"Smelly girl, do you want to call the police? Believe it or not? "

Just started a fat man sneer, at the same time will take away the mobile phone in the hands of Xia Menglu.

"Ha ha, beauty, you'd better wait on our brothers. Don't worry. You've made us happy, and we'll make you happy, too. "

Ye Qing a face of obscene smile, step by step toward Xia Menglu.

"Sister, you go quickly!"

Lying on the ground in summer, he suddenly gave a loud drink and stood up. He rushed towards Ye Qing, looking full of momentum. This is the rhythm of fighting with Ye Qing and others.


However, as soon as he got close to Ye Qing, Ye Qing seemed to have eyes behind him, and his foot kicked him over.

"Paralyzed, dare to sneak attack our brother ye, seek death

"Damn, I have to beat you to death today!"

Ye Qing's two men directly fight and kick against the summer, without the slightest reservation.

And summer is full of pain!

"Stop it! Stop it, don't fight... "Xia Menglu cried out.

"Beauty, have you thought about it now? Will you serve us today? " Ye Qing, he he he, Xie Xiaodao.

Ye Qing could have used strong, but he still hopes Xia Menglu can take the initiative and have a good time.

"I, I..."

Xia Menglu's heart is very painful, oppressive, fear, this moment her heart incomparable Miss He Feng.

If brother Feng was by his side, he would surely save himself and his younger brother!

But now, she can only rely on herself!

If she was alone, she would not give in, but now besides her, there is her younger brother in her hand.

If her brother had any problems, her mother, who was already alive, would not be able to bear such a blow and her body would collapse completely.

"That's all! Save my brother first. If I am really humiliated by them today, I have no face to live any longer! "

After making up her mind, Xia Menglu would promise, "I..."


But just then, the door of the box was pushed open, and a young waitress came in.

"Who let you in?"

"Damn it, get out of here. You don't have to come back to work in the future."

"Grass Mud Horse, if you don't go away, do you believe me to kill you?"

Several of Ye Qing's subordinates are very angry when they see the female waiter come in.

The main thing is that the waiter is too average in appearance and figure.

However, the waitress ignored them and was still calm. When she glanced at Xia Menglu and saw the bright red palm print on her face, her eyebrows could not help wrinkling.

"Grass, you're deaf, aren't you?"

Just now, the fat man who started with Xia Menglu slapped the female waiter again.


Who knows, this waitress is faster and more powerful than him. As soon as he started, he was kicked away by the waitress.

"What's going on? How could the fat man be kicked away? "

"Niu Bai, this girl is really strong."

"Brothers, let's go together. This girl seems to be a tough stubble. Don't underestimate it."

Ye Qing waved to the crowd and said.

Although he was lustful, he was not stupid. He paid attention to the waitress for the first time.

"Brother ye, don't worry. Let's see how the brothers deal with her!"

"It's true that this kind of powerful girl must be better in bed. Brother, I like this one. "

"Hey, hey, let's do it together. It's just that I'm the same..."

Immediately, the remaining four or five men, together toward the waitress surrounded up.

They are all good fighters, have a certain fighting strength, and strength is not small, everyone has a certain reputation in the road.

But now

Bang bang bang!

Even if they didn't keep their hands, when they approached the waitress, they were still kicked to the ground without any resistance.

"So strong!"

Ye Qing took a breath, his eyes became very dignified, "this lady, what do you mean?"

But the waitress ignored him, just looked at Xia Menglu, "are you ok?"

"No, I'm ok..." Xia Menglu looked at each other gratefully, "thank you for saving me and my brother."

At this time, she suddenly missed He Feng. Two times before, when she was in danger, he Feng suddenly appeared beside her, just like a prince charming, saving her from danger and despair.

This time, because of her impulse, she put herself in a crisis.

Fortunately, he was saved by a kind man.

She didn't know the real identity of the waitress. Instead, she felt that the other party might be an ordinary waitress. She was just trying to save them because of the injustice.

"Miss, I'm talking to you, don't you hear me? I really think I'm good at it. We're afraid of you, aren't we? I can tell you that the underground world of riverside city has the final say of the four big gangs.

Seeing that the female service didn't pay attention to herself, Ye Qing's tone became colder.

However, the waitress still ignored him and said to Xia Menglu, "Mr. He asked me to save you. He should be on his way. I have just told him the location."

"Brother Feng?"

Hearing this, Xia Menglu was shocked, but more delighted. "How could brother Feng... Has she been protecting me secretly?"

"Well! He may be busy, so he arranged for me to protect you secretly. Don't worry. With me by your side, you won't have anything to do The waitress nodded.

"It's really brother Feng!"

The color of happiness on Xia Menglu's face.

