"All right!"

Listen to Ling Weiyu say so, he Feng also did not go to explain again.

The reason why he wants to tell Ling Weiyu that he is an ancient warrior in the true Qi state is to let Ling Weiyu know that he is very strong and not to be afraid of anything or anyone in the future.

However, there are only a few guwu people in Jiangbin city. As long as Ling Weiyu knows her guwu people, it will be hard for her to be afraid of anything.

Along the way, he Feng also told Ling Weiyu a lot about the ancient martial arts world, including the local conditions and customs he had experienced abroad.

Unconsciously, palamella has come outside the gate of Ling Weiyu's community.

Although it's more than 11 o'clock now, it's still very busy outside the community, with a lot of pedestrians.

"Brother Xiaofeng, I'm home! I'll just go outside. It's safe because there are so many people now. "

Ling Weiyu is a bit reluctant. She continues to listen to he Fengduo tell her something about the outside world. She thinks it's really wonderful.

"Well, it's more than eleven o'clock. You should go back and have a rest as soon as possible. But don't forget that you owe me a meal. Next time we're free, I'll go to your house and cook for me. " He Feng said with a smile.

"No problem, let's chat on wechat later."

Ling Weiyu untied the safety belt, "brother Xiaofeng, I'll go first."

"Wait a minute. Give me your bank card number. I'll transfer that 40 million to you first." He Feng took out his mobile phone and said.

"Forty million?"

Ling Weiyu was stunned and refused even if she didn't think about it. "How can you do that? You earned all the money, so you offended that woman. How can you give it to me? I can't have it! "

"The woman?" He Feng thought for a moment and said, "don't worry, little feather. It's not that I offended her, but that she offended me. It's her who should be worried. I didn't pay attention to her."

Ling Weiyu then remembered that he Feng was a powerful ancient warrior. Those ordinary people probably didn't pay attention to him.

"But that's no good. It's 40 million. How can I ask for so much money?" Ling Weiyu still refuses.

"Feather, there's one thing you don't know. I'll tell you now." He Feng looked at Ling Weiyu and asked, "do you know how much money I have in total?"

"This... I don't know." Ling Weiyu shook his head, but he was very interested. "Brother Xiaofeng, did you save a lot of private money from your sister-in-law? Tell me. I won't tell my sister-in-law. "

"I'd like to tell you, but I don't know how much money I have." He Feng shrugged.

"I don't know? You don't even know how much money you have? "

Ling Weiyu said: "you just don't know the specific number. You can tell me a general number. You don't even know the general number, do you?"

"I know something about it..."

He Feng thought about it and said, "two months ago, I remember that my deposit seemed to be 400 billion."

"Well, how much?" Ling Weiyu thinks he heard wrong.

"Four hundred billion."

"Brother Xiaofeng, are you teasing me? How could you have so much money in your bank? "

Ling Weiyu gives He Feng a big white eye. "Even if we are the richest man in China, we can't have so much money."

She has read some relevant reports before, saying that Ma Feng, the richest man in China, is worth only over 200 billion.

But now he Feng tells her that he has a deposit of 400 billion yuan. Ma Feng, the richest man, is only half of him?

"What is the richest man? Your brother Xiaofeng doesn't know how many streets to dump him. "

He Feng curled his lips and didn't pay attention to the richest man at all.

Of course, he also knows that the richest people in China are not the real richest people. The rich people in China don't know how many.

For example, the assets of each of the four royal families in China are 100 billion yuan.

But he Feng has two more things to tell Ling Weiyu

1、 The 400 billion yuan deposit he said is not RMB, but euro.

2、 He's talking about deposits, movable assets. As for immovable assets, he really doesn't know how many, at least more than movable assets.

"Brother Xiaofeng, are you bragging?" Ling Weiyu blinked and said.

Although he Feng's expression is more serious, she just thinks he Feng is serious bragging.

After all, just from He Feng's clothes and the cigarettes he smokes, she really can't believe he Feng has hundreds of billions of savings.


He Feng is a little embarrassed. He is already very low-key. Why do you think he is bragging?

"Xiaoyu, this time your brother Xiaofeng is not bragging." He Feng said helplessly: "at the beginning, I wanted to give you and aunt yuan tens of billions directly, but I felt that the money I made was stained with countless blood. I didn't want you to have anything to do with these things, so when I came back to China, I used other ways to make money. The one million before me was what I earned recently. Including the 40 million yuan, they also earned by their own ability. I'm quite at ease with the money for you. "

Hearing the speech, Ling Weiyu's heart became complicated for a moment.

