Ling Weiyu looks at He Feng with a puzzled look on his face.

"Well! Let me tell you one more thing. Just two months ago, my family contacted me. " Hefeng road.


Ling Weiyu suddenly surprised, pure for He Feng feel happy.

But she soon found that he Feng's face did not smile.

"Brother Xiaofeng, I'm sorry." Ling Weiyu apologized.

"You don't have to apologize. It's nothing."

He Feng rubbed Ling Weiyu's head and said: "it's not my parents who contact me, but my grandfather. My grandfather told me that my parents had been arrested and asked me to marry Wang Xiangyun. Only when I had a child within a year would he tell me how to save my parents. "

Although Ling Weiyu is a quiet little girl, she is also smart and understands the whole story at once.

"That's why you came to Jiangbin city and married Wang Dong?"

Ling Weiyu asked with concern: "now, is that Wang Dong pregnant?"

Smell speech, the corner of He Feng's mouth mercilessly drew two.

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