
He Feng this words, the whole audience can't help but quiet down.

All the people looking at He Feng's eyes are full of shock.

"How arrogant! How arrogant! I didn't pay attention to brother Hua at all! "

"Yes, he knows the identity of Hua Ge, and even asks Hua Ge to apologize and go away. He simply doesn't pay attention to Hua Ge."

"And listen to the tone of his voice, he made brother Hua apologize and go away, because he made a concession. If he didn't give in, wouldn't he want to beat up brother Hua? "

Even Ji Gang, after hearing he Feng's words, shook his head, "arrogant! Arrogance! Such a person, I still advise my sister not to contact him, otherwise I will be killed by him later

"Boy, my brother told you to go away. It's already open to the outside world. You're so ignorant. You really think you're very powerful. How great is that? I'll tell you, we have plenty of ways to deal with you. "

Before Lu Weihua opened his mouth, Lu Yanhua couldn't help jumping out, pointing to He Feng and yelling loudly.

He is about to explode. Usually, only their Lu brothers bully others. How can they be bullied by others?

And in front of so many people today!

If they agree, the two brothers will surely become the laughing stock in the eyes of the public when they are at Jiangbin University.

"Yes, I'm better than you, so I'm certainly better than you. If you have the ability to defeat me, I can not only apologize to you, but also kowtow and kneel. But the point is, you're not as good as me! "

He Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course, I don't really mind if you kids apologize to me or not. If you are wise and hurry to get out, it doesn't matter whether you apologize to me or not! "

"He Feng, don't go too far, or everyone will have a hard time. If you want to drive us out of qiujingshan and drive us up there to pick up our sister, you can rely on your ability to fight. But I tell you, our Lu brothers are not so easy to get into trouble. Believe it or not, as soon as we leave, the traffic police will come and take you away Lu Yanhua said coldly.

"You little kids are really annoying!"

Smell speech, he Feng's brow also couldn't help wrinkling for a while.

He was thinking about whether to knock out all the people present, and wake them up after taking Lulu to practice.

"He Feng, when you come to qiujingshan, you want to drive here, don't you?"

At this time, Lu Weihua said, "I have an idea. Let's take a ride from here to the top of the mountain. Whoever gets to the top first wins. If you win, I apologize and take people away from here. I will never stay to disturb you. But if you lose, I won't let you leave, but after that, you have to listen to me and be my man. "

"Brother Hua wants to accept he Feng?"

Everyone was quite surprised.

Ji Gang also frowned, "Lu Weihua's family are either in politics or business, and they don't compete with people in the underground world for territory. It's almost like the well doesn't break the river. Why does he recruit ancient warriors like he Feng?"

He Feng rolled a white eye and said: "I say little brother Lu, is your head melon seeds not easy to use? Can you tell such an unfair bet? "

"What do you say?" Lu Weihua road.

"If I lose, I'll make the bet as you say. But if I win, you don't have to apologize to me. After all, I don't care whether you apologize or not. However, I think your Lexus is very good-looking, low-key and luxurious. So if I win, this car will be mine from now on. Is that ok? "

He Feng lost his car when an Audi he had managed to get was hit into a pile of scrap iron. With so many sports cars in front of him, he was ready to pick one to drive.

Just in time, Lu Weihua's car is very good. He fell in love with it at a glance.

However, when he said this, it made many people laugh.

Lu Weihua was once known as the "little chariot God" in Jiangbin city. His driving skills are very good. Even some excellent professional racers can hardly win Lu Weihua.

And now, he even promised to race with Lu Weihua. Do you really think that if he drives a palamella, he will become a car God?

"Want my car?"

Lu Weihua's eyes narrowed. Although the price of this car is not high, it's only six million yuan, but it's not easy to buy it. This is because his third uncle entrusted his relationship and spent a lot of money to buy it for him.

However, after thinking of his driving skills, he didn't worry at all. He nodded without hesitation and said, "OK, as long as you win, my car will be yours!"

"Hehe, I'll get on the bus first!"

He Feng smiles and then turns back to palamella.

Watching He Feng get on the car, Lu Weihua also takes back his eyes with a sneer.

Although he Feng's fighting power is strong, he no longer takes He Feng seriously. This kind of arrogant person can be a thug for the Lu family at most, and can't take a heavy responsibility.

"Ji Gang, how about the car race between us later? Let's accompany that he Feng to the top of the car, wait for him to leave, and then continue our competition. Is that ok? "

Lu Weihua looks at Ji Gang and says.

