"Well, as far as I know, Yuncheng group is now in a period of vigorous development. The company needs a lot of money. It's normal for them to rush to ask you for debts. However, there are only 300 employees left in your company, and there are no decent works in the company. The price of 50 million is not low, is it

As for the situation of Wantao film, Tang Kan knows better, "in addition, your debt in Yuncheng group seems to be only more than 30 million, right? Even if 50 million yuan is sold, it will be enough to repay the debt. "

"Cough, teacher, you know, I have two children now, so I'd better change to a bigger house. If you really only sell for 50 million yuan, and then pay back the money of Yuncheng group, and pay the employees, and then buy a house, there will be a little pressure. "

Yuan Jiajun pleaded: "so, I hope you can help me find a better buyer for me, so that my company can sell more."

"Jiajun, after so many years, why are you still as greedy as before? Even if you can make some money in a short time, it will be difficult for you to make a comeback in the future. "

Tang Kan sighed, looking at Yuan Jiajun's eyes a little disappointed.

Yuan Jiajun is also his student. If not, he would not care about this kind of person.

"Teacher, I've learned a lesson this time, and I won't suffer this kind of loss next time." Yuan Jiajun said.

"Greed comes from the inside. If you are greedy in your heart, your subordinates will follow your style, which makes it difficult for your company to start again. I don't think the reason why you failed this time is your own. It has something to do with your subordinates. "

Tang Kan shook his head and said: "so, I suggest you, after the company is sold this time, keep your heart clean and think about how to go in the future, and don't rush to continue to make money. Otherwise, even if you are not defeated by yourself, you may be defeated by your subordinates. "

"Yes, I will listen to the teacher."

Yuan Jiajun nodded, "teacher, why don't we go to dinner first? I've ordered a hotel. I'll see you back after dinner, OK? "

Wen Yan, Tang Kan is quite reluctant.

But he was worried that the student would go astray in the future. He had better persuade him again, so he nodded and said, "OK, let's go."


Deep sea grilled fish shop outside, he Feng will stop the car, then look to the side of Jiang Qingyan, "Qingyan beauty, how about this grilled fish shop?"

"It's OK. I've been here twice before."

Jiang Qingyan unfastens his seat belt, gets out of the car with He Feng, and walks towards the grilled fish shop.

"Welcome. Are you two, please?"

As soon as I entered the gate, the waiters who were waiting there immediately welcomed me.

"Well, two."

He Feng nodded, immediately glanced around, ready to find a vacancy.

Suddenly, he found a familiar figure near the window.

Although the person is back to him, but he Feng or soon determined the identity of the person, it is Ling Weiyu.

And opposite Ling Weiyu, there are two men.

"Well? What's the situation of Xiaoyu today? How did he come out to eat with two men? "

He Feng frowned.

Soon he would have guessed what it was.

If there is no accident, those two people should be the personnel of the film and Television Company Ling Weiyu said he would talk about the new book "night listening to wind".

"Your friend?"

Jiangqing smoke see he Feng has been staring at Ling Weiyu's back, also looked at Ling Weiyu, asked: "if you know, do you want to go to say hello?"

"Not for the time being. Let's sit down here."

He Feng pondered. He just overheard a little, and found that Ling Weiyu was talking about his work with the other party. Now he suddenly went to disturb him. He shook his head for fear that it was not good.

"All right!"

Jiang Qingyan and he Feng come to the corner and sit down.

After ordering a grilled fish and a few dishes and drinks, he Feng seems to be chatting with Jiang Qingyan, but his mental power is working, paying attention to Ling Weiyu's situation.

"Ling Dong, the new book you told me about listening to the wind that night. Today, I read the first tens of thousands of words. His content is really novel. His writing and rhetoric are first-class, and his stories are even more interesting. If this kind of book can be made into an online play, it will surely be popular."

Said a younger man sitting opposite Ling Weiyu.

"Yes, we are very optimistic about this book. Moreover, with our company's professional ability, we have full confidence that we can make this play well, and we can get the best recommended position in the video playback software, so that this play will cause a viewing boom. "

Another older middle-aged man vowed.

