"Miss Chunchun, don't talk nonsense with him, just get rid of him, otherwise he will give up all of a sudden."

Under the challenge arena, Ni Hong exclaimed indignantly.

Her brother Ni long was seriously injured by Jiang Qingyan's sneak attack, but Jiang Qingyan was rescued by He Feng just now, which made her very unhappy.

Therefore, she hopes Chunchun can directly kill the man who saved Jiang Qingyan.

Ni long said: "Xiaohong, don't worry. Since Chunchun's cultivation is so powerful, he Feng certainly has no chance to escape."

"All right!"

Ni Hong had to nod.

However, her hand is subconsciously on the waist.

Once he Feng wants to escape, she will not hesitate to take out the gun inside.

Chunchun looks at Ni Hong under the challenge arena, and immediately his eyes fall on He Feng. "Since you want to kill me, do it. I want to see if you really have the ability to kill me."

He Feng is not in a hurry to start, but swept his eyes under the stage.

After six people left the training room, Xi Hui nodded and said, "OK, now I'll show you if I have the ability to kill you."

Voice just fall, he Feng's right foot step out, an arrow step, then came to pure pure in front of.

Fist, light fluttering hit out.

This punch is not any fancy, it looks soft, just like a child's punch.

"Mr. He Feng, what's the matter?" Jiang Kuangdao and others frowned when they saw this. They had a bad feeling.

"Pooh! I thought how powerful he was. I didn't expect that he was not even an embroidered pillow. "

Ni Hong is ridiculed unceasingly, "today, he will certainly be easily twisted by the pure lady to break the neck."

However, different from everyone's reaction, he Feng's face gradually changed when he started to fight against his purity

From doubt and surprise to shock and horror.

At last, he became frightened again

"How can it be? Why do I feel as if my body is imprisoned, and I can't even move a finger? So, what's going on? "

Pure face is full of doubt and fear.

When she saw that he Feng's fist was getting closer and closer to her, her heart suddenly burst into despair.

Even if he Feng doesn't have much power in his fist, he still has a sense of crisis of death.


Pure pure stares big eyes, helplessly looking at He Feng's fist to fall on own chest.


The voice is not big, just a little dull, even the sound of rib fracture has never been heard.

However, Chunchun himself felt extremely true. When he Feng's fist fell on him, the viscera in his body almost broke at the same time.

The breath of death, instantly diffused.

"How can he be so strong? How is that possible? Is he the master of Huajin? But master Huajin doesn't seem to be so powerful, does he? Is he... Is he a legend walking in the world

Thinking of this possibility, pure eyes emerge endless fear.

He is a small dark strength warrior. His strength is pretty good. He is absolutely a master in the secular world.

After all, there are few dark masters in the ancient martial arts of Jiangshu province.

But if master dark strength is in love with myths and legends, it's like mole ants shaking the dragon.

"I... I'm stupid enough to deal with a generation of myths and legends! I hope that my relatives and friends will not take revenge for me, otherwise... "

As soon as I got here, I felt that my consciousness was rapidly dissipating, my life was lost, and my eyes were in darkness.


His body fell heavily on the challenge arena.

Originally, he exuded a strong momentum of dark strength. When he fluctuated, it made people feel that he was extremely strong. This challenge competition is coming to an end.

However, in the face of real myths and legends, the other side did not even use the true Qi, so he had no resistance and was easily killed.

"What's going on? Why did lady Chunchun fall? " Ni long rubbed his eyes and asked.

He didn't dare to believe the scene in front of him. He thought it was because he was hurt and too weak.

One side of Ni Hong also did not answer his words, is also puzzled unceasingly, "he is not the dark strength strong?"? How can he Feng be stronger than him? What's more, the punch he just hit didn't seem to contain much power. Why did Chunchun fall down directly? "

"Brother, do you understand what just happened?"

On the other side, Jiang Qingyan sees he Feng's random fist and knocks Chunchun down in the challenge arena. He also frowns and asks.

"I... I don't know what's going on. He Feng's fist didn't have much strength and speed at all. But I don't know why, Chunchun didn't even hide. He Feng hit him directly. What's more puzzling is that he Feng's fist, which does not contain much strength, actually knocked down Chunchun. And... It's pure. There seems to be no breath on it. "

Jiang Kuangdao shook his head and then analyzed.


Jiang Qingyan also carefully observed the pure fallen on the challenge arena, and immediately couldn't help frowning and looking at He Feng in doubt.

How could he Feng kill Chunchun so easily?

Is it difficult? Is his strength enough to kill the dark power master?

However, when he just killed Chunchun, he didn't experience any hard struggle at all.

"Xiao Hong, pure lady, he... He seems to be dead?"

At this moment, Ni long also noticed that something was wrong with Chunchun in the challenge arena, and immediately asked.

"It's like, it's like it's really dead."

Ni Hong said in shock.

"Quick, kill He Feng. If we don't take revenge for Chunchun, song Shao will certainly kill us. " Ni long said in a low voice.

Ni Hong just hesitated a little for two seconds and said to Huang buqun behind her: "Huang buqun, let's start together and shoot He Feng."

"All right!"

They brought those people, immediately one by one from the body took out a pistol, aimed at He Feng.

"No! He Feng, get out of the way

On the other side, Jiang Qingyan and others see this scene and immediately shout to He Feng. His voice is full of urgency and anger.

This Ni long they, also really enough resolute ruthless, a greeting all don't hit to shoot directly.

Jiang you and Jiang Kuangdao are also in a panic.


Ni long is also holding a desert eagle in his hand. He Feng pulls the trigger and doesn't give him a chance to escape.

Bang Bang

Huang buqun and others also fired at the same time.

He Feng on the challenge arena became a live target in an instant.

"Well! I'm waiting for you to shoot... "

He Feng snorted, his body swayed, like a ghost, and fell under the challenge arena.

Bullets, all shot in the wall behind him, dense bullet holes, looks like people's scalp numb.

"Well? What about He Feng? "

Ni long pupil a shrink, coagulate a voice to ask a way.

He Feng just speed is too fast, they pull the trigger, he Feng is still standing on the challenge arena.

But when the gun rang out, he Feng had disappeared.

"Brother, he Feng should be hiding on the other side of the challenge arena."

Ni Hong on one side said, "shall we outflank them from both sides? By the way, will these people in Zhengqi martial arts school be solved first? "

Ni long shook his head, dignified way: "Zhengqi martial arts school people don't worry, or pay attention to He Feng.". This He Feng, he likes sneak attack, just pure lady should be killed by his sneak attack, we must prevent his sneak attack. "

"I'm going to sneak on you. Do you have a place?"

However, at this time, a cold voice suddenly sounded behind him.


Ni long and Ni Hong face suddenly crazy change, quickly turned to see.

Just a turn head, then saw he Feng that indifferent facial expression.

"Do you think you have guns?"

In He Feng's two hands, each holding a grab.

"Bang Bang Bang..."

As his voice fell, several shots rang out almost at the same time.

Bullets, mercilessly shot into the eyebrows of Huang buqun and others.

In a flash, there was no one standing in Qingfeng martial arts school except Ni long and Ni Hong.

Then, the black and cold muzzle of the gun aimed at Ni long and Ni Hong.


Ni long took a breath, his face full of fear.

"He Feng, you, you can't kill us. We are all members of song Shiqun, chairman of the song group. If you kill us, Song Dong will kill you. You can't compete with the energy of Song Dong. "

Ni Hong is also extremely frightened, and even has no courage to shoot.

Because she didn't know how strong her opponent was.

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