Ji Gang promised to leave Jiang Qingyan once he lost the game. He didn't want to miss this opportunity.

"Of course not!"

Ji Gang shrugged and walked to her own McLaren.

Lu Weihua was relieved when he saw this. He was worried about Ji Gang's going back.

Immediately, he returned to his Lexus.

Looking at the luxurious interior of Lexus, Lu Weihua raised a touch of disdain on the corner of his mouth, "do you still want my car? I really don't know the height of the earth


Not long after, he Feng's Pamela pulled to his side, he Feng put his head to Lu Weihua and said: "can we start?"

"Of course, we'll take the two cars at the front." Lu Weihua looked at He Feng with a smile and said, "I'd like to give you a suggestion. It's better to drive the navigation well. Don't even know the road after I can't see my taillights."

He Feng laughed and said: "although my mobile phone has navigation, it doesn't work well because it's not a smart phone. I'll try to keep up with your car later."

"Ha ha, it depends on whether you have the ability."

Lu Weihua laughs, and then shouts to Lu Yanhua outside: "Yanhua, go ahead and start shouting."

"All right!"

Lu Yanhua glanced at paramella disdainfully, then quickly ran to the middle position in front of the two cars and cried out: "ready!"

As his voice rings, he Feng and Lu Weihua control their own cars, making them parallel.

And many other drag racing parties are ready to start their cars and follow.

"Brothers, don't overtake the car of He Feng brothers. They all follow him. If he doesn't drive the navigation and doesn't know the way, you have to lead the way and help me take him to the top of the mountain. When the car race in the evening is over, let's go to the bar, and I'll treat you to a private room. "

Lu Weihua suddenly put out his head and yelled at the crowd.


"Brother Hua, don't worry. We will help you lead the way for He Feng."

"Brother Hua is generous. Let's go tonight!"

The crowd cheered.

"Brothers, it's time to start!"

Lu Yanhua also yelled: "one, two, three, go!"


As his voice fell, Lexus suddenly turned into a wild beast and rushed forward.

Following closely is He Feng's Pamela.

After that, Ji Gang's McLaren, Zheng Ting's Mercedes Benz and other people's cars.

Dozens of sports cars are driving at the same time. The roar is shocking.

He Feng closed the car window, put a song of chase by Zhang Guorong, quietly listening to the song, but the speed did not reduce at all.

"Lulu, just hold on to the armrest. Don't be afraid in your heart. If you believe in brother Feng's technology, it will be OK." He Feng looks to the side of Xia Menglu, and soothes her in a low voice.

"Brother Feng, if the speed turns, will it be ok?" Although Xia Menglu pretends to be calm, she is still very nervous.

"I don't know about the other drivers, but I'm sure I won't be in any danger."

He Feng said with a smile: "it's only a hundred now. No matter how fast it is, it's OK!"

A speed of 100 per hour may not be fast on high speed. Many people can drive to 150, 200, or even more than 200.

But it's on the highway. It's almost a straight line for you.

But the qiujingshan track is winding, and even occasionally there is an "s" shaped curve, let alone a speed of 100 per hour. Even if the speed is 50, if you don't pay attention, you may break the fence, rush out of the road, fall off the cliff and die.

Originally, he Feng could speed up at one go, easily surpass Lu Weihua, and then reach the top of the mountain in the shortest time. But if he started at full speed, he would be OK, but Xia Menglu could not bear it physically or psychologically. He had to give Xia Menglu a buffer time.

In this short time of one minute, Lu Weihua's car has far exceeded him, pulling the distance between the two sides to more than 100 meters.

"Brother Feng, if you are confident, drive faster..." Xia Menglu tries not to look at the front, but looks out of the window.

"It's OK. Let's drive slowly, and I'll speed it up slowly. It's more than ten kilometers from here to the top of the mountain. Let him have an advantage in the front, and I'll surpass him in the back. " He Feng waved his hand and hummed the tune of the song.

"But if it goes on like this, the distance between him and you is getting bigger and bigger. It's even more difficult to chase after him. Brother Feng, I'm really all right. Just speed up. "

Xia Menglu also worried that he Feng would lose the car race because of himself.

Although she didn't hear the bet he Feng told Lu Weihua about, she knew it was a car race.

Since it's a competition, she naturally hopes that the man she likes can win!

"Lulu, it's OK. My speed will be raised slowly, and it won't go down again. It's mainly about you. You should take the time to get used to it. Next, it will be faster. "

"Well, I'll try to get used to the speed!" Xia Menglu nodded.

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