"Yes, uncle, I haven't played with guns for a long time. Xiaoyu just wants to see me play. I'll show him. Of course, I'll just mention that if it's not convenient for you, I'll take it as if I didn't say it. " He Feng also does not deny, said with a smile.

Smell speech, war crazy not from frown.

For He Feng, his first impression is not very good. As a soldier, he likes hard men most, but he doesn't feel this kind of temperament in He Feng. On the contrary, he sniffs laziness and ruffian in He Feng.

Such a man, it is impossible for him to have a good impression.

Had he Feng not been Wang Xiangyun's husband, he would not have said more to He Feng.

Of course, since he Feng is Wang Xiangyun's husband, he naturally wants to see what skills he Feng has and whether he can protect his beloved niece. If in peacetime, he Feng put forward this request, he will definitely immediately agree.

But now

There are so many people around watching, and commander Jiang also knows that he Feng is his niece Wang Xiangyun's husband. If he Feng doesn't behave well, he will be ashamed to be his uncle.

"Brother he Feng, do you want to assess with us? Yes, I welcome it very much. Brothers, are you welcome? "

As soon as the war maniac began to refuse, Jiang Shang began to mumble loudly.

"Welcome, of course. Anyway, his participation will not affect our assessment. There are more people and more people." Wang Qin immediately followed.

"Dad, what do you think?"

Jiang Shang looked at his father, commander Jiang, and winked at him.

Commander Jiang can probably guess his son's meaning, but he also knows that if he Feng doesn't behave well, he will make war maniac lose face.

So he looked at the war maniac.

Zhan Yu was afraid of his father's refusal, so he quickly advised him, "Dad, let your brother-in-law show up. This is his own request."

"He Feng, are you sure you want to play?"

War crazy twist eyebrow to see he Feng.

"Uncle, it's nothing to play with. I'm sure it won't disgrace you." He Feng grinned.

"Well, in that case, I'll give you an additional quota later."

In front of so many people, it's hard for the war maniac to refuse directly, so he has to promise.

"However, no matter what my performance is, I can't join the Dragon guard team. Otherwise, yunyun will be angry and angry. Maybe he will let me kneel on the keyboard, which will be miserable." He Feng said with a smile.

He Feng this words, let everybody for one Leng.

"Where's this funny guy from? Want to join the Dragon Guard? "

"Who does he think he is, just a loser, and he wants to pass the examination?"

"Well, do you still show your love at this time? I'll disgrace you later! "

Jiang Shang and others don't look very good.

Several of their brothers were eliminated just now, but he Feng expressed that he could pass the examination, which was a provocation.

"Ha ha, don't worry. I won't ask you to join the Dragon Guard. What's more, you didn't even pass the first round of assessment. Even if you performed in the second round, you won't directly join the Dragon Guard. "

The war crazy light responded a, also no longer take care of He Feng, straight toward the front of the shooting range.

"Xiaoyu, is it ok now?"

He Feng looks at Zhan Yu.

"Brother in law, have courage. Wait a minute. You're going to be an eye opener for me, aren't you Zhan Yu is looking forward to saying.

Of course, he Feng is looking forward to making a fool of himself.

Although he Feng said he can play with guns, Zhan Yu doesn't think he Feng's ability to play with guns is so powerful.

Because he did not see any calluses on the palm of He Feng's hand.

People like them who often play with guns don't know how many calluses there are on their palms.

But he didn't know that after he Feng's cultivation, his inner strength continued to grow, his body improved, and his calluses had already faded out to grow new skin.

"Ha ha, I'll try my best to show it. I won't give you shame."

He Feng casually smile.

Before long, the group came to a shooting range.

"Lao Zhan, according to your requirements, all the targets in this range can be moved, and the moving speed can also be controlled by computer. It can be adjusted from 10 centimeters per second to 3 meters per second, with an accuracy of more than 95 percent. The target changing speed is also very fast. It only takes a few seconds. "

Commander Jiang gave a brief introduction to the shooting range, "I just don't know what kind of guns you need to use in the assessment? I'll have someone prepare for it now. "

"Just use desert eagle's pistol, and directly carry out live ammunition test. Don't make any rubber bullets." Said the war maniac.

"All right."

Commander Jiang nodded, and then arranged for the soldiers below to take the guns and send them to everyone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you about the assessment content. The content of this assessment is very simple. It depends on how many rings you can hit with ten bullets. If you have more than 80 rings, you will pass the assessment. " War crazy looking at He Feng and Jiang Shang said.

When these soldiers heard this, they were a little puzzled.

80 ring passed the examination?

They usually hit these moving targets. Almost every time they hit the ninth ring, most of the time they hit the tenth ring.

Is eighty rings too small?

The war maniac did not pay attention to the surprise of the crowd, but continued: "this time, it is also divided into two groups, one group is under the age of 22, and the other is over the age of 22. Now please line up first."

He Feng and others immediately began to line up. There were only two people under the age of 22, and four people over the age of 22 plus he Feng.

He Feng directly stood at the end, standing in front of him, is Jiang Shang.

Jiang Shang just glanced at him and didn't mean to talk to him. He Feng didn't seem to be in his eyes.

"For those under 22 years old, let's go first. The moving speed of the target should be controlled at 50 centimeters per second." War crazy light way.

