"Yes, I don't care."

Wang Xiangyun shrugged his shoulders and looked at He Feng. "He Feng, come and play with me."

"My daughter-in-law, my badminton skill is quite good. If I play with you, will I bully you too much?" He Feng stood up, but did not walk directly on the stage.

"Bully me?"

Wang Xiangyun ignored He Feng's address and said with a sneer, "if you really have this ability, I'll let you bully me once. Don't worry. I won't be angry with you. "

At this time, Wang Xiangyun has become more and more disgusted with He Feng. This rascal is too arrogant. He thinks he has a fierce fight. How fierce can he play badminton?

Gong Wei looked at He Feng's eyes are also very speechless, this guy just did not see Wang Xiangyun's badminton technology? That's quite powerful. I've been fighting for a long time, so I can have a few moves with Wang Xiangyun.

But Wang Xiangyun's technology is definitely close to that of professional badminton players.

"Really not angry?"

He Feng asked again.

"Well, I'm very clear. I won't be angry. But if you can't bully me, I'm really going to get angry. " Wang Xiangyun said coldly.

"Well, I didn't expect to marry a masochist. OK, then I'll abuse you once. "

He Feng sighed, then took the badminton racket from Gong Wei's hand.

However, he didn't go on the stage immediately, but whispered in Gong Wei's ear, "Weiwei's wife, see how I can help you get revenge."


Hearing he Feng's address, Gong Wei's pretty face suddenly changed.

This guy is too brave. Didn't he see that Wang Xiangyun was not far away?

Fortunately, after he Feng finished this sentence, he went on the stage directly: "daughter-in-law, let's start, you serve first, lest you say I bully you."

Wang Xiangyun is angry at this time, so he Feng didn't pay attention to what he Feng just whispered to Gong Wei, let alone what he Feng said.

What she is thinking about now is how to teach He Feng.

"Well, since you let me serve, I'll serve first."

Seeing that he Feng continues to be arrogant, Wang Xiangyun is no longer angry. Instead, he turns his anger into strength. Later, he will teach him a lesson.


However, when Wang Xiangyun was ready to serve, she was surprised to find that he Feng's hand with the racket was not his right hand, but... Left hand!

This asshole, dare to play with his left hand?

He always uses his right hand, OK?

"He Feng, why do you use your left hand instead of your right? If I remember correctly, you don't seem to use your left hand at ordinary times, do you Wang Xiangyun is not in a hurry to serve, but cold notes he Feng asked.

"Daughter in law, I think it's better for me to use my left hand. If I use my right hand, it's really bullying you. I will never allow myself to bully a woman like this, especially if she is still my wife."

He Feng serious said: "even, I think I use my left hand to fight with you, are a bit bullying you. So, let's play ten balls and see who wins ten first. One ball counts as one point. And you, how about starting with five? "

It's very clear. Let's play ten goals, but I'll give you five.

"He Feng, you are looking down on me." Wang Xiangyun stares at He Feng coldly.

Even Gong Wei is speechless. He Feng really doesn't pay attention to Wang Xiangyun.

"Daughter in law, don't get me wrong. How can I not pay attention to you? If I hadn't paid attention to you, I wouldn't have stood opposite you with my racket. "

He Feng seriously explained, looking at the extremely angry Wang Xiangyun, he asked with a smile: "daughter-in-law, this badminton, do we still play?"

Wang Xiangyun took a deep look at He Feng. She took a breath, suppressed her anger, and asked him, "you said to play ten balls, you asked me to play five balls, and you used your left hand. So, if you lose, what do you do? "

"Lose? How could I lose? "

"What do you do if you lose?"

Seeing Wang Xiangyun's insistence, he Feng thought about it and said, "if I lose, let's go ahead of time with our previous debt collection bet. Don't wait two weeks. From today on, I'll listen to what you say, OK?"

"You said that!" Wang Xiangyun said.

"Yes, I do what I say. Our Gong is always there to testify." He Feng smiles, "but what if you lose? So what? "


Wang Xiangyun was about to open her mouth to say that she could not lose, but thinking of the fairness of the contest, she said, "if I lose, the consequences will be the same as you. I'll listen to what you say in the future."

"That won't do. It's easy for me to be impulsive like that." He Feng quickly waved his hand, "if you lose, don't listen to what I say. Just call me husband and honey. What do you think?"

Hearing the words, Wang Xiangyun's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

This smelly rascal, as expected, has been thinking about what he called him.

