At the same time, Shi Yong gave his business card to He Feng and went to the second floor.

Anyway, few customers come here now. Even if there are customers, there are other salesmen downstairs who will receive them.

"Zou Rong? That smelly woman actually took her silly boy friend to the sales office again, which is too disrespectful of my brother. Hum, do you really think my brother is reluctant to dismiss you? "

As for Zou Rong, Shi Yong is usually concerned about it, because his brother, Shi Liang, one of the managers of the sales office, is very interested in Zou Rong and wants to follow the rules.

However, Zou Rong was not interested at all, and even went to meet a boyfriend in the same industry.

Even if she had a boyfriend in the same industry, she took her boyfriend to their sales office again and again to see the house and wanted to help her boyfriend make a deal.

This makes Shi Yong a little upset!

At this moment, his brother Shi Liang must be playing chicken eating game in the office. Shi Yong was going to tell his brother about it when he had lunch.

But at this moment, because he Feng's business, he is not happy in the heart, so he is ready to go to his brother now and say it.

Dong Dong

When he comes to Shi Liang's office, Shi Yong knocks on the door, then pushes the door open and goes in.

"Brother, why are you still playing games? Zou Rong, whom you like, is staying at our sales office again. "

In front of the desk, a man who looks almost like him is playing games on his mobile phone.

Shi Yong strode over and said, "she doesn't pay attention to you, does she? She clearly knows that you have pursued her and want her to accompany you. Now she still does this kind of thing. Isn't it a provocation to you? I suggest you let her go today? "

"You sit and wait for a while, let me eat a chicken first..."

Shi Liang looked up at him, then continued to play the game.


Shi Yong no longer urged, pulled a chair to sit next to Shi Liang, also took out the mobile phone to play the same game.

He is not very skilled in playing this game. After playing it for a short time, he was killed.

At this time, Shi Liang finally succeeded in eating chicken.

"Since that Zou Rong is not smart and can't fix her, I'll give her a free excuse for a while."

Shi Liang put down his mobile phone, took out two cigarettes, handed one to Shi Yong, light said.

Although he is only a manager with limited power, it is within his power to fire the salesman.

Especially the salesman with very average performance, if he wants to be fired, he doesn't need to report to the director, let alone disturb the boss of the company.

"Well, it's easy. At the moment, Zou Rong is helping her boyfriend's clients explain the real estate, while another person comes to her to buy a house. But I think that customer is a loser and definitely can't afford it. After a while, if he doesn't buy it, let's just get rid of Zou Rong. "

Shi Yong said in a cold voice.

"Fired without buying? If you buy it, you won't be fired? "

However, Shi Liang snorted coldly, "for Zou Rong, I have reached the limit of patience. After a while, even if her clients buy a house, I'll find another reason to drive her away. "

Shi Yong in front of a bright, "it seems that you have opened the brother."

"Ha ha, a woman who can't catch up with me, why do I keep her? It's time to let her go. " Shi Liang laughed and said, "I'll play another dish of chicken. You can help me to watch. When things get better, come and report to me."

"All right!"

Shi Yong immediately got up and walked out of the office.


"Lulu, he Feng and Youyou, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."

On the first floor of the rest area, Zou Rong took her boyfriend to He Feng and other people. She was embarrassed and said, "let me introduce you first. This is my boyfriend, Li Chen."

With that, he introduced He Feng and others to Li Chen.

"Brother he Feng, you are really lucky to find such a beautiful woman as Lulu as your girlfriend." Li Chen said with a smile: "there are youyou elder sister, you are so beautiful, and I don't know which man will be cheaper in the future. I will catch you up."

"Rongrong, your boyfriend is very talkative. He is worthy of running a company."

Jiang youyou is very satisfied with Li Chen's smile.

"Sister Lulu, don't make fun of Li Chen. His company is facing a lot of problems with its development. It hasn't opened a list for two consecutive months."

Zou Rong said with a bitter smile: "if you can't open another list this month, Li Chen is not going to work alone."

Just now, after listening to their introduction, the customer left without asking about the price in detail. It can be seen that the current market situation is really difficult to survive.

