"Ladies and gentlemen, I bid a million yuan. If any of you are willing to offer a higher price, I will not bid any more. It belongs to you." Ling Weiyu see everyone looking at themselves, some timid said.

Ling Weiyu's words suddenly stunned everyone.

If the bid is higher than her, she won't bid any more?

This is said in front of everyone, it should not be false, which makes everyone feel puzzled.

If it's not a piece of jade, it's worth 200000 at most. Why did she report the price to one million?

If it's jade in jade, the value should be several million. Why does she say that if it's more than one million, she won't bid?

At this moment, everyone can't figure out what's going on.

"Forget it, I won't bid. What the beauty said must be the meaning of the jade master."

"Indeed, I don't want any more money. Otherwise, if we lose money in the end, we will lose hundreds of thousands of dollars. I don't have so much spare money. "

"Well, you can't believe what the master said. Let's just watch the excitement."

For some ordinary rich businessmen, even a loss of several hundred thousand will make them sad, so now they give up decisively.

And some rich people are not interested in this jade, so they didn't bid at the beginning.

As for Jiang Yin and Ni Hong

Jiang Yin didn't want to have a conflict with Ni Hong because of such a small matter, so he didn't increase the price.

Ni Hong saw that Jiang Yin didn't increase the price, and was also not interested.

"Since there is no one to increase the price, this jade in jade belongs to this young beauty."

A moment later, the person in charge to see no one to continue bidding, announced the results of the auction, "please come here to pay for the beauty of it!"

"Brother Xiaofeng, let's go." Ling Weiyu pulls He Feng to say, excited and uneasy.

"Let's go!"

He Feng is also a little curious. What is in the jade.

So, two people went to set up a platform, responsible for delivery or before that old man.

However, the old man's attitude towards He Feng this time is much better than before.

"Little brother, you'd better transfer money?" The old man said with a smile.

In fact, their auctioneer does not want he Feng to solve the stone on the spot, especially this piece of jade, they do not want he Feng to solve it.

The reason is very simple. They have asked someone to confirm that this jade is only a common waxy seed in nine cases out of ten, and there is no jade in jade at all.

If it's solved, there's nothing in it for outsiders to see, and their auction items won't sell well in the future.

"Yes, transfer!"

He Feng took out his mobile phone and quickly transferred one million yuan through the account provided by the old man.

"I don't know if you want to get rid of this jade this time?" The old man asked with a smile.

"Of course, if I don't understand, can I buy it at a high price and sell it at a low price? So I'm not a fool? "

He Feng rolled a white eye to say.

This jade is just an ordinary glutinous seed. If you sell it like this, it will be good if you can sell it for 200000 yuan.

"OK, I'll give you an experienced stone disintegrator."

Although the old man didn't want he Feng to solve the stone, since he Feng wanted to solve it, they couldn't stop him.

Soon, the old man brought an older stone remover.

"Hello, boss, how do you solve this jade?" Solution stone division saw the jade in the hand of the eye He Feng, the mouth inquires a way.

He has also solved jade in jade, but he has never really solved jade in jade. So he is not optimistic about He Feng's jade. He thinks that there is nothing in it, just a piece of common waxy seed.

"You cut it according to my lines, and then polish it from the periphery."

He Feng took a pencil and drew a line on it, then handed it to the stone remover.

"All right!"

Jieshi master nodded, took the jade, according to He Feng said began to cut up.

Around, a lot of people were watching outside.

"I don't know if this is a real jadeite master, who can figure out a real jade in jade."

"Bah, most of the time he is a fake. If he is a real jadeite master, why did he say that if we exceeded one million, he would not increase the price? That's obviously a lack of confidence in yourself! "

"That's right. Which one of the real jadeite masters is not very famous? Moreover, at his age, he probably just went out of the University and became an apprentice. Master? It's a long way off! "

At this time, almost no one thought that there was jade in the jade.

No one believes he Feng, and few people think he is an emerald master.

Of course, some people who don't know anything are indifferent. They just want to watch the fun.

"It's obvious that you can develop in martial arts, but you have to play with some stones. It's not a good job. When you recruit him into our Qingfeng martial arts school, you must teach him well. Do you understand? "

Ni Hong said to several followers behind her.

"Don't worry, miss. When he becomes the elite disciple of our Qingfeng martial arts school, he will be our younger martial brother. We will certainly teach him seriously."

"Yes, it will be a family."

"This younger martial brother, I'm quite fond of him. I'm sure I'll enlighten him."

The three valets nodded, looking at He Feng's eyes flashing a glimmer of light.

This is a rich younger martial brother!


Ni Hong just nodded, and then looked at the auction, and then looked at He Feng.

She is not in a hurry to leave, because she found that Jiang Yin has not left.

At this moment, everyone was staring at the piece of jade under the stone remover's machine. Everyone was very curious whether there was the so-called jade in jade.

About two minutes later, the four sides of the jade were cut open. The original jade was the size of a basketball, only a little bit as big as a fist.

"It's cut on all sides. There's nothing else in it."

