As soon as he Feng said this, those who didn't know yuan Yashi had brought her boyfriend back to the village were shocked.

"My God, isn't yuan Yashi married yuan Cui? Why did she bring a man back?"

"This is a big deal. The Yuanxi family will not let him go."

"Needless to say, they are not good talkers. If yuan Cui were here, he would have rushed up by now. However, I just heard that Yuan Yashi said that if yuan Cui died, what kind of death certificate should he issue? Is this true or false? "

"In front of Yuan Xi, can it be false?"

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to manage. I heard that Yuan Cui is also a fool outside. It's not a good thing. It's a good thing to die. But now I want to see what will happen to the boyfriend yuan Yashi brought back? "

Everyone is curious and shocked to see he Feng.

Some people look at Yuan Xu and want to see what kind of reaction yuan Xu will have.

Sure enough, Yuan Xu's face is becoming ugly.

Especially when he saw he Feng holding yuan Yashi's slender waist directly, but yuan Yashi didn't resist, his face turned purple, and his eyes were gloomy and frightening.

Yuan Xi and others laughed one by one when they saw this scene.

The relationship between their family and Yuan Xu is not good. Before, they suffered a great loss because of Yuan Xu's father Yuan Guchang, but they can't get revenge. Now I'm glad to see yuan Xu's death.

"Xiaoshi, I didn't expect that you would find a boyfriend outside? Hehe, you and your boyfriend are so close. They should have talked for a long time, right Yuan Xu suddenly smiles and shakes his head, "but before, you and Yuan Cui were husband and wife, but you were with other men in this period of time, which would seriously damage the atmosphere of our Yuanjia village."

"Yuan Xu, what are you talking about? I didn't spoil the atmosphere of Yuanjia village. Although yuan Cui and I have obtained the certificate, I was forced to do so. Moreover, Yuan Cui and I only have the name of husband and wife. This is what he talked about with me. For this reason, I have paid a great price. In recent years, I have given him 800000 without one million. "

Yuan Yashi said angrily.

"A million? God, how could yuan Yashi have so much money? "

"Are you kidding? How can she make so much money as a girl? "

"I don't believe it either. She's probably cheating."

When we heard yuan Yashi's words, we all shook our heads. Few people believed that what she said was true.

For these poor farmers, not to mention one million, even ten thousand yuan is not a small amount.

As for yuan Yashi's work, they are not very clear. They only know that Yuan Yashi seems to work in a big city, but they are not clear about which company she works in and what she does. Yuan Yashi is just for fear of gossiping, so she just told her parents and told them not to pass it on.

Yuan Cui's family knows about yuan Yashi's income. After all, after Yuan Cui took money from Yuan Yashi, he would more or less go home and tell his family about it.

However, Yuan Cui and Yuan Yashi have the same idea, which is to ask the family not to talk about yuan Yashi's income outside, so as not to cause any trouble and affect yuan Yashi's giving money to their family.

"Xiaoshi, do you mean that you earn hundreds of thousands every year?"

Yuan Xu also did not believe what yuan Yashi said.

The reason why he likes yuan Yashi is that Yuan Yashi has become more and more beautiful and charming in recent years. In addition, he has culture and works in a big city. If he can really marry yuan Yashi as his wife, he will surely have a lot of face.

In Yuanjia village, people are afraid of Yuan Cui, but he is not.

Originally, he could have found a girlfriend in Lixi City, but he was a top talent in Yuanjia village, but he didn't like ordinary women. And the kind of conditions are slightly better, but also dislike that he is a rural, no urban hukou.

"My annual income is not several hundred thousand, but nearly one million!"

Yuan Yashi had expected that once her income was mentioned, people would question her. She was not angry either. After all, most of the families in Yuanjia village earn only ten thousand yuan a year.

"What? A million? "

As soon as she said this, everyone's eyes widened.


A villager took the rice bowl in his hand and unconsciously fell to the ground. Fortunately, it was mud, so it didn't break.

"Neighbors, Xiaoshi, she didn't lie."

Yuan Yu saw that people still didn't believe her, and immediately said, "Xiaoshi, she works in a big company named Yuncheng group in Jiangbin city. The market value of this company is nearly 10 billion yuan. Her position is assistant to the chairman of the board. Her annual salary is about 300000 yuan, but her annual bonus is more than twice of her annual salary. So, her annual income is really close to one million. "

"Oh, my mother, it's a million."

