Tongtai group, chairman's office.

"How can the news on this side be revealed? What's more, it directly reached yuan Qian's ears? "

Zheng Chen, as the chairman of the board of directors, wring his eyebrows and holding a cigarette in his hand, was pondering bitterly, "is it difficult, Yuan Qian just bumped into it by chance? Otherwise, even if the report, it is not to report to Yuan Qian, right? You can report to the police directly! "

"Dong Dong!"

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Zheng Chen light said.

When the door was pushed open, a middle-aged assistant came in and reported, "Mr. Zheng, someone from the hospital has sent back the news. Yuan Qian, the son of vice mayor yuan, is not dead."

"Not dead? No way

Zheng Chen slapped the table heavily, the whole person also stood up, "I personally threw the God eater into his body, how can he still live? Unless he's an old warrior with inner strength! "

"According to our investigation, a man named He Feng saved him!" Said the assistant.

"He Feng?"

Hearing the name, Zheng Chen raised his eyebrows, "are you talking about Wang Xiangyun's husband of Yuncheng group? How is that possible? If the external force wants to save yuan Qian's son, it must have the cultivation above dark strength. Do you want to tell me that he Feng has the strength of dark strength? How old is he? "

"Well, I'm not sure. However, according to the people present at that time, he Feng was a miracle doctor. He went to the people's hospital this time to treat another patient. He happened to meet the son of vice mayor yuan, so he was saved The assistant said.

"Is He Feng a miracle doctor?"

The corner of Zheng Chen's mouth smoked.

He only knew that this insect could not deal with the Mingjin guwu. If it was in the ordinary human body, the dark Jin guwu could get it out.

But he was not very clear whether real medical skills could deal with insects.

Therefore, what he said to the assistant in his heart is not true.


He finally chose to believe that he Feng is a miracle doctor!

Because it is much easier to believe that he Feng is a miracle doctor than to believe that he Feng is a dark ancient warrior.

"Well, let's have a detailed investigation of this man called He Feng later. In the past, we didn't pay attention to him and ignored his existence. From now on, we should also pay attention to this person. "

Zheng Chen warned.


"By the way, did the bill come out last month?" Zheng Chen asked.

"I'm out. I just finished sorting out this morning, and I've got the separate bill ready." Assistant Hui reported: "a total of 53 million yuan, 30 million yuan to the other side, and 23 million yuan left. Today, half of it will be called to Mr. Fang."

"All right, you can arrange it."

Zheng Chen nodded, "by the way, my brother Zheng Ting, what are you busy with recently?"

"It's like a racing car!" The assistant said.

"Hum, I know how to play with the car all day long, and I don't have much practice. I have to do everything." Zheng Chen discontented cold hum way.

"Mr. Zheng, the young master's mind is all about playing. You have to do the company's affairs yourself. Young master, he is still young after all. " The assistant advised.

"Come on, you go down. In addition, send a message to Mr. Fang that their sales are not very good these days. Ask him what's the matter and let him come to see me when he has time. " Zheng Chen waved his hand.

"All right!"


"Yuan Cui, do you know that man is very skilled? Why didn't you tell me before that your brothers were beaten up? "

After Jiang Huan and others left, they took yuan Cui to an old building nearby.

Although there are a lot of people here, they are all little gangsters like him, or outsiders who work nearby. Few of them dare to meddle in their business.

"Brother Huan, I know that man can fight, but I didn't expect him to be so powerful. If I had known, I would have been far away. Where would I have come up? " Yuan Cui repeatedly begged for mercy.

"Is it?"

"Of course, I'm following brother Huan. How can I think of harming brother Huan?"

"You're right! But anyway, our brothers were beaten because of you. So don't blame your brothers today. "

Jiang Huan gave a cold smile, then waved his hand and said, "brothers, let's take a breath, and then continue to be brothers."

"Brother Huan, don't..."


When Yuan Cui Gang asked for mercy, Jiang Huan kicked him in the stomach and kicked him to the ground.

Then, those who were beaten by He Feng rushed up one after another and punched and kicked yuan Cui.

"Ah! Brothers, take it easy. Don't fight so hard. " Yuan Cui held his head in both hands, curled up on the ground and let himself be beaten.

Although he was begging for mercy, none of the people who beat him would stop fighting. They are in a state of torment at the moment. They must find a place to vent their anger.

Not only them, but also Jiang Huan, who is the boss, keeps on fighting, and his strength is not small.

Jiang Huan had already thought about it. He had to give yuan Cui more medical expenses.

"He Feng, I've been beaten. When Yuan Yashi goes back, I'll see how I can kill her. You all wait for me... "

Yuan Cui is full of anger at the moment.

But at this time, he suddenly felt that his brain was a little uncomfortable, and even his thinking gradually became not very clear.

"Pooh! Ha... Ha ha, ha ha... "

Yuan Cui didn't know what was going on. He burst out laughing, as if he had encountered something so happy.

"Paralyzed, this bastard is still laughing."

"Let's face down, even so happy smile, everyone hard point."

"Well, he'll have to have a better memory today."

