"Yuan Yashi, you really let me down. Originally, I wanted to pursue you seriously. I didn't expect that you are such a bitch. You have been spoiled by a countryman for a long time. Thanks to me, I have always regarded you as my goddess for a long time. "

Ling song's face became very ugly, and his eyes showed a cold color.

"Ling song, what did you say?"

Hearing Ling song's humiliation, Yuan Yashi's face was filled with anger.

Doodle doodle

At this time, the mobile phone in her pocket suddenly vibrated.

Yuan Yashi subconsciously felt out the mobile phone and saw that the person calling was he Feng. Subconsciously, he had to press the answer button.


Ling song, who was sitting opposite her, suddenly appeared on her side, then slapped out and fell heavily on her cheek, and the sound of crisp slapping rang out.


Yuan Yashi let out a cry of pain, his body fell to one side, and his mobile phone also fell to the ground, but it still kept shaking.

"Ling song, what do you want to do? Are you crazy? " Yuan Yashi also can't care to pick up the mobile phone, but quickly stood up, staring at Ling Song said.

"What do you say I want to do? I've been chasing you for so long, but now you suddenly tell me that you're married and you're playing with my Ling song's feelings, of course I'll play with you. "

Ling song squints his eyes and laughs, walking towards yuan Yashi step by step.

"You, you asshole..."

After understanding Ling song's meaning, Yuan Yashi, angry and afraid, quickly stood up and was about to flee to the office.

But as soon as she turned around, she was caught by Ling song's arm. With Ling song's slight exertion, Yuan Yashi fell on the back desk.

"Yuan Yashi, I advise you to be honest so that you can suffer less. As long as you serve me well today, you will have a good life in the future. " Ling Song said as he unfolded his shirt.

"Ling song, are you crazy? This is a hospital. As long as I shout twice, someone will hear you. At that time, you will not only be expelled from the hospital, but also lose your bright future. You may even go to jail. Do you think it's worth it? "

Yuan Yashi was frightened, but he pretended to be calm on the surface.

Ling song's vice president of the hospital is very powerful. She really doesn't want to tear her face with Ling song and completely cut off her brother's treatment opportunities in this hospital.


Ling song hears these two words, eyebrow slightly wrinkled for a while, seem to still have a little scruple really.

Seeing this, Yuan Yashi is very happy. It seems that what she said has worked. Ling song does not dare to touch her again.

"You really remind me that although I'm not worried about how much trouble this will cause me, I still have to protect my reputation. In this case, I'll knock you unconscious, and then I'll toss you slowly. Although, it's not so cool. "

With that, Ling song strode up to Yuan Yashi.


Yuan Yashi's face changed greatly. He quickly opened his mouth and yelled, "help..."

But she just opened her mouth, Ling song quickly came to her, slapped her neck, easily knocked her unconscious.

Yuan Yashi that mature plump posture, soft fell on the desk.

"I usually play with a few female nurses on this table. I'm tired of it. Today I can finally play the best thing here."

Looking at Yuan Yashi on the table, Ling song was full of evil fire and wanted to vent it immediately.

However, he was not worried, because he knew very well that he would eat the meat in front of him. Today is Saturday, but no one dares to disturb him in his office.

Including the president!

So, he slowly untied the button of his shirt, and after a full minute, he took off his shirt, revealing his strong chest.

Just looking at his face, outsiders will think that he is a scholar with elegant temperament. But now I see his chest muscle, I know that he must have strong strength.

"Hum, you can't cultivate your inner strength and become an elite member of the family. You can only go to a place like the hospital to have fun. But xiaoyuezi is also yuezi. Their group of ancient martial arts only know how to practice all day long. How can I be so smart? "

Looking at Yuan Yashi's delicate and beautiful face, Ling song is very satisfied.

His accomplishments were not very high, and he didn't develop his inner strength. But in this riverside city, the ancient martial arts didn't come out, and almost no one was his opponent.

In addition, he is the vice president of the people's Hospital, a noble social status, which makes him very natural and unrestrained in Jiangbin city.

He thought that when Ling song came to Yuan Yashi, he would stretch out his hand to take off yuan Yashi's clothes.


But just then, a dull loud noise suddenly sounded.

The door of his office was heavily kicked to the ground.


Ling song's face changed greatly. He turned around and looked at it for the first time.

A strange young man appeared in his sight.

"Li Kou, who is he?"

Ling song looks at Li Kou behind the young man and asks angrily.

The thing he hates most is not being disturbed when he's doing surgery, but being disturbed when he's playing with women.

Now, he was really angry.

If Li Kou doesn't give him a satisfactory explanation, he will certainly teach Li Kou a lesson.


Before Li Kou spoke, he Feng went straight to Yuan Yashi.

"Son of a bitch, get out of here..."

Ling song saw that he Feng ignored himself and came to Yuan Yashi. His anger was even more intense. When he spoke, he raised his hand to He Feng's face.


However, his voice has not yet fallen, and the slap has just been lifted up. A crisp slap sounds. Ling song also feels a gravity falling on his face.

The next moment, Ling song flew out and fell to the ground. Half of his face was swollen.


