
Hearing this, Yuan Yashi shook her head without hesitation. "No, this introduction is definitely not good. If my parents knew that I was looking for a man to be my husband outside, they would be very angry. At least step by step, let them accept you first. Besides, after Yuan Cui and I got the marriage certificate, we still haven't got the divorce certificate. Now that he's dead, we don't know if we can get the divorce certificate. "

"Don't worry about the divorce certificate. I'll think about it later."

He Feng nodded.

Even if he has already obtained the marriage certificate with Wang Xiangyun, it is difficult for him to get the marriage certificate with Yuan Yashi and other women in the future, and he does not want his women to be on the same marriage certificate with other men.

Therefore, we must let yuan Yashi return to single.

"Well, when I met my parents, I told them that you were my boyfriend?" Yuan Yashi said.

"As long as you like, sister yuan, I'll do it." He Feng shrugged.

"OK, that's it."

Yuan Yashi decided, "let's go back. It's too hot outside. Don't come back. Everyone is suntanned. Let's meet my parents first, and then go to Yuan Cui's parents


Immediately, the two men walked towards the entrance of Yuanjia village.

Now it's more than ten o'clock in the morning. For rural people, at this point, many people are doing farm work in the fields.

In particular, now is the time for watermelon to go on the market, rural people will be more busy.

So when they entered the village, they didn't see anyone.

"Well, isn't that Aunt Xiaoshi? She's back. "

"Come on, everyone. Aunt Xiaoshi is here. She must have brought us a lot of delicious food."

Just as they were about to pass a corner, a group of four or five-year-old children, with dirty dirt on their bodies, sprang out and surrounded yuan Yashi.

"Little leaves, why are you playing with mud again? Didn't I tell you last time that you can't play with mud? "

Yuan Yashi didn't worry that her clothes would be dirty at all. Instead, she walked towards these dirty children, pretending to be angry and frowning.

Little leaf is a boy who looks about six or seven years old. His hands are covered with yellow soil, and his dark face is covered with a lot of dust.

If such a child goes to the city, it will definitely attract a lot of disgusting eyes.

But in the countryside

In addition to him, the four or five children he brought with him were all dirty and covered with mud.

"Aunt Xiaoshi, we didn't go to play with mud. We just went to help grandma pull out peanuts." The boy named little leaf explained.

"So it is. How is your grandmother?"

Yuan Yashi asked with concern.

"Grandma is in great health!" The way of the little tree leaves laughing.

"That's good!"

Yuan Yashi nodded, and then took out a few bags of snacks from the bag he was carrying. "These are all for you. Take them and share them with you. You're a brother. You should give more to your younger brothers and sisters. Otherwise, I won't buy food for you any more. Do you understand? "

"I know, aunt Xiaoshi. I'll give it to other brothers and sisters. By the way, do you want me to inform grandfather Yuan Yu and grandmother Liu Xin first? " Asked little leaf.

Yuan Yu and Liu Xin are the parents of Yuan Yashi.

"No, you go to other children and give them all the food." Yuan Yashi said.


Small leaves with a few other children left happily.

"Sister yuan, do children in rural areas not go to kindergarten?"

Waiting for them to leave, he Feng couldn't help being curious and asked.

In his impression, China is already rich, but Yuanjia village is too poor, isn't it?

Since he came to the village, he has only seen two buildings, the rest are all tile roofed buildings, and most of them are still very shabby.

It seems that the poor counties in China are really quite poor.

"Alas! Yule county is poor, but Yuanjia village is even poorer. Most of the young people have gone to work in the city. Those who stay in the village are either children or old people. There is no kindergarten in the village. If you want to go to kindergarten, you can only put it in the town. It's unrealistic for the old people in the village to pick up the children from school. 1、 They don't know how to ride a bike. Second, they usually do a lot of farm work. They can't make sure they have time to pick up and see them off in the town every day. "

Yuan Yashi sighed: "besides, although Yule county is very poor, the tuition fees for kindergartens are not cheap. When I was celebrating the new year, my father said that only three or four children in our whole Yuanjia village were sent to the town to study in kindergartens. "

He Feng eyebrows a pick, "just so little people go to kindergarten?"? So those children who don't go to kindergarten wait until they are six years old and go directly to the first grade of primary school? "

"Well! It can only be like this! " Yuan Yashi nodded and said, "in fact, it's very good for our children in Yuanjia village to finish nine years of compulsory education. Many poor families, even junior high schools, don't allow their children to go to school, because they have to have classes at night in junior high schools, so students can only choose to live in schools. In this way, the annual consumption is much higher, and they are reluctant to give up. The most serious problem is that these children have to help their families do all kinds of housework and farm work while they are studying, so they can't put more energy into their studies, resulting in very poor grades. In our town's public schools, once their academic performance is too poor, they will find various reasons to force students to drop out or transfer to other schools, so as not to affect their enrollment rate. Once they can't go to public schools, they will almost have to drop out of school, because private schools are too expensive. In the case of Yuanjia village, most families are definitely reluctant to send their children to private schools. "

"Sister yuan, what do you think would happen if a free school appeared in a county like Yule county? And this free school is free from kindergarten to high school. "

At this time, he Feng suddenly remembered that Xia Menglu wanted to establish a charity school, so he said.

