"Brother, do you want to deal with the scorpion Gang first Li Tianjiang's face changed greatly. "But the gun team cultivated by Ji Xinyu, the boss of scorpion Gang, is not very powerful, is it? It's not even weaker than what we cultivate in secret. When the time comes, will it not kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred? "

They also know something about the scorpion gang. They know that the leader of the scorpion gang has good shooting skills and has trained a group of gunners secretly.

It is because they know this, so although they want to kill the scorpion gang and strengthen themselves, they dare not launch a comprehensive offensive against the scorpion gang.

Li Tianhe nodded with approval, "brother, didn't you say that you should take your time to deal with the scorpion Gang? It's better to kill Ji Xinyu first. Although we failed to assassinate her every time, as long as we continue to arrange the assassination, we may succeed. How can we change our policy now? "

"You are all mistaken!"

Li Tianhai smiles, shakes his head and says, "I'm 100% sure of killing scorpion this time."

"One hundred percent sure?"

Hearing this, everyone on the court was shocked and looked at him curiously.

We all want to know why the boss from Tianhai suddenly becomes so confident.

"Ha ha, I won't say the reason for that. In a word, you are ready to kill the whole scorpion gang." From the sky sea mysterious smile.

After hearing the speech, we will not ask more questions.

"Once the scorpion Gang is destroyed, the Wolf Gang will not be afraid."

"Yes, we will be able to easily unify the whole underground world of Jiangbin city."

Both Li Tianjiang and Li Tianhe laughed.

Li Tianhai nodded and pondered: "however, during this period, you still have to be careful. The mysterious force that recently appeared in Jiangbin city can no longer hurt the hall leader level figures. In addition, we need to send more people to investigate this force, and we must dig them out. Otherwise, they will be like he Feng, as a variable, and will hinder our plan of unifying the underground world of Jiangbin at any time. "

"Brother, don't worry, we are fully investigating that damned mysterious force."


"He Feng, over the years, you have really suffered!"

On the Audi Q3, Yuan Yashi listened to He Feng's story and then looked at He Feng sitting on the copilot. He said with great pain.

It's really unexpected that this man was not only abandoned by his parents since he was a child, but also abducted by human traffickers when he was in the orphanage, and then went through the war of blood and fire.

It's a miracle that he can live to this day.

"There's nothing to suffer from. In this life, it's lucky to be alive. And I'm not only alive now, but I've lived a wonderful life these years. Although... There are some flaws in life. " He Feng shrugged.

"Your parents, you don't know what's going on?" Yuan Yashi asked with concern.

"Yes, my grandfather didn't tell me anything. He just said that they were being held in a place, and that place was very dangerous. Even with my strong strength now, it was a near death in the past." He Feng said with a bitter smile.

His grandfather is the head of the he family, one of the four royal families in Yanjing. He must be extremely powerful in intelligence, and he must have a clear understanding of his strength.

Now that we know his strength and say that it is a near death for him to go to that place, it shows that that that place is really dangerous.

"He Feng, I have two guesses. I don't know if they are true or false."

Yuan Yashi said suddenly.

"What guess?" He Feng took a look at the woman.

Yuan Yashi is different from other ordinary women. She is a very thoughtful woman, otherwise she would not be Wang Xiangyun's right arm.

"First of all, the reason why your grandfather wants to give you a year is not simply to let you have a baby with Wang Dong. He also wants to give you another year to improve your strength. You are so young and powerful now, which shows that your cultivation talent is very high. If you practice for another year, you will certainly make great progress. When you go to that place to save your uncle and aunt, you will have a greater chance of success. "

Yuan Yashi pondered the Tao.

He Feng listened and nodded in agreement. "Well, your guess is very reasonable. It seems that in this year, I should try to improve my strength."

"Of course, you have such a high talent. If you focus more on cultivation, you will surely make rapid progress." Yuan Yashi's smiling way.

"Yes, you don't want to see who your husband is? When I broke through to the true Qi, the whole world was shocked. "

He Feng said with a smile: "by the way, you just said you had two guesses. You have already said one. What's the other guess?"

"Another is that your grandfather asked you to have a baby with Wang Dong. It should not be simply for the sake of inheriting the family. It may be for other reasons." Yuan Yashi said: "if it's just for the sake of inheriting the family, there's no need for you and Wang Dong to have children. Just find a woman to have children with you."

