"Lulu, why don't you drive? I'll be there to guide you? "

On this side, he Feng and Xia Menglu don't seem to see everyone shocked, and they are chatting with each other.

"That's not good, brother Feng. If it's on the road where there are no people and no cars, I can try it. But in the city, it's weekend, how can there be no one without a car. If you don't wait for brother Feng, when will you be free next time? Take me to a remote place to practice driving. " Xia Menglu suggested.

"Go to a remote place to practice driving?"

He Feng's eyebrows slightly pick.

If really went to that kind of place, he Feng can't guarantee that he can hold back.

No way, who let Xia Menglu temptation is too big.

"OK, let's have a look tomorrow night. If I'm free, I'll take you out to practice. I'll make you a car God." He Feng said with a smile, and then entered the driver's seat.

Xia Menglu is into the co driver's seat, "even if the God of the car, I just want to cut less after rub, less points, Amitabha."

"Ha ha, Lulu, you may not know brother Feng's driving skills. I will give you a surprise tomorrow night."

He Feng laughed. He started to drive a tank when he was 13 years old. He could drive a plane as a sports car when he was 15 years old.

When it comes to driving skills, he Feng is really not afraid of anyone.

Later, he Feng said nothing more and drove the car out of the garage.

Seeing that Wen Yu and others were still staring at him in a daze, he put down the window and asked them, "what are you doing? Come on, don't ask me to wait for you at the hotel later. "

"Ah? All right

"Minister, drive slowly."

"It's a new car. It's not licensed yet. You have to be a little more careful."

Some salesmen were kind-hearted reminders, and then two of them rushed to drive their own cars.

He Feng waved at them and drove out directly.

Wen Yu and others watched him leave, but they didn't look very good.

"Group leader Wenyu, where did Xia Menglu get so much money? He even bought Pamela."

"Yes, even if it's a commission, it's only 260000. How can she afford such an expensive car?"

"Should not, is He Feng help her buy?"

"He Feng? He is also a loser. He doesn't have a car. How could he buy such a good car for Xia Menglu? "

Wen Yu's confidants were all puzzled and jealous.

"You don't have to guess. We'll be at the wine table later. We just need to ask. Don't we know who bought the car?"

Wen Yu said with a sneer: "and now that we know that they are so rich, we don't need to be polite later. We can kill them at ease. Hum, I was going to control the cost within 20000 yuan. Now it seems that even if I eat them for 100000 yuan, it's not much. Besides, don't forget to take photos later. As long as we take photos of his infatuated behavior and send it to the Internet, which will have a huge negative impact, the company will definitely not let him take the post of minister for the sake of image. "

"Rest assured, team leader, everything is in the plan. Next, we just need a few people to fight in turn and get Hefeng drunk. "

"Hahaha, the group leader can rest assured about the problem of drinking. We all socialize at the table every two days. The most powerful thing is the amount of drinking."

"Yes, he Feng. He'll just wait to get down."

Next to a few employees, are patting chest assurance.

"Well, it will be hard for you later. Xiao Liu, Xiao Zhang, long long, take my brother's car with me. "

Wen Yu patted several people on the shoulder and then got on Wenxuan's Mercedes Benz.

More than ten minutes later, they all came to the unparalleled hotel.

This is a five-star hotel. Although many people have come to eat now, Wenyu has already reserved the box for a long time. Under the guidance of the waiter, they park the parking space and enter the box.

The area of this box is not very large, but it can accommodate two round tables. It's no problem for twenty people.

"Minister, Lulu, you may not know this restaurant very well, but my brother and I often come here to have dinner, and we know all kinds of cuisines very well. So, I'll order directly. If you have any taboos, or what kind of taste you like, would you like to tell me now? I'll take your order again? "

In the box, Wen Yu, Wen Xuan, and several of his confidants are sitting at the same table with He Feng and Xia Menglu.

Wenyu, with the menu in his hand, asks Hefeng and xiamenglu.

"No, Lulu and I are not picky. You can order according to your taste." He Feng waved his hand and said, then he lowered his head to chat with Xia Menglu.

"All right!"

Seeing this, Wen Yu raised a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and then called the waiter standing next to him to order more than ten dishes at one time.

These dishes are all famous dishes in the hotel. The most expensive dish is worth thousands of yuan.

A dozen dishes cost more than 8000.

Of course, it's only one table. If it's two tables, that's more than 16000.

Wen Yu looked at He Feng and said, "minister, Lulu, I've ordered all the dishes. It's rare for us to come here, and it's the first time for you and Lulu to come here, so I ordered some of the signature dishes in their hotel. But I haven't ordered this wine yet, because wine is different from food. The price of slightly more expensive wine is not cheap. There are thousands of yuan of wine. So I think... "

"You can order whatever you like. Lulu will pay for the meal anyway." He Feng waved his hand directly.

He wants to see what kind of flower Wen Yu can play.

