"Well! This leg has a little strength, but I don't know where she learned this move, and she can enlarge her strength continuously. "

He Feng observes Jiang Qingyan's movements. Although he has seen numerous flaws in Jiang Qingyan's moves, he is not in a hurry to move.

When Jiang Qingyan's thin legs with strong strength were about to fall on him, he Feng raised his hand and firmly grasped Jiang Qingyan's wrist.


Feel the ankle was caught in an instant, body in the air of Jiang Qingyan face slightly changed, heart crazy shock.

His most powerful power, even so he was to resist down?

When he Feng moves, she doesn't even feel the breath of He Feng, and the action is extremely simple.

Is he really that strong?

Shocked at the same time, Jiang Qingyan suddenly felt something wrong, his body in the air, seemed to lose the balance, fell to the ground.


Jiang Qingyan exclaimed, with a fluster on her pretty face.

The scene of falling to the ground did not happen. As soon as Jiang Qingyan lost her balance, she felt a strong arm around her slender waist.

"Don't be afraid, green smoke beauty. Brother Feng will protect you."

The man's face, which is close at hand, shows a reassuring smile.

However, Jiang Qingyan was not at ease at all. On the contrary, he was extremely ashamed and angry, because the apprentice held himself in his arms.

"You big rascal, take advantage of me."

Jiang Qingyan didn't want to, so he slapped him in the face with a wave of his hand.

"No, thank you. I hit people?"

He Feng eyebrows pick, without hesitation let go.



Jiang Qingyan's soft body immediately fell on the metal floor of the challenge arena, which made her butt hurt.

"How can you let go of yourself?" Jiang Qingyan stands up, rubs the painful fart bone and stares at He Feng.

"It's no nonsense. I held you in my arms and didn't let you fall to the ground. Even if you don't thank me, you still slap me in the face. Do you want me to let go? Do you want to be slapped in the face? "

He Feng curled his mouth and said, "brother Feng would rather be stabbed than slapped by a woman."


Jiang Qingyan couldn't refute it for a while.

Because he Feng really saved her and didn't let her fall to the ground from a height.

And she did slap He Feng, because since she grew up, she had never been held like this by a man.

He Feng ignored her expression, just asked: "now, should you admit that your strength is not as good as mine?"

"Well, that's not true. You just resisted my attack. How do you know I can't resist your attack? Maybe I can use your attack power to give you a full blow and make your sewer capsize. "

Jiang Qingyan curled her lips, she would not easily admit defeat, "so, come again, let me see if you really have the strength to defeat me."

"Er... It's true that you will never die before you reach the Yellow River."

He Feng shook his head and sighed.

However, since Jiang Qingyan is so persistent, he naturally won't let women down.

He immediately said, "well, next I'll touch your waist again. If I feel it, you admit that your strength is not as good as mine. Is that ok? "

"Touch my waist?"

Jiang Qingyan's face turned black.

Jiang crazy Dao and others under the stage also frown. Is He Feng too obscene?

"Of course, you are a girl, or a very beautiful girl. Can I kick you out like your brother? Then I won't forgive myself. "

He Feng nodded and said seriously.

"Well, let's start now!"

Jiang Qingyan took a deep breath and made the decision, "if you can touch my waist, then I will lose."

If his waist can be touched casually, it is enough to show that he Feng has the ability to kill her, the strength gap between the two sides is obvious.

"Well, get ready. I'm going to attack."

Speaking, he Feng step forward, quickly bully body close to Jiang Qingyan.

"Well, I really thought how fast he was. Now when I look at him in close range, he is not much faster than me."

Seeing the speed He Feng showed, Jiang Qing raised a smile on the corner of his cigarette holder, and then his inner strength surged wildly, converged on his palm, ready for a blow at any time.

"Green smoke beauty, look at the move..."

Suddenly, he Feng appears in front of Jiang Qingyan, and the palm of his hand quickly probes into her waist.

"Dengtuzi, just started to touch me. I don't want to teach you a lesson."

Jiang Qing Yan cold hum a, the palm claps to He Feng chest abruptly.

Hoo Hoo!

Palm a, immediately hit in He Feng chest.

He Feng can't even resist.

"So easy to hit him?"

Jiang Qingyan frowned and felt something was wrong.

Soon, she realized that it was not good.

Because what she hit was not He Feng's body, but


"Green smoke beauty, don't be so violent. You always want to hurt me. Do you hate me so much?"

Just at this time, a voice of singing and laughing sounded in her ear.

The man's unique breath, also blowing in her earlobe, let her mind a surprise.

At the same time, two broad warm palms, attached to her flat belly.

Not only that, she felt her whole slender waist was encircled, and her back was leaning against the man's hard and spacious chest.

Jiang Qingyan where still don't understand the situation, he Feng in a short moment, unexpectedly appeared behind her, behind her to embrace.

"You, get out of here!"

