"You don't know how much money you have, because you don't have much money at all, do you?"

Tong Chang heard he Feng's words and sneered.

People like he Feng, he usually see a lot, naturally will not be in the eye.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

When he Feng was about to tell the other party how much money he had, his mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

It's Chu Yue.

"Feather, wait for me, I'll answer the phone."

He Feng said to Ling Weiyu.

"All right."

Ling Weiyu wanted to leave first, but he Feng didn't know whether the call was important, so he nodded directly.

He Feng went outside to answer the phone.

Chu month this phone call, he Feng also don't know what is the matter, afraid of the latter directly to his date, let Ling Weiyu heard not very good, so just want to hide a little bit.

Come to the door, he Feng just pressed answer key, "month, how?"

"He Feng, are you going to Nanjin city tomorrow?" As soon as the phone was connected, Chu Yue asked directly.

"Well, it should be."

"That's great. Let's go to Nanjin city tomorrow."

"You're going, too?"

"Yes, my uncle called me this morning and said that there was something in Jiangshu military region that I needed to help with. He asked me to go tomorrow. If I went with you, would your sister mind?" Chuyue said with a smile.

"I don't mind..."

He Feng rubs his temple. It seems that his relationship with Chu Yue can't be concealed in front of Ling Weiyu.

And the relationship between him and Ling Weiyu can't be concealed in front of Chu Yue.

"Hee hee, that's good."

Chu Yue said, "you can send me your ID number to your sister later. I'll buy your ticket directly for you. Hurry up by plane."

"OK, I'll send it to you later."

After hanging up the phone, He Fengzheng was ready to give Chu Yue hair information, but he remembered that he did not know Ling's identity ID number, even when he walked towards the villa.


However, as soon as he entered the villa, he saw that Ling Weiyu was angry, and raised his hand to slap Tong Chang in the face.

"Paralyzed, bitch, how dare you hit me? Labor and capital want to support you. It's a blessing you've cultivated in your last life. You're shameless. I won't kill you. "

Ling Weiyu looks weak on the surface, so Tong Chang never thought that she would do it by herself. The hot feeling on her face made Tong Chang's anger erupt instantly.

He waved his hand to Ling Weiyu's face.


As soon as he started, he caused a storm in the air.

This is a half step ancient martial artist who has cultivated the sense of Qi!

Ling Weiyu was awed by Tong Chang's momentum, standing in the same place, scared his head blank.

But soon she found that Tong Chang's slap was about to fall on her face, still in the air.

A palm, such as pliers, clamped Tong Chang's wrist, let him no longer move.

"Brother Xiaofeng..."

Ling Weiyu found out that he Feng had already finished calling and returned to her.

"Son of a bitch, how dare you fight me? Get out of the way

See the person who holds his wrist is He Feng, Tong Chang heart more angry, raised the leg to kick out.


A dull sound of impact suddenly sounded, Tong Chang whole person was directly kicked out, heavy hit on the ground, only feel the viscera are beginning to churn up, a kind of want to vomit feeling.

"Feather, what's wrong with him?"

Due to the unclear situation, he Feng doesn't start very hard. He looks at Ling Weiyu and asks.

"Brother Xiaofeng, he insulted you, saying that you are not qualified to be my man, and then offered to support me. After I rejected him, he said that I was, was..."

Ling Weiyu's eyes are red, angry and angry.

He Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

From the look of Ling Weiyu, there's no need to ask!

A trace of cold, rising from He Feng's body, looking at Tong Chang's eyes, just like a beast, to choose people and bite.

"Mr. Tong, are you ok?"

At this time, the security guards of Tongchang company came to him one after another, helped him up, and asked with concern.

"Hong Jin, come on, give me a good lesson. Don't be merciful. I'll give you a lot of rewards when it's over. "

Tong Chang pulls a security guard nearby to say aloud.

"Understand Tong Zong, you are on the side looking at, this kind of thing gives brothers to come to go."

Hong Jin's eyes lit up as soon as he heard Tong Chang say that he was rewarded.

He knows very well that Tong Changping is quite generous. If he works hard today, he may be able to go to a big venue to have fun in the evening.

"Brothers, this little bastard hit our general manager Tong. Don't save your strength when you do it for a while, do you understand?"

Hong Jin, a small leader of the security team, yelled at the four men around him.

"Don't worry, captain. We know what to do."

The four men are rubbing their hands, there are two people with sticks in their hands, staring at He Feng coldly.

Although he Feng just kick Tong Chang to fly, but they only think he Feng most strength.

And with so many of them, what about your strength?


Hong Jin takes the lead in rushing to He Feng.

The other four followed.

"Bang, bang, bang, Bang..."

Five dull crashing sounds sounded almost at the same time.

After that, the five of Hong Jin flew back like broken kites and fell to the ground. Then their heads tilted and all of them fainted.

"Well? What's the situation? "

Tong Chang see this, the pupil can not help but shrink up.

At the beginning of He Feng to his hands, he did not realize he Feng's fierce.

But now he's watching. He Feng's speed and strength make him deeply understand

He Feng is not an ordinary person!


A real warrior.

"You, you're a heavy exerciser?"

Tong Chang stares at He Feng and squints.

