
A tire and the ground intense friction sound sounded, a Maserati Levante SUV, steadily stopped outside the villa.

The door opened and four people came down from the car.

The first one looks a little similar to Tong Chang, and from the angry look on his face, he should be Tong Fei, Tong Chang's father and one of the vice presidents of Jiangbin Martial Arts Association.

"Tong Chang..."

After getting out of the car, Tong Fei quickly walked towards the villa and directly came to the living room. When he saw Tong Chang lying on the ground like a dead dog, all his limbs had been abandoned, he suddenly exclaimed, and an irresistible fury swept out of him.

"Tong Chang, how can you be like this? Who is it? Who dares to attack you so hard? I will kill him, I will

Tong Fei roared.

"Dad, are you here at last? Sobbing, sobbing... "

Seeing his father arrive, Tong Chang, who has been suffering several times and wants to faint, burst into tears.

"Tell me, son, who touched you?"

Tong Fei's eyes are red, and his body exudes a strong sense of killing.

"It's him. He broke my legs..."

Tong Chang points to He Feng, a face of resentment, and then points to Jiang Kuangdao and Jiang Yin, "and Jiang Kuangdao and Jiang Yin, they abandoned my two arms. Dad, you have to avenge me. "

"Don't worry! You lie down first and I'll take you to the hospital for treatment in a moment. "

Tong Fei patted Tong Chang's shoulder gently, then stood up, eyes empty, body strength surging, a trace of strong breath, gradually emanating from him.

"Jiang Kuangdao and Jiang Yin, you two have to give me an explanation. Otherwise, you can't leave safely today. And you, if I'm right, you should be He Feng, right? You think you are Wang Xiangyun's husband, I dare not move you? I tell you, if you don't give a reasonable explanation today, you'll lie in bed and let Wang Xiangyun serve you later. "

As his voice fell, the three men who came with him strode forward and came to him.

A wave of internal force appeared on them one after another.

To his surprise, the three people brought by Tong Fei, in addition to the two ancient warriors in the early Ming Jin period, had another one who had the same accomplishments as Tong Fei in the middle Ming Jin period.

"Mr. He Feng, these three people are Huang Kong, Liang Changfu and Liu Dawei. Liu Dawei, like Tong Fei, is the vice president of the Wushu Association and has a good personal relationship with Tong Fei."

After Tong Fei appears, Jiang crazy knife is not too will it in the heart, but has been paying attention to He Feng's expression.

When he saw he Feng face dew doubt, immediately opened his mouth to introduce up.

"Liu Dawei? Vice President? OK, I see

He Feng nodded, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

In the list Chu Yue gave him, there were four names: Tan Lin, Zhang Zhen, Liu Dawei and Tong Fei.

This Liu Dawei is close to Tong Fei. He seems to be a relative. Relying on his strength, he helps Tong changchan get rid of many business rivals.

Because of this, Tong Chang seems to have little ability to do a lot of business, so he has developed to a small scale of several billion, which is even stronger than the zhongyun group of Zhengqi martial arts school.

"You want to explain, don't you? OK, then I'll give you an explanation. "

He Feng said to Tong Fei, "I'll give up your son's limbs just to make him a better man in the future. If you are not convinced, you can also teach me how to be a man. "


He explained that, let alone Tong Fei and others, even Jiang Kuangdao and Jiang Yin were stupid.

Is this too overbearing and arrogant?

But at the thought of He Feng's powerful strength, they can only smile bitterly.

Master amjin's idea is really beyond the imagination of the ancient martial arts of Mingjin.

"Bastard, you want to die!"

Tong Fei is first Leng next, immediately on the face emerge infinite anger.

"Dawei, you help me stop Jiang Kuangdao. This He Feng, I will beat him into a vegetable myself."

Tong Fei drinks angrily, then rushes straight to He Feng.


The distance between the two is shortened in an instant, and Tong Fei's iron fist blows fiercely to He Feng's face.

The powerful inner strength on the fist caused a burst of wind breaking in the air.

Liu Dawei and others are also working hard, ready to take action at any time to stop Jiang Kuangdao and others.

Just let them be surprised is, after seeing Tong Fei to He Feng hand, Jiang crazy knife and others actually did not have a little hand to help prepare.

What's going on?

Isn't that he Feng's cultivation?

It's just like the ancient warriors in the early Ming Dynasty. When they face the ancient warriors in the middle Ming Dynasty, they can't resist for long.

