
Yu Liang sees this scene, pupil instantly shrunk up, "this guy, how can so strong?"

"Next, it's your turn!"

Yu Liang did not return to God, he Feng is appeared in front of him.

Then he slapped him in the face.


Yu Liang yelled angrily, and he would raise his hand to block.

However, he Feng's attack speed, is he able to stop?


Clear clap sound rings out, in bright whole person was drawn in place to turn two circles.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"Unexpectedly, there is no power to fight back?"

You you see this scene, Mou Guang also can't help beating.

Before she saw he Feng, she thought he Feng's strength should be a little stronger than herself, but if she wanted to defeat Yu Liang, she had to use three moves.

But don't want to, Yu Liang in front of He Feng, there is no force to resist.

"There is no fluctuation of inner strength. Since he doesn't use inner strength, how can he be so powerful? In particular, the speed he showed just now is not slower than that of the ancient warriors in the early Ming Dynasty. "

Youyou's heart is both shocked and puzzled.

But she didn't know that he Feng just showed one ten thousandth of his strength. If he really tried his best to break out speed, let alone excellent, even if he was an ancient warrior in the early Ming Dynasty, he Feng would never be caught.

"Strong! It's really too strong. Even if it's big brother, it's not his opponent, is it? "

Youyou takes a deep breath, and an idea sprouts in her heart.

"Well, is there still water in your head? Do you want me to slap you two more times and help you pump out the water? " He Feng smiles at Yu Liang and says.

"How could he be so strong?"

At this time, Yu Liang has been completely shocked.

Since he retired from the army, he has never met a decent opponent, so he is better than him.

After seeing he Feng today, he didn't pay attention to him at all.

But in the end, he was shocked. This guy, who doesn't look amazing, is much stronger than youyou. He can't fight against him at all.

"Today, it's me who kicked the iron plate. Since your strength is excellent, I don't care about it. "

Yu Liang converges his inner greed and turns around to leave.

Although Zhang Qiang promised he Feng's 100000 yuan to him, now it seems that he can't get the 100000 yuan.

"Brother Qiang, are you leaving now?"

Seeing this, Zhang Qiang was in a hurry.

If Yu Liang doesn't care, they won't get back their 400000 yuan.

"Qiangzi, I advise you to apologize to him. You can't provoke such a character." Yu Liang snorted and was dissatisfied with Zhang Qiang.

If it wasn't for Zhang Qiang, how many of their brothers would be beaten?


"Take care of yourself!"

With that, Yu Liang is about to leave.

"Did I tell you to leave?"

However, he Feng's light and floating voice is ringing in his ear.

"What else do you want?" Yu Liang turns around with an ugly face.

"I've pumped the water out of your head. Shouldn't you give me some money?" He Feng said with a light smile: "is it difficult? Now you still have water in your head. Do you need me to slap you again?"

"How much do you want?"

Yu Liang asked, squinting.

He knows that he is really wrong. Now he Feng has no way to settle with him. Who can make himself inferior to others? If he is stronger than he Feng, he is blackmailing him now.

"I heard that you just said to that Zhang Qiang, if you clean me up, my 100000 yuan will belong to you, right? In that case, my selling fee is 100000 yuan. Not much? " He Feng stretched a waist to say.

"A hundred thousand?"

Yu Liang's eyes suddenly stare.

"Yes! This is the lowest price. It can't be any lower! "

He Feng nodded, "moreover, I see that you also live in Youzhan apartment, so I give you a 50% discount. Otherwise, I'll take you 200000. "

"What if I don't?" Yu Liang stares at He Feng and asks.

"It's easy. You can try it." He Feng shrugged.


Hearing he Feng's reply with a strong threatening tone, Yu Liang really wants to turn around and go.

He pour is to want to see, he Feng still dares to own how not to become?

However, seeing he Feng's calm eyes, he was trembling in his heart. He wanted to turn around, but he couldn't walk.

"Hurry up, give money or leave, hurry to make a decision, brother Feng, I'm in a hurry."

A few seconds later, he Feng impatiently urged.

Zhang Qiang, Li Duojin and others are surprised to see Yu Liang.

Is it difficult for Yu Liang to be afraid of He Feng?

"Brother Liang, you can't give me the money. If you do, then your prestige in our tour station apartment will be greatly reduced, and the people below will not listen to you as before. "

Zhang Qiang pulls Yu Liang and whispers in his ear.

Smell speech, is ready to take out the mobile phone to He Feng transfer in Liang, just suddenly come over.

He is not an ordinary person, but the property manager of Youzhan apartment. If he really gives in like this, it's really a humiliation. Everyone will laugh at him. Then who will pay attention to him as a manager in the future?

"Brother, you can not sell me face, but I think you have to sell my cousin face."

Thinking of his cousin, Yu Liang once again straightened up his chest and said, "my cousin is a big man in Jiangbin city. If you always have to forgive me, even if I suffer a big loss in your hands today, my cousin will not let you go."

