"Well! You must have accumulated these experiences from other women, right? I don't want that. "

Who knows, the woman is to raise a hand to open his hand, walk toward sofa to sit down next, took out mobile phone, "I called car first!"

Seeing this, he Feng immediately knows that he has said something wrong. He shouldn't always say how powerful he is in that aspect. Even if a woman will allow you to find other women outside, you can't always show off in front of her, can you?

"Sister yuan, I'll make you a cup of coffee."

He Feng immediately to the side of the coffee machine, pour out the coffee beans, skilled bubble up the coffee.

Yuan Yashi glanced up at He Feng. The corner of his mouth rose slightly. His eyes also showed a touch of satisfaction.

This man has a quick reaction.

After drinking a cup of coffee, Yuan Yashi's car almost went outside the community, so they went out with their luggage and took a bus to the high-speed railway station.

They bought some food and drink outside the station, so they got their tickets and entered the station.

The situation in the car is similar to what yuan Yashi said. Although a high-speed railway station has been built in Yule County, there are not many people going to Yule county. After the car started, less than half of the people sat in the box, and more than half of the seats were empty.

And at the next stop, there were a lot of people.

Of course, there are a few people who get on the bus.

They have three seats in this row. He Feng sits near the aisle, Yuan Yashi sits in the middle, and the window seat is empty.

Yuan Yashi had a busy day today, but he didn't have a lunch break at noon. He was tired, so soon after he got on the bus, he fell asleep on He Feng's shoulder.

As for He Feng, he is reading novels with his mobile phone.

"Tut Tut, it seems that Xiaoyu also has the potential to be a leader. As soon as he became the boss, he released all these books."

After listening to Feng's novel, he Feng browses Honeynet again and finds that some other sealed books have been released and renewed. He also sends an apology note on the home page of the website, which is not only to the author, but also to the readers. His attitude can be described as quite sincere.

At this time, a message came from He Feng's wechat.

He Feng quit the Honeynet, opened wechat and read it. He sent a message to Ling Weiyu, asked him when he was free, said that the company's equity structure had been completed, and asked him to take time to sign.

Because Yuan Yashi was sleeping on his shoulder, he could only type with one hand, but it was too troublesome to type with one hand, so he directly sent a voice saying: "Xiaoyu, brother Xiaofeng, I'm already on the high-speed railway leaving Jiangbin city. I have to wait for two days before I can sign this thing."

A few seconds after the voice was sent out, Ling Weiyu returned a voice.

"Well, brother Xiaofeng, take care of yourself outside. I'll wait for you to come back." Ling Weiyu's sweet voice rang out.

He Feng is just a low-end mobile phone. Although the voice is clear, the volume is very loud.

No, as soon as the voice rang out, Yuan Yashi, who was lying on his shoulder and sleeping, gradually woke up and opened his sleepy eyes, "brother Xiaofeng? Which of your girlfriends is this

"Keke, sister yuan, she's not my girlfriend. She's the sister I told you she grew up with me in the welfare home. I'm going to give her your car."

He Feng explained awkwardly.

"Is it?"

Yuan Yashi still leaned on He Feng's shoulder, but a pair of charming eyes were lifted up, looking at He Feng and saying, "but I listen to this voice, she doesn't care about you as usual. Even if you have no affection for others, I guess she has you in her heart. How, for that kind of woman who really likes you, do you still want to let her down? "


"Don't explain. My intuition is accurate. Your little sister is sure to develop into your little girlfriend soon. Don't explain any more. "

Yuan Yashi directly interrupted He Feng's words, "if you can let her down, then you will certainly let me down in the end."

"Why? I'm sincere to you, sister yuan. " He Feng explained quickly.

"So don't lie to yourself any more, and chase your little sister as soon as possible, so that people won't think about you all the time." Yuan Yashi squinted.


He Feng didn't know how to reply completely. A moment later, he said, "sister yuan, I find that it's too condescending to let you be Wang Xiangyun's assistant. You not only have outstanding ability and eloquence, but also can speak well. If you start your own business, if you give you two or three years, your achievements will not be much lower than Wang Xiangyun. "

"Isn't that right? You may not know that when I worked as an assistant to Mr. Wang, I didn't know how many big companies were poaching me. The positions promised were all ministers or above, and even a company with a market value of nearly one billion wanted me to be their president. "

Yuan Yashi said triumphantly: "but who let Wang Dong treat me too well? My salary bonus is not much lower than that of being president outside, so I refuse all the temptations outside. "

"So I should thank Wang Xiangyun."


