
He Feng looked at Yuan Yashi, who was picking vegetables not far away, and saw that the woman was very busy, as if she had not noticed the situation here.

He immediately understood that the woman must have directly left the stall to him.

He reckons that Yuan Yashi is the assistant to the chairman of Yuncheng group and has seen all kinds of battles in the business field. But it must be the first time that his parents cross examined him about his feelings. It's just one or two. He didn't know how to answer some of his mother's questions, so he simply threw all the questions to He Feng.

"Auntie, I work in the same company with Xiaoshi!"

With this in mind, he Feng nodded and said, "Xiaoshi is the assistant to the chairman of Yuncheng group, and I, like her, was the assistant to the chairman of Yuncheng group. But now, I've gone to work in the finance department. "

"Isn't it nice to be an assistant to the chairman? It's nice to talk about it, and it's well paid. Why didn't you become one? " Liu Xin frowned and asked, a little confused.

"Well, auntie, something happened to the director of the Finance Department of our company, and the position was vacant. So, the chairman asked me to go up. "

"Do you mean that you are now a minister and a vassal?" Liu Xin's eyes brightened.

"In fact, it's nothing good. It's all for the company leaders."

He Feng waved his hand as if it didn't matter.

Seeing he Feng's modesty, Liu Xin didn't put on airs at all because he was a department minister or a company leader. He was more satisfied with him. "Xiao Feng, you and Xiao Shi are assistant to the chairman of the board, but your chairman just let you be a minister instead of Xiao Shi. This is enough to show that your abilities in all aspects are definitely better than Xiao Shi. But it's good that you can take care of the poem. By the way, I don't know where your hometown is? Do your family know what happened between you and Xiaoshi? They... They don't think our little poem is from the countryside, so they're against you being together, right

She is satisfied with He Feng, but she is worried that he Feng's family is not satisfied with Yuan Yashi.

After all, she asked yuan Yashi just now. She knew that he Feng was two years younger than yuan Yashi. Most men's families didn't want him to be younger than her. What's more, he Feng's achievements were higher than yuan Yashi's. besides, Yuan Yashi came from the countryside, so the family conditions were quite poor, She was really worried that he Feng's family would object to their two young people being together.

"Auntie, my parents are all from Yanjing." He Feng pondered for a while: "as for the matter between me and Xiaoshi, they don't know yet. But I can assure you that as long as I get along well with Xiaoshi, they will not object. "

"Yanjing people? And your parents won't object? Well, that's really great. "

Liu Xin is very happy to hear that.

Yanjing people, they are from the capital, and he Feng's achievements are higher than yuan Yashi's, so in her opinion, it is definitely their family's poems.

But now it seems that he Feng is still very good to Yuan Yashi. They are very close to each other. How can this not make her happy?

"Little poem, you are a girl. What kind of vegetables do you pick? Come to pour tea for He Feng and let your father pick vegetables."

Liu Xin suddenly reacts that Yuan Yashi is picking vegetables in the garden in the yard, and he Feng is put aside, so he quickly rolls up his sleeve and is ready to replace yuan Yashi.

How can such an excellent son-in-law not be better? In case he is dissatisfied with his family, what can he do if he doesn't want a poem?

However, just as she was about to walk past, she was held by He Feng, "Auntie, you usually work so hard every day. Now that I'm back with Xiaoshi, you can have a good rest. Besides, isn't it easy to pick vegetables? You can leave it to me and the little poem. "

He Feng rolled up his sleeve and walked towards yuan Yashi.

"Well, that's not good, is it?" Liu Xin is still worried.

"Auntie is OK. Please call my cousin. I'll pick the dishes with Xiaoshi soon."

He Feng waved his hand toward the back, and the man had already come to the side of Yuan Yashi.

"Sister-in-law, let Xiaofeng and Xiaoshi go to work. Xiaofeng is not a person who sticks to small rules. This child is excellent. " Yuan Kai suddenly walked up to Liu Xin and said with a smile, "sister-in-law, the son-in-law that Xiaoshi found for you must be a dragon among the people."

"Kaizi, do you think so highly of Xiaofeng?" Liu Xin was surprised.

"Ha ha, is it hard for you and your wife to think less of him?" Yuan Kai said with a smile.

Hearing this, Liu Xin and Yuan Yu, who were pouring water in the hall, looked at each other and laughed.


"He Feng, what did you tell my mother? Why are my parents so happy? "

In the vegetable garden, Yuan Yashi is picking long beans. At the same time, she secretly glances back at Liu Xin and others who are talking and laughing in the room. She is very confused.

"In fact, I didn't say anything. I promised your mother that I would take good care of you and make you happy all your life. She was very happy and satisfied with me." He Feng said with a smile.

"Certainly not!"

