
As soon as Jing Yufei's words came out, he Feng was amused. Looking at Jing Yufei, he said, "brother, you have to be narcissistic to Chengdu? What do you mean, at least you have to find a man who is a little successful like you? Do you think you've achieved a lot? "

Jing Yufei is very dissatisfied with He Feng's attitude. He snorts with disdain: "my achievement may be average, but it's better than your loser."

"Is it?" He Feng light smile.

Read in the other side is xiamenglu face, he Feng did not hit him too much.

"Lulu, a poor loser like him is really not qualified to be your boyfriend. He doesn't deserve you at all."

Jing Yufei didn't even have any interest in meeting he Feng. He looked at Xia Menglu and said affectionately, "Lulu, you may not know yet. In fact, I like you very much when I was still in college. Unfortunately, I was busy with my studies at that time, and now I am busy with my work after graduation, so I have never had the opportunity to express myself to you. Originally, I thought I would never see you again, but God gave me another chance to send you to me. Lulu, would you like to give me another chance? As long as you are willing to be my girlfriend, I will cherish you and love you. "

Jing Yufei's confession is very affectionate.

Moreover, his voice is not small, many salesmen around heard it.

Because it's time to go to work now, there is no customer in the shop except he Feng and Xia Menglu. All the salesmen immediately come to watch.

Some saleswomen, looking at Xia Menglu's eyes, are full of envy.

Jing Yufei is the sales champion of their 4S shop. In the past six months, he has received a monthly commission of no less than 100000 yuan.

Last month, in particular, it exceeded 200000.

High income, handsome appearance, strong physique, let Jing Yufei in the store, have a lot of secret love object.

But for these saleswomen, Jing Yufei didn't even have the heart to take a look at them. He even refused to take the initiative to invite them to dinner. So now I see that Jing Yufei actually takes the initiative to confess to a girl. These saleswomen are extremely envious of Xia Menglu, who is the client.

As for He Feng standing beside Xia Menglu, he Feng is naturally ignored by them.

In their opinion, with the intervention of such a powerful opponent as Jing Yufei, such a poor loser as he Feng will soon become a thing of the past.

However, in the face of Jing Yufei's confession and pursuit, Xia Menglu refused to say: "thank you, senior. You can look up to me, but now I have a boyfriend. So, I'm really sorry. "

While talking, she took the initiative to embrace he Feng's arm and said with a smile, "I'd like to introduce you. This is my boyfriend. Like me, she works in Cloud City Group. "

"Working in Yuncheng group?"

Smell speech, people looking at He Feng's eyes, are showing a touch of surprise.

Unexpectedly, this poor loser actually works in Yuncheng group, which used to rank in the top three in Jiangbin city.

"Can both of them join the cloud city group? It seems that Yuncheng group is not in general decline. "

As for Jing Yufei, his heart is extremely disdainful.

If it is the former Cloud City Group, he may pay a little attention to it.

But now, he is the slightest Cloud City Group in the eye, and this also let him more will not let he Feng in the eye.

"Lulu, I suggest you don't work in Yuncheng group. That company has no prospects now. In my opinion, if you want to come to work with me at this 4S shop, I will teach you hand in hand. " Jing Yufei said with a smile.


Hearing the name, Xia Menglu felt familiar.

Suddenly, she widened her eyes and swept around, her eyes were even more shocked.

Isn't this an international brand store that is bigger than Mercedes Benz, BMW and Audi?

"Brother Feng, did you know that this is a Porsche 4S shop for a long time?"

She couldn't help looking at He Feng. She thought he Feng must know about the big brand of Porsche, but he Feng didn't tell her.

"Lulu, did you know it was a Porsche? I thought you knew that already. " He Feng said, pretending to be puzzled.


Xia Menglu was speechless.

If she had known it was a 4S shop, she would not have come in.

Although she has never been to a 4S shop of Porsche and doesn't know much about it, she knows very well that it's an international luxury brand and its price is higher than that of BBA. It's not something that ordinary office workers like her can afford.

"Lulu, we have a lot of customers in this 4S shop, and they are all high-end customers. As long as you enter our shop, the people you will contact in the future are basically rich people."

Jing Yufei seems to see through Xia Menglu's mind. Knowing that he can't afford a Porsche, he can't help but smile and say, "Lulu, you can be my girlfriend. As long as you are willing to be my girlfriend, I can take out my savings and buy you a Macan with a loan. Although it's a loan, you can rest assured that I will help you repay the monthly car loan. "

With these words, Jing Yufei's face showed a strong color of confidence.