"What's the matter? Is the real estate market so bad now?"

Xia Menglu curiously asked: "is that after I bought a house in Jiangbin City, I don't need to count on its appreciation in the future?"

She's just a little curious, but she doesn't worry about it, because she doesn't buy a house for investment, but just needs to live by herself. Whether it rises or doesn't have any impact on her.

Zou Rong shook his head and said: "we can't say that. After all, Jiangbin city is a prosperous metropolis. There are more and more big companies here, and the houses will appreciate. However, because last year's real estate boom has passed, now many people are unwilling to take out their money to buy a house, so even if the house is appreciating, there are not many people to buy it. "

"Well, Rongrong is right. The house is appreciating, but there are fewer people investing now. The main reason is that the housing price in Jiangbin city is relatively high, with an average price of more than 20000. Few people are willing to take the risk again. "

Li Chen agreed: "in addition, some people who just need to live by themselves have already bought almost all of them last year. The rest of us can't afford to buy a house with such a high price now. "

"Well, anyway, I'm not an investor, and I don't care about it. I just need to find a suitable one to live in."

Xia Menglu said with a smile: "Rongrong, you told me that your company has a house type that suits my requirements. You can introduce it to me."

"OK, come to the sand table first. I'll tell you about the location of the house and the surrounding facilities."

While talking, Zou Rong pulls Xia Menglu forward and walks towards the sand table.

"Rongrong, tell brother he Feng about it. I'll go to the bathroom."

Li Chen and he Feng and others said hello, then went to the bathroom.

He Feng also didn't care, followed Zou Rong to the sand table, listening to Zou Rong explain to them.

The location of Xingyuan community is very good. The traffic around is very convenient. It is close to the subway station, only three kilometers away from the intersection of expressway, and no more than ten kilometers away from the high-speed railway station.

Within a kilometer radius of the community, there are vegetable markets and various restaurants.

As for large shopping malls, they are also under construction and are expected to start operation within two years. By that time, there will be supermarkets, cinemas and so on.

Zou Rong introduced them and chatted with them. The time passed unconsciously for about half an hour.

Meanwhile, Zou Rong's boyfriend came back after ten minutes in the bathroom.

When he came back, he Feng clearly smelled the strong smell of smoke on the other person and between breathing.

Presumably, he just said that going to the bathroom was just an excuse. The real purpose was to avoid people smoking.

It seems that he is under a lot of pressure now.

"Lulu, what's the location of our community? It's quite convenient, isn't it?"

After the introduction, Zou Rong said with a smile.

"Well, it's very convenient. It will be more convenient when the big shopping mall starts to operate." Xia Menglu is really satisfied with the location of the community.

Zou Rong continued: "let me tell you about the house type again. The house type of our community is also very good, and the greening rate is also very high. The community is equipped with a gym, a playground, and a bilingual kindergarten. If you and he Feng have children in the future, you can study directly in the kindergarten of the community. It's very convenient to pick up and send them."


Xia Menglu's face turned red. She didn't say that.

She had a baby with He Feng?

They haven't even had that kind of relationship now.

Zou Rong pulled Xia Menglu to the flat type plate and began to introduce the house type.

"What we are selling now are the six and seven houses that we just told you. These two houses are well decorated and have been decorated. And what we sell now are all existing houses, which can be checked in after the formalities are completed. At that time, you just need to buy some furniture and you can live directly in it. "

Zou Rong said with a smile: "at present, we mainly sell six buildings. There are almost six sets left in the six buildings. It is reasonable to say that some good floors of the seven buildings, such as the fourth floor and the fifth floor, are not for sale for the time being. They will not be sold until the six buildings are sold out. However, if you want to buy it at that time, I can go directly to the director and ask him to sell it to you. However, the price may be slightly higher about 10000 yuan. "

Compared with a house with a total price of more than 2 million yuan, it's more than 10000 yuan, which is nothing at all.

"OK, let me see how this apartment is. If there's no problem, I'll buy one."

Xia Menglu nodded, and then looked at the house type plate in front of her.