"Mr. Ying and Mr. you, of course, I believe you, but what you said is that I don't have a big problem in purchasing all the film and television copyrights of this book, not just the copyright of online dramas, but I'm afraid the author won't agree."

Ling Weiyu said with a helpless smile: "you may not know that the author of this book only signed the electronic copyright with us. Although we have the right to choose partners first, we have to nod and agree with the author himself."

"Ling Dong is just an author. I think it's not a big problem for you to talk to him?" You Fang said with a smile.

"Yes, we've also learned about the market of your network literature circle. It's good for a writer like him who is not well-known to sell the copyright of his works. What's more, we've already offered a million yuan, which is even more incredible for an ordinary author. "

Ying Xue also said: "you can tell him that this is a very rare opportunity. If he doesn't sell it to us this time, even if he can sell the copyright in the future, he will certainly not be able to sell it at this price. What's more, even if it's sold, it's a big problem whether it can be shot or not. We not only buy his copyright, but also promise that he will at least make an online play. What else is he dissatisfied with? "

With that, they looked at each other with a smile in their eyes.

For Fengyu Chinese, it's only these two days that they've heard about it.

However, the sales of yetingfeng's new books have attracted their attention.

If you buy all the copyright of this book, then invest a few million to shoot an online drama, then make some recommendations through the relationship, and brush up the broadcast volume

Finally, they can easily make a lot of money if they engage in other copyrights.

Naturally, most of the money goes into their own pockets.

Therefore, they are so eager to contact Ling Weiyu and want to get the copyright.

"Mr. Ying, Minister you, you don't know something. If it's other authors, I can go and talk about it. But this night, listening to the wind, he seems to have a bad temper. I'm afraid he can't make sense."

Ling Weiyu gave a wry smile and said, "if not, there are a lot of books on our website, and there are not a few popular books. Why don't you look at other similar types of works? Let's see if there's anything we like. If there's one, it's the same for us to cooperate with another one. "

Ling Weiyu also wants to film a work in the website as soon as possible, which is also of great help to the publicity of the website.

Can listen to the wind of the book night, it is the most popular website, although now a million price is not low, but the future price can not be said.

Besides, Ling Weiyu really doesn't think it's easy to talk about the person listening to the wind at night. She doesn't think it's a lie.

"OK, let's study other books on your website later, and then you can send the information of these books to my email."

Ying Xue didn't insist on it, so he said, "let's eat the roast fish first. The taste of the roast fish is quite good. By the way, I'll pour you a glass of orange juice first... "

"I'll do it myself. How can I bother Yingzong?"

Ling Weiyu quickly reached for the bottle of fresh orange juice.

"It's nothing. It's my honor to be able to serve such a beautiful woman as Ling Dong."

Should learn to laugh, take the bottle first, and then pick up Ling Weiyu's cup, pour drinks for it, the action is very slow, appears to be quite careful.

"Ling Dong, you should be the leader of your website?"

Seeing that Ying Xue was pouring drinks for Ling Weiyu, you quickly asked and attracted Ling Weiyu's attention.

Ling Weiyu immediately shook his head, "ha ha, in fact, I'm just the top leader on the surface. In our company, there is another shareholder who has invested no less money than me, and the reason why our website has developed to the present situation is because of him."

Think of He Feng, a woman's face is full of tenderness.

I don't know what brother Xiaofeng is doing now?

Are you eating with a woman?

Does he think about himself when he's with other women?

Ling Weiyu didn't notice. While she was looking at you Fang and thinking about He Feng in her mind, Ying Xue, who was sitting opposite her, suddenly moved her nails.

Some white powder hidden in the nail, immediately sprinkled into the cup, mixed with orange juice.

"Ling Dong, you are modest now. You became the boss of Fengyu novel network at a young age, and you are in charge of the whole company. There is no doubt about your ability. In the future, your website can cooperate with our company for a long time and make a fortune together. "

Ying Xue handed the orange juice to Ling Weiyu, raised the cup in front of him and said with a smile, "come on, let's have a drink first. I hope we can reach the first cooperation as soon as possible."


Ling Weiyu picked up the cup, will put his mouth to drink.

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