"Yuan Yu is a simple man. He should not lie."

"I didn't expect that Xiaoshi worked in such a big company. Ten billion. How big a company is that? "

"My God, there is such a talent in Yuanjia village? It's the blessing of my ancestors. "

As soon as Yuan Yu opened his mouth, people no longer doubted him. Some of them were just shocked.

"Hiss! Yuan Yashi's annual income actually exceeds one million? "

Yuan Xu also took a breath, and then the desire to do it came out of his eyes.

This woman, he must get it.

When he was in high school, he went back to study for two years before he was admitted to a secondary school. Then he worked hard in this company for several years, and his annual income barely reached more than 200000 yuan.

He thought that his income was already very high, and the younger generation in Yuanjia village was absolutely second to none.

But don't want to, that is just because the appearance is beautiful and the woman who is liked by oneself, in income, unexpectedly is own four or five times!

It's like a humiliation to him, but it's also a huge temptation.

If you can get this woman, will you be short of money in the future?

Thinking of this, Yuan Xu's eyes are more and more bright.

"Ladies and gentlemen, although Xiaoshi's income is very high, she has never lived a comfortable life."

At this time, Yuan Yu continued to speak, and his voice was full of guilt. "Xiaoshi earns nearly a million every year, but nearly half of the money is stolen by Yuan Cui. As her husband, Yuan Cui kept asking her for money. Almost every month, she took 20000 or 30000 yuan away from Xiaoshi, and she took 100000 yuan away for each new year. Over the past two or three years, I have earned at least one million yuan from Xiaoshi. "

"What? Yuan Cui is using Xiaoshi as an ATM and a money making machine. "

"It's too much. Yuan Cui is just a local ruffian. How can he be the husband of Xiaoshi?"

"The key point is that even if he wants to use money, he can't make mistakes on purpose. Isn't that bullying?"

People in the countryside are relatively honest, so in their view, Yuan Cui is bullying yuan Yashi, which makes people very angry.

"In fact, I didn't blame yuan Cui for asking me for money. After all, Yuan Cui's family did help me a lot and invested nearly 100000 yuan in me. In the end, he negotiated with me that he should not touch my body, and I would not stop him from looking for another woman outside, and would give him at least 100000 yuan every year for five years in a row. After five years, the marriage would be dissolved. "

Yuan Yashi said calmly: "so, even if yuan Cui went a little too far in the end, he kept asking me for money when I saw my income rising, but I would give him 20000 or 30000 yuan almost every month, and the 100000 yuan agreed at the end of each year was a lot of money. Therefore, I didn't feel sorry for yuan Cui. From the beginning, there was only interest between me and him, and the money I gave him was ten times what their family invested in me. "

Speaking of this, Yuan Yashi gave a little pause, and then her voice gradually enlarged. "So, even if I find a boyfriend now and bring him to Yuanjia village, I have a clear conscience."

"Yuan Yashi, you are lying. You, you didn't give yuan Cui so much money at all..."

At this time, Yuan Xi suddenly cried out, his face was a little crazy.

Yuan Yashi actually said that in the past two or three years, he has given yuan Cui more than one million yuan, but why has yuan Cui only given his family more than one hundred thousand yuan? And that he earned the money by working outside?

"Uncle Yuan Xi, don't you believe it? If you don't believe it, we can go to the bank to get the transfer records now. Every time I give yuan Cui money, I transfer it through mobile banking. As long as I go to the bank to check, I can check it immediately. "

"You said that you gave my son so much money, why did yuan Cui only give us more than 100000 yuan in the past two years?"

"He even gave you more than 100000?"

Yuan Yashi was surprised: "so it seems that Yuan Cui is a little filial. I thought he didn't give you a cent."

"Yuan Yashi, what do you mean by that?" Zhou Fang, beside Yuan Xi, felt that something was wrong.

