"Presumptuous, you are looking for death!"

"If you dare to do something to us, don't blame us for being rude."

Wang Wu and Yang Nu see he Feng even take the initiative to attack them, immediately all angry, directly waved his fist, a left and a right toward He Feng attack.


However, their fists had not yet been attacked, and a series of crisp slaps rang out.

The intense pain on his face made Wang Wu and Yang Nu feel dizzy. Both sides of his face were swollen.

"You, how dare you hit me?"

Yang Nu stares at He Feng viciously, and the corner of his mouth overflows with blood.

"Damn, I stabbed you to death!" Wang Wu took out a sharp dagger from his body and stabbed him in the chest. His eyes were full of anger.

When have they ever been beaten like this?

And still in front of so many people!

How can they stay in Tongxi town in the future?

"Brother Xiaofeng, be careful!" Ling Weiyu screamed with fright.

Around many people are hastily back, timid is to cover his eyes, for fear of seeing a bloody scene.

"You dare to use a knife against brother Feng, to die!"

He Feng is also a cold hum, and then a heavy kick out, Wang Wu's chest, the latter kick fly out.



Wang Wu fell heavily on the ground, with a mouthful of blood protruding from his mouth. He didn't know how many ribs were broken.

"If you don't go away, you two will stay forever." He Feng said coldly.


See he Feng show such a strong strength, Yang Nu's heart is also full of shock, more is fear.

"OK, I'll go now." After all, Yang Nu is old and needs to be mature. He is not so impulsive as Wang Wu. He quickly helps Wang Wu and slips out of the crowd. He is very embarrassed.

Everyone around to see this scene, have a cold breath, looking at He Feng's eyes full of shock color.

"No wonder he is so bold and fearless that he doesn't care about Wang Wu and Yang nu. It turns out that his skill is very strong."

"It's really powerful. Wang Wu and Yang Nu are not his opponents. However, he seems to be suspected of sneaking attack just now. It's too fast. "

"However, if he shows up in Tongxi town again, it may be dangerous. Wang Wu and Yang Nu have many brothers."

"Yes, now Haige doesn't know who abandoned him. Most of the gangsters in Tongxi town follow them."

"If he leaves now and doesn't show up in Tongxi town in the future, maybe nothing will happen. And if he continues to stay here, the end will be... "

For these people's comments, he Feng did not pay any attention to the meaning, directly pulled up Ling Weiyu to look at the auction on the stage, "little feather, now we have a million, if there is something you like in the auction, you can also quote directly."

"Brother Xiaofeng, I listen to these people's comments. It seems that those two people have a lot of subordinates just now. If we continue to stay here, I'm afraid it's not very safe? Why don't we get out of here? I've made a million anyway. " Ling Weiyu said with some worries.

"Xiaoyu, you don't have any confidence in Xiaofeng. A bunch of thugs. I don't care. Watch the auction at ease. There may be good things later. " Hefeng road.

He has already felt that there is another item with high value behind the platform, which contains aura similar to the Blackstone he just bought, which is worth about one million yuan.

He Feng is ready to let Ling Weiyu bid. At last, Ling Weiyu buys it. He Feng will be very happy to learn that it is a valuable item.

As for the matter of making 20 million, he didn't care about it.

After all, he made 20 million just to make the children of Jule welfare home have a good life. Now, there are 8.5 million in Xia Menglu, which is absolutely enough.

"But after all, they are numerous and powerful..."

Ling Weiyu knows he Feng's fighting strength is very strong, but she doesn't know what level he Feng is. In her opinion, if he Feng is faced with dozens of people, he Feng will have to deal with it.

"Don't worry, although your brother Xiaofeng is not invincible, he is definitely not something that these dogs and cats can deal with."

He Feng pointed to the platform and said: "after a while, there must be good things coming out of it. If we go now, we will lose a lot. Little feather, I'll let you bid later and let you feel it. "

"I... I'd better forget it. I think there are a lot of rich people here. I'm sure they don't have the experience." Ling Weiyu seems a little nervous, but she is the first time to experience such a scene.

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, we've made a million dollars. We can offer a million dollars at most." He Feng said with a smile.

"All right!"

Ling Weiyu sees he Feng quite interested, also no longer said anything.

They continued to watch the auction, chatting while watching, with a smile on their faces, unaware of the crisis behind them.

