
Zhang Xingguo stood up with some difficulty, rubbed his chest and gave a dry cough.

"Brother Zhang, are you ok?" Zheng Qian rushed forward to help him.

"I'm ok..."

Zhang Xingguo shook his head. Chen Jian's leg seemed to be powerful, but it didn't hurt his muscles and bones. It was obviously merciful.

"Chen Jian, did you sneak attack just now?" Zhang Xingguo frowns at Chen Jian. He wants to see Chen Jian's real strength, but he doesn't want this guy to sneak attack, which makes him quite disappointed.

Sneak attack, how to see the real strength?

"Brother Zhang, I didn't sneak attack..." Chen Jian said helplessly.

He didn't sneak attack just now, just because he had been fighting with black blood for a long time. He had some black blood fighting style, and his vision became more tricky. He could easily catch the weakness of his opponent and defeat the enemy with one move.

"No surprise attack?" Zhang Xingguo is even more displeased and thinks that Chen Jian is lying.

"Xingguo, Chen Jian, he didn't attack..."

At this time, Lin ye came to Zhang Xingguo and said with a smile, "the reason why Chen Jian can defeat you with one move is that he has a strong sense of fighting and his moves are very tricky. It's worthy of being a Wuchi. I've been studying martial arts with all my heart. I can learn such tricky moves. "

"Chen Jian, he is really so powerful?"

Zhang Xingguo and others are wide eyed.

If Chen Jian really defeated him with his positive strength, doesn't it mean that Chen Jian, who has not yet cultivated his sense of Qi, can already defeat those who have cultivated his sense of Qi?

How strong is this martial arts talent?

"Well! Chen Jian is really powerful. In the future, I will personally cultivate him every day, strive to let him cultivate his sense of Qi as soon as possible, and then cultivate his inner strength. "

Lin Ye looks forward, "if Chen Jian also cultivates his inner strength... No, even if he just cultivates his sense of Qi, I'm sure he can kill the white cloud gang and the scorpion gang. At that time, I will be the real king of the underground world of Jiangbin city. "

"Congratulations, brother!"

"Big brother, it's just around the corner to unify the underground world of Jiangbin city."

Jiang Guangshen and others immediately congratulated, looking at Chen Jian's eyes are also full of envy.

"Big brother, the purpose of my coming here today is not to fight with brother Zhang."

At this time, Chen Jian's voice sounded again, "in fact, I want to talk to..."

"Chen Jian, don't you thank big brother soon?"

Before Chen Jian finished his words, he was interrupted by Zhang Xingguo. "Later, my elder brother will cultivate you personally. When you cultivate your sense of Qi, then in the underground world of Jiangbin City, you will become a superior person below one person and above ten thousand people. What else can you do?"

Zhang Xingguo wants to smoke Chen Jian. This guy's brain is too stupid. The boss attaches so much importance to him that he even wants to take the initiative to fight with him. Isn't that disturbing the boss's elegance?

"Thank you for your attention! But... Now I want to fight with you, please do it! "

Chen Jian bows to Lin Ye under the challenge arena.


Zhang Xingguo's eyes glared and wanted to smoke Chen Jian twice.

"You want to fight me?"

Lin Ye raised his eyebrows and then said with a smile, "the real purpose of your coming here today is to fight me, right?"

"Yes Chen Jian did not hide.

"Well, in that case, I'll help you. I'll have two moves with you."

Lin Ye's pupils shrink for a moment, then open again, smile, and then jump into the challenge arena.

"Chen Jian, when you fight with big brother, you should use up all your strength and don't have any reservation. Otherwise, it will only disappoint you, you know? " The following Zhang Xingguo kindly reminds us.

"All right!"

Chen Jian nodded to Zhang Xingguo, then looked at Lin Ye and said, "boss, please!"

"Ha ha, you can do it first."

Lin Ye laughs indifferently.

"In that case, I'm not welcome!"

Chen Jian gives a little smile and rushes out. In a moment, he comes to Lin Ye and punches heavily.


In the face of Chen Jian's blow, Lin Ye greets him gently. When the two fists collided, Chen Jian's steps retreated, three steps in a row, and then discharged the powerful impact.

"Well? Your strength is very strong. I've made 50% of my strength, but I can't hurt you with one punch. " Lin Ye looks at Chen Jian and says in surprise.

And Chen Jian was also secretly surprised. "It seems that if I don't use internal strength, even if I use physical strength alone, it's much worse than the ordinary internal strength guwu."

Under the stage, he Feng, who was smoking, was already a little impatient. He urged him directly: "Chen Jian, don't write any ink. Let's solve the problem as soon as possible."

Everyone heard he Feng's voice, subconsciously looked at him, eyes quite dissatisfied.

Both Chen Jian and Lin Ye are leaders of the Wolf Gang.

Now the two leaders are competing. When will it be his turn to speak as a younger brother?

And still direct mouth urge!


