Canglang said: "this should not be difficult. Zhongyun group is not a big company. I can ask him out directly in my own name. He should not refuse."

"Your fame is still a little weak. In this way, you can ask him out in the name of the vice leader of the Wolf Gang. Under the banner of the Wolf Gang, the effect must be much better. " He Feng said with a smile.

"Vice leader of the Wolf Gang?"

Canglang a little Leng next, spin even if is excited, "Feng elder brother, you agree to let me follow you?"

He Feng nodded and said: "you can help me find out the source behind honey Chinese network so quickly. You can see that you are qualified to follow me in intelligence investigation. And it happens that Chen Jian is still short of manpower. Next, you can help him first, and merge your Canglang Gang into the Wolf Gang, but Canglang Gang is completely under your leadership. "

"Thank you, brother Feng. I won't let you down."

"Well! Do well. I know why you want to follow me. I'm sure you won't be disappointed. "

He Feng chuckled and said, "go and make an appointment with Jiang Yin first. It's better to make an appointment with him today. I want to talk to him. As for the place to talk, just pick a quiet place

"OK, I'll contact you when I get the news!"

Hang up the phone, he Feng's mood is slightly better.

He was not so quick to find out the background of honey Chinese network, but he did not expect that in just two or three hours, the investigation was clear.

I just don't know that Jiang yinshe is not willing to sell the website to him. After all, he is a fan of online novels.

"Brother Feng, do you want me to buy you some fruit? And lunch. Where are you going to eat it? "

At this time, next to the xiamenglu see he Feng finished the phone, ask.


Hearing the word fruit, he Feng touched his forehead with sadness.

Tang Wen and Wang Xiangyun, the two best beauties, one is the captain of the criminal police team, the other is the chairman of the listed group. Now when they come to the hospital to see him, they don't even bring fruit.

Too disobedient, must hit their little ass, teach them a lesson!

"Lulu, let's forget the fruit. Let's go to Xiaotian and have dinner with him at noon. Didn't he say he wanted to invite me to dinner?" Hefeng road.

"Looking for Xiaotian to eat? Xiaotian is at school now. Jiangbin university is a little far away from us. How about this? I'll send a message to Xiao Tian and ask him to come to the hospital at noon? " Xia Menglu said.

"It's OK. Now you go to go through the discharge procedures, and then we'll go to him. Isn't that ok?" Said, he Feng is directly off the body's sick clothes, put on his own clothes.

"Ah? leave hospital? Brother Feng, you just finished the operation. Sister Yun just asked you to have a good rest and asked me to take care of you. If you leave the hospital now, once you let sister Yun know, she will be angry. "

Xia Menglu advised: "anyway, you don't have anything important recently. I think you'd better have a rest in the hospital for two days?"

"Lulu, how can you be bribed by Wang Xiangyun so soon? How can you help her instead of me? " He Feng pretends to be angry.

"I... I don't have it. I think it's for brother Feng's sake!" Xia Menglu quickly explained.

He Feng put on his clothes, went to Xia Menglu and said in a soft voice: "Lulu, if you really want to do it for me, then go and help me to go through the discharge procedures. Besides, you can't let Wang Xiangyun know that I was discharged from hospital! "


Xia Menglu looks at He Feng suspiciously and doesn't understand what the latter means.

"I have something to do this afternoon, and I'll leave Jiangbin city tomorrow. If there's no accident, you'll have to come back the day after tomorrow. "

"Brother Feng, what are you going to do? It's so mysterious that even sister Yun didn't say it. "

"Lulu, brother Feng is not hiding it from you. This time I left Jiangbin City, I didn't leave alone, but with sister yuan. "

"With sister yuan?"

"Well! You were in the hospital yesterday, didn't you see sister yuan? She went to the hospital because she was bullied by people in her village yesterday. So, do you want me to take her back to the village and help her get revenge? "

For Xia Menglu, he Feng has nothing to hide, so he said it directly.

"So it is!" Xia Menglu suddenly nodded and said, "sister yuan is close to you now, isn't she? In this case, if sister yuan is bullied, you must help her revenge with brother Feng's temperament. However, many people in the countryside like to mess around. Although brother Feng is good at it, you should be careful when you get to the village. "

"Hey, Lulu, don't worry!"

He Feng grinned.

"Well, I'm going to go through the discharge procedures. By the way, I'll contact Xiaotian and have lunch together." Xia Menglu said immediately.

"Well, let's go directly to Jiangbin University later, so as to save him running. Anyway, we have a car." Hefeng road.

"OK, I see!"

Xia Menglu nodded and left the ward.

Because he Feng's gunshot wound has been investigated by the police, and it was Tang Wen, the captain of the criminal police team, who came in person, so when he Feng went through the discharge procedures, he did not encounter any obstacles.

Half an hour later, he Feng and Xia Menglu drive out of the hospital and go to Jiangbin University.

"Lulu, in order not to make Wang Xiangyun suspicious, you'd better not go back to the company these two days."

He Feng suggested: "if you don't like this, you'll go to a few more districts these two days to have a look at the real estate and find out where you like to live in Jiangbin city most. If you see a satisfied house, we can take money to buy it at the weekend. "

"OK, brother Feng, I'll let Rongrong recommend it to you."