"Well, cousin? Tell me, what is your cousin? See if you can scare me off He Feng Leng next, did not expect that this in bright a small property manager, there is a backer behind.

"Has bell group heard of it? A large company in Jiangbin City, with a market value of more than 10 billion. "

Yu Liang's arrogant face made his voice much louder.

"You mean Cao Peng, chairman Cao?"

He Feng blinked and looked at Xia Menglu at the same time.

When Xia Menglu hears that Yu Liang reports bell group, she also looks at He Feng. Their expressions are quite strange.

Bell group, they just went there today, and they took more than 30 million from there.

"Have you heard my cousin's name?"

Listen to He Feng reported the name of Cao Peng, Yu Liang immediately complacent way: "since this is so much easier to do, we today's this matter, so forget it, OK?"

"Ha ha, do you think I should give your cousin face if I have heard his name?" He Feng light smile.

"What else?" Yu Liang asked.

"Since Cao Peng is your cousin, you should have his phone number, right? You can call him now and ask him if I want to give him face

"Call my cousin? You have to think it over. My cousin will be angry if he knows about it. And once he gets angry, the consequences will be serious. "

Yu Liang frowned slightly.

He didn't want to call Cao Peng. If he did, Cao Peng would be even more dissatisfied with him.

"It's OK. I've thought it over. You can fight."

He Feng nodded.

"You... You asked for it. If my cousin blames me, don't blame me. Maybe if he makes a phone call, you not only have to take out all the money you earn today, but also you may not be able to do your work in Yuncheng group. By then, not only will you have no money, but also your job. "

"If you want to fight, how can you get so much nonsense?" He Feng is very impatient urge way.

"OK, I'll fight!"

Yu Liang takes out his mobile phone and dials Cao Peng's phone.

"Hands free!" He Feng said.

Yu Liang also dare not disobey He Feng's meaning, directly opened hands-free.

"Hello, Yu Liang, didn't you try not to call me? How can you call me back? "

Soon, the phone was connected, which spread a middle-aged man very impatient voice.

At this time, Cao Peng is wearing pajamas, lying in a hotel room on the bed playing mobile phone. In the bathroom, there is a clattering sound of water, the bedside is scattered with a few women's sexy clothes.

Today, he Feng swept away more than 36 million yuan. Cao Peng was very upset, so he took his lover to the hotel to open a room this evening. Just after one visit, he went to the bathroom to take a bath, while he was lying on the bed to rest and waiting for Xu Hongjie's call.

He hopes that Xu Hongjie can call him as soon as possible to inform him that he Feng has been removed, so he is much more relaxed.

Although Xu Hongjie told him that the reward for killing He Feng was as high as 50 million yuan, he still insisted on getting rid of He Feng, otherwise he couldn't swallow it.

When he heard the call ring, Cao Peng was very excited. After seeing the caller ID, he was very upset. But I can't help it. It's his cousin who called. In the end, he can only answer the phone.

"Cousin, it's like this. I met a man in the apartment of Youzhan and had a little conflict. I'm not his opponent. After he beat me up, he asked me to pay him 100000 yuan. When I put my cousin you out, he still didn't give face and forced me to call you. Cousin, he doesn't pay attention to you. "

Yu Liang is very angry and says that he Feng is pushed to the opposite of Cao Peng.

"Who? What's his name? "

Sure enough, Cao Peng seems to be a little angry, directly cold back to a word.

"His name seems to be He Feng, who works in Yuncheng group." Yu Liang replied that he Feng's information had been known by Zhang Qiang before.

"What did you say?"

Cao Peng sat up and said, "say it again!"

"Mr. Cao, we only met at noon. How can we forget me so soon? You don't think much of me, do you? It seems that when I'm free, I have to go back to Cao Dong to talk about the past. "

At this time, a voice came from the phone that let Cao Peng gnash his teeth.

"Who are you, he Feng?" Cao Peng said in a low voice.

"I'll go. You really don't know me? OK, I'll come to you for dinner tomorrow He Feng said with a laugh.

Cao Peng's corner of his eye lashes out two times. He is dissatisfied with the person Xu Hongjie is looking for. He has paid 50 million yuan. Now, after most of the day, he Feng is cool outside and even calls to laugh at himself.

"Well, you can come to me tomorrow."

Cao Peng took a deep breath and said, but he was sneering in his heart. I hope you can live till tomorrow.

"Cousin, you, you..." Yu Liang said in shock.

How does it look like my cousin and this guy actually know each other?

This guy is a loser. How can he know his cousin?

"Yu Liang, you offended Mr. He, didn't you? Make a quick apology. If he doesn't forgive you, then don't look for me again. I don't have your cousin

Cao Peng said impolitely: "after the things over there are settled, you can call me again to report, otherwise you will never call me again."

With that, he hung up.

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