"No, no, no, I'm not a warrior. I'm just a loser. You can continue to attack me and teach me a lesson." He Feng grinned.


Tong Chang smoked from the corner of his mouth.

He looked at He Feng's eyes and felt an impulse to vomit blood.

In this world, the ancient warrior is a rare species. Any ancient warrior is a person with a head and a face. How can he be a loser?

"Since you are an ancient warrior, what happened just now is a misunderstanding. Although I am disrespectful to your woman, you also beat me, even if it's even, OK?" Tong Chang looks at He Feng, light way.

Although the mouth in apology, but Tong Chang in know he Feng's strength, the slightest fear or nervous meaning.

"Did I hit you? I just moved my foot. So it's not even. "

He Feng put up a finger and shook it.

Although Ling Weiyu is not the same as Wang Xiangyun in getting his marriage certificate, his status in his heart can not be replaced by any woman.

Not only because of love, but also because of family.

A kind of family affection growing up together.

In such a situation, anyone who dares to abuse Ling Weiyu, he Feng will not let it go.

"What do you mean, do you want to do it to me?"

Tong Chang glanced at He Feng and said, "I tell you, even if you want to do it to me, you can't do it in Xingyuan community. You may not know who the developer of this community is, right? Let me tell you, the owner of this community's developer is Jiang Yin, who is the chairman of zhongyun group. In addition, his brother, Jiang Kuangdao, is the director of Zhengqi martial arts school. Do you know Zhengqi martial arts school? Now it's the only martial arts school in Jiangbin city. It's at the peak of the day, and jiangkuangdao has the inner strength cultivation in the middle of Mingjin period. And no matter Jiang Yin or Jiang Kuangdao, they are all my friends. If you dare to fight me in Xingyuan, it's like hitting them in the face. We won't let you go. "

"Oh, so powerful?"

He Feng made a "I'm afraid" expression, "then I should apologize to you now?"

"You don't have to apologize, but you can let your woman have dinner with me tonight, so that we can forget the grudge."

Seeing that he Feng seems nervous and scared, Tong Chang laughs and makes Ling Weiyu's idea, "if you have a good dinner, I can also introduce you to Zhengqi martial arts school and let you accept the direction of director Jiang Kuangdao. In this way, you will certainly go further in martial arts."

"Let my woman eat with you at night?"

He Feng has a sudden impulse to laugh.

Why are young people so arrogant now?


This is not arrogance, but idiocy.

Didn't he realize that no matter who he knew, he was a fish on the chopping board in the current situation?

"Yes, we just eat. Don't think about it."

Tong Chang licked his lips.

The obscenity in his eyes makes Ling Weiyu feel sick.

"Brother Xiaofeng, I don't want to hear him say that again."

Ling Weiyu said with disgust.

She is very clear about He Feng's strength, so even if Tong Chang tells Jiang Yin of zhongyun group and Jiang crazy Dao of Zhengqi martial arts school, she is not afraid at all.


She saw once with her own eyes, and it seems that Jiang Yin of zhongyun group is still fawning on Xiaofeng brother, right?

Even if you know Jiang Yin, Jiang Yin can't help you.


He Feng nodded and quickly walked to Tong Chang.

"What do you want to do?"

Tong Chang had a bad feeling.

"What else can I do? Of course it's you! "

Voice just fell, he Feng has come to Tong Chang in front.

Wave your hand and smoke.


Crisp slap sound, suddenly sounded.

Tong Chang's whole person directly flew out of the air, rotated a few circles in the air, and finally landed on the ground.

"Cough! Poof... "

Tong Chang coughed and spat out the blood mixed with several broken teeth from his mouth.

"You, how dare you hit me?"

Looking at He Feng's eyes, Tong Chang almost wants to eat.

Is this asshole not afraid to die?

Although he has the cultivation of refining his body, in front of Jiang crazy Dao in the middle of Ming Dynasty, his strength is not enough. Is he not afraid that Jiang crazy Dao will hit him?

"Well, I really shouldn't have hit you!"

He Feng nodded seriously, and then put his hand on his pants and wiped it. "I hit you with my hands, it's dirty my hands."


"Next, I'll use my feet."

Between speaking, he Feng came to Tong Chang again.

Raised the foot, lightly floated to step on Tong Chang's knee.


There was a crack in the bone.


Tong Chang's scream also sounded at the same time.

But he Feng's action did not stop, another foot stepped on Tong Chang's other leg's knee.



Tong Chang's scream is like killing a pig.

"You, you broke my leg, I, I will kill you, you, you are dead..." Tong Chang yelled loudly.

"Let Jiang crazy knife kill me, right? OK, I'll give you a chance. Now call Jiang crazy Dao and let him come and kill me. " He Feng light said.

"You want me to call Jiang crazy Dao? Well, that's what you said. I'll fight now. "

Tong Chang immediately took out the mobile phone from his pocket, but his eyes were staring at He Feng, for fear that he Feng was just talking. When he saw him take out the mobile phone, he stopped him immediately.

"Ha ha, don't be nervous. Since I told you to call Jiang crazy Dao, I won't stop you. Please call slowly."

He Feng chuckled.


Tong Chang immediately turned out Jiang crazy knife's phone, called Jiang crazy knife in the past.

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