In his opinion, after he throws out this condition, Xia Menglu will be obedient to his heart.

Maybe I will be able to hold the beauty home tonight.

And those salesmen around, looking at Xia Menglu, are all envious.

"Tut Tut, she's a lucky girl. She's not only liked by Yufei, but also sent her a car. I'm so jealous."

"Yes, yes, I invited Yufei to dinner before, but he refused."

"But then again, this beautiful woman is really beautiful. She is worthy of our Yufei."

"Well, the man beside her is a loser. If I were him, I'd have to run as far as I can at this time, so that I wouldn't have to stay and be shameful. "

People say, eyes will converge to He Feng body up, to He Feng is a face of disdain, a look waiting to see a good play.

These people's voices are not small, so Xia Menglu also heard it. She was very unhappy. She hugged He Feng tightly and said to Jing Yufei, "senior, I'm really sorry. Your money should be left to your future wife. As for me, even if I follow brother Feng to squeeze the bus every day, I'm happy. "

"Crowded bus every day?"

Jing Yufei was a fool.

This woman would rather follow the poor loser to get on the bus than drive the horse she gave her?

Although Makan is one of the cheaper compact SUVs in Porsche, it's also a Porsche. Why would she refuse to drive it?

Everyone around also have silly eyes, this beauty will Jing Yufei handsome boy to refuse?

She... Is her brain pretty funny?

What's good about that poor loser?

Is it because his kung fu in bed is very good?

In addition to this, we really can't think of the second reason.

"Brother Feng, let's not stay here. Hurry to catch the bus, or we'll have to wait until the afternoon. It's hot. Let's hurry up a little. "

But Xia Menglu ignores people's eyes. She directly hugs He Feng's arm and is about to pull the latter away.

Originally, she was very happy to see Jing Yufei, an old student. But after seeing Jing Yufei's performance, she was very disappointed, and even looked at the latter and felt sick.

"Lulu, I have said that I want to buy you a car. It's almost noon now. We really need to hurry up, or the people of bell group will go to lunch after work. "

He Feng's eyes glanced around, and finally stayed on a palamella in front of her, and said: "Lulu, I think you are very interested in this palamella, just staring at her for a long time. How about this one? There's not much money anyway. There won't be any pressure. "

"Pamela... Isn't that good?" Xia Menglu frowned and said that although she didn't know how much the palamella was, she could imagine that the price of the car would be very high just because of the brand of Porsche.

"Ha ha, I'm really laughing. An ordinary employee of a company that is going to close down, a poor loser, even wants to buy paramella?"

Jing Yufei hears he Feng's words, directly covers his mouth and laughs, "still say what also don't have much money? No pressure? That's ridiculous. Do you know how much paramella costs? Even if it's the minimum allocation, it will cost more than one million yuan. You can't afford to pay 10% down payment, can you? "

"Brother Feng, let's get out of here first. Let's buy another car." Xia Menglu pulls He Feng for a while. Now she is more and more disgusted with Jing Yufei, so she doesn't want to stay here any more.

"Lulu, actually, you don't have to be angry with such people. Now, there are many people like him in the society. You'd better not blame them. If you see more people in the future, you will feel normal. "

He Feng smiles and pats Xia Menglu on the shoulder, and comforts her in a low voice, "as for the car, since you like it, let's just take it away. Anyway, the whole process, let's just treat him as air. "

"However, it seems that this car is really expensive..." Xia Menglu said with a sweet tongue.

Just now, Jing Yufei made it very clear that the minimum cost of this car is more than 1 million yuan. For her now, this amount of money is more than a huge sum.

"Do you think that if we leave now, brother Feng will be despised to death?" He Feng sighed: "is it difficult? Do you want brother Feng to be ridiculed?"

"Well, then bite your teeth and buy it. But in the future, brother Feng, you have to spend more time with me. Let's go to collect all the foreign debts of the company. "

Xiamenglu smell speech, had no choice but to agree down.

"That's good!"

See xiamenglu finally willingly agreed to buy this a palamella, he Feng face is also a smile.

Now he is a little grateful to Jing Yufei and others.

If it wasn't for them, it would be very difficult to persuade Xia Menglu to buy the car.

"By the way, Lulu, do you want to help that girl?"

He Feng suddenly pointed to not far away, just was jingyufei reprimand, at this time is sitting alone on the stool to call customers pull business female salesman.

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