"Why, you don't know? Yuan Cui, who was in Jiangbin City, spent all his time in drinking and drinking. He went to all kinds of clubs to play with all kinds of women. Several times, he was arrested for anti pornography. I went to prison to bail him out. I haven't even counted the tens of thousands of dollars spent on his bail. "

Yuan Yashi said faintly: "in addition, Yuan Cui also likes gambling. He sneaks into all kinds of gambling places almost every day. I heard him say that he owed tens of thousands of debts, and I don't know whether he paid off before he died. If you don't pay it off, you have to be a little careful. If the gamblers come to Yuanjia village to collect the debts, your family will be in trouble. "

"What did you say? I, I don't believe it

When Yuan Xi and Zhou Fang heard this, their faces turned white.

He is not very clear about yuan Cui's work in Jiangbin city. He only knows that Yuan Cui seems to work in Jiangbin city with average income, but he can get a lot of money from Yuan Yashi every year.

But I don't want to, my son even fooled around outside, even gambling, owed a lot of gambling debt.

"I still have the call records of the casinos calling me to collect debts. I also have the records of my going to the public security bureau to bail him. Do you want me to show you?" Yuan Yashi said in a low voice that he also sympathized with Yuan Xi and Zhou Fang. Although they were not good people, they only compared with the villagers in Yuanjia village.

Compared with some bandits outside, they are relatively simple.

And they also hope that their son yuan Cui doesn't mess around outside and be more down-to-earth. But yuan Cui doesn't listen to advice, and his character is also very bad. Finally, he Feng is completely angered, resulting in his death.

To Yuan Cui, Yuan Yashi has different feelings.

But to Yuan Cui's parents, Yuan Yashi is quite sympathetic.

This is why before Yuan Cui's parents went to Jiangbin city to find her trouble, she would always tolerate, even promised to give them 300000 as compensation, and all kinds of dissuasion He Feng taught them a lesson.

"Uncle Yuan Xi, aunt Zhou Fang, I don't want to say more about yuan Cui now. I will still give you the 300000 I promised you. But you have to give me yuan Cui's household register first, so that I can get a death certificate. "

Yuan Yashi continued: "with these three hundred thousand, I believe that you will not be too poor in the countryside in the future. Let's take it as my filial piety to Yuan Cui."

Yuan Xi and Zhou Fang's husband and wife are white now, and their minds are full of their son yuan Cui's affairs. They don't understand what yuan Yashi said at all.

"Yuan Yashi, since you have such a high income outside, you must have saved more than that. Is it too little for you to give 300000? At least a million? "

At this time, Yuan Xi's younger brother yuan Jin said.

"A million?"

As soon as this figure was mentioned, the villagers were surprised and looked at Yuan Jin unhappily.

This guy can really open his mouth. It's a million dollars. Do you really think yuan Yashi is an ATM?

"Yuan Jin, you really dare to open your mouth. You even dare to report a million dollars. Do you think our little poem is so rich, or do you think our family is so easy to bully?"

Yuan Yu was completely infuriated by Yuan Jin's words and stood up and said, "I tell you, our little poem can't get so much money at all! Almost half of Xiaoshi's money was given to Yuan Cui, while the other half was devoted to her brother yuan lie's illness. Xiaoshi herself had not saved any money at all. Even though she doesn't dare to use cosmetics and skin care products, she lives in a very cheap apartment

Yuan Yu is really angry. Her daughter seems to have a high income. She is also an assistant to the chairman of a large company. She has never had a good life. She has suffered from many hardships since she was a child.

But now, the other side is still bullying her daughter like this. Rao is such an honest man as Yuan Yu. He can't stand it any more.

"What? What a high income, Xiao Shi, did you take it all out? "

"Half for yuan Cui, the other half for her brother yuan lie? And she still lives in poverty? "

"What a kind woman she is. She has devoted almost all her life to her parents and brother."

"Yes, poor, poor!"

People in the village sighed, and some even shed tears.

"Well, how much money does yuan lie need for his treatment? Where do we know? Do you mean to spend it all? "

However, Yuan Jin snorted: "besides, if you say that she earns one million a year, is it true that she only earns one million? You said just now that the market value of her company is 10 billion, and she is the assistant of the chairman of the board of directors. Maybe she has saved millions or tens of millions now? She has so much money, my brother asked her for a million? I still don't want to make the villagers think that we are too greedy, so I just reported a million. She's supposed to give my brother at least five million. "

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