"You think, if she hadn't been generous to you and kept you, could I have met you?"

He Feng looked at Yuan Yashi tenderly, "sister yuan, go on sleeping. We'll have to get off for several hours."

"Well, good!"

Yuan Yashi also looks happy.

After that, she put her head close to He Feng and pecked his cheek with her lips. She was satisfied to sleep on He Feng's shoulder.

"Er... Brother Feng has been attacked again?"

He Feng wry smile shook his head, picked up the phone ready to continue to read the novel.

However, he was aware that there were several eyes staring at him in front of him. His brow was slightly wrinkled, but he didn't pay any attention. After all, Yuan Yashi was sleeping, and he didn't want to disturb women's rest.

In front of their left row of positions, two men just got on the bus sitting together, are constantly looking at their side, and whispering.

"Boss, look at that girl. She's so sexy and charming. She's ten times more beautiful than the two we called in the club this afternoon, isn't she?"

A young man with a peevish brow turned to Yuan Yashi.

The man he called "the eldest" is a big man. Although he is sitting, he is sure to be at least 1.85 meters old. It's just that such a strong middle-aged man should be masculine, but his eyes are more obscene than those of a rat eyed man.

When the young man commented on Yuan Yashi, his eyes also fell on Yuan Yashi, and a thick lust immediately appeared on his face.

"Ten times more beautiful? At least it's a hundred times more beautiful! Such a woman can only be found in the sky. Where can we see her in the world. We've been to Jianghua city for so many times, and we haven't seen such a beautiful girl, have we? "

Zhou Jian narrowed his eyes and looked straight at Yuan Yashi's posture. "Especially her figure, I can't hold it. Damn, this woman is really a special goblin. I've had a fire this afternoon, and now I'm aroused by her again. "

"Boss, when we get off the bus, shall we tie her up? And then I don't want to sell it. How about staying and playing by myself? " Said the young carp.

"It's OK to stay and play, but when you're tired of playing, you still have to sell it."

Zhou Jian glanced at the carp and said, "don't you think that a woman of such high quality can sell for a very high price. Then the leader will surely give us more bonus."

"Yes, boss, you have a point. Then we'll do it to her when we get off the bus? " Asked the carp.

Zhou Jian shook his head and said, "no, I'm going to talk to that girl now. Let's find out which stop she got off at first."

Carp is a little worried: "but, her boyfriend is beside her, so directly to talk to her, her boyfriend should not be happy?"

"No? Hehe, what I want is to make him unhappy. "


"Ah, what? I've said that. Don't you understand me? I don't know what your brain is made of. "

Zhou Jian said disappointedly: "if he is not happy later, I may break out some conflicts with him. No matter what, don't do it then. Then, the police will definitely be attracted by us. "

Carp heard here, still don't understand the meaning of Zhou Jian, but his face is more worried, can't help but interrupt Zhou Jian, "isn't it more troublesome for the police to come?"

"Damn, can't you let me finish first?"

Zhou Jian was not angry and said: "when the police come, we will show our tickets. As soon as they take out their tickets, you guys will look around. There are so many people, can you see where they get off the bus? "

"Gee, that's your goal, boss."

Hearing this, carp finally understood the meaning of Zhou Jian.

Suddenly, a strong sense of worship appeared on his face, "boss, you are really too smart. You are the most intelligent person I have ever met."

"Go away, don't bother me. I'm going to get down to business."

Zhou Jian slapped the carp open, then stood up and walked in the direction of Yuan Yashi and he Feng.

"Brother, is that position empty in you? Please let me sit inside. No, I prefer a window seat Zhou Jian went to He Feng and tried to be polite.

However, he Feng is still playing the game, as if he didn't hear his voice.

"Brother, do you hear me?"

Zhou Jian's face suddenly became ugly, his voice is not small, right?

This guy pretends not to hear!

"Are you talking to me?"

At this time, he Feng just slowly raised his head, light looking at him.


Holding back his anger, Zhou Jian pointed to the window seat beside yuan Yashi and said, "I want to sit in this window seat. It seems that there is no one here. I don't know if I can make way. No, I'll sit inside."

"How about sitting by the window in the evening? No

Who knows, he Feng is not polite refused, and then continue to bow to play from the mobile phone.

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