"Mr. He? Brother Feng? Is it He Feng

Ye Qing heard the address of the waitress and Xia Menglu to He Feng, and a name sprang up in his mind, "you two, since you are friends with He Feng, today's matter is a misunderstanding. Let's go

For He Feng, he knows better. Although he Feng offended the Wolf Gang and Baiyun gang at this time, and even the two gangs are still trying to deal with him Feng, it seems that they can't get rid of him Feng for a while.

And with the skill of He Feng, they are really not easy to provoke.

Therefore, after learning that Xia Menglu and he Feng know each other, he plans to end the affair, so as not to get in trouble with He Feng.

Lin Ye, his boss, has told them that he Feng can't be provoked any more recently.

At the same time, he also knows that the Wolf Gang has sent people to deal with He Feng. It's only a matter of time to get rid of He Feng!

"Boss, you can't just let them go."

"Yes, he Feng, although he is strong, we have so many brothers. What are you afraid of him doing

"If he Feng dares to come, we will let him never come back!"

Several people behind Ye Qing began to shout.

"Shut up Ye Qing yelled at them angrily.

Of course, he knew he had a guy with him, but even so, he didn't want to fight with He Feng.

Several people were so scolded by him that they didn't dare to speak again.

"You can go..." Ye Qing looks at Xia Menglu and others.

"Xiaotian, let's go..."

Xia Menglu hurried forward to help up the summer, ready to leave with the summer.

Yeqing heart is also a good decision, once xiamenglu and others leave, he also want to leave, lest Hefeng suddenly come.

This He Feng, he still doesn't want to go up.


But when he was thinking about He Feng, the door of the box was suddenly pushed open, and a young man came in.

"He Feng? How could he be so quick? "

See he Feng appear, Ye Qing's pupil can't help shrinking.

"Brother Feng is here?" Xia Menglu is a face of surprise, but when he saw he Feng's face is gloomy, his heart suddenly filled with a strong tension and uneasiness, like a child who did something wrong, dare not look at He Feng with his eyes.

He Feng came to Xia Menglu's side, looked at her cheek, then raised his hand to touch, "does it hurt?"

Simple two words, but full of endless care and heartache.

"No, it doesn't hurt..."

Although there are still some hot pain, Xia Menglu still shakes her head, and then quickly apologizes, "brother Feng, I'm sorry, I didn't mean not to tell you, I..."

"Stop it, I don't blame you!" He Feng interrupts Xia Menglu. He naturally knows what Xia Menglu is worried about. Isn't he afraid that he will blame her?

"Lulu, you are very brave and dare to face the danger alone, which makes brother Feng look up to you again."

He Feng gives Xia Menglu a thumbs up.

Xia Menglu heard he Feng this, a Leng a Leng, Feng brother was not angry with himself?

Feeling the tenderness in He Feng's eyes, Xia Menglu knows that the man didn't cheat him.

For a moment, her heart was warm, and she felt that she liked the man more and more.

"Are you Xiaotian? Hello, I'm your sister's boyfriend. You can call me brother Feng or my brother-in-law just like your sister

He Feng looks at the summer beside Xia Menglu and says hello with a smile.

Although he still doesn't know why he was arrested in summer, he doesn't think the problem lies in summer. This young man seems to be quite honest.


Although now bruised, but this summer is not embarrassed, but is very curious looking at He Feng.

He wanted to know what the man was doing and how he could arrange for someone to protect his sister.

"He Feng, you haven't had lunch yet, have you? I'll give you my box. I'll go first. "

Ye Qing doesn't want to stay any longer, so he takes the initiative to open his mouth, and then leaves the box with his men.

However, his hand is put in his pocket, his eyes are also tightly staring at He Feng, the whole person tight to the extreme.

At this time, if he Feng has any changes to him, he will definitely make the strongest response.

Anyway, boss, they have decided to get rid of He Feng.

"You hit my woman and want to leave like this?"

He Feng glanced at Ye Qingdao.

"The woman who hit you?"

Ye Qing stopped, looked at Xia Menglu and said, "my men slapped her, but they didn't slap her very well. However, as compensation, I don't want her brother's 200000 yuan debt. The money is on the table. You can take it back. Is that ok? "

"That's it?" He Feng smiles, but the smile is a little cold.

"What else do you want?"

Ye Qing stares at He Feng, "He Feng, I know you are powerful and hard to provoke, but I tell you, I am the leader of the Wolf Gang. My name is Ye Qing. I've made a step back in this matter. I advise you to stop now, or it will be bad for both sides. "

"The Wolf Gang? And the leader of the Wolf Gang? "

Summer seems to have heard of Kuan's Wolf Gang, so as soon as he heard the name, his face suddenly changed, "brother-in-law, why don't we forget it? Leave first

The Wolf Gang is one of the four major gangs in Jiangbin city. Many people in Jiangbin University have heard of it. It's an absolute monster, which can't be provoked by ordinary people like them.

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