This house type is clear at a glance, the north and South are transparent, and the distance between the houses in the community is large, so the lighting must be no problem.

However, after seeing two eyes, Xia Menglu's eyebrows are slightly wrinkled.

"Lulu, is there anything unsatisfactory?"

Zou Rong asked.

Although she was relaxed on the surface, there was a little uneasiness in her eyes.

Zou Rong wants Xia Menglu to buy a house in her community, so that the difficulties she and her boyfriend are facing can be alleviated.

But she is very clear that Xia Menglu does not buy a house for investment, but for living. She must be very satisfied with all aspects.

Therefore, no matter how much she wants Xia Menglu to buy it, she doesn't show it on the surface. She even specially tells her boyfriend Li Chen to let Xia Menglu make the decision by herself.

Otherwise, if Xia Menglu bought the house and would not live well in the future, how embarrassed would she be?

"Rongrong, how come the living room of this house has no balcony?"

At this time, Xia Menglu pointed to the flat plate and asked.

"Yes, that's what developers and designers mean. They say it will look much better." Zou Rong said with a bitter smile: "many customers have also reflected this point, saying that the appearance is not very good-looking, on the contrary, it leads to the house type is not perfect, which makes the customers do not like it very much. If not for last year's market is too good, this type of house, it is estimated that it is not very easy to sell

"Well, I also think this kind of living room without balcony is too inconvenient."

Xia Menglu nodded and said, "my mother likes to bask in the sun on the balcony, but if there is no balcony in the living room, it's really inconvenient. Even if you don't want a big terrace, at least you have to have a balcony with a few square meters! "

"Rongrong, you can tell Miss Lulu about the type of apartment in her neighborhood. I think it should meet her requirements."

At this time, Li Chen standing by said.

"All right!"

Zou Rong frowned subconsciously, but soon nodded and said to Xia Menglu: "Lulu, her agency is next to Xingyuan, the location is similar, and the strength of the developer is a little stronger. Although the environment of the community is worse, as far as I know, the kindergartens they set up are better than those in our community. In particular, their house type should be able to fully meet your needs. "


Xia Menglu is very happy.

"Lulu, I don't think the apartment type of Rongrong is too bad. Although there is no balcony in the living room, isn't there a second bedroom? When the time comes, won't it be all right to let my aunt lie down for the second time? "

He Feng is aware of Zou Rong and Li Chen's hidden sad face, can't help but smile and say.

He still hopes that Xia Menglu can accept this apartment type, which can help Zou Rong and her boyfriend.

He can feel that the pressure on them is really great.

Now he is thinking about whether to buy one or two sets for Xiaoyu, aunt yuan and the children in the welfare home?

"When Xiaoyu has time next time, take her over to have a look at the house type and see if she is satisfied with it!" He Feng murmured in his heart.

"He Feng, since Lulu is not very satisfied with this place, let her go and have a look. However, I'm afraid Li Chen and I can't go. Li Chen didn't get the agency authority of the house over there. I'm their competitor, so I can't go any more. "

Before Xia Menglu answered he Feng's words, Zou Rong said first, "the house type of her travel agency is really perfect. Although the real estate market is general now, the houses on their side have always been very popular. Moreover, the price is similar to ours. The average price is about 23000. "

"Rongrong, why do you deliberately push Lulu away? If we don't buy it here, won't you miss a performance? "

He Feng surprised to see Zou Rong said.

Zou Rong's performance makes he Feng very satisfied.

She didn't let Xia Menglu buy a house here just because she wanted to complete her performance. Instead, she thought about Xia Menglu all the way. This really put sisterhood before interests.

No wonder that Li Chen, who has the ability to start a company, will look up to Zou Rong.

Zou Rong is not only good-looking, but also good-natured. Now this kind of woman is very rare.

"Performance is not a big thing. If I can't do it here, I can change another company." Zou Rong said.

"Zou Rong, you really want to change the company, don't you? Since you want to change so much, I'll satisfy you. From tomorrow, you won't come back to work in the company

At this moment, a cold hum suddenly sounded.

Two brothers, Shi Liang and Shi Yong, walk behind the crowd, looking cold and cynical.

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