
Ji Gang's expression stagnated, but he continued to persuade him: "He Feng, you have to understand. With your skill, if you marry my sister, the scorpion gang in my sister's hand will be yours. At that time, you and my sister will join hands to unify the underground world of Jiangbin city. Once the underground world of Jiangbin city is unified, you can be the underground emperor of Jiangbin city. This status is much more noble than Wang Xiangyun's husband, isn't it? "

"Why do you have so much confidence in me? How do you think that if I join the scorpion Gang, I will lead the scorpion Gang to unify the underground world of Jiangbin city? " He Feng asked in surprise.

Ji Gang vowed: "I have made it very clear that although you are not an inner strength ancient warrior, you are a powerful horizontal practitioner. I think your cultivation should be in the form of training body. Even an ordinary early Ming strength ancient warrior is not necessarily your opponent. With your powerful strength, as long as you join hands with my sister to unify the underground world of Jiangbin City, there will be no problem. "

"It's possible to unify the underground world of Jiangbin city just by relying on a martial arts practitioner who practices martial arts in a heavy way. Do you think it's possible?"

He Feng rolled a white eye, looking at Ji Gang at the same time, and said: "even if you are such an ancient warrior in the early Ming Dynasty, it will be very difficult!"


He Feng's words, Ji Gang instantly changed his face, eyes staring at He Feng, a strong energy in his body running, as if at any time will burst out, "He Feng, how can you know that I am the early Ming Jin ancient warrior?"

This matter, for him and his sister Ji Xinyu, is a secret of life, so he has never told anyone.

But now, he Feng said the secret directly!

A sense of killing, almost subconsciously, rose from his heart.

This secret, he certainly can't let it spread, once he can cultivate inner strength things spread to Ji's ears, then he and his sister will face the crisis of life and death.

He Feng is also the first time aware of Ji Gang's intention to kill, said: "I go! It's not surprising that you can cultivate your inner strength, is it? How can you even kill me when I say this? Is it a strategic plan for you and your sister to leave behind a bunch of wolves and white clouds? "

"You just need to tell me who told you this! Otherwise, I really can't let you leave easily. " Ji Gang still stares at He Feng. His powerful Qi also locks him in. "Although you are an ancient martial arts practitioner, ordinary ancient martial arts practitioners in the early Ming Dynasty are not necessarily your opponents. But it happens that I'm not an ordinary ancient warrior in the early Ming Dynasty. It's not easy for you to leave me! "

"Yes? Well, you're pretty good at that! "

He Feng looked at Ji Gang in surprise, "well, who told you that I was a horizontal practitioner of martial arts?"

"Well? Aren't you a heavy exerciser? Is it the double training? "

Ji Gang's pupils contracted.

Refining double, he is not sure to win, let alone leave he Feng completely.

"I'm a few weights. You don't have to guess." He Feng took out a cigarette and lit it for himself. He breathed in the smoke. "Because, besides me, the guy who just raced with me should also know that you are an ancient warrior who has cultivated your inner strength!"

"What? Does Lu Weihua know all about it? " Ji Gang's face changed again, even a little panicked.

"Well, no accident, I know."

He Feng nodded and didn't say much.

He can't understand why Ji Gang cares so much about this. Is it because he's afraid that the Wolf Gang and the white cloud gang will know their plan of the scorpion Gang, and then join hands to deal with them?

"He Feng, you won't tell other people about me, will you?"

All of a sudden, Ji Gang's eyes suddenly narrowed, as if to make a decision.

"Why should I tell people? I'm not familiar with you He Feng said: "but Lu Weihua, I'm not sure he will tell others."

"Well, I believe you! I hope you don't let me down, and my sister's trust in you! As for Lu Weihua... "

Ji Gang narrowed his eyes and said, "although he knows I'm an ancient warrior, he doesn't know yet. I know he knows. He won't be too wary of me. In addition, he has just left for a short time. I don't think he will tell anyone else about it. At most, he will tell his cousin Lu Yanhua. Well, I'll go to his house now and get rid of him and Lu Yanhua, so the secret won't come out. "

"You want to get rid of Lu Weihua and them?"

He Feng couldn't help laughing, patted him on the shoulder and said, "I advise you not to make up his mind. Although you are better than Lu Weihua, he is not an ordinary person. His sense of Qi is stronger than that of an ordinary ancient martial artist. There must be an expert to lead him. This expert should be an ancient martial artist in the late Ming dynasty or even the peak of Ming Dynasty. If this person is in his house, then you just go there, don't you just fall into the trap? "

"Is there such a master in the Lu family?"

"Anyway, my guess is like this. I'm not sure about it. If you want to take a risk, just try it."

He Feng shrugged his shoulders and said: "in addition, Lu Weihua gives me the feeling that he is not a second generation childe who has no head and no brain. On the contrary, he is very resourceful. Maybe he has made a backup of the secret that you are an ancient warrior at this time. As long as he has an accident, the secret will be made public immediately. "

Smell speech, Ji Gang's brow suddenly wrinkly tight.

