Dielang palm was created by Jiang Kuangdao when he was practicing at the seaside.

The skill level is not high, but it's just the beginning of human level. But because this set of skill was created by Jiang Kuangdao himself, it's extremely thorough to study it, and it can already play a great power.

With this skill, even if it's just broken through to the middle of Ming Dynasty, Jiang Kuangdao is still sure to defeat some old-fashioned ancient martial artists in the middle of Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, when this move was successfully performed, Jiang Kuangdao decided that he Feng would be defeated by himself.

Outsiders may not be aware of the power of his move, but he is deeply aware of the power of this move, because all the power of this move falls on He Feng and does not escape.

But the next moment, when he saw the firm willpower in place, undamaged He Feng, immediately dumbfounded.

"You, are you ok?"

Jiang crazy knife stares big eyes, unbelievable looking at He Feng.

"Of course it's all right, curator Jiang. Are you playing games with me when you pat my hand? However, you are a little retarded in this game. Isn't it just played by three-year-old children? "

He Feng said with a smile.


Smell speech, river crazy knife has a kind of want to vomit blood curse Niang impulse.

Your sister, this is my strongest attack. How can you say that I'm clapping with you?

Jiang Qingyan, under the challenge arena, raised his eyebrows and murmured: "I haven't seen my elder brother perform that move before. Should it be his own skill? I heard from my elder brother that his self created skill is advanced skill. But why is it so weak? Is elder brother mistaken? It's not an advanced skill. It's just a set of common palm techniques? "

"Curator Jiang, don't you still have soldiers? Take out your soldiers, or you can't hurt me. "

On the challenge arena, he Feng looks at Jiang crazy Dao who wants to blush and curse. He tries to smile and says with a smile.

"Well, in that case, I'm not welcome."

Jiang Kuangdao stepped back two steps and took out a dark golden dagger.

This dagger is ordinary in style, and it doesn't look as sharp as a fruit blade, but when it appears, people on the court immediately feel palpitating.

The soldiers are made of the essence of heaven and earth.

In ordinary hands, it's just an ordinary weapon. It can't even cut iron like mud. But if it's driven by internal force, its attack power will increase dramatically, showing its fangs and devouring the enemy.


The dagger suddenly vibrated violently as the internal force of Jiang Kuang Dao poured into it.

It seems that there is a terrible beast hidden in it, which is about to break away from prison and show its power to the world.

Not only the soldiers, but also the momentum of Jiang Kuang's sword suddenly became stronger.

"Brother he Feng, if you can take my knife, I will not attack you any more."

Jiang crazy knife light said.

As soon as his voice fell, he touched the ground lightly, and the whole person jumped out.


The light of the sword is like fire, emitting a hot breath, burning the void.

Before the blade arrived, the burning breath had already hit he Feng.

If ordinary people face this breath, they would be scared to kneel down and beg for mercy.

"Why? The martial arts talent of Jiang crazy Dao is pretty good. He has just trained that set of martial arts skills to a great degree. Now he has just built this soldier, and it's not long before he can exert the power of a soldier. With his current fighting power, I'm afraid it's enough to fight against the ancient warriors in the late Ming Dynasty? "

Looking at the river crazy knife, he Feng's face raised a touch of surprise.

"He Feng, be careful!"

Under the stage, Jiang youyou sees he Feng standing still, and the dagger is about to pierce He Feng's body. She is so scared that she shouts out.

Jiang Yin is also worried.

After Jiang Kuangdao used the soldiers, his momentum really soared. It was too shocking. They were a little worried that he Feng would be suppressed by this momentum.


Just then, a dull crashing sound suddenly sounded.

That strong like a tiger rushed to He Feng, see is about to give he Feng to hit the river crazy knife, directly fly out, the whole person fell out of the challenge arena.


Seeing this scene, everyone on the court was shocked.

This... This is changing too fast, isn't it?

Isn't he Feng already at a disadvantage and may be seriously injured by the soldiers at any time? Why did he suddenly make a stronger counterattack and kick Jiang crazy knife out of the challenge arena?

Moreover, because he Feng's move was too fast just now, they didn't see how he Feng made his move. Why doesn't Jiang crazy Dao even have the chance to resist and dodge?

"It's so fast. Can I... can I hold his leg?"

Jiang Qingyan's beautiful eyes shrunk, because she just didn't see how he Feng made the move. "No, he just made the move quickly, but most of my attention was on the soldiers, and I didn't notice his action. If I deal with him wholeheartedly, I can't resist his move. Although he is fast, I, Jiang Qingyan, am not slow either. "

Want to understand this, Jiang Qingyan's face again suffused with confidence color.

"Brother, are you ok?"

At this time, Jiang youyou has run to help Jiang crazy knife, worried asked.

"I'm fine!" Jiang crazy knife rubs painful chest, shakes his head.

Fortunately, although he Feng was fast, he didn't use any strength. So Jiang Kuangdao seemed to be hit hard, but in fact he didn't get hurt.