As for a meal

Anyway, Lulu has more than 200000 yuan in her hand. If it's too big for them to eat up, tomorrow she'll go and earn several million yuan. It's OK for them. I'm sorry to say that they have dinner together or something.

"Well, with the minister's words, I can rest assured."

Wen Yu sneered at the speech and ordered four cases of beer, two bottles of Lafite and two bottles of Maotai.

It's not expensive either. These wines add up to more than 6000 yuan.

Of course, for two tables, that's more than 10000.

Plus food and drink, it's only about 30000 yuan.

However, this is just the beginning, and there will be more wine in the future, because they decided to use wine to get Hefeng drunk tonight.

Less than five minutes after ordering, the waiters began to serve the dishes one after another. Wen Yu asked them to serve the wine first.

"Minister, this is the first time that many brothers and sisters from our finance department have dinner together. Why don't we go first? We should also congratulate the minister on his promotion. "

Wen Yu stood up with a glass full of beer and said.

Smell speech, other people also all follow to stand up one after another, to He Feng raised wine cup.

"Well, thank you very much."

He Feng is also not polite, raised the glass to dry.

Other people are also a look up, put the glass of wine finished.

They are all veteran workers in the workplace. No matter they are male or female, they can at least drink a few bottles of beer.

Only Xia Menglu, with beer in her hand, didn't know what to do.

"Waiter, give us a bottle of fresh orange juice. We have a man who doesn't drink."

He Feng didn't expect that Xia Menglu couldn't drink a glass of beer. He immediately waved to the waiter waiting for service in the box.

"Isn't that good, Minister? Everyone drinks, but Lulu doesn't? She's one of the main characters today. " Wen Yu frowned. He wanted to get both of them drunk. In this way, he Feng was more likely to do something too much.

"Of course Lulu can't drink. I've got her share. If Lulu is drunk, who will pay the bill in the end? Why don't you buy it? " He Feng didn't have a good look at Wen Yu.

"Ha ha, listen to the minister, let Lulu drink orange juice."

Wen Yu smiles.

He doesn't dare to pay. At the end of this month, his salary plus commission is less than 50000.

"Since Lulu drinks orange juice, we have to pay tribute to the minister. Originally, I thought about having a drink with lulu. "

Liu, who was beside Wenyu, suddenly stood up with a glass of beer in his hand. "Minister, I respect you for this glass. I hope that under your wise leadership, we can double our income in the future, hehe."

With that, he just dried up.

"Don't worry, under my wise leadership, your income will certainly be doubled." He Feng nodded with a smile, and then followed suit.

This five-star hotel is good. The quality of beer is much higher than that outside. It tastes very good, so he Feng is willing to drink more.

It's just that people are thirsty on this hot day. It's more comfortable to drink more wine.

"Minister, I also respect you. Congratulations on your promotion and your return." Xiao Zhang also stood up and continued to toast He Feng.

In less than half an hour, they didn't eat much food at this table, but they drank almost four cases of beer.

In the whole process, all the people in turn respect He Feng, he Feng a person to drink almost a box.

Of course, Wen Yu and others did not drink less. A person had at least four or five bottles.

"Brother Feng, can you drink more? I don't think everyone has had a good time, but I don't know if you can still drink it. "

At this time, Wenxuan see the beer finished, can't help looking to He Feng, pretending to care asked.

"Brother, you said that. Today is a good day for the minister and Lulu. Everyone is so happy. How can you say that? I'm sure I'll have to have a good time today. "

Wen Yu stares at Wen Xuan as if he is blaming Wen Xuan. Then he looks at He Feng and asks, "minister, are you right? We must be drunk today! Anyway, Lulu didn't drink a mouthful of wine. Just let her drive you back later. I can't. I'll help you arrange your room in this hotel. In the evening, you can stay here with lulu. "

"Ha ha, you're right. I'm sure I'll be drunk tonight. But I think it's you who want to be drunk, not me. You may not have seen how much I drink? "

He Feng said with a laugh, and directly found out Wen Yu's mistake.


Wen Yu was a little shocked when he heard the speech, but he didn't respond.

"Yes, the minister has a point. You are magnanimous. How can we compare with you? However, this is our first time to drink with you. It's really nice. So, we must have a good drink today. Let's drink this Moutai directly or the Baijiu is refreshing.

Then Wen Yu opened a bottle of Baijiu and poured a cup of wine to himself and he Feng.

He is thin and he doesn't love beer very much and is easy to swell. He love Baijiu and is good at it, because he drinks too much at ordinary times.

At the beginning, Wen Yu was worried that he Feng would not drink with him. Now it seems that he didn't care about himself at all!

"What a fool. Do you really think you're a good drinker? We're just getting started. What's more, even if you are really good drinkers, you are alone, but we have so many people here, and we can't pour you out? "

Wen Yu sneered in his heart. He Feng's eyes looked like an idiot.

But he held up his glass respectfully, "minister, here, I respect you! I'll take it. You can drink half of it. "

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