Hearing the speech, Yuan Yashi's eyes lit up. If there were such a school in Yule County, more children would be able to read.


"Yule County really needs such a school, but it's too difficult to establish such a school. It must have a very strong relationship, otherwise it can't be established. After all, once such a school is established, how can other private schools go on?"

Yuan Yashi pondered: "in addition, if such a school is really to be established, it must have sufficient financial support, and also have a sound management and school running strategy. It can't spend money indiscriminately, otherwise it won't last long."

"Sister yuan, if you have time or interest, you can study how to run this kind of school. Maybe you will become the manager of this kind of school in the future."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll tell you anything now, and you'll know later."

He Feng mysterious smile, and then look forward.

In front of them, an old man about fifty years old is coming towards them.

"Xiaoshi, are you back?"

The old man went to Yuan Yashi and asked in surprise. At the same time, he Feng, who is next to Yuan Yashi, said, "who is this?"

"Uncle, he's... He's my boyfriend." Yuan Yashi didn't hide from the old man, because Yuan Kai was her cousin and was close to her family. In her early years, her younger brother yuan lie was ill, and Yuan Kai didn't give little help. Although it was only a drop in the bucket in the end, Yuan Yashi still remembers that friendship.

"Your boyfriend? Do you really talk about boyfriends outside? "

When Yuan Kai listened to Yuan Yashi's words, his face full of knife like wrinkles changed slightly.

"Uncle, why do you ask that?" Yuan Yashi frowned, "did someone tell you that I was talking about my boyfriend outside?"

"No one told me that. I was just walking outside last night. I heard it by chance. At that time, I didn't take it seriously. I didn't expect that you really talked about boyfriends."

Yuan Kai glanced around and saw that there was no one around him. He quickly said, "little poem, please take your boyfriend away quickly. Don't let him come to our Yuanjia village. Otherwise, Yuan Xi and Zhou Fang's family will definitely come to you for trouble. "

"Sister yuan, who are Yuan Xi and Zhou Fang?" He Feng on one side is very strange.

"It's yuan Cui's parents!"

Yuan Yashi's voice is a little cold, because she thinks that most of the people who say she talked about her boyfriend outside are Yuan Xi. Otherwise, how can other people say this kind of thing for no reason?

But now she has no evidence, and she is just guessing, so it's not easy for her to say it directly.

"Xiaoshi, don't talk about it. You go quickly. I met Yuan Xi several times in the past two days. His face is very ugly and I don't know what's the matter. Moreover, these two days, their family shut themselves up at home and didn't talk to others. It's very abnormal. If they knew that you talked about your boyfriend outside and brought him back to the village, they would not give up." Yuan Kai urged.

"Uncle Tang, I'm afraid it's useless. Some people have seen me take He Feng back to the village. Now they should have heard about it..."

Yuan Yashi shook his head, "besides, I'm not here to take my boyfriend back to Yuanjia village this time. I just want everyone to know that Yuan Yashi is He Feng's boyfriend now. He yuan Cui has nothing to do with my yuan Yashi. "

"You, why are you so impulsive?" On hearing this, Yuan Kai's face changed greatly.

"Sister yuan, you didn't get to the point!" He Feng corrected: "this time we come to Yuanjia village, the main purpose is to teach yuan Cui his parents a lesson, so as to help you vent your anger."

"Don't mess around. Yuan Xi's family has many brothers and powerful people. You can't provoke them." Yuan Kai tried to dissuade him.

"He Feng, Yuan Cui's parents are pitiful enough now, or let's..." Yuan Yashi still wants to persuade him, but he Feng doesn't really want to fight yuan Cui's parents.

"Sister yuan, if we meet later and they are willing to admit their mistakes and apologize sincerely, then I can consider letting them go."

Seeing that Yuan Yashi sympathizes with Yuan Cui's parents again, he Feng is also very helpless, and it's not good for him to lose face in front of his female cousin, right?

At this time, he Feng suddenly saw two people coming in front of him. They were a middle-aged couple. They looked about 50 years old. The middle-aged woman's appearance was similar to Yuan Yashi's.

"Sister yuan, look, are your parents here?" He Feng quickly took yuan Yashi's hand and asked.

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