"Yunyun, he Feng put forward this bet, but let you occupy the stool appropriate."

Not far away, Gong Wei saw that Wang Xiangyun seemed to be angry and said with a smile: "if you think about it, according to what you said, if you lose, you should listen to what he Feng said. At that time, he not only asks you to call his husband and honey, but also asks you to kiss him. What should you do? "

"Of course I do..."

Of course, Wang Xiangyun couldn't agree, but now she couldn't say it, so she snorted, "he can't win!"

"So you promised him the bet?" Gong Wei said with a smile.

"Well!" Wang Xiangyun bit his silver teeth.

"OK, let's start, so that sister yuan won't call later." Gong Wei hastens to say.


Wang Xiangyun picked up a new badminton, looking at the net opposite He Feng asked.

"I'm always ready for your daughter-in-law." He Feng grinned.

"Ha ha, then you have to catch the ball well."

Wang Xiangyun said, then made a ball in the past.

The ball was sent by her very high, and the speed is very fast, ordinary people are really hard to catch.

It is close to the level of professional players!

But, in front of He Feng, that's all!

As he Feng's racket swung, Wang Xiangyun only felt that there was a beautiful white line in front of her eyes, but she couldn't capture the specific track of the white line for a moment.

In her reaction, ready to go to catch the ball, but found that badminton is unbiased on their feet.

"Daughter in law, why are you in a daze? Don't you want me to get five balls back? " He Feng looked at him doubtfully and said.

"Yunyun, I think you'd better win a few goals first, and then consider whether you want him to get back five goals. Otherwise, you'll be in a bit of danger. " Gong Wei also smiles to remind a way.


Wang Xiangyun really wants to cry without tears. He didn't think about getting his five goals back, OK?

Just now I was just thinking about how to pick up the ball from He Feng. Suddenly I lost my mind and was picked up by He Feng.

"I was distracted just now. I'll be careful next." Wang Xiangyun said.

"OK, then you can continue to serve. The loser serves." Hefeng road.


Wang Xiangyun is no nonsense, picked up the racket and continued to serve.


He Feng once again easily received the ball, gently a draw, badminton flew to Wang Xiangyun.

Wang Xiangyun aimed at the ball this time, swung the racket and pulled it out in an attempt to catch the badminton.


However, she clearly saw that the racket and badminton passed by without touching the hair on the badminton.

"How could that be? I've got a good aim! "

Wang Xiangyun was completely confused and didn't know what was going on.

"Yunyun, have you lost your mind again? No one can catch the ball like that Gong Wei shouts.


Wang Xiangyun really doesn't know how to explain. He has done his best.

"Yunyun, am I so handsome that standing opposite you always distracts you?" He Feng said with a smile.

"Well, don't be complacent. I've only lost two goals now. It's still early." Wang Xiangyun snorted, picked up the badminton and continued to serve.

This ball, she is particularly serious, almost exhausted all the strength, issued a most difficult to catch the ball, this is also her home stunt.

Finally, he Feng failed to catch the ball, let her pull back a sentence.

The score, two to one.

"He Feng, this is yunyun's unique gatekeeper skill. It's hard for ordinary people to catch her. You have to be careful behind. If you can catch the ball, it will be difficult for yunyun to beat you. " Gong Wei shouts nearby.

"Gong Wei, shut up." Wang Xiangyun stares at Gong Wei.

This woman, betraying herself, is so hateful. Next time we go to bed together, we must teach her a lesson.

"Well, well, I'm wrong. I'll never speak again." Gong Wei quickly made a surrender.

"He Feng, next you serve." Wang Xiangyun takes back his eyes and looks at He Feng.

"Well, I can't serve well. Be careful."

He Feng said with a smile, then picked up the ball and served it.

It's a simple ball!

Wang Xiangyun, with a touch of disdain in his eyes, waved his racket and smoked it. He didn't think too much about it.


Her racket landed heavily on the badminton.

However, when she thought that badminton would fly back to He Feng quickly, she was shocked to find that the badminton flew out obliquely.

Moreover, after flying four or five meters, he fell to the ground powerlessly.

"What's the situation?" This time, Wang Xiangyun was also puzzled. He didn't know what was going on.

"Daughter in law, are you not full in the morning? Would you like some more? " He Feng said with concern.

"What are you proud of? It's only three to one now, and I still have an advantage. "

Wang Xiangyun snorted, went to pick up the ball and continued to serve.

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