Because she has gradually believe that he Feng did not cheat her.

Brother Xiaofeng, is he really so rich?

Hundreds of billions, much richer than the richest man in China!

However, although he Feng has so much money, she feels that he Feng is still the familiar little Feng brother, and does not give her any sense of strangeness or distance.

It's just

She still doesn't want he Feng's 40 million!

"Brother Xiaofeng, no matter how rich you are, I can't just take your 40 million, can I? I didn't do anything today. If you just shove it to me, I'll feel very uncomfortable. " Ling Weiyu said.

"Xiaoyu, if you say that again, brother Xiaofeng will not be happy. You are totally treating me as an outsider. That's you. If you change to another person, let alone 40 million, I won't give you even 40 cents. "

He Feng dress up angry look said: "you hurry to give me the card number, if you don't give it, I can stay at your home tonight, at that time if it affects your reputation, make it difficult for you to find a boyfriend, don't blame me."

Ling Weiyu retorted directly: "then I'll depend on you too. You should be responsible for me in the future."


Smell speech, he Feng in the heart has a kind of strange feeling, but immediately he restrained some restless mood, way: "small feather, card number quickly give me.". I'm not going to give you the 40 million. You can go back and discuss with the Dean about how to use the 40 million to improve children's lives. "

Hearing he Feng mention the children of Jule welfare home, the smile on Ling Weiyu's face just closed up.

"Well, I'll take the 40 million. However, I will not abuse the money in it. I will spend all the money on the children. " Ling Weiyu reported his bank card account number to He Feng.

"OK, if there are any problems that money can't solve, you can come to me."

He Feng laughs and transfers the 40 million yuan that hasn't been on the card for an hour to Ling Weiyu.

"By the way, brother Xiaofeng, didn't you say that one of your colleagues made a lot of money and wanted to help the children in our welfare home? Now that you have 40 million yuan and her money, let her do other good deeds. What do you think? " Ling Weiyu said.

"Well, I'll talk to her later and see what she thinks." Hefeng road.

"OK, I'll go back first. You can go back earlier too. Don't let your sister-in-law think that you are doing something bad outside."

"What can I do when I'm with my sister? Even if I spend the night at my sister's house tonight, I'm not afraid of what Wang Xiangyun says about me. "

"I don't want you to stay at my house for the night. There's another girl in my house."

Ling Weiyu pretty eyes a turn, and then pushed the door out of the car, "Xiao Feng brother, you drive slowly."

"OK, goodbye!"

He Feng stepped on the gas and drove forward.

Seeing Pamela leave, Ling Weiyu takes back her sight. "I clearly treat brother Xiaofeng as my brother, and he also treats me as my sister. But why do I resist his marriage? Are you... "

Shaking his head, Ling Weiyu did not dare to think any more.

She turned and walked into the community, and soon returned to her rental house.

The roommate she shared with had already gone to bed. The room was quiet. Ling Weiyu took a shower and went to bed.

Is preparing to sleep, the mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

"Is it brother Xiaofeng who sent me a message?"

Ling Weiyu took the mobile phone and looked at it. It's a wechat message. You can open it. It's not He Feng who sent it to her. It's a person who remarks "editor in chief of Liu Bi".

"Xiaoyu, are you asleep?" The content of the message is simple.

Ling Weiyu hesitated for a moment and didn't want to return. After all, it was so late, and the other party didn't ask about serious work.

However, think of the other party is his boss, she still back to the past, "is ready to sleep."

Doodle doodle

Not long after the news was sent, the mobile phone began to shake wildly.

Caller ID - edited by Liu Bi.

Ling Weiyu frowned and pressed the answer button.

"Brother Liu, it's so late. What can I do for you?" Ling Weiyu said in a low voice, so as not to wake up his roommate.

"Well, don't you have an author whose book has just been put on the shelves? That's what I told you. The author's book is very good, so I simply read it today. However, I found a very serious problem. There are big problems with his scale, three outlooks and so on. "

A middle-aged man's dignified voice came from the opposite, "so, the author's book, the website may choose to seal it off the shelf."

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