"What are you talking about? Which one of your eyes saw that I put a drug? Do you believe I'm suing you for libel? " Liu Bi stares at Mengyao fiercely.

But I was shocked. I was very careful when I took the medicine. How could I be found by her?

Then, he quickly looked at Ling Weiyu and said, "Xiaoyu, don't believe what this woman said. She is just jealous of your beauty and so many men chasing you around, so she deliberately destroys our relationship."

Ling Weiyu didn't pay attention to Liu Bi this time. She just looked at Meng Yao and asked, "Miss, how do you know my name?"

Hearing Ling Weiyu's words, Liu Bi is also surprised to see Mengyao. Yes, how could she know Ling Weiyu's full name? I haven't even called Ling Weiyu's full name in this hotel. I always call him "Xiaoyu".

"Mr. he arranged for me to protect you by your side!" Mengyao did not hide, said directly, anyway he Feng soon also came.

"Brother Xiaofeng?" Ling Weiyu asked.

"Yes Meng Yao nodded.

"It's really brother Xiaofeng. He even arranged for someone to protect me!"

Ling Weiyu's heart is full of happiness. It seems that brother Xiaofeng really attaches great importance to himself. Before he was in danger, he was arrested. Now he arranges people to protect himself.

"Xiaoyu, what do you mean by Xiaofeng?" Liu Bi doubts a way.


Ling Weiyu snorted, "Liu Bi, you really let me down! I didn't expect you to be such a person! "

"Xiaoyu, how can you believe her? Why would you rather believe an outsider than me? "

Liu Bi quickly explained.

At the same time, I was also curious. Who was this woman and what "Mr. He" and "brother Xiaofeng" they were talking about?

"She was sent by brother Xiaofeng to protect me, so of course I believe in her."

Then Ling Weiyu stood up and said to Mengyao, "let's go!"

"Ms. Ling Weiyu, let's not wait any longer. Mr. He will be here soon." Mengyao smiles, then suddenly looks out the door, "he's coming!"

Ling Weiyu also looks out the door, then sees he Feng's figure and walks over with a surprised face, "brother Xiao Feng..."

"Didn't you drink the beer?" He Feng asked.

"No, I was stopped by that little girl!" Ling Weiyu is afraid of something.

If it wasn't for Meng Yao's sudden appearance, she would have drunk the beer with the overpowering drug, and the consequences would have been unimaginable.

"That's good!"

He Feng nodded and hummed again. He said, "you don't have a good eye. How can you come out to eat with such a man?"

"Brother Xiaofeng, I can't help it. He's my boss. Now I have some problems at work. If I don't come out to eat with him, it will be very troublesome." Ling Weiyu is afraid that he Feng misunderstands something, so he starts to explain.

"So it is!"

He Feng just understood, "OK, I'll help you teach that man a lesson!"

"Brother Xiaofeng, why don't you forget it? I didn't get hurt anyway. And he, he is my leader... "

For this job in hand, Ling Weiyu still cherishes it. It would be better if she could keep it. Now she has no contacts and resources, and no experience. It's really not easy for her to change a webpost company.

"Since he's been acting on you, don't say he's just your leader. Even if he's the leader of our country, I'll teach him a lesson."

He Feng is straight to Liu Bi.

His face was cold, and his body naturally exuded a strong and inexplicable aura.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Liu's pen subconsciously retreated two steps, and his heart subconsciously rose with a touch of fear.

Does this man dare to do it?


He Feng didn't start, but moved his foot. He kicked him upside down and fell heavily on the ground. He felt a burst of agitation in his chest, which was very painful.

"This is just a small lesson for you. If I know you dare to bully my sister. I'm sure you'll come to a terrible end! "

He Feng said coldly.

"Sir, if you have anything to say, don't do it!"

"Yes, yes, it's not good to hurt people."

There are two waiters came quickly, to He Feng advised, obviously afraid he Feng will continue to work.

"Go away!" He Feng ignored the two waiters, but said coldly to Liu Bi.

Liu bi was angry and shocked, but he didn't have the courage to fight back, because he Feng's strength was too great.

He stood up and took a deep look at He Feng and Ling Weiyu, but he didn't dare say anything and ran out of the hotel.

At this time, Chen Jiancai came in with Zhou Xun, with a hint of inquiry in his eyes, "brother Feng?"

Meaning is very obvious, is to ask he Feng whether to chase out the man completely solved.

"Forget it!" He Feng waved his hand and said, "you haven't had lunch yet, have you? Find a place to eat first. I'll eat here, too. "

Since he met Ling Weiyu, he planned to have a meal with him. However, he saw that the dishes on Ling Weiyu's table didn't move much. Obviously, the woman must not have enough.

"All right!"

Chen Jian retreated with his brothers and invited Mengyao warmly.

Mengyao naturally did not refuse, but her attitude was not enthusiastic.