However, as soon as he said this, Yuan Yashi shook her head. "My mother is not such a good liar, and although she is from the countryside, I know her very well, because our family has been very difficult, so she will be more realistic in dealing with some problems. For example, my marriage, if I really find other men outside, she certainly hopes that all aspects of the man's conditions are better. You must have said something about this. That's why my mother is so happy now, isn't it? "

"Oh, little poem, you are very clever. You can guess it all at once?" He Feng surprised way, this woman is too smart, IQ is not inferior to Wang Xiangyun that mother-in-law ah.

"If you're not smart, Dong Wang won't let me be her assistant."

Yuan Yashi said: "and can you continue to call me sister yuan? I'm older than you. Why don't you call me a little poem like my mother

"No big or small? I'm your husband. Isn't it normal to call you Xiaoshi? Hum, call brother Xiaofeng quickly, or I will not be happy. " He Feng pretends to be angry and stares at the woman.

"Brother Xiaofeng?" Yuan Yashi blinked her eyes and felt extremely uncomfortable.

This little guy wants to call him "brother"?

"Ah! Xiao Shi's younger sister is so good. At night, my brother coaxes you to sleep... "He Feng answers with a smile.


Yuan Yashi was stunned and soon understood that he was taken advantage of by a man. She said: "Why are you so shameless?"

"Oh, how dare you say I'm shameless? Is it too bold? Believe it or not, I'll educate you at night? "

He Feng stares.

"Want to educate me? I'll sleep with my mother that night! " A woman has a proud face.


He Feng suddenly lost his way.

Yuan Yashi is different from Xia Menglu. He has a high IQ. He wants to take advantage of women, but it's not so simple.

"Well, well, I'm joking with you. I'll sleep with you at night, OK?"

See he Feng eat shriveled, Yuan Yashi close to the man, low voice way: "tonight, must let you comfortable, OK?"


Smell speech, he Feng can't help but take a breath, feel inside body again have a burst or rush up.

"Come on, come on, don't hold back. I just solved it for you once in the morning. I'm afraid of you if you're not tired all the time..."

Yuan Yashi quickly opened the topic, "help me pick more dishes, my mother is still waiting for cooking."

"I'm kidding. Do you need my aunt to cook with me? In a moment, let me cook myself, and let my future father-in-law and mother-in-law taste my craft. " He Feng said.

"Well, my mother will be more satisfied with you if she eats your food." Yuan Yashi nodded.

A man's cooking is really good. Even a five-star top chef is not necessarily better than him. Her parents estimate that they have never eaten such delicious food in their whole life.


A few minutes later, they came into the house with a basket of fresh vegetables.

"Xiaoshi, you accompany Xiaofeng to drink tea and have a rest. I'll go to the kitchen with your father to cook for you."

Liu Xin hastened to pick up the vegetable basket for fear that he Feng might be tired.

"Mom, let me go with He Feng to get food at noon today. Just chat with my uncle here with dad." But yuan Ya's poems are not true.

"You cook? No, no, No. what kind of food can you make with your cooking skills? " Liu Xin glared, shook his head, and said: "Xiaoshi, now that you are in love, you can't just think about work as before. In your spare time, you have to take some time to practice your cooking skills. Otherwise, after you get married with Xiaofeng, do you always go out to a restaurant to eat? How unsanitary that is

"Mom, you misunderstood. It's not me cooking today, but he Feng cooking." Yuan Yashi said with a smile: "in front of He Feng, I don't dare to go into the kitchen for my cooking skills, otherwise my dishes will be taken to the garbage can by him."

"What do you mean? Do you mean Xiao Feng cooks Liu Xin was shocked.

In their rural areas, few men will cook. After all, in their real poor villages, men have little time to do things in the kitchen. Most of the time they are busy with farm work in the fields. Even if they have a little cooking skills, they can't get on the stage at all.

"Yes, he Feng is not only good at cooking, but also good at cooking."

Yuan Yashi narrowed her eyes and smirked mysteriously. Then she held a vegetable basket in one hand and he Feng's arm in the other. "Mom and Dad, just wait for me. I won't let you down for a while."

Watching the couple enter the kitchen behind the main room, Liu Xin is still stunned, "do you really know how to cook? Is it true or not? "

"Liu Xin, Xiao Feng may really be able to cook. You can't always look down on our men!" Yuan Yu said: "in fact, our men just spend more time working. If we are willing to devote our energy to cooking, our men's cooking skills will be much better than your women's

"Cut, I see you go to the kitchen a lot of times. How come you haven't made any progress in cooking, and every time you cook, you end up feeding it to the pigs?"

"I... I didn't have much time to study carefully, and I didn't have any talent in this field. Haven't you seen my good daughter who has more cooking skills?"

"Bah, she is more like me than you in cooking?"

Liu Xin glared at Yuan Yu and said in a low voice: "however, if Xiao Feng's food tastes ordinary, you two should pay attention to the wording and not hurt the young people's self-esteem. Do you hear me? If you make my future son-in-law unhappy, be careful that I will be rude to you in the future! "


Yuan Yu and Yuan KaiDun were silly.

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