Zheng Qian's voice was very loud, and the man holding a little Chong on both sides felt his ears were shaking very hard.

When Zheng Qian bothered them, they didn't shoot. They just looked at Zheng Qian suspiciously.

Not only the two of them, but also the shooters, who were walking into the office with pistols, looked at Zheng Qian with a puzzled look in their eyes.

At this moment, the young man Xu always wanted to kill was just standing in front of them. He was a living target. They could easily beat each other into a sieve.

In that case, why ask them to stop?

"Master, what's the situation?"

"That man seems to be scared silly, there is no movement, let's kill him directly?"

The two men with micro Chong asked in doubt.

"Kill him?"

The corner of Zheng Qian's mouth is mercilessly smoked.

Although Chen Jian told them last night that he Feng would be more respectful than the gang leader.

However, for He Feng's appearance, only the senior members of these gangs know it. Some ordinary members don't know he Feng's appearance.

At this time, Zheng Qian hesitated a little.

On the one hand, he Feng, even the current boss of the Wolf Gang, Chen Jian, has to be treated respectfully. On the other hand, he Feng has a huge sum of $100 million.

He almost didn't want to think about it any more, so he was about to shoot and kill He Feng. Anyway, after killing He Feng, he could choose to flee Jiangbin city for the first time. With Chen Jian's ability, he would never find him again.


Looking at the faint smile on He Feng's face, he really didn't have the courage to continue shooting.

"Why, don't you want to shoot me? Keep shooting. I'm standing here. Don't you dare to shoot? "

At this time, he Feng, who was standing in front of Zheng Qian, opened his mouth.

When Zheng Qian and others are close, he Feng guesses that Xu Hongjie is bringing people to deal with him.

Therefore, he is ready to start as soon as the door is opened. However, when he heard Zheng Qian's voice just now, he changed his mind. He wanted to see if Zheng Qian would continue to fight after he saw that the person he wanted to kill was himself.

Sure enough, when Zheng Qian saw his face, he stopped immediately. But now it seems that he is not completely stopped, it seems that he is still making a trade-off.

So, he directly began to stimulate the way.

"What the hell is Zheng Qian doing? He Feng stands there is a live target, so close distance, more than a dozen people shoot together, is it difficult for him to escape? "

Outside the door, Xu Hongjie has been waiting impatiently.

Inside the door, everyone looked at Zheng Qian and wanted to see his reaction after he Feng's words.


Facing He Feng's calm eyes, Zheng Qian wants to shoot directly.

Once he Feng is killed, he will get 100 million yuan.

However, he had another intuition that once he really fired, he might not even be able to save his life.

"He... Mr. He, I, I didn't know it was you."

After nearly half a minute's silence, Zheng qiancai slowly breathed out a breath and said that the whole person was just like a frustrated ball, without any strength.

"Don't you really know it's me?" He Feng looks at him with a smile.

"Really, I don't know!" Zheng Qian swallowed.

Although he Feng's eyes are calm, he feels great pressure and perspiration on his back.

"Since I don't know, I'll forgive you." He Feng shrugged indifferently, and then called to Xu Hongjie behind the door: "Mr. Xu, don't stand outside, come in and have a cup of tea."

Outside, Xu Hongjie stood in the same place, his face full of doubts.

He didn't understand why Zheng Qian seemed a little afraid of He Feng?

Isn't Zheng Qian already with more than a dozen men? But also each with a gun, according to reason should not be afraid of He Feng ah.

As long as they shoot together, even if he Feng's strength is strong, it's easy to be beaten into a sieve by them.

"Xu Hongjie, please come in."

When Zheng Qian heard he Feng's words, he immediately understood that the conflict between He Feng and Xu Hongjie must not be small. Otherwise, Xu Hongjie would not be able to give him a hundred million yuan to deal with He Feng.

But now he has given up dealing with He Feng, and his attitude to Xu Hongjie will not be so good, so as not to let he Feng misunderstand him.

So, he walked out of the office decisively and said to Xu Hongjie with a gloomy face.

"What do you mean, master Zheng?"

Xu Hongjie also came back and asked faintly.

"Mr. Xu, I'm sure I won't do your business. Don't say you just give me one hundred million. Even if you give me one hundred million, I can't do this business. "

Zheng Qian snorted and said: "you may not know that Mr. He Feng is the brother of the current boss of the Wolf Gang. If I dare to fight against Mr. He Feng, I will betray the whole Wolf Gang. I don't have the guts yet. "

"What? Is he the brother of the current boss of the Wolf Gang? "

Hearing this, Xu Hongjie raised his eyebrows and said, "master Zheng, are you kidding me? In the underground world of Jiangbin City, almost everyone knows that he Feng is your nemesis. Your leader Lin Ye must want to get rid of him. When will he become your leader's brother? Is it difficult that he Feng has joined the Wolf Gang? "

Apart from this possibility, Xu Hongjie can't think of any other explanation.