"Waiter, take the menu. I'll order again." He Feng shouts to the waiter.

"OK, ok..."

Chen Jian, Zhou Xun and others seem to be on the road, but they are respectful to He Feng. Therefore, these waiters and many customers around them think he Feng is a big man. Naturally, they dare not neglect him. They quickly take the menu and clean up a clean table.

"Brother Xiaofeng, how did you come to Jiangbin university? Don't you work in the company at this time? "

Ling Weiyu sits opposite He Feng and inquires curiously. She remembers that the distance from Yuncheng group to Jiangbin university is not close, but he Feng arrives here soon, which shows that he Feng should be near Jiangbin University.

"I came here to deal with something. When I was about to leave, Mengyao called me and said that someone was going to bully you. So, of course, I came here the first time. "

He Feng said with a smile.

"Her name is Mengyao?" Ling Weiyu secretly wrote down Meng Yao's name and asked, "what does she do? How do you feel like there's a cold breath on her

"Because she's a killer." He Feng said with a smile.

"Killer?" Ling Weiyu's beautiful eyes are slightly enlarged.

She often sees this word in novels, but in reality, she has never seen a killer.

He Feng nodded and said, "Well! Besides, he's a very powerful killer. With her around to protect you, I can rest assured. At least, the last time those who caught you, if you do it again, even if I don't do it, Mengyao can easily deal with them. "

"Brother Xiaofeng, it seems that there are many capable people around you. Killers have to obey your orders." Ling Weiyu said jokingly with a smile.

Now she has a new understanding of He Feng's identity. She knows he Feng is a great person. Now she sends a killer to protect her. She is just surprised, not shocked.

"That's necessary. Your brother Xiaofeng is a very good person. Let alone just arrange a few ordinary killers. Even the top ten killers in the world, your brother Xiaofeng can order a few."

He Feng said with a smile.

"Why don't you booze? The national security agency will invite you to tea at the end of the day." Ling Weiyu turned his eyes.

"Then I'm sure I won't go!" He Feng said with a serious face: "I have drunk their tea twice before, and the taste is too bad. I don't like it."


See he Feng serious answer, Ling Weiyu can't help laughing.

"Little feather, is that man from your website just now?" He Feng asks, this matter he still wants to know in detail, who let Ling Weiyu work there.

"Yes, he is my editor in chief, Liu Bi. He also wrote a book on the website, and the result is very good. Every month's sales champion is his book. Besides, he has a very good relationship with the editor in chief. " Ling Weiyu nodded and said, "I signed several books under my hand. Because of the scale problem, they have the right to seal these books at any time. So Liu Bi threatened me to seal the books I signed if he didn't come out for dinner. In order to prevent those authors from being sealed by the website because of me and suffering from such unexplained losses, I have to come out to have dinner with him. Just did not expect, he invited me out to dinner turned out to be a trap, waiting for me to jump inside. If it wasn't for brother Xiaofeng, you arranged for little girl Mengyao to protect me, the consequences would be a little too much to think about. "

"So, if you encounter any difficulties in the future, you must inform me as soon as possible."

He Feng is also some fear, if it is not for the arrangement of people to protect Ling Weiyu, it will really happen so that they do not dare to think about things.

"I know. Now, brother Xiaofeng, you've arranged for someone to protect me. Then I won't be in any danger again."

Aware of the anger and concern in He Feng's tone, Ling Weiyu vomits his fragrant tongue.

"Since this website bullies you so much, why don't you just resign and change a website?" He Feng asked again.

"I've also thought about changing websites, but I've just entered the online literature industry. I don't know many people in this industry, and I don't have many author resources. My experience in editing online literature is very shallow. It's very difficult to change websites. What's more, there are not many web sites in Jiangbin city. Besides honey Chinese, it's a well-known Yuewen group. With my present qualifications, it is almost impossible for me to enter the Yuewen group! "

Ling Weiyu explained.

In fact, there are many Internet companies in China, but most of them are outside Jiangbin City, and Ling Weiyu doesn't want to leave Jiangbin city.

She wants to stay in Jiangbin city and the city where Jule welfare home is located, so that she can go back to the welfare home to see the children and the old Dean every weekend.

"I see!"

He Feng this just suddenly.

To Ling Weiyu's idea, he probably can also guess some, this Ni son is afraid is only wants to leave the children to be close.

"Little feather, I have an idea that you can stay in your website for a long time." He Feng pondered for a while, suddenly said.

"What can I do?"

Ling Weiyu's eyes lit up immediately.

She knows that he Feng has been smart since he was a child. Maybe he really has a good way.

"It's very simple. Let's buy this website, isn't it? When you become the boss yourself, you can do whatever you want, and no one can fire you. " He Feng said with a smile: "how about, do you think your brother Xiao Feng is very smart?"

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