But he looked at He Feng's eyes, but they were full of endless shock.

He Feng's speed and agility are too powerful for him to compete with.

Even if he used soldiers, he was inferior.

"Brother he Feng, your strength is really strong. Even if I use soldiers, I'm not your opponent. I admire you!"

Jiang crazy knife put away the soldiers, to jump off the challenge of He Feng arched said.

"I'm sorry, I just saw that I didn't need to delay any more, so I directly defeated you. Won't I make you feel very shameless?" He Feng grinned.

"Oh, of course not! You are so strong that I won't accept your defeat. I believe that when we see your strength, we will not think that you have won me by opportunism. " Jiang said.

All the people around nodded in agreement.

The strength and speed that he Feng has just shown has refreshed their knowledge.

Such strength, in Jiangbin City, there is no second person.

"You you, from now on, I'll give you Zhengqi martial arts school."

Jiang Kuangdao looks at Jiang Youdao.

He can put it down, and there's nothing he doesn't want to do.

Of course, the main reason is that he learned that Jiang youyou was almost kidnapped by Qingfeng martial arts school this morning. He was indignant. He also hoped that Jiang youyou and Jiang Yin would become strong with healthy spirit as soon as possible and unify the major martial arts schools in Jiangbin city. Similar things would not happen in the future.

"But I have to keep these six people for myself. In the future, they will all be able to cultivate their inner strength and become real ancient warriors. At the same time, their mentality is the same as mine. They just want to practice martial arts wholeheartedly and don't want to participate in too many battles in the Jianghu. They are more suitable to be pure warriors. "

Jiang Kuangdao pointed to the six martial arts practitioners who had developed a sense of Qi and said, "of course, if the martial arts school encounters any difficulties and needs our help to solve them, we are bound to be duty bound. Even, every day, we will spare some time to train apprentices for the martial arts school. "

"Thank you, brother! Don't worry, my cousin and I will only make the martial arts school stronger. And after that, the atmosphere of guwu in Jiangbin city will be stronger, which is also a good thing for you. " Jiang youyou guarantees.

Jiang Kuangdao nodded: "well, I'm quite relieved that you work with Jiang Yin. However, you should be a little careful. Qingfeng martial arts school and Tengfei martial arts school are not easy to get into trouble. Especially behind them, there may be more powerful forces supporting them. "

"I know! However, now that he Feng has merged Qingfeng martial arts school and Tengfei martial arts school, there will be no problem. "

Jiang youyou smiles.

Just witnessed the powerful strength of He Feng, she is more confident to He Feng.

"The strength of He Feng brothers is really strong..."

Smell speech, Jiang crazy knife's eyes look at He Feng, "however, Qingfeng martial arts school and Tengfei martial arts school, are not simple. In particular, the forces behind them are mysterious and powerful. Mr. He Feng must be very careful when dealing with them. "

"Curator Jiang, you can rest assured. Although there is a background behind them, there is also a background behind me... "He Feng said with a smile.

Jiang crazy knife not from surprised, surprised looking at He Feng.

His sister Jiang youyou only told him that after he Feng helped her win the position of curator, he would send the Wolf Gang and the scorpion Gang to help her to annex Qingfeng martial arts school and Tengfei martial arts school.

Now after seeing he Feng's power, Jiang Kuangdao will not doubt that he Feng has controlled the Wolf Gang and the scorpion gang.


Whether it's the Wolf Gang or the scorpion Gang, they are just underground forces and can't be used as a powerful background.

And about the background of He Feng, Jiang you didn't mention it to him.

"Brother, he Feng's background is Jiangbin police." Jiang youyou came close to Jiang Kuangdao's ear and said in a low voice.


The pupil of Jiang Kuang Dao shrinks.

Immediately, he began to smile bitterly and said: "it seems that I am no different from retiring completely now. There are legends like he Feng brothers in lianjiangbin City, and Dusi has no idea."

"Curator Jiang is just practicing martial arts. I really appreciate your character." He Feng said with a smile.

"Brother he Feng, I hope our Zhengqi martial arts school, under your leadership, can really unify the major martial arts schools in Jiangbin city. In addition, we should spread the martial arts so that everyone can understand the benefits of practicing martial arts. " River crazy knife looking at He Feng solemn way.

"Don't worry, curator Jiang. I believe youyou and Mr. Jiang will do these things well."

The implication is that he will not interfere in the future development of the martial arts school.

The reason why he wanted to unify the martial arts school and the whole ancient martial arts community of Jiangbin city in the future was not to show how powerful he was, but to create a harmonious and unified atmosphere.

"Ha ha, then I can rest assured."

Jiang Kuangdao was relieved and said with a smile.

"Mr. He Feng, your strength is very strong. I want to make two moves with you. I don't know if I can give you face."

Just then, a cold voice rang out behind them.

Everyone can't help looking at the sound of Dun, they find that Jiang Qingyan is just looking at He Feng.

In the eyes, with high morale.

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