"Can he cure it?" Li Kou asked tentatively.

"Don't let him cure you? Don't you mean you're not sure? Don't you hurry up? " Yuan Qian said angrily.

"Yes, I'll arrange it now!"

Li Kou immediately asked the doctors and nurses below if there was a separate ward on this floor.

Fortunately, there are intensive care wards, and there are not many people living here. There are two empty wards left, so they quickly push Yuan Xi in.

Then, the group of people one by one are looking at He Feng, waiting for He Feng hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I don't like being watched by people. Please go out."

He Feng is to see to them, not urgent not slow say.

"Do you need any tools?" Li Kou asked, "or, let me stay and give you a hand?"

He also wants to see if he Feng can cure Yuan Xi. If he can, he wants to learn from him.

"You don't have to start, but since you have nothing to do, please go to the supermarket outside the hospital and buy me a pack of soft gold saint cigarettes."

While talking, he Feng took out a crumpled ten yuan note from his pocket, handed it to Li Kou and said, "soft gold saint cigarette is seven yuan a pack, and don't give me the other three yuan. It's your hard work. Thank you


Li Kou was silly. He was the director of the Department of Neurology. This guy asked himself to buy cigarettes for him.

What's more, he smokes seven yuan a pack?

"You can go and buy it." Yuan Qian said to a secretary beside him.

"All right!"

Wrinkle ten days quickly took that wrinkled ten yuan from He Feng's hand, then turned around and left quickly.

"Everybody, you all go out, too." He Feng looks at Yuan Qian and Li Kou.

"Let's go!"

Yuan Qian turned first.

Since he chose to trust he Feng, he naturally won't give him any more trouble.

Immediately, Li Kou and others have also withdrawn from the ward, the ward is only he Feng with coma in the past Yuan Xi.

He Feng looked up at the camera on the top of his head. With a direct wave of his hand, he cut through the void and broke the line inside the camera.

Then, his eyes just fell on Yuan Xi.

"It seems that there are many capable people in China. First, master Tang Kan was poisoned, and now another one was poisoned. No matter it's poison or poison, it's not something that ordinary people can fight against, let alone cure. And this kind of thing just happened in such a small place in Jiangbin city! "

At the beginning, he Feng knew that Yuan Xi had been poisoned. There was a poisonous insect in his body.

Moreover, it's a poisonous insect specially for spirit. It's very difficult to deal with it. Even the Mingjin ancient martial arts practitioners who have trained their inner strength can hardly get rid of it. Only the dark ancient martial arts practitioners can have a good grasp of it.

Master Huajin can not only easily get the insects out, but also save their lives, cut off their contact with the controller and keep them for their own use.

And for He Feng, who is an ancient martial artist in real Qi, it's more a matter of waving his hand.

With Qi pouring into Yuan Xi's mind, Yuan Xi's body suddenly shakes violently, and his face is full of pain.

"Give it to me!"

He Feng waved his hand fiercely.


A black light, immediately from the nostril of Yuan Xi, it just about to fly away, was he Feng in the hand.

At the same time, a wisp of Qi enters the insect's body and cuts off its connection with the controller. All of a sudden, the insect became a bug without a master. Unfortunately, he Feng didn't know the magic, otherwise he could easily control the insect.

However, he was not interested in controlling such low-level insects.

"Let's save it for a while. Maybe it will come in handy later." He Feng directly kicks the bug into his pocket. Although the bug won't obey his orders in the future, he can simply use it once.

Outside the ward.

Yuan Qian seems very calm, but his heart is anxious, and his forehead is full of cold sweat.

"Vice Mayor yuan, wipe your sweat." Li Kou takes out a paper towel and hands it to Yuan Qian.

Yuan Qian took the tissue, wiped his forehead, walked back and forth two steps, suddenly looked at Li Kou and asked: "director Li, do you think that person just now is reliable, can you cure Yuan Xi?"


Li Kou was quite embarrassed. He didn't expect yuan Qian to ask himself this question.

He didn't dare to deceive yuan Qian and said his own idea directly, "this man doesn't look like a doctor at all. It's estimated that his medical skills are just ordinary. Maybe he just knows some local prescriptions and the identity of vice mayor yuan, so he volunteered and took a chance."

"Can we find out his identity? Do you have anyone here who knows him? " Yuan Qian frowned and asked.

Although he decided to let Hefeng to treat Yuanxi, he chose to trust Hefeng, but he also wanted to investigate the situation of Hefeng.

"I don't know him. I've never seen him." Li Kou shook his head.

"I don't know either!"

"This man has never been in our hospital before."

Doctors and nurses all around shook their heads.

"I know something about him..."

Just when Yuan Qian and Li Kou were disappointed, a timid voice suddenly sounded behind the crowd.

"Xiao Lin?" When Li Kou saw Xiao Lin standing at the back, he also remembered her identity. She was just an ordinary nurse, responsible for taking care of several long-term hospitalized patients.

"Do you know his identity?" Li Kou asked.

"I don't know what identity he is, but I know he knows sister yuan and is her friend. According to Yuan Jie, he seems to have some medical skills. She asked him to come to see her younger brother yuan lie to see if he could be cured. He also gave yuan lie a diagnosis before, but he didn't find any results. He just said that he had a friend who was more skilled in medicine than him, and he would let that friend come back to diagnose yuan lie at that time. "

Xiao Lin said in a low voice.