"Tut Tut, these two people are still here to watch the auction. They are too brave."

"When Wang Wu and Yang Nu gather people to come back, they will wait to die."

"In such a place, it's too normal to die. The police can't control it."

"Yes, although that man's skill is strong, he can fight a few at most. If he comes to dozens, he will have to lie down."

Everyone around is paying attention to He Feng and Ling Weiyu. They are surprised to see that they did not leave, but stayed.

Then, the look in their eyes showed a trace of pity.

At this time, several imposing young people came from the crowd.

Listening to these people's comments, a young woman wearing a big red dress and a pair of white sports shoes on her feet.

Although it's a long skirt with sports shoes, but wearing it on her, it has a unique flavor, which makes her slender and sexy posture appear incisively and vividly.

The woman stood at the back of the crowd and said with a smile: "how many gangsters do you fight alone? It seems that the skill is not bad. If you can, you can recruit him to our Qingfeng martial arts school and let him be an elite disciple. "

"Well, if you can fight ten at a time, you will be qualified to be the elite disciple of our Qingfeng martial arts school like us."

"I think it's better to look at his nature first. If he is not loyal to the young lady and the curator, he can't fight any more. "

"It would be his honor to join our Qingfeng martial arts school. Wang Wu Yang's angry people dare not trouble him any more. "

Several elite disciples behind the woman said.

"Wang Wu Yang was angry with them. Did he become a member of the take-off martial arts school?" Woman Ni Hong asks curiously.

"Well, they are really members of Tengfei martial arts school now, but they are all outside thugs. Originally, this area seemed to be under the jurisdiction of the Baiyun gang. But when they had an accident, Wang Wu and Yang Nu came in to blackmail some honest people. "

"It seems that Shangjin of Tengfei martial arts school is all about making money. It's just that he's going to make money from those rich people. Now even the money of these ordinary people is coming to the pit. No wonder he first broke through to the early days of Mingjin, but he was caught up by our Qingfeng martial arts school and Jiang Kuangdao's Zhengqi martial arts school."

Ni Hong shook his head and said sarcastically.

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something and asked in a low voice, "how are you doing with the things I asked you to investigate?"

"Miss Chen, we've always arranged for people to pay attention to Jiang you. She hasn't cultivated her inner strength so far. As for her sister Jiang Qingyan, more people are arranged to watch her. We found out that she devoted herself to her study, and seemed to have no interest in practicing martial arts. It is said that she has just finished her sophomore year, and she has passed several certificates, and even is preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination. She is really a top student. "

The youth report standing behind Ni Hong.

"All in reading?"

Hearing the speech, Ni Hong sneered, "although reading can change fate, it's only for ordinary people. We warriors rely not on the knowledge in our heads, but on the strength in our fists. When I cultivate my inner strength and break through to the beginning of Mingjin, their two martial arts schools will be swallowed by us. "

"Eh, miss, it's like Jiang Yin, the cousin of Changjiang crazy sword in Zhengqi martial arts school. He even came to see the auction."

At this time, a young man behind Ni Hong suddenly pointed not far away and said.

"A trash who is inferior to me, just ignore him." Ni Hong glanced at the other party indifferently, then withdrew her eyes and looked at the auction being held on the stage.

"The next thing to be auctioned is a piece of raw material. I will directly project a picture to let you clearly see its color quality and water. Then you have a good idea and you can bid."

The person in charge on the stage said, picked up the remote control and pressed a button.

All of a sudden, a projection appeared in front of him. It was a clear pattern of the original stone. Many knife marks were cut around it. You can clearly see the quality and variety of the emerald jade inside.

"It turned out that it was only waxy, and the quality was so poor. If it's not because it's big, it's as big as a basketball, I don't think many people buy it. "

"Yes, the price of this kind of material is very clear. Who will bid for it? Anyway, it's available on the market."

"I don't understand. Since it's clear, why does the auctioneer come out to bid?"

Many people are very confused, but they are still patiently watching.

"Everybody, I believe you all know the price of this material. Now, I'll tell you another piece of news. We showed this piece of Ming material to a jade expert. He said that there might be a piece of jade in the Ming material. Of course, it's only a possibility. Whether there is jade in jade or not, it needs a real jadeite master to identify it. "

The person in charge said with a smile: "next, you can start bidding. The starting price is 100000, and each increase should not be less than 5000."

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