"He Feng, be careful!"

The war crazy shouts at He Feng, and then rushes to another tree to attract the sight of the sniper in the dark.

He didn't think the sniper could hit him with such a fast moving speed.

However, he Feng didn't seem to hear him. He went directly to the front of the Yihu and stopped ten meters away. Then he looked at several people who also walked out of the car and asked, "are you from the Wolf Gang?"

At this time, outside the wing tiger, Cheng Gong is standing there with his two men, looking at He Feng who is walking straight to him. A cold radian rises on the corner of his mouth, "what an idiot! He doesn't even realize the hidden danger, and he walks directly towards me. If I hadn't told Shilong not to shoot, you would be a dead body on the ground now! "

Although he thought so, he still answered he Feng's question, "He Feng, right? I'm Cheng Gong from the Wolf Gang! Now I ask you, do you want to join our Wolf Gang and serve us? If you are willing, I can promise here that your status in the Wolf Gang will not be lower than mine in the future. "

"It turned out to be the local gangs..."

Not far away, the war maniac hiding behind the tree frowned slightly when he heard Cheng Gong's words, and gave he Feng a worried look.

He knows that there are Mafia organizations in many places. It is very difficult to eliminate such forces. He can only guide them to do good deeds and not to do anything against the interests of the people.

Similarly, such an organization needs power and money. He is a little worried that he Feng will be fooled by the other party and directly join the Wolf Gang.

"It's not impossible for me to join the Wolf Gang."

In the war crazy worry, he Feng opened his mouth.

This immediately let the war crazy heart all mention the throat!

He Feng doesn't really want to join the Wolf Gang, does he?

Cheng Gong also has a look of joy on his face. He Feng's fighting power is clear to them, maybe better than him. He is also the husband of Wang Xiangyun in Yuncheng group. If he Feng joins in, the influence of the Wolf Gang will be greatly enhanced.

"However, I have to be the boss of your Wolf Gang. Moreover, the name of the Wolf Gang is too bad. The gang name needs to be changed."

He Feng said seriously.

"What did you say?"

Hearing this, Cheng Gong's face sank. "Are you kidding me?"

He Feng grinned, "well, I'm just playing with you."

"Wo Cao, you want to die!"

A touch of cold air flashed in Cheng Gong's eyes. A one foot long machete appeared in his hand, and then quickly rushed to He Feng.

"Let you be arrogant. I'll cut your tongue myself later."

Cheng Gong's explosive power is very fast, and the distance of more than ten meters is soon shortened by him.

On both sides of him, his two men also followed quickly, holding a machete.


Machete broke out a strong wind, toward He Feng head cut.


But the next moment, he flew backwards at a faster speed and landed heavily on the ground.

Bang Bang

His two men, one left and one right, lay beside him.

"Pooh Hoo!"

All three of them vomited blood and turned pale.

"It's a great strength. It's even more powerful than big brother!"

At the same time, Cheng Gong is frightened.

He Feng showed a strong strength, it is really hard to shake him.

At the same time, he also understood that these strong men either became friends with him or had to be killed.

"Fortunately, this time I listened to my elder brother's words and was well prepared."

Cheng Gong's heart is full of murderous thoughts. His hand falls on his waist secretly and holds the handle of the gun.

Then, the corner of his mouth raised a radian, the pistol took out, the muzzle aimed at the front of He Feng, will pull the trigger.

"Well? What about people? "

Suddenly, the radian on Cheng Gong's mouth solidified, because he found that he Feng didn't know when he was standing in the previous position, as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

"Don't look. I'm right behind you."

He Feng's voice suddenly rings behind Cheng Gong.


Cheng Gong's face suddenly changed. He quickly moved his arm. He was about to shoot the pistol at He Feng.

But when he moved his arm, he found that his hand was empty and the pistol was gone.


A clear shot rang out.


Cheng Gong yelled, and the whole person collapsed.

Under his pants, it was full of water stains.

"I'll go. I didn't shoot you. Why did you piss? How did you become the boss of the Wolf Gang? Are you such a loser of the Wolf Gang? "

He Feng is very puzzled to see Cheng Gong one eye.

He thought Cheng had done a lot of good work, but he was also a counsellor.

The sound of a gun scared him to pee. If the bullet really hit him, wouldn't the excrement come out?

"Kill, kill him for me. Shi Long, shoot quickly... "

Cheng Gong hears he Feng's voice, and then returns to his senses. He points to He Feng and shouts out.

Stone dragon is a sniper hidden in the dark.

"Stop yelling, your partner, he's gone to hell now. Why don't I send you to hell, too, and you talk to him again? " He Feng said with a smile.


Hearing this, Cheng Gong's face changed greatly.