What's more, Tong Fei is not an ordinary ancient martial artist in the middle of Ming Dynasty. He has also practiced a set of powerful advanced martial arts. It's estimated that he Feng will be defeated by Tong Fei in one or two faces, and then be seriously injured by Tong Fei.


When Liu Dawei was puzzled, he suddenly heard a dull crash.

The next moment, a shadow, quickly flew towards him.

Liu Dawei thought it was someone who wanted to attack him, subconsciously, he would attack him.

But soon he found that, according to fly to his shadow, is not someone sneak attack himself, but Tong Fei!

Liu Dawei quickly reaches for Tong Fei!

But as soon as his hand touched Tong Fei, he felt as if Tong Fei was carrying a terrible impact, as if what he smashed was not a body, but a shell.


Liu Dawei snorted and stepped back.

When he stood still, his face turned white and his hands trembled.


And Tong Fei is to cover chest, vomited a mouthful of blood.

The breath of his body, instantly withered down.

"Next, it's up to the three of you."

In front, he Feng came towards them step by step.

"Chang Fu, Huang Kong, he Feng is a master. He hides his strength. Let's do it together. Don't let him hurt brother Tong any more."

Liu Dawei's face slightly changed, and he quickly released Tong Fei. At the same time, he Feng took the initiative to attack him.

Huang Kong and Liang Changfu, who had been ready for a long time, followed closely.

Three people, present a kind of attack, instantly surrounded He Feng, and attack.

"Come back!"

At this time, the Tong Fei behind them can come back to his senses and realize that Liu Dawei and he Feng are fighting each other. His face changes slightly and he shouts in surprise.


Hearing Tong Fei's voice, Liu Dawei frowned and wondered.

But at this time, his attack is about to fall on He Feng, it can be said that the arrow is on the string, there is no possibility to stop, it is not too Tong Fei's reminder in mind.

"Bang bang!"

Just when they thought they were going to attack he Feng, a dark shadow suddenly flashed in front of them.

Immediately, the three felt as if a train was coming at a high speed and hit them on their stomach, making them fly backwards like Tong Fei.

The bodies of the three fell to the ground.

The blood also spewed from their mouths.

"Dawei, are you ok?"

Tong Fei rushed forward to help Liu Dawei.

"I... how can I not mobilize my inner strength?"

Liu Dawei stood up difficultly, but he felt the inner strength in his body. At that moment, it was like a tidal current. Now he tried to run the inner strength, and found that there was no trace of inner strength in his body.

"Asshole, he blew up my Dantian."

"It's over. I've become a useless person."

Huang Kong and Liang Changfu cried in despair.

"One blow will blow up people's elixir field?"

Hear their cry, river crazy knife surprised looking at He Feng.

Is the power of the dark strong so terrible?

"This He Feng, he abandoned all of us."

Tong Fei stares at He Feng, his eyes are full of burning anger.

But in addition to anger, there is also a trace of fear, "he, he is definitely not a heavy martial arts practitioner. This is at least the cultivation of more than three levels of physical training! "

"Triple training? That is the strength of the late Ming Jin and even the peak of Ming Jin. How could Tong Chang offend such a strong man? "

Liu Dawei thought back a little and knew that what Tong Fei said was true.

In He Feng, they didn't feel the fluctuation of internal strength, which means he Feng is a powerful physical trainer.

And only the strength of refining the body more than triple, can they be so easily defeated, and their elixir field is abandoned.

For a time, he looked at Tong Fei's eyes, are full of blame, if not for Tong Fei, how can he be abandoned.

Now that Dantian is abandoned, how can he enjoy glory in the future?

What he has now is won by his cultivation?

"I, I don't know!"

Aware of the blame when Liu Dawei and others look at themselves, Tong Fei said with a gloomy face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, are you going to abandon me now?"

At this time, he Feng's voice came again.

"He Feng, where did my son Tong Chang offend you? Do you have to scrap his limbs? What's more, after abandoning him, you even abandoned the elixir fields of several of us. Do you really think that you are invincible with your triple strength? I tell you, even if you show off today, sooner or later you will cry

Tong Fei stares at He Feng and says.

"Your son insulted my woman and beat her. That's why I broke his limbs. As for the four of you... Maybe you haven't done anything to offend me, but you usually do a lot of evil things, don't you? "

He Feng light floats way: "I discard your Dan Tian, just support righteousness bravely for, get rid of harm just for the people."

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