He Feng nodded, "well, in fact, I think about it like you. But my grandfather won't tell me the reason now, and I don't want to ask. After all, it's a condition between me and him. "

Yuan Yashi shrugged, "if your grandfather won't tell you, there's really no way. But after a year at most, you'll know why

"Forget it, I don't care about it. But in the next year, I really should find a way to improve my strength! "

He Feng's eyes once again emerged a strong fighting spirit.

Recently, although he is also working hard, he is not the same as he was abroad two months ago.

When he was abroad at the beginning, once he encountered a bottleneck, he would find all kinds of experts to fight, even fight for life and death, and seek opportunities to break through in the most fierce battle.

In the past two months, he has been practicing tepid, even if the accumulation of true Qi has reached a critical point, it is still difficult to break through.

"It's right to improve your strength, but don't push yourself too hard."

Yuan Yashi is concerned about Tao.

"I'm not too tired when I'm tired. I've been used to this kind of life for a long time." He Feng looked at Yuan Yashi's delicate body, "however, I'm used to looking for women to relax when I'm tired, but I can't find any women in China. Since sister yuan cares about me so much, how about I look for you when I'm tired?"

"Screw you, did you dig a hole for my sister?"

Yuan Yashi gives He Feng a white look, but his face turns red.

"Hey, I didn't treat you as an outsider, did I?" He Feng is still looking forward to the color.

Yuan Yashi glanced at He Feng and continued to drive seriously.

He Feng is not in a hurry, just appreciating yuan Yashi's figure.

"If you're in a good mood and your health allows, I can promise you. But I have one condition... "

Yuan Ya Shi pursed her lips, "we can't let Wang Dong know about us."

"Don't worry, of course I won't let Wang Xiangyun know."

Hearing yuan Yashi's reply, he Feng feels that adrenaline is soaring rapidly. He wants to push the woman down on the bed now.

It's a pity that Yuan Yashi's body is not suitable now!

"There is the vegetable market ahead. Please help me find a convenient parking place."

It seems to feel the urgency in He Feng's eyes, and Yuan Yashi's face is hot, so he quickly shifts the topic.

"Sister yuan, there are many parking spaces over there."

He Feng pointed to a large open parking lot not far away.

It's not a weekend today, and it's a long time from the meal. Of course, there will be a lot of parking spaces around the vegetable market.

"Ah? Is it? Then I'll stop! "

Yuan Yashi said embarrassed, and then drove the Audi to park.

After getting off the bus, Yuan Yashi saw a big shopping mall behind him, so he said, "He Feng, the clothes you changed should be at Wang Dong's house, right? Why don't we go to the mall and buy you two clean change clothes? "

"OK, it's still early anyway. I don't mind."

He Feng shrugged.

"Let's go!"

Yuan Yashi saw he Feng agreed to come down, the smile on his face even more a point.

He Feng sees this, in the heart knows, the woman mouth is to say to want to buy clean clothes for oneself, but actually should want to go shopping with oneself.

Think of here, he took the initiative to go forward, directly took the woman's thin hand, "in addition to buying me clothes, you also buy something for your parents."

"He Feng, don't do that. It would be bad if Wang Dong knew."

Yuan Yashi was startled by He Feng's hands and subconsciously wanted to take his hands back.

"I'm not a big celebrity. Everywhere I go, a group of people care about me. What's to be afraid of?" He Feng, of course, will not let go and leads yuan Yashi directly to the door of the shopping mall.

"All right!"

Seeing he Feng so domineering, Yuan Yashi is not only not angry, but also shows a satisfied smile.

She does not expect that this man can give her all the love, nor how much he can promise her. She only hopes that she can occasionally have a little happiness, a little satisfaction.

Now, what he Feng gives her is what she pursues.

In the shopping mall, two people strolled for a long time, bought a lot of gifts and clothes, and then went to the vegetable market to buy a few dishes. Then they drove back to Yuan Yashi's home.

Yuan Yashi's income was not low when she worked in Yuncheng group, but most of her money was used to treat her younger brother. The rest of her money was either sent to her family or yuan Cui. She had no spare money at all, so up to now, she still lives in a rental house.

Even, it's just a small apartment with more than 30 square meters. It's not as good as he Feng's renting in ningcaizhu.

However, the room is very clean and tidy. Some photos and decorations on the wall make the whole house look very warm and mature.

"Sister yuan, this picture on your wall is really attractive? Can you send me some to collect

Although the living room is very small, he Feng was deeply attracted by the photos on the wall as soon as he came in.

The photos show yuan Yashi doing yoga. His seemingly quiet but wild posture and hot figure make He Feng feel hot again.

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