Jiang Huan and others were even more upset when they heard yuan Cui's laughter, and they beat yuan Cui harder.

Yuan Cui, lying on the ground, is still laughing.

Only after two minutes, his laughter gradually weakened.


Before long, Yuan Cui suddenly rolled up his eyes, pulled out his body, and foamed in his mouth.

However, because he was holding his head and being beaten, Jiang Huan and others didn't realize it and were still beating him.

It took them five minutes to get tired and stop.

"Brothers, are you angry enough?" Jiang Huan looked at his brothers and asked.


"I'm ok. I can continue to be brothers with Yuan Cui in the future."

"Ha ha, it depends on whether he can help us dig out some beautiful women."

The gangsters clapped their hands.

He beat yuan Cui just to vent his anger. Now that his anger is out, he will not blame yuan Cui any more.

"All right, Yuan Cui, get up. My brothers have forgiven you."

Jiang Huan shouts to Yuan Cui.

With a cry, seeing that Yuan Cui didn't move, he put out his foot and kicked yuan Cui's body. "Don't lie down. Get up quickly. It's time to have lunch. I'm starving to death."

His kick just hit yuan Cui's arm covering his head. His arm slipped down, revealing a painful, twisted, foaming face.

Pupil, also is stare big.

There is no breath on the body.


When Jiang Huan saw yuan Cui's tragedy, he was scared back two steps. "How could this happen? Come on, go and see if he's still angry? "

Those people were scared, and they all stepped back.

Hearing Jiang Huan's words, one of them bravely went forward to investigate, then turned pale and said to Jiang Huan: "brother Huan, I'm not angry!"


Jiang Huan's face is also a little white, "how inexplicably died? Why are you so cruel to your brother? Don't you know how to use less strength? "

Several people make complaints about their heads, but do not know how to answer them. But they are in the Tucao.

"Brother Huan, it's no wonder brothers. We certainly don't intentionally fight to death. It's estimated that we accidentally hit some key point on him, so we killed him." One of them said.

"Forget it, if you die, you can only blame yuan Cui for his bad luck. However, there are many people here. Let's take him away quickly and bury him somewhere. Don't be found by the police. "

Jiang Huan waved.

He was still a little afraid at the beginning. After all, he killed a man, and he was still his own little brother.

But now that he has recovered, he is not afraid. He has not killed anyone, and there is more than one. What's the matter with one more death.

"Brother Huan, it's bad. There seem to be many people around to see it."

"Paralyzed, I didn't know to do it here. This weekend, it's noon again, many people are at home and don't go out

"We're not going to be shot, are we?"

Several of Jiang Huan's men glanced around and soon found that there were many pedestrians around, even several people standing on the windows of the buildings on both sides. They even saw people taking photos and videos with their mobile phones.

When Jiang Huan heard the speech, he also looked around his eyes, and his face turned white.

He's not afraid of killing people.

However, if a lot of people see the killing and take photos and videos, the trouble is not so big.

"Brother Huan, run away, or we will be shot." Jiang Huan's men said in horror.

The others were all worried. If it wasn't for Jiang Huan, they would have run away.

Jiang Huan's eyes flashed twice, and he didn't know whether to run away immediately.

If he doesn't run away, he will surely go to jail.

But if he escapes, all his achievements over the years will come to nothing. After listening to what his elder brother said, he proposed to the sect leader to promote him to a new leader.

"No! I can't escape. I'll call the boss now and ask him if he can help me

Thinking, Jiang Huan quickly took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hello, Huanzi, what's the matter? Why don't you call me at noon? " A middle-aged man's voice came from his mobile phone.

"Boss, i... I killed people."

Jiang Huan quickly said what happened here.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man said without hesitation, "now you should do a good job with one of your subordinates, let a man come out to answer the charge and say that Yuan Cui was killed by him. You didn't mean to. Then you turn yourself in. Be nice. I'll spend more money to get through with you. You can come out in a year or two at most. We'll give him a million dollars as compensation for the other brother

"Thank you, boss. I know what to do."

"Well, you should deal with things over there first, and remember to turn yourself in to the police in time, and then I'll go directly to the police station to talk to you."

Hung up the phone, Jiang Huan quickly discussed with several of his subordinates.

Fortunately, Jiang Huan usually treats these people well. He always takes them when they are delicious and funny. He often takes them to pick up girls. He is very generous. In addition, he has promised a million yuan in compensation. All his people are fighting to be punished.

In their opinion, if they voluntarily turn themselves in, they will be sentenced to about 10 years at the most. When they come out, maybe Jiang Huan is the real big man in the gang, and can completely cover them. It can be said that they have no worries for a lifetime.

As for prison

Now the pressure of life in the city is so great, wouldn't it be better to eat and live in it?

After confirming the culprit, Jiang Huan let the other party take the initiative to call the police, and then several people were waiting in place.

But in Jiang Huan's mind, he was a little puzzled, "Yuan Cui was beaten by me before, nothing happened. But this time, why did he Feng let me teach yuan Cui a lesson, and Yuan Cui was killed by me? Is He Feng doing it behind his back? "


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