"Tut Tut, a good piece of glutinous seed material has been cut like this. Now if you take it out and sell it, you can only sell it for tens of thousands of yuan? "

"Well, it depends on the jade merchant's mood. If people don't like it, they will not accept it even if they estimate thousands of yuan."

"This guy, I guess his intestines are almost destroyed?"

People shake their heads one after another. Some people are not interested in watching any more. They just turn around and leave.

According to principle, if there is jade in jade, the jadeite inside will be more glossy and bright, and the quality will be much higher. However, there is no change at all.

Therefore, everyone agrees that there can be no jade in jade.

"Do you want to polish it?"

Jieshi Shishi looks at He Feng with a flat tone. He feels that everything is in his expectation.

There is nothing at all when we go down with these four knives.

Of course, it depends on whether he Feng has given up. If he Feng wants to continue polishing, he can only listen.

"It must be polished. Everything inside is about to come out." He Feng rolled a white eye to say.

"Brother Xiaofeng, did we lose all that million this time?" Ling Weiyu is some worry said.

"How can it be? Just wait and see. " He Feng patted Ling Weiyu on the shoulder.

Ling Weiyu had to nod, but her expression was a little nervous.

That's a million!

She has to work for 20 years, and she has to eat and drink to earn so much money.

Solution stone division see he Feng don't give up also have no way, had to continue to polish up.

"I didn't expect that the material inside became dark. It seems that the quality of this glutinous seed is not good."

After a while, the stone remover seemed to find something and could not help shaking his head.

"Master, be careful. The things inside have been exposed. Don't damage them." He Feng reminds a way in the side.

"Well? Is there anything else in it? Is it because of what's inside that the color of this material changes? "

After hearing the words, the stone disintegrator's careless attitude gradually became serious.

Everyone around also looked over, a face of curiosity.

"I wipe it. There's something in it."

"But why is the color different? The things inside are silver white. What the hell is that?"

"It looks a bit like metal, where is jadeite!"

"Is it difficult? It's not jade in jade, but iron in jade? Is there a piece of iron in it

"Fortunately, I didn't buy it just now, otherwise I would have died. I thought it was worth 200000 before, but now I don't think it's worth 100000. "

Many people laughed at what was exposed in the jade.

If it wasn't for the auctioneer's ban on taking photos, they would like to take photos and send them to their circle of friends.

What kind of jade?

It's Yuzhong after all!

If the jade is bought by others, it will be pit dead.

But Jiang Yin and Ni Hong, who are not far away, shrink their pupils.

"How do you feel familiar with the things inside?" Ni Hong frowned and thought.

"Is this thing..."

And more experienced Jiang Yin, his face immediately showed the color of surprise.

"Little brother, this thing in you, a piece of iron, has no value at all." Jieshi division stopped grinding, smiling at He Feng, teasing.

"Xiao Feng brother, I'm sorry..." Ling Weiyu said apologetically. She felt that she had lost one million to He Feng, and she was upset by him.

"Feather, why do you apologize? We've made money this time."

However, he Feng burst out laughing. He suddenly stepped forward and took out the so-called "iron". Then he picked up the mineral water next to him and was about to water it.

"Wait a minute, brother!"

Just then, a voice suddenly rang out.

When they escape, they see that Jiang Yin comes to He Feng and says to him, "brother, can you sell this thing to me? How about I bid two million to make you a million? "

He is not sure that the metal on He Feng's hand is what he guessed. Only when he Feng flushes the powder with water can he confirm it.

But once that thing is exposed, it is estimated that Ni Hong will recognize it, and then he will fight for it.

Compared with money, Ni Hong's capital on hand is not much worse than him.

The most important thing is that the strength of Ni Hong and others is far stronger than him. Even if he finally bought it, it is estimated that Ni Hong will also forcibly snatch it. At that time, he will be in trouble.

Therefore, he can only take advantage of the identity of this thing has not been publicly displayed before, to buy it.

In this way, Ni Hong may not snatch.

This scene directly shocked everyone.

"What's the matter? This Jiang Dong actually bid two million yuan for a piece of broken iron? "

"Tut Tut, rich people are really good at playing. They don't pay attention to two million."

"It's so willful. I'll spend two million on a piece of broken iron. If he can make a circle of friends, he will make the headlines. "

"Hey, Mr. Jiang's brain seems to be different from that of ordinary people."

"Two million?"

He Feng hears Jiang Yin's offer and smiles. He doesn't say anything, but the mineral water in his hand is directly poured on the metal.

Suddenly, a piece of silver metal appeared in front of everyone.

"It's really a piece of iron!"

"Spend a million to buy a piece of iron, is this the so-called jade master?"

"Mr. Jiang of zhongyun group has to pay two million yuan to buy it."

"The city will play!"

Everyone shakes their heads and laughs. It's like watching a joke.

"What? It's diamond jade

However, Ni Hong suddenly widened her eyes, and then there was a strong color of excitement on her still sexy and beautiful face.

"Diamond jade, damn it!"

Jiang Yin's face changed greatly. Subconsciously, he looked at Ni Hong.

See Ni red a face excited, he where don't know, Ni red also recognized this is diamond jade, face suddenly more ugly.

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