Who knows, in the face of this "little brother" urge, Chen Jian is very obedient nod.

Then he looked at Lin Ye again, "Lin Ye, do your best. Otherwise, you will have no chance. "

At this moment, his address to Lin Ye is no longer the eldest or eldest brother, but his name.


Hearing Chen Jian's address to himself, Lin Ye's face is a bit ugly. He nods, "OK!"

Below, Zhang Xingguo and others seem to be aware of the change in the atmosphere.

Such a strange atmosphere gave them a bad feeling.

"You are a Wuchi, but you should also learn how to respect people. Since you don't know how to respect people, I'll teach you today. "

This time, instead of waiting for Chen Jian to attack, Lin first rushes out and quickly approaches Chen Jian.

A strong breath also erupted from his body.

It's the inner strength!

Around the challenge arena, there seems to be a strong wind sweeping out, blowing the people's hair under the arena are fluttering.

"How strong! This is the real strength of big brother! "

"At ordinary times, when big brother is competing with us, he doesn't try his best. At most, he uses 20% or 30% of his strength. But now, Chen Jian seems to have offended him, and the elder brother is already doing his best. "

"In the early days of Mingjin, Gu Wu was really powerful. I'm afraid I can't support him with one move. This time, Chen Jian is finished! "

"Well! Although this guy is a Wuchi, he is really too impolite. He dares to call his boss by his name. It's time to teach him a lesson. "

"And the man he brought with him. When the fight between the boss and Chen Jian is over, I'll deal with that guy myself. "

Aware of Lin Ye's strong breath, Zhang Xingguo and others are shocked.

However, Chen Jian, as a client, seems not to notice Lin Ye's strong breath, and his face is still calm.

As if, at this moment towards him, is not a tiger, but a harmless rabbit.

"Get out of here!"

Finally, Lin Ye's figure comes to Chen fitness, waving a huge iron fist, hitting Lin Ye's cheek.


In the face of Lin Ye's full fist, Chen Jian just like Lin Ye and his fist before, facing up.

This punch is not unusual, there is no fancy.

Two iron fists collide in the void.

But a dull thunder, it is out of thin air, let everyone feel the ears buzzing.


The next moment, a crisp sound of bone fracture, suddenly sounded.

Then, Lin Ye's huge body retreated, and his mouth was covered with blood.

As for his right hand, it dropped down directly and powerlessly.

On his face, there was a strong color of shock.

Zhang Xingguo and others on the stage also opened their mouths one by one.

"Neijin, this is the breath of Neijin!"

"My God, didn't Chen Jian even cultivate his sense of Qi? How can you even cultivate your inner strength now? "

"It seems that Chen Jian's strength has been improved very quickly recently. It is estimated that he has been successfully promoted to an ancient warrior in the early Ming Dynasty. However, isn't elder brother the old-fashioned ancient warrior in the early Ming Jin period? Why is Chen Jian stronger than the boss? "

"What on earth is this? Even if Chen Jian's strength is improved, even if he wants to fight with the boss, he doesn't have to be so heavy, does he? "

While they were shocked, they were also puzzled.

As for Lin Ye, he also looks at Chen Jian in shock.

"You have broken through to the beginning of Mingjin? But why is your realm the same as mine, but your strength is so much stronger than mine? "

Lin Ye is just a wild ancient warrior. He doesn't have any inheritance. He is not very familiar with the ancient warrior's situation. Naturally, he doesn't know that Neijin has not only the division of realm, but also the division of quality.

Chen Jian, it's the best inner strength to cultivate.

And he is just the most common inner strength.

In terms of strength alone, Chen Jian's internal strength is comparable to that of the ancient warriors in the middle of Ming Dynasty.

Face to face, Chen Jian can abuse him naturally.

"The reason is very simple. My internal strength is higher and purer than you. Of course, my strength will be stronger than you." Chen Jian's light way.


Lin Ye gives Chen Jian a thumbs up, "Chen Jian, your strength is much stronger than me. Your strength is stronger than me. Your fighting skills and fighting consciousness are stronger than me. My strength can't be compared with you. I don't think so. From now on, your status in the Wolf Gang will be equal to mine. You and I will become brothers of the opposite sex and unite the underground world of Jiangbin city. If you and I join hands, no matter it's the Baiyun gang or the scorpion Gang, surely they can't compete with us. "

"Brothers of the opposite sex?"

Chen Jian shook his head and said, "Lin Ye, we can be brothers, but I have to be the boss, and you can only be a younger brother. From now on, the Wolf Gang can only have my voice

"You, what did you say?" Lin Ye's eyes suddenly shrink.

"Chen Jian, what are you talking about? Are you looking for death? "

"Chen Jian, get down on your knees and apologize to big brother. Don't think that if you cultivate your inner strength and have strong fighting strength, you can fight against big brother. "

"Well! We wolf help cultivate you for so long, so you repay us? "

Zhang Xingguo and others are drinking and glaring at Chen Jian.

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