"Mr. Xu, there is one thing you may not know. Since last night, the boss of our Wolf Gang is no longer Lin Ye. Our current leader is Chen Jian. Brother Chen and Mr. He Feng have a very good relationship and are brothers. So, naturally, I can't do it to Mr. He Feng any more. "

Zheng Qian tone indifference, "and today Xu always want to deal with Mr. He Feng thing, also trouble to give an account.". Otherwise, I have to ask brother Chen how to decide. Oh, by the way, I can give Mr. Xu a kind reminder. Mr. He Feng has a very close relationship with brother Chen. You have to consider how to explain it first. "

Hearing this, Xu Hongjie's face sank.

Zheng Qian is obviously threatening him!

However, except for his anger, Xu Hongjie had no way at all.

He did not expect that the Wolf Gang would change its boss at this time.

And he Feng, with this new boss also call brother.

"Brother he Feng, did you just call me in for tea? Hehe, I still have a can of top-grade tea in my office. I'll take it out for you to drink. "

Xu Hongjie walked into the office quickly and said nothing about what happened just now, as if nothing had happened.

After entering the office, he came to a cabinet and took out a can of excellent Biluochun from it. He personally soaked it for He Feng.

He Feng stands on one side and doesn't bother to ask. He pulls Xia Menglu, who is hiding on the side, to the sofa and watches Xu Hongjie make tea.

"Lulu, do you understand now? Some people, just like animals, will not die until they reach the Yellow River. They will not shed tears until they see the coffin. " He Feng said with a smile.

"This asshole..."

He Feng heard this with a strong sense of irony, Xu Hongjie's face hard to see the extreme, but did not dare to refute anything.

Soon, he brewed the tea and brought it to He Feng. With a smile on his face, he said, "brother he Feng, the tea has been brewed, and I'm ready for the money. I can transfer it to you at any time. You drink the tea first, and I'll call the bank in person and ask the bank to transfer money. What do you think?"

"Of course it's ok..."

He Feng poured two cups of tea and said to Xia Menglu, "Lulu, tell him the account number of our finance department. By the way, I'll take out the payment agreement and sign it for him. "

"All right!"

Xia Menglu takes out two pieces of paper from the folder and puts them in front of Xu Hongjie.

On one of the pieces of paper, it was written the bank card account number.

Looking at the serial numbers, Xu Hongjie's face was very ugly.

What he cares about is not the money, but the shame he feels.

"Mr. Xu, just hurry up. I'll go to the hospital for treatment later." He Feng while drinking tea urged the way, at the same time reminded a, "Oh right, there are 50 million of liquidated damages, you can not forget ah."

"I know!"

Xu took a deep breath and nodded.

Anyway, today's face will be lost. Just fight.

After today, we'll find someone else to deal with He Feng.

Considering this, Xu Hongjie was too lazy to procrastinate. He took out his mobile phone and made a call to the bank.

Before long, Xu Hongjie's mobile phone vibrated.

He took a look at his mobile phone and said, "the money has been deducted. It should go to your company's card. You can let people check the balance."

"Lulu, can you check the balance?" He Feng looks at Xia Menglu and asks.

"I can't see it, but vice minister Wenxuan should be qualified to see it. Of course, he is only qualified to view it, not to transfer money. In the whole company, Fengge is the only one who is qualified to transfer the balance on this card. "

Xia Menglu said.

"Then I'll call Wenxuan."

He Feng nodded and immediately took out his mobile phone to call Wenxuan.

At this time, in the financial department of Yuncheng group, Wenxuan is holding a small meeting with all the staff of the business group to teach them some debt collection experience and skills. Many of the staff below are very excited.

Obviously, after hearing Wen Xuan's experience and skills, they feel that they will surely receive a large amount of foreign debt in the near future.

Doodle doodle

When it comes to the key, Wenxuan's mobile phone really suddenly vibrated.

He frowned slightly. He usually didn't answer the phone during the meeting, so he took out his mobile phone and was ready to hang up.

But when he saw the caller ID, he was ready to hang up the phone. He also stopped and quickly pressed the answer button.

"Hello, Minister!"

This is from the bottom of my heart.

"Vice Minister Wen, are you free now? Do me a favor

He Feng's voice came from his mobile phone.

"If you have time, you can tell me anything."

"You turn on the computer and check the collection account number of our department. If there is any foreign account just now, how much money has been paid in."

"OK, I'll turn on the computer and check it now. Just a moment."

Wen Xuan hears he Feng's words, quite some doubts, is it difficult for He Feng to receive foreign debts so soon?

You know, not long ago, he helped Xia Menglu to receive more than 26 million foreign debts.

With a trace of curiosity, Wenxuan turns around, opens his computer, and at the same time opens the browser to the Bank of China's page.

Enter the bank card account number and password, and click query.

All the steps are familiar

Soon, Wenxuan will see in and out of the account information.

When he saw the long number above, the expression on his face immediately froze.

"How, how possible?"

Wenxuan rubbed his eyes. He thought he was dazzled.

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