Seeing Ling Weiyu leave, he Feng is in a trance.

Then, his face is also showing a smile from the heart, with a trace of love.

"This little girl is as considerate as she was when she was a child. It's just that you'd better not know the bloody and cruel things. "

He Feng also stood up and walked out of the welfare home.

Outside, he saw that Zhou Xun and others were still nearby, and two other people were sitting in the car, but they were observing the welfare home.

And, he Feng can detect at a glance, Zhou Xun is still a little skilled, at least much better than ordinary gangsters.

It seems that Chen Jian took his orders to heart and didn't send a few people to deal with him.

Seeing someone protecting aunt yuan and Ling Weiyu and others in the welfare home, he Feng was relieved, and then stopped a taxi at the roadside to leave.

Not long after he Feng left, another taxi came. It was Chen Jian who got off the taxi.

"Lord, brother Feng has just left." Zhou Xun rushed over,

As soon as he Feng arrived at the welfare home, they reported to Chen Jian, and then Chen Jian came as fast as he could, just to see he Feng.

But I didn't want to, I still didn't catch up.

"Let's go!"

Chen Jian sighed with disappointment.

Nowadays, the conflict between the two gangs has become more and more fierce. The Wolf Gang has lost three Hall leaders, and the Baiyun Gang's hall leader has lost one. It may open a full station at any time.

He just wants to know from He Feng how they should stand in line if the two sides go to war in an all-round way.

"You look after the welfare home, and don't care about anything else, OK?"

Chen Jian exhorted.

"Well, if the Wolf Gang and the white cloud gang fight in an all-round way, will we continue to stay here?" Zhou Xun was a little worried.

"Of course! You are all my confidants, real brothers. So, I'm not afraid to tell you that now, our real boss, brother Feng, is no longer the Wolf Gang. Do you understand? " Chen Jian made it clear.

"Master, of course I know that. But I'm a little worried about you. After all, whether it's the Wolf Gang or the white cloud Gang, it's not easy to get into trouble. What's more, I heard that the leader of Baiyun Gang, Li Tianhai, invited He Feng personally, but he Feng not only didn't promise, but also hurt one of his hall leaders in front of him. It's estimated that he has already angered Li Tianhai. "

Zhou Xun tone dignified way: "Maple brother may be able to fight against the Wolf Gang a gang, but if at that time the Wolf Gang and Baiyun Gang join hands to deal with maple brother, then the situation is not very good."

Smell speech, Chen Jian also frowned.

Zhou Xun's words are not alarmist. Now whether it's the Wolf Gang or the white cloud Gang, they all want to be the underground overlord of Jiangbin city. However, if there is a variable like he Feng during this period, it is estimated that the two gangs will join hands without hesitation to erase this variable first.

"I know. I'll find a chance to talk to brother Feng about it."

Chen Jian nodded.

"Hall master, you see, the young lady has come out."

All of a sudden, Zhou Xun next to another gangster said.

Chen Jian can't help but look in the direction of the gate of the welfare home and see Ling Weiyu coming out on a battery car.

"Let's go away, don't let her see us. If it arouses her disgust and doesn't let us stay here to protect her, brother Feng will surely blame us."

Chen Jian said quickly, and then turned to leave.

But at this time, he seems to have found something, pupil suddenly shrunk up.

Two golden cup cars, coming quickly from the corner, directly stop beside Ling Weiyu. Then two strong men come down from one of the Golden Cup cars and rush to Ling Weiyu.

Their speed is very fast, and Ling Weiyu has no defense, and is soon dragged down by two strong men from the battery car.

"Who are you? Let go of me, help... "Ling Weiyu called for help.

"No, help that lady!"

Chen Jian's face suddenly changed. He yelled and rushed up first.

"Well? Who's the one who's coming? "

In another golden cup car, melon looks at Chen Jian, and frowns with some doubts.

"Oh, I know this man. His name is Chen Jian. He is under Kang Biao, the former leader of the Wolf Gang. He has strong fighting ability. After Kang Biao's death, he took the place of Kang Biao and became the new leader of the hall. However, he ranked last in the Wolf Gang. "

Melon side of a thug said.

"Let's all go down and help. Don't let him ruin our plan. This is Ling Weiyu. You have to catch him. Otherwise, no one can tell you. " Melon tone dignified said, and then directly jumped out of the car.

After learning that he Feng and Ling Weiyu are very close, he comes here in person.

Seeing he Feng leave just now, he thought about whether to rush into the welfare home directly to arrest people.

Soon after that, Ling Weiyu actually took the initiative to ride out. Naturally, he would not miss such an opportunity. He came to arrest people at the first time and was full of confidence.

Although now suddenly killed a Chen Jian, but he did not take it too seriously.


Those thugs next to Wen Yan all got out of the car. Ten people rushed to Chen Jian and others.

