"I have a proposal that you can consider."

He Feng said with a smile: "I know that there is a welfare home with 20 or 30 children. They are raised by an old president. There are no formal welfare institutions to support them. They just rely on the help of some kind-hearted people in the society. Their life is very hard, even the house they live in is dilapidated, there is no air conditioning in summer, no heating in winter, some children even have no money to go to kindergarten, they can only play mud in the yard. So I thought, "why don't you help these children?"

Listen to what he Feng said, Xia Menglu's eyes are a little red, "brother Feng, where is this welfare home? I want to see these poor children now. "

"Lulu, don't worry. This welfare home is in Jiangbin city. However, today is Saturday, the children are in the welfare home, the old Dean may be very busy, not much time. Why don't we wait until most of the children go to school next week and then go to the welfare home? " He Feng suggested.

"Ah? That's it Xia Menglu was a little disappointed, but she nodded cleverly, "OK, let's go next Monday?"

"Yes, next Monday." He Feng nodded with a smile.

Soon, the meal came up, two people began to eat, eat while chatting, he Feng asked some Xia Menglu's family situation, to know more about her situation.

"Well, isn't that Lulu? Don't you say that you usually eat in the company canteen? Why did you come to the restaurant today, and you are still at the same table in such a tasteful restaurant? "

At this time, a young woman with heavy makeup and sexy clothes walks into the hotel with a young man in her arms. When passing by Xia Menglu, she stops and says in surprise.

"Ru Qing?"

When Xia Menglu saw the visitor, she also raised her head and said with a smile, "ha ha, I also said," I told Zhang Qiang a long time ago that I don't like him. " Xia Menglu said in a hurry, for fear that he Feng would misunderstand something.

Smell speech, Ru Qing's eyes in He Feng's body looked up and down a few eyes, and then disappointed way: "Lulu, I really don't understand, why do you choose this person instead of Zhang Qiang? Zhang Qiang looks better than Shuai. I've known you for a long time. You must know more about him. "

Xia Menglu see Ru Qing obviously despise he Feng, pretty cheek, a touch of displeasure, "Ru Qing, Feng brother is also very good to me!"

"Yes? Spend more than half a month's salary to buy you a skirt, and then invite you to this kind of ordinary restaurant to have a meal, which makes you feel very good? " Ru Qing sighed: "Lulu, you are so simple, you can't be cheated by people outside. To find a boyfriend, you must be careful. Men, in addition to be good to you, the conditions can not be bad. Otherwise, you will regret it later. "

"I think brother Feng has been very good to me, and the conditions are not bad." Xia Menglu said lightly.

"The conditions are not bad?"

Ru Qing looks at He Feng with disdain. How can she be a loser?

"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself to you. This is my boyfriend, Li Duojin, a regular employee of Guangming group. Just this morning, we ordered an Audi A4. It's full. It cost us 300000. "

Ru Qing raised her head haughtily, "Lulu, your boyfriend, what car did he buy? Or did he buy a house in Jiangbin? "

Xia Menglu can't help looking at He Feng.

She knows he Feng didn't buy a car, but she wants to tell Ru Qing that he Feng helped himself to pick up a Pamela this morning, which is also a full model, and the price is five times that of their car.

He Feng smile, said: "I just came to Jiangbin City, not long, have not bought a car to buy a house."

"I haven't bought a car and a house yet? Dojin, do you think he has any hope of buying a house in his life? "

Ru Qing looks at Li Duojin and asks with concern.

"Judging from the current house price and rising trend in Jiangbin City, there should be a little hope in this life." Li Duojin said seriously, looking at He Feng's eyes is also very disdainful.

"Lulu, do you hear me? It's hard for you to afford a house in your life. Only successful people like Duojin can hope to buy a house. However, it doesn't matter if you can't afford a house. There are so many people who can't afford a house anyway. You should work hard to buy a car. "

Ru Qing stroked himself and painted a lot of foundation. "Snow White" has no time to face. "Otherwise, when the sun comes out to eat, people will be exposed to Africans." Our white and tender skin can't stand the sun. "

"Thank you for your reminding. We will try our best to make money and then try to buy a QQ car."