"I don't think you have to be afraid at all. If he has mastered your secret, he will probably think the same as me. He thinks that you are hiding your identity as an ancient warrior, and that is to prepare to pit the Wolf Gang and the white cloud gang. Then, he can tell the secret to the Wolf Gang and the white cloud Gang as a threat to let you serve him! " He Feng said with a smile: "but if you scorpion Gang take in the Wolf Gang and the white cloud Gang, then this secret is of no value to Lu Weihua?"

"No value?"

Ji Gang had a flash of light in his mind.

It's a big secret for him that he is an ancient warrior. It's related to the life and death of him and his sister Ji Xinyu.

But for Lu Weihua, it is estimated that this is just a little bit of value. And they just need to destroy the Wolf Gang and the white cloud Gang, so Lu Weihua may feel that this secret will have no value at all.

"In this way, the Wolf Gang and the white cloud Gang should be removed as soon as possible!" Ji Gang said.

"Why, are you sure to lead the scorpion gang and kill the Wolf Gang and the white cloud Gang?" He Feng asked with a smile.


Ji Gang pondered for a moment and said, "it's not a big deal, because Lin Ye, the leader of the Wolf Gang, and the leader of the Baiyun gang are far away from Tianhai. They both have the strength of Mingjin in the early days, and they always have a group of bodyguards around them. I want to get rid of them. It's very difficult."

Originally, he was going to wait for his accomplishments to be further improved and reach the middle or later stage of Mingjin.

But now, he must find a way to get rid of the Wolf Gang and the white cloud gang in advance.

"It seems that you still have some self-knowledge!"

He Feng laughed, "I have a way to get rid of the Wolf Gang and Baiyun gang at any time and easily."

"What can I do?" Ji Ganglian asked.

"It's very simple. Let your sister be my woman, and I'll help you to unify the underground world of Jiangbin city. Your sister Ji Xinyu is the queen of the underground world of Jiangbin city. "

"Ha ha, my sister would like to be your woman, not my brother has the final say, or she nodded her head. Don't worry. I'll go back later and tell her about it immediately to see if she agrees or not. "

Ji Gang said with a laugh.

He wants to get rid of the Wolf Gang and the white cloud Gang as soon as possible, but he is not in a hurry for this meeting.

"Well, I'll wait for your sister."

"Yes!" Ji Gang nodded, "in addition, I also remind you that if you offend Lu Weihua today, he will certainly not let you go. You'd better be careful of his revenge."

"I haven't paid attention to him as a second-generation childe." He Feng light way.

"He is not an ordinary second-generation childe, but the only son of the mayor of Jiangbin. In addition, his cousin Lu Zhonghua, who is the head of the four major CHILDES in Jiangbin City, is very civil and martial. If you are not careful, you may be in danger of shipwrecking in the sewer. "

He has only contacted three of the four young masters in Jiangbin City: Song Yan, Yin Xian and Xu Hongjie.

This is Lu Zhonghua. He has only learned some relevant information on the Internet.

Lu Zhonghua, who is only 30 years old now, got his doctorate from Harvard University three years ago. After returning home, he set up a company directly.

In three years, his company has not only been listed successfully, but also has a market value of more than 10 billion yuan. It has directly caught up with Lufeng group founded by Lu Yuan, the third member of the Lu family. It has been rated as the leader of the young generation of business in Jiangbin city.

Among the younger generation in Jiangbin, only Wang Xiangyun can be compared with them.

"You say that he is capable of literature and martial arts. Is it hard to succeed? He is still an ancient warrior?" He Feng asked in surprise.

"There are not many people who know about this, even I just guess. But I am 60% sure that Lu Zhonghua must be an ancient warrior, not even an ordinary ancient warrior in the early Ming Dynasty. This Lu family is not simple! " Ji Gang's dignified way.

"Well, it's a bit complicated. However, no matter how powerful he is, in my eyes, he is no different from Lu Weihua. "


Ji Gang didn't expect that he Feng was so arrogant that he didn't pay attention to Lu Weihua. After all, Lu Weihua was only a college student, and he just cultivated his sense of Qi, not even a real ancient warrior.

But Lu Zhonghua, who is the head of the four princes in Jiangbin City, even Yin Xian and song Yan, are compared by him. We can see how clever his means are. In particular, Lu Zhonghua was a real ancient warrior.

He Feng waved to Ji Gang, "I withdraw first. My girlfriend is still waiting for me in the car. You also hasten to withdraw, my girlfriend and I will stay at the top of the mountain for a while

With that, he dropped his cigarette butt on the ground, stamped it out with his feet, and walked to palamella.

"Girlfriend? Hum, how can my sister promise to be your woman when you are so playful? "

Looking at He Feng's back, Ji Gang turned her lips.

He has been investigating the relationship network around He Feng for a long time. Naturally, he knows that he Feng has a girlfriend named Xia Menglu.

Even, he Feng and Gong Wei have an unclear relationship.

"However, since his strength is so strong, he should find a way to use it for himself. Even if I don't expect him to help me and my sister deal with the Ji family in the future, when we unify the underground world of Jiangbin city in the future, we can push him to the front of the stage, so that my sister and I won't be too high-profile and attract the attention of the Ji family. "

With this in mind, Ji just walked up to her own McLaren and soon drove away.


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