"What, did he diagnose yuan lie?" Li Kou was also surprised to hear this.

He is very clear about yuan lie's illness. It can be said that it is a rare disease in the Department of Neurology in a hundred years. It is estimated that there is no one who can cure yuan lie in the world, so he went to diagnose his illness.

"Xiao Lin, according to his diagnosis of Yuan lie at that time, do you think this man is reliable?" Li Kou inquired.

"You don't need any scruples if you are honest!" Yuan Qian also said that he just wanted to know more about He Feng.

Xiao Lin thought about it and said, "I think he is a little... A little unreliable!"


Smell speech, Yuan Qian and Li Kou's face become very ugly.

"Vice Mayor yuan, what should we do?" Li Kou looks at Yuan Qian to see if he wants to change his mind.


Yuan Qian lightly spits out a word, but it seems that it takes all his strength to say this word, which makes his whole person seem to be in vain.


At this time, the door of the ward was opened, and he Feng's figure came out of the ward.

"Little brother, how did you come out? Is there anything I can do for you? " Yuan Qian looks at He Feng.

Li Kou and others also looked at him one by one.

He Feng did not answer yuan Qian, but glanced at Xiao Lin and said with a smile: "just now, I seem to hear someone saying that I'm not reliable?"

"Ah?" Xiao Lin quickly looked away, and did not dare to look at He Feng.

"This gentleman, Xiao Lin, she always speaks more directly. If you are not happy, I'll ask her to apologize to you later." Li Kou said, "but now, can you tell us what's wrong with your coming out? Or... You can't cure it? "

"What is no cure? You old doctors like to look down on us young ones. It seems that if we are younger, our medical skills will not be better than you. "

He Feng glanced at Li Kou, then looked at Yuan Qian and said, "your son has been cured. He has no other problems. However, because of his mental exhaustion, he is very weak. He is still in a coma and needs more time to rest. I guess I can wake up in 24 hours. At that time, you can take him for a general examination to see if he has any sequelae. "

"What? Is it cured? "

"Really? How can it be cured? "

"It must be deceitful. Director Li said that he was not sure. How could he be cured?"

"And how long has it been since he went in? It's less than five minutes, isn't it

He Feng's words shocked everyone, but soon, almost everyone looked at him with suspicion, and no one wanted to believe him.

"You said you cured my son?" Even yuan Qian, some do not dare to believe that he Feng is lying.

After all, the time he Feng went in was too short. The whole process was only five minutes.

How can he do it?

"Boy, you have to understand that this patient is not an ordinary person. Don't talk big here. It's not cured, but it's cured. If there is something wrong with you, you can't bear the consequences. " Li Kou warned with an ugly face.

If he Feng really treats Yuanxi seriously, he will be more polite to him Feng. But after a few minutes, he Feng goes out of the ward and says that he has cured Yuanxi and left Yuanxi alone in the ward. The deception is too heavy and irresponsible.

Therefore, the tone of his speech to He Feng is also a lot worse.

"Do you think it will take me a long time to cure any disease like you quacks? The reason why you spend more time is that your medical skills are so bad that you only want to make money instead of improving your medical skills to treat more patients. " He Feng said with a sneer.

"You, what did you say?"

"Boy, what do you have to say about us? What are you? "

"You are not even a doctor, and we all graduated from famous medical schools. Which one is not better than you?"

"Hum, if something happens to Mr. Yuan because of you, you'll be sentenced in court."

In the hospital by He Feng so ridicule, these doctors are angry almost to jump up, have pointed to He Feng loud scold.

"Shut up

Yuan Qian gave a big drink, and his face was very ugly. "Now I just want to know what happened to my son, not to hear you quarrel. If you really like to quarrel, then go back to the road one by one and quarrel. The hospital doesn't need you. "

"Yes, vice mayor yuan taught us that we were wrong."

These doctors quickly apologize and admit their mistakes, but look at He Feng's eyes are full of hatred.

But for him, how could vice mayor yuan reprimand them?

"Little brother, can we go to see my son's health first now?" Yuan Qian looks at He Feng and asks.

He doesn't care how he Feng's medical skills are. He just wants to confirm Yuan Xi's physical condition.

"Of course Hefeng road.

Immediately, Yuan Qian hurriedly toward the ward, Li Kou is also with the side.

As for those doctors, two of them went in, but there were two younger ones who stayed outside, staring at He Feng for fear that he Feng might run away.

"Director Li, how is Yuanxi's health?"

Yuan Qian went into the ward and looked at Yuan Xi on the bed, but he didn't know how to explore, so he had to look at Li Kou.

Li Kou hurriedly took some instruments and went over to check Yuan Xi's heartbeat and pulse. Surprise gradually appeared on his face, and then it became a shock.

"Incredible, just incredible."

Li Kou said in disbelief.

"Director Li, what's the matter?" Yuan Qian asked anxiously.

"Vice Mayor yuan, great joy. Mr. Yuan's health has basically returned to normal." Li Kou quickly reported the situation, "it's unimaginable that he could cure the young master yuan in such a short time."

Speaking, his face shocked to see he Feng standing outside the ward.

How did this young man do it?

He is the director of the Department of Neurology of the first people's Hospital of Jiangbin city. He is not sure of his illness. He can cure it in five minutes!

miracle-working doctor?

Or coincidence?

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