"Mr. He Feng, I'm really sorry just now. I... I didn't know Xu Hongjie was dealing with you. If I knew, I would not dare to bring anyone here. "

Out of the bright group, Zheng Qian more and more uneasy, for fear that he Feng will settle accounts for him in the autumn.

Although he didn't get in touch with He Feng, there have been rumors outside that black wolf and Kang Biao were all killed by He Feng. It can be seen that he Feng's means must be quite fierce.

He was a little worried that he would end up with the black wolf one day. He didn't know how to die.

"Don't worry, I don't mean to blame you. After all, you and Xu Hongjie are just doing business. "

He Feng chuckled, patted Zheng Qian on the shoulder and said, "I'm just a little curious. How much money did Xu Hongjie give you, and how many shooters can you send out?"

More than a dozen gunners, I'm afraid, are all the elite of Zheng Qian's men.

You know, a common hall leader like Kang Biao, a black wolf, has only three or five shooters under his hand.

Only Zheng Qian, an elite hall leader, could dispatch more than ten gunners.

"One, one hundred million!" Zheng Qian did not dare to hide.

"Damn, is Xu Hongjie too rich, or is my head too valuable? How could he buy my head with a hundred million dollars? " He Feng said in surprise.

Although in the underground world abroad, even if someone offered 100 billion yuan to buy He Feng's head, no one dared to take the list. But in Jiangbin City, with He Feng's ability now displayed, others offered a price of 100 million to buy his head, which is really not a small amount.

"The price is really high. Even if someone else makes a bid to the film group to buy a 10 billion class rich person in Jiangbin City, it will look like about one billion at most. The reason why Xu Hongjie directly gave a hundred million yuan is that he hates you too much, or he doesn't take money seriously. I think there should be both reasons. " Zheng Qian analyzed.

"Xu Hongjie doesn't take money seriously?" He Feng eyebrows a pick, "he is not already to you deposit?"


Zheng Qian wanted to hide it, but now he Feng asked. He dared to hide it. He said: "he did give me a deposit of 50 million. I'll transfer it to Mr. He Feng now..."

"Well, you can transfer it to me. It's the medical expenses and mental loss expenses that Xu Hongjie gave me." He Feng says casually, in the heart is secretly happy unceasingly, did not expect so easily to earn 50 million, this next total won't be short of money again?

Zheng Qian's efficiency is still very high. After a while, he transferred the money to He Feng's card.

Seeing the balance of 53 million yuan on the card, he Feng can't help laughing.

"Zheng Qian, in fact, you're doing quite well today. Don't worry, I will help you say good things in front of Chen Jian. In the future, if you want to mention the deputy leader among the leaders of your hall, I will let him give priority to you. " He Feng encouraged.

"Thank you, Mr. He Feng..."

Zheng Qian immediately looked grateful, "Mr. He Feng, I just heard that you are collecting debts on behalf of Yuncheng group? I don't know what's going on with those debts? Is there anything I can do for you? My brothers and I are good at nothing else, but in debt collection, it's our strong point. "

"Are you good at debt collection?" He Feng eyebrows pick.

"Ha ha, I'm not afraid of Mr. He Feng's jokes. For those of us who are on the road, if we want to earn some extra money, we basically go to help collect debts. In addition to collecting debts from ordinary people, they often collect debts from some companies. The largest amount of debt we have collected has exceeded 100 million yuan. At that time, we made more than a million dollars. "

Speaking of this, Zheng Qian is quite proud.

"Oh, you can still earn a lot of commission from debt collection?" He Feng said with a smile.

He Feng immediately understood that he had said something wrong, and quickly said: "however, if we can help Mr. He Feng to do things, it will be our honor. Mr. He Feng, you must not give us any hard work, or we will be sorry."

"Well, since you are afraid of feeling bad, I won't give you any money, alas!"

He Feng sighed helplessly, "but when the time comes, you can help me collect the debt almost. I'm sure I'll treat you to a meal, otherwise it will appear that I'm too mean."

"A meal is OK, and I'll have to congratulate Mr. Feng for two cups." Zheng Qian said.

"Lulu, you give him a copy of the information of those debtors who are less than 100 million, and then let him collect it for you."

He Feng looks at Xia Menglu and says.

"All right!" Xia Menglu takes out a piece of information from the folder and hands it to Zheng Qian.

He Feng also gave Zheng Qian a few words of advice, and finally reminded him: "if you can collect these arrears, you can collect them. If you can't, you can tell me. I'll collect them again. Do you understand?"

"I understand!"

Zheng Qian nodded solemnly.