Now that she has money in her hand, Xia Menglu is still very concerned about buying a house. "By the way, I'm also learning about charity. Last time there were millions left, I wanted to set up a welfare kindergarten, so that I could solve the problem of reading for many children from poor families. "

"Oh, do you still have that idea?" He Feng can't help picking his eyebrows.

"Yes, otherwise I would feel uneasy with the money in my hand." Xia Menglu some not very good way: "I know my ability is very limited, but I still want to try."

"Lulu, that's a good idea. I support it."

He Feng, sitting in the co pilot's seat, gives Xia Menglu a thumbs up and says, "once this school is built, I don't know how many children I can help. However, if your school is purely public welfare, students don't even have to pay for their studies, and they don't have any source of income, it's hard for them to develop sustainably. "

"So at the beginning, I just tried. If I really have the same money as sister Yun, I will gradually expand this kind of public welfare."

Although Xia Menglu said this casually, she looked confused.

I can't help it. If I want to do public welfare, I need too much money. For a little girl like her, who has just come out of society and doesn't have much ability, it's too difficult to make more money.

"Is Wang Xiangyun rich?"

However, he Feng refuted her and said, "if Wang Xiangyun's money is used for public welfare, it doesn't take long. Anyway, Lulu, you do it first. When you are short of money, brother Feng, I will help you solve it. I'll never be short of money... "

"Ah? Isn't that good? If you let sister Yun know, she will not be happy. It's hard for her to make money. " Xia Menglu thought he Feng was going to give her the money Wang Xiangyun earned.

"What do you think? It's her business that she works hard to earn money. I'm not giving you her money! "

He Feng rolled his eyes and said, "brother Feng, I'm also rich, OK? Money, to me, is numbers. In a word, don't worry about the money. In the future, you will naturally understand whether brother Feng is boasting. "

"All right!"

He Feng said so, and Xia Menglu didn't fight any more, otherwise she would be a little outsider.

"Eh, it looks like Lianyi hotel in front of you?"

At this time, he Feng suddenly pointed to a hotel in front and asked.

"Seems to be, what's the matter, brother Feng?" Xia Menglu doubts.

"My car is over there. Let's go and drive away." He Feng pointed to the front and said.

"OK, I see it!"

At a glance, Xia Menglu sees the Lexus LFA parked under the hotel, so she drives her Pamela to the side of Lexus.

"Good brother Feng!"

As soon as he Feng got out of the car, a man came over and bowed respectfully to him Feng.

It's Zhou Xun!

"Why? Aren't you Chen Jian's brother? He asked you to watch the car for me here? " He Feng said hello to Zhou Xun.

"Yes, brother Feng!" Zhou Xun nodded and said, "brother Feng, do you want to sit on it? If the boss knows you're here, he'll be very happy. "

"He's in the hotel now?"

He Feng surprised way.

Chen Jian just accepted the Wolf Gang yesterday. Shouldn't he be in the Wolf Gang now?

"Yes, the boss returned to the hotel early yesterday morning. Now he should be practicing martial arts." Zhou Xun returned.

Smell speech, he Feng brow slightly wrinkled next.

Chen Jian is really a martial arts maniac. He made him the boss of the Wolf Gang. He didn't seem to care about it. He was more concerned about practicing martial arts and improving his strength.

Fortunately, now he received a Canglang, Canglang should be the kind of person who is good at managing affairs. Since Chen Jian likes to practice, let him go.

"Yes, I see."

He Feng waved his hand and said, "I have something to do now, so I won't go up. I'll come back when I'm free."

Said, he Feng opened the door on the car, driving with Xia Menglu left together.

Before long, they stopped their car at the gate of the Shinian hotel.

He Feng once ate in this hotel, and it was near Jiangbin University, so he chose this hotel.

"Lulu, where's Xiaotian?"

After getting off, he Feng walks to Xia Menglu.

"He should be in the hotel. I told him to come and book a seat earlier. If you don't come early, but come back at this time of meal, there will be no place Xia Menglu said.

"Then let's go in!"

He Feng directly takes Xia Menglu's hand and walks towards the hotel.

In the vicinity of Jiangbin University, ten years hotel is very good, both the environment and the taste of all kinds of dishes are very good.

So it's just noon, and it's full.

"Brother Feng, Xiaotian is there..."

Just entering the hotel, Xia Menglu pointed to a table for four by the window and said.

"Sister, brother-in-law, here..."

At the same time, a young man sitting on the table over there also stood up and waved to the two men.

It's summer!

"Xiaotian, is the injury not painful?" He Feng walked over and said hello with a smile.

"Haha, it's just a slight injury. It's not in the way."

Summer shrugged his shoulders casually, pointed to the opposite seat and said, "sister, brother-in-law, please sit down and order."

Said, and handed the menu to He Feng, "brother-in-law, you want to eat anything, today at noon my treat."

"It's your treat. I gave you all the money!" Xia Menglu rolled her eyes, but she still took the menu, "brother Feng, you can order, see what you like to eat."

"Yes, I'll have some."

He Feng is not polite. He takes the menu and orders.

After ordering a few dishes, he Feng asked about the business, "Xiaotian, I heard your sister say that you were studying something in school before?"

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