"Fifty centimeters?"

The two soldiers frowned at the words.

When they usually train, they are basically 30-40 cm. When they reach 50 cm, the difficulty increases a lot.

But now they all understand that it is more difficult for them to evaluate than when they were training, so they didn't say anything. At this time, they have to stick to their heads.

Next, the two soldiers entered the shooting range for examination. The gun targets suddenly appeared one by one within the range of five to fifty meters around them, and then moved rapidly at the speed of 50 centimeters per second.

When ten shots are fired, their assessment is over.

Of the two soldiers, one scored 81 points and the other only 73.

With the end of the assessment of the two soldiers, Jiang Shang and others also looked at the war maniac.

"For those over 25 years old, the moving speed of the target should be controlled at 80 centimeters per second." Said the war maniac.

"Eighty centimeters?"

This time, even Jiang Shang frowned.

But immediately, it spread out again. "I had guessed for a long time that the assessment of the Dragon guards was not so simple. Otherwise, there would not be only 200 talents recruited every year across the country. We Jiangbin military region, this time can have two people through the assessment, even if good. If you can have one more or two, you'll make money. "

There are more than 300 prefecture level cities in China. On average, there is less than one quota in one prefecture level city every year, only a little more than half.

It can be seen that the recruitment requirements of the Dragon guards are quite strict.

Not to mention the Dragon teeth on the Dragon Guard, it will be more difficult to enter the Dragon teeth!

"The examination is so difficult. I'd like to see how he Feng will lose face later. Don't even get a ring in the end." A sneer rose from the corner of Jiang Shang's mouth.

Even with a moving speed of 80 centimeters per second, he is sure to get more than 90 rings. He also has great confidence in Wang Qin. The other two soldiers rely on a little luck.

Sure enough, in the next assessment, the other two soldiers went on the field first and only got the result of 76 and 82 rings, while Wang Qin got the result of 86 rings.

"You are yunyun's husband he Feng, aren't you? Exactly, I am one of yunyun's pursuers. For the sake of us all like yunyun, I will behave better later and let you study hard. You have to watch carefully. Don't know how to target later. What you lose is not your face. Even yunyun will lose face. "

When it's Jiang Shang's turn, Jiang Shang turns around and says something to He Feng, and then goes on the court without waiting for He Feng to reply.

As he said, this assessment he was very serious, exhausted all his strength, the state is also very good, easily won the 93 ring high score.

"Brother Jiang's marksmanship is really awesome, even better than me. This kind of shooting, even in the Dragon guards, is of medium level. "

Zhan Yu murmured, "but I'm more powerful in fighting. Shooting is my weak link. When it comes to fighting, I haven't cultivated my internal strength, but my combat effectiveness is no less than that of the ordinary ancient martial arts in the early Ming Dynasty. "

"He Feng, it's your turn!" The war maniac looks at He Feng.

"Brother in law, if you think you can't do it, it's too late to regret it. Don't worry, we won't laugh at you. After all, you and we are not from the same world! " Zhan Yu pats He Feng on the shoulder and smiles to comfort him.

"I've got the gun. I don't regret it."

He Feng chuckled and walked directly towards the shooting range.

"Lao Zhan, you nephew and son-in-law are very brave. But look at the gesture of holding a gun and the posture of walking. It's not like he can play with a gun. " Commander Jiang, standing beside the war maniac, said.

The war maniac shook his head and said, "I don't know why he wants to play all of a sudden, but since he wants to play, let him go, so as not to say that my uncle won't give him face."

"Ha ha, that makes sense. But he may lose face. "

The war maniac was silent and didn't say anything.


He also knows that if he Feng really can't even play with a gun and can't get a ring, as commander Jiang said, then he is really going to lose face. Others will say something behind his back more or less.

But now he Feng is on the stage, and he has no chance to regret. But he Feng's performance today, he can go to talk to Wang Xiangyun and Wang Xiangyun's father, and let them carefully consider the marriage of two young people.

"Brother Jiang, am I doing well? Help you get him on the stage, and then we can see how he lost face

Zhan Yu walked to Jiang Shang and said with a smile.

"Ha ha, this boy doesn't know how to play with guns, does he?" Jiang Shang asked with a smile.

"Well, I don't think so. I've observed his hands. They don't have any calluses. They don't look like those who can play with guns."

Zhan Yu said firmly, "next, it's up to him to make a fool of himself!"

"It's a pity that I forgot to bring my mobile phone. If I record it for him and send it to yunyun, yunyun will be disgusted with him." Jiang Shangpo said with some regret.


During their discussion, a gun target on the range stood up abruptly, and then moved rapidly at the speed of 80 centimeters per second.

Almost at the same time, the gunfire started.

Everyone's eyes, are coincidentally toward the target looked in the past.

"How could it be?"

"Lying trough, isn't it fake?"

"What's the special situation?"

When people saw the location of the bullet on the target, they were dumbfounded one by one. Several soldiers even raised their hands to wipe their eyes, thinking that their eyes were affected by dust.

However, as the party He Feng, it is ignored the meaning of these people.

As the targets stand up one by one, bullets are also shot from his muzzle.

After a while, all the ten bullets went out.

At the moment, the audience has become extremely quiet, only the wind blowing.

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