"OK, then you go to work. I have to go to the hospital to take out the bullet from my back. It's killing me."

He Feng waved his hand, then turned to leave with Xia Menglu and drove Pamela to the hospital.


Along the way, Xia Menglu seems a little nervous, because she thinks he Feng will be shot, it's all because of her.

Had it not been for her, he Feng would not have been shot.

"Lulu, don't worry. The reason why I'm shot has nothing to do with you."

He Feng noticed the remorse on Xia Menglu's face and said with a smile: "in fact, I intentionally let them hurt me."

"Deliberately let them hurt?"

When Xia Menglu, who is driving, hears he Feng's words, she looks at him in surprise and asks him.

"Of course, or do you think their guns will hit me?" He Feng complacent way: "moreover, with Feng elder brother my body strength, even if let them hit, bullet also can't hurt me."

He Feng didn't boast about this. When he arrived at the realm of true Qi, the skin and flesh were forged by true Qi, and the hardness was comparable to that of metal. It was really hard for bullets to get in. Let alone bullets, even if he was in the center of a high explosive bomb, he would be slightly injured at most.

"Then, then you..."

Although Xia Menglu believed what he Feng said, she was more confused.

Since he Feng could not have been shot or injured, why would he have been shot and injured and shed so much blood.

"I just want to make a cover up, so that people don't think I'm a monster, and then I'm caught by the National Research Institute as a mouse for research." He Feng joked.

It's not the time for him to reveal too much strength. But if the bullet hits him, it can't leave a scar on him. Ordinary people may just feel shocked, but if it reaches some special people, it will definitely remind them of the true atmosphere of ancient warriors.

At the very least, he is the master of Huajin.

But no matter the legendary characters in the true Qi State or the master level characters in Huajin, they will receive a wide range of attention for the first time.

What he Feng needs to do now is to keep a low profile.

Hearing he Feng's words, Xia Menglu gradually reacts.

"Brother Feng, you are so good!"

Xia Menglu looks at He Feng with a sense of worship.

She doesn't know why he Feng is so powerful, and she doesn't want to know.

But he Feng will block her behind, for her block bullet scene, but deeply branded in her heart.

The two men drove along the road and soon came to the hospital.

Because he Feng was shot and injured, he was directly sent to the emergency department. The director of surgery personally operated the knife to help he Feng take out the bullet that had just been shot into the flesh.

After taking out the bullet, the doctor saw that he was in a very good mental condition and sent him directly to the general ward.

"Hello, are you a family member of the patient?"

In the ward, a young female nurse came to Xia Menglu and asked.

"I, I..."

Xia Menglu didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"She's my girlfriend!" He Feng, lying on the bed, yelled.


The female nurse frowned and looked at the chief doctor who had not left

"Where's your family?" the director asked

"I've been an orphan since I was a child!" He Feng lowered his head and looked sad.


Wen Yan, the director and the female nurses were touched.

The director said: "since you are an orphan, let your girlfriend sign the consent for the operation for you. Just now, because you were shot, you didn't have time to sign in advance, so you had the operation directly. Of course, your ID card should also be given to the nurse, with your identity information on it. "

Female nurse walked to He Feng in front, stretched out a hand to He Feng, indifferent way: "ID card to me!"

He Feng knows that many female nurses in China, because they are too busy, treat patients with this attitude, even when they directly take out their ID cards and give them to her.

After the female nurse wrote the information of He Feng on it, she handed the pen and paper to Xia Menglu, "you can sign on it, and then take his ID card to go downstairs to go through the formalities and pay for it."

"Oh, yes!" Xia Menglu took the pen and paper and wrote down her name on it.

"Brother Feng, lie down here and have a good rest. I'll go downstairs to go through the formalities." Xia Menglu looks at He Feng.

"Don't worry. I'm fine. Don't worry."

He Feng grinned.

Xia Menglu turned and left the ward.

"You stay and watch her for a while!"

The director told the female nurse that she also left the ward and came to her own office.

Take out the cell phone, he made a call out.

"Hello, director Ye. What can I do for you?" A young woman's voice was soon heard on the phone.

It sounds very young, but it's quite dignified. It's not an ordinary person.

"Captain Tang, I have something to tell you."

The chief doctor said quickly: "I just received a wounded man who was shot in the back. The bullet seems to have been shot by a desert eagle pistol."

"Shot? Do you have any information about the injured? "

"Yes, this person is called He Feng, and his ID card number is 36****************."

"He Feng?"

As soon as Tang Wen heard this, her tone suddenly changed, "I know. I'll go to the hospital now."

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