Shilong, that can be said to be his biggest card. It is because of the existence of Shilong that he dares to fight with He Feng.

But now he Feng said the stone dragon was killed, and the stone dragon in the dark did not respond.

That can only show that he Feng didn't cheat him.

The shot he Feng just fired was to kill Shi long.

Shi Long, the first sniper of the Wolf Gang, was really killed!

"Don't, don't kill me, please don't kill me..."

A strong fear emerges from Cheng Gong's heart, which makes him completely scared. For fear that he Feng will suddenly shoot him, he immediately asks for mercy.

"Deputy leader, you..."

"Brother Cheng, how can you ask him for mercy?"

Cheng Gong's two men were also confused.

Cheng Gong, who is usually tall in their mind, turns into a counsellor at the moment. It's really shocking and shameless for them.

"You all shut up!"

Cheng Gong stares at the two, then looks at He Feng and says, "as long as you let me go, I can give you money. I have saved tens of millions, and I can give it to you."

"Sorry, I don't like money. As for whether to kill you or not, it depends on what my elders mean. "

He Feng light smile, and then look to not far away war crazy shout: "uncle, that sniper has been removed by me, you and Xiaoyu can come over."

Not far away, the war maniac came over with some doubts. Zhan Yu also got off the car and strode over.

"Xiao Feng, you solved that sniper?"

The war maniac came over and asked directly.

Just now he also felt that after he Feng shot, he seemed to have hit a figure 100 meters away, but he was not sure whether the figure was a sniper and whether he would shoot the sniper.

"Well, it's settled!" He Feng nodded.


Got He Feng's affirmative reply, the war maniac can't help but take a breath, looking at He Feng's eyes are lit up, to He Feng gave a thumbs up, "Xiao Feng, your marksmanship is even stronger than I imagined! This kind of shooting is absolutely comparable to the elite dragon teeth! "

His strength is also the level of elite dragon teeth, so the strength of this level is extremely clear.

So he was very sure that he Feng had reached the level of elite dragon teeth just by shooting.

Plus he Feng's powerful fighting power, it's easy to become a super dragon tooth, not to mention a top dragon tooth in the future.

"Uncle, how do you think you should deal with these people?"

He Feng pointed to Cheng Gong and others lying on the ground and said: "I don't want others to know my strength. I always want to hide it. If you are not here, I guess you will kill them directly. But since you are here, it's up to you. "

War maniac is Wang Xiangyun's uncle, and he loves Wang Xiangyun very much, so he Feng still gives war maniac face.

War crazy saw he Feng one eye, his heart to He Feng so kill decisive character some curiosity, want to know he Feng is how to temper out.

This kind of character is by no means what ordinary people can have, especially young people like he Feng.

But the meaning of He Feng's words is very obvious. He doesn't want to let others know his strength, which is definitely not to let others know his identity.

If he asks again, he Feng is afraid that he is not happy in his heart, and will not tell him directly.

"Since he Feng doesn't want to say more, I'd better ask elder brother later. I hope elder brother can know more about him." Thought the war maniac.

"No! You can't kill me! "

When Cheng Gong heard he Feng's words, he couldn't sit still. He immediately cried out, "He Feng, I tell you, I'm the vice leader of the Wolf Gang, but not the hall leaders below. Those hall leaders are just pieces used by my elder brother. He doesn't care about killing one or two. But I'm different. I'm my big brother's real brother. If you dare to kill me, my elder brother will take revenge for me and kill your family. "

"Well? It seems that you are really looking for death! "

War crazy eyes suddenly narrowed up, a touch of killing, rising in his heart.

To kill He Feng's family is to kill his favorite niece, Wang Xiangyun?

He stretched out his hand to He Feng and said, "He Feng, give me the gun!"

"All right!"

He Feng nodded and handed the pistol to the war maniac.

He knew that the war maniac wanted to take the responsibility of killing Cheng Gong to himself.

The war maniac is different from He Feng. He Feng is just an ordinary person, but the war maniac is the leader of the Dragon Guard. He is not afraid of killing two gangsters.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Cheng Gong's face changed slightly when he saw the fierce war maniac suddenly. However, thinking that he was the deputy leader of the Wolf Gang, he still summoned his courage and hummed coldly: "paralyzed, I can warn you, I'm the deputy leader of the Wolf Gang. If you dare to kill me, I promise you won't see the sun tomorrow."

"Yes? I don't know if I can see the sun tomorrow, but what I know is that you can't even see the moon tonight! "


As the sound fell, three shots followed.

In the center of Cheng Gong's eyebrows, there are bullet holes, and blood flows out. In Cheng Gong's unclosed eyes, there is still a trace of suspicion. It seems that he can't understand why the war maniac really dares to kill him, and is not afraid of being retaliated by the Wolf Gang?

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