Chen Jian's side, a total of only five people, and melon's these men, a total of 12, there are two people watching Ling Weiyu, the other ten people are rushed to Chen Jian.

"Chen Jian, I know you are the new leader of the Wolf Gang. However, catching this woman is our ninth brother's business. You'd better leave it alone. Otherwise, your end is not much better than Kang Biao. "

Melon block in front of Chen Jian, cold voice said.

"Well? Are you a melon

Chen Jian recognized the identity of xiaogua, his face suddenly became ugly, but he said coldly: "I advise you to let Miss Ling go, otherwise no matter you or the ninth brother behind you, you will regret it."

"I don't want to talk to you, but don't blame me if you dare to rob people."

Melon is a little time do not want to delay, so as not to produce a change.

"Do it!"

See melon a little face all don't give, Chen Jian also don't want to move out of the identity of He Feng, lest let Ling Weiyu know.

So, he gave the order directly, and then rushed to the little melon first.


His speed was at least half faster than just now, and he came to melon almost instantly.

Obviously, when he just caught up, he also hid his speed.


Little melon's face suddenly changed. Seeing that Chen Jian punched him, he didn't even have the chance to dodge. He had to force his fist to meet Chen Jian.


When the two fists intersected, melon felt a sharp pain in his phalanx, as if he had hit the steel plate with one fist.


Almost at the same time, Chen Jian's leg has been kicked to his stomach.


Little melon flew out directly.

A face to face, melon this Chen nine under the elite, was easily defeated.

"Stop him!"

Fortunately, although xiaogua was shocked by Chen Jian's fighting ability, he was not confused.

As soon as he was defeated, he immediately gave orders to his men.

Immediately, several other people went to kill Chen Jianwei.

"Get out of here!"

Chen Jian burst out and rushed up.

However, these people are the elite brought by Cucumis, and almost all of them are no weaker than him.

Therefore, when these people joined hands, Chen Jian was held back.

"Zhou Xun, stop them for me!" Chen Jian yelled at Zhou Xun not far away.


Zhou Xun and Chen Jian have already reached a tacit understanding. As soon as he hears Chen Jian's voice, he immediately leaves his side of the battle circle and comes to Chen Jian to help him resist the attacks of these people.

And Chen Jian also immediately out, again rushed to melon.

At this time, xiaogua stands not far in front of Ling Weiyu. As long as you defeat xiaogua again, you can save Ling Weiyu.


However, just as Chen Jian was about to approach xiaogua and was about to launch an attack, a dark hole suddenly appeared in front of him.

"One step further, I'll let you meet Kang Biao below." Melon with a pistol in his hand, staring at Chen Jian coldly.

At this time, he was quite shocked, because he did not expect that Chen Jian's fighting strength was so strong that he could compare with the two deputy gang leaders.

But no matter how powerful it is, can it be shot?

"You... You even have a gun in order to catch her?" Chen Jian naturally stopped, but his heart was heavy.

At first, he thought that it was just a small thing for xiaogua and others to catch Ling Weiyu.

But I didn't expect that melon not only brought so many elite men, but also a pistol. This is no accident.

Then why did they put on such a big fight to catch Miss Ling?

Moreover, the time is also pinched so well, just as brother Feng has just left.


Their real goal is not Miss Ling, but brother Feng?

At this point, Chen Jian's heart is sinking.

"Well, I don't want to cause more trouble now, so you are very lucky to get your life back. But the next time I meet you, you won't be so lucky. "

Melon snorted, and then another hand toward the back of the wave, "take people to the car, leave immediately."

Said, he is also back, soon with a group of people are on the car.

Chen Jian watched the melon and others get on the bus and drive away quickly, with a heavy face.

"Zhou Xun, get on the bus and catch up. They can't take people away like this."

Chen Jian quickly ran to the car parked at the side of the road.

Zhou Xun and others smell speech, also is to greet other several brothers to get on the car together.

Zhou Xun is a better driver, so he drives.

"Master, are we going to follow? Would you like to ask some other brothers to help

Looking at the two golden cup cars not far in front of him, Zhou Xun said: "it's really boring. If we really fight, they won't be our opponents in the end. Damn, I didn't expect that little melon had a gun with him. By the way, Miss Ling is just a weak woman. Why do they want to arrest Miss Ling, and they even have guns with them. "

"I'm afraid that the reason they arrested Miss Ling is because of brother Feng."

Chen Jian, sitting in the co pilot's seat, looked dignified and said: "I think they are also in order to avoid accidents, so they have guns on them. As long as the gun is in hand, it's not just us. Even brother Feng can't get the benefit. "

"Then... Shall we tell brother Feng about this? Does that make him dangerous? "

"No? Do you think even if we don't tell them, they won't tell them? "

Chen Jian gave a bitter smile, then took out his mobile phone and dialed He Feng's phone.

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