Ling song spits out the blood mixed with several broken teeth!

"Boy, who are you?" Ling song stares at He Feng angrily.

He Feng is no longer pay attention to him, his only annoying fly swatter away, he strode to the front of Yuan Yashi.

After investigating yuan Yashi's physical condition, we found that she was only slightly relieved after she was knocked unconscious, and then a ray of genuine Qi entered yuan Yashi's body, which made yuan Yashi wake up.

"Help, help..."

Almost as soon as she regained consciousness, Yuan Yashi began to shout out in horror. Her voice was full of fear, fear and helplessness.

Seeing yuan Yashi at this time, he Feng felt some pain for no reason.

Without thinking about it, he took yuan Yashi into his arms.

"Ah! Let go of me

However, his action made yuan Yashi even more flustered. She slapped him on the back for several times. Seeing that he Feng couldn't open his hand, she was so flustered that she opened her mouth and bit him on the shoulder.


In this regard, he Feng just eyebrows a little pick, although the shoulder is very painful, but he did not push away yuan Yashi, but gently patted her back, whispered comfort: "sister yuan, don't be afraid, I'm He Feng, it's OK."

After three seconds, he Feng felt that Yuan Yashi's strength was smaller.

"Sister yuan, I've come to save you. You're OK." He Feng said again.

"He Feng?"

Yuan Yashi looked at the man's face and confirmed he Feng's identity. Only after that did the fear on her face dissipate. "I'm sorry, he Feng. I didn't know it was you..."

She has seen, he Feng's shoulder, there is a deep bite mark, almost oozing blood.

"It's OK, sister yuan. You're OK."

He Feng shook his head, then looked at Ling song who had already stood up, "sister yuan, what do you want to do with this beast? He wants to do that to you, or I'll just waste his dirty stuff? "

"Paralyzed, smelly boy, you want to die, don't you? OK, then I'll kill you! "

Ling song see he Feng so don't put himself in the eye, also said what to put his thing to waste, can't contain the inner anger, toward He Feng rushed in the past.

Although he Feng has just been slapped, but he thinks he Feng must be a sneak attack.

After all, there are only a few people he knows who can defeat him in Jiangbin city.

This time, he tried his best. As long as he was careful, he didn't think it was difficult to kill He Feng.


However, he just close to He Feng, was kicked to fly out, ribs do not know how many broken.

"If you dare to do anything again, I'll waste your hands and feet first!" He Feng glanced at Ling song coldly, then looked at Yuan Yashi, "sister yuan, what do you want to do with him?"

Yuan Yashi knew he Feng's skill for a long time, so she was not surprised. She just frowned and said, "well, forget it? I didn't get hurt anyway. "

She had just realized that she had nothing to do with her clothes.

Although she is still very angry with Ling song, she also knows that Ling song has a good identity and is the vice president of the first people's hospital. She doesn't want he Feng to get into any trouble because of herself.

"Mr. He Feng, let's forget about it."

Li Kou also hurriedly went forward to say.

If Ling song is just an ordinary vice president, it may not cause any trouble to He Feng, but he is very clear that Ling song is not an ordinary vice president. Even their old president gives Ling song face.

It can be seen from this that Ling song is not small.

"That's it? You think so well

However, Ling song is to cover the chest to stand up, staring at He Feng vicious way: "boy, there is a kind of report your name, we mountain does not turn water turn, later I slowly with you."

Ling song is not a fool. He Feng knocked him down just now. He knew he Feng's strength.

Although he Feng didn't show his inner strength just now, his powerful strength was not much weaker than that of an ancient warrior in the early Ming Dynasty.

Nine times out of ten, this guy is a horizontal practitioner.

"Compare with me?" He Feng sneered, "is the Dragon something you can shake?"


He Feng is too lazy to talk to him. He looks at Yuan Yashi and continues: "sister yuan, haven't you made a decision yet? Do you want me to get rid of his dirty things or break his hands and feet? Or make him an idiot. Anyway, how happy you are to come like this. "

Smell speech, Li Kou's face not from a change, quickly step forward, came to He Feng side, low voice way: "Mr. He Feng, vice president Ling is not simple, you must not do impulsive things. Even if you are not afraid, you'd better consider it for Mr. Wang. "

When Yuan Yashi heard this, she looked dignified. Li Kou knew that he Feng was Wang Xiangyun's husband, and still reminded him not to be impulsive, which means that Ling song's origin must not be simple.

If he Feng really abandoned Ling song, he would be in great trouble.

"He Feng, you have taught him a lesson, or else it will be like this?" Yuan Yashi said.

"Sister yuan, you are just too easy to talk, that's why you give him a chance. This kind of scum, if you don't give him a lifelong unforgettable lesson, he will certainly continue to look for opportunities to bully you in the future. "

He Feng sighed, pondered and said: "to get rid of his dirty things is to make him lose his children and grandchildren. This hatred is really big. Sister yuan, you are more or less worried. Why don't you do that? I'll break his limbs, so he'll be fine? "

Yuan Yashi was speechless!

Li mouth is the corner of the mouth straight smoke, waste limbs and waste his dirty things are different?

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