Jiang Qingyan's pretty face turned red, turned around and waved to He Feng's face.

"Damn, I want to hit brother Feng's face again?"

He Feng quickly stepped back and looked at Jiang Qing's flue: "green smoke beauty, if you want to compete with me, do it seriously. Why do you always want to hit people's face? Maple brother's handsome face, if you leave a palmprint, how ugly it is? "

"Well, who let you take advantage of me?" Jiang Qingyan snorted.

"Did I take advantage of you? We agreed before the competition that if I touch your waist, then even if I win, I'm not here for the competition? "

"Then you don't have to touch both hands, do you? And you, you're still holding me. Is that necessary? "


Looking at the real look of the woman, he Feng didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Of course, there's no need for that. It's just that brother Feng just wants to have a hug.

But he didn't dare to say that, or the woman would not be angry.

"Cough, isn't that a big problem? Now the key is, I should have won this contest, right He Feng dry cough a, immediately smile to ask a way.

Jiang Qingyan takes a deep look at He Feng. Although he Feng's shadow is just for a moment, others may not notice it, but she can see it clearly.

And the speed can be fast enough to leave a shadow, at least the dark strength level of the ancient warrior can do.

This He Feng is actually a horizontal practitioner with more than four body weights!

"I admit, you are really better than me!"

Jiang Qingyan finally lowered his head, "among the younger generation of guwu in Jiangbin City, your strength is really stronger than mine. But don't be proud. You are better than me because you are six or seven years older than me. When I get to your age, I will be much stronger than you are now. "

Although admitted the strength is inferior to He Feng, but Jiang Qingyan does not believe that his talent is inferior to He Feng.

In her opinion, when she was twenty-six or twenty-seven years old, her cultivation at least reached the dark strength. Maybe it was the middle of the dark strength. By then, she might be better than he Feng.

"Ha ha, I'll take care of you."

He Feng laughed, "now that you lose, when are you going to invite me to dinner and watch a movie?"

"Eat and watch movies..."

Jiang Qingyan pondered for a while and said, "there are more classes in my school these days. Let's go to Wednesday. There's no class on Wednesday night. You'll pick me up at my school and I'll treat you to dinner and a movie. "

"Well, that's settled. I'll pick you up on Wednesday."

He Feng grinned and jumped out of the challenge arena.

"Brother he Feng, the speed you just showed is really fast. I reckon that the ordinary people of Ming Jin and Gu Wu are not as fast as you? "

As soon as he got off the challenge arena, Jiang Kuangdao asked curiously.

Now, he also has a guess in his heart, that is, he Feng's strength may have reached the level of dark strength, but he doesn't see clearly as Jiang Qingyan, so he's not sure.

"Ha ha, I'm good at speed." He Feng casually smile, also did not answer positively.

As he spoke, he looked at Jiang youyou and said, "sister Youyou, I've almost solved your problems. Next, I'll wait to see your performance. As for my little brother, I'll let him come and contact you. "

"OK, with your younger brother's help, plus my brother and Qingyan, it's not a big problem to deal with Qingfeng martial arts school and Tengfei martial arts school."

Jiang you is the best.

"Lulu, let's withdraw."

He Feng walks to Xia Menglu.


Xia Menglu put away her mobile phone and stood up from her seat.

Immediately, they were ready to leave directly.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

But at this time, a student standing on the side of the line felt his breath, and his mobile phone suddenly vibrated violently.

He took a look at his mobile phone, then went to the corner of the training room and answered the phone.

A moment later, his face changed. He put away his cell phone and walked quickly to Jiang crazy Dao. "Curator, there's an accident. People from Qingfeng martial arts school are coming."

"What are they doing here?"

"Kick the hall!"

"Kick the hall?"

Smell speech, river crazy knife facial expression tiny change, "they very big courage, really think their strength, enough to swallow us?"

"Big brother, the peak combat power of Qingfeng martial arts school is similar to ours. But if they have foreign aid, it's not clear. "

Jiang you has a dignified look.

"Sister Youyou, what do you mean your martial arts school kicks another martial arts school?" He Feng asked curiously.

"The rules here are very simple, three on three, two wins in three games. The loser will have to close the martial arts school and never open another martial arts school in the city. " Jiang youyou said: "since Qingfeng martial arts school dares to play this time, it must be fully prepared. Mr. He Feng, can you... Can you call your little brother? "

He Feng understood her meaning and shrugged: "now let my little brother come here, I'm afraid it's too late. But it's OK. I'm here anyway. If you need foreign help, I'll do it again. However, with your elder brother and green smoke beauty here, I guess I just need to see the excitement. "

"That's good!"

Jiang youyou was relieved. He immediately looked at the student and said, "brother Xi, go and bring up the people from Qingfeng martial arts school. We are righteous and accept their kicking. "

"All right!"

Xi Hui nodded and walked out.

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