He Feng grinned.

"It's hopeless!"

Ru Qing heard he Feng say this, looking at his eyes more disdain.

She is too lazy to ridicule He Feng any more. She turns to Xia Menglu and says, "Lulu, I have already agreed with Duojin. Next month, I will move to live with him and live in his hardcover two bedroom apartment. At that time, I'm afraid I can't continue to share with you. You have to find someone else to share with you. "

"All right!" Xia Menglu nodded and said nothing more.

It's a bit troublesome to find someone to share with you, but it's just a matter of spending more time.

"OK, then you can go on eating. Oh, by the way, can we help you pay later? There's not much money anyway. " Ru Qing said here, for fear that Xia Menglu would misunderstand, she quickly explained: "Lulu, don't misunderstand me. I have no other meaning. I just want to relieve the pressure on your boyfriend. Otherwise, he won't be able to pay the rent. "

"No, I just got a commission. I have money to pay for it." Xia Menglu refused directly.

Just at dinner, Wang Xiangyun had already put the Commission on her card.

The debt of bell group is 26.73 million, and her Commission is 267300.

"Oh, when you go out on a date, you still pay for it? Lulu, you should really think about talking about your boyfriend. I can't just look for this boyfriend. "

Ru Qing is despised to see he Feng one eye, then want to pull Li Duojin to leave.


Xia Menglu sees that Ru Qing always looks down on He Feng and has all kinds of contempt. She opens her mouth to explain. She tells Ru Qing that although she pays for the meal, he Feng earns more than 200000 yuan for herself, which is almost as good as her boyfriend's A4.

However, she was just about to open her mouth when he Feng interrupted her, "I said this beautiful woman, since you are so kind as to remind Lulu not to look for a boyfriend. Then I'll give you the same reminder. Boyfriends really can't be found everywhere. "

Ru Qing smell speech, the facial expression is inexplicable to become some ugliness, stare at He Feng way: "what do you mean?"

"I think you should know what I mean. How can you ask me such a low-level question?" He Feng took a bite of food to eat and asked with a smile.

"You, you make it clear, what do you mean?" Ru Qing is not reluctantly asked.

"So you want me to say it? Or don't believe I'll know? OK, in that case, I'll say it. After all, you are Lulu's roommate now. "

He Feng smiles, and then his eyes fall on Li Duojin, "your boyfriend is very poor in that aspect. This kind of man, should be very difficult to satisfy you, right? In that case, why do you need to find such a man to be your boyfriend? "

"You, you bullshit!"

As soon as Ru Qing heard he Feng's words, she immediately retorted: "Duo Jin's Kung Fu in bed is very powerful. How can it not satisfy me? I think you can't do it yourself. Hum, you poor loser, you are not only poor, but also talking nonsense here. You are not qualified to be Lulu's boyfriend at all. "

On the other hand, Li Duojin's face was red and black, so gloomy that he could drip water.

There are also a lot of customers who are eating around to watch the excitement, especially some brave people who are looking directly at Li Duojin's place.

"Yes, I'm just talking nonsense. Make a little joke, beauty. Don't be so excited. And this handsome man, your face looks very ugly. "

He Feng quickly admitted his mistake and said with a smile, "after that, I will never make such a joke in front of so many people, OK?"


Ru Qing stares at He Feng and wants to say something more.

"Well, Ru Qing, there's no need to talk too much rubbish with this kind of rubbish. Let's go and eat somewhere else. I feel sick eating with such people. "

Li Duojin pulled Ru Qing for a while and said coldly.

"OK, let's eat somewhere else."

Ru Qing is very obedient and leads Li Duojin to the outside of the hotel.

However, when she turned around, the cold look in her eyes was enough to show that she would not let it go.


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