"Who, then, should always be? Didn't you say you wanted someone to call me to the hospital? Continue to call people. I know the Zheng Qian You called. He won't come to trouble me. You have to call another one. "

He Feng coldly said, interrupted should learn the thought.

"Another one?"

Should learn the corner of the mouth to smoke wildly.

Even Zheng Qian is treated as the eldest. Is it what he should learn to provoke?

In his side of the tour is even the voice did not dare to say a word, silent looking at He Feng.

"Brother Xiaofeng, they have already been taught a lesson, and we haven't suffered any loss, or let's just forget it?"

Ling Weiyu gently pulled He Feng, she didn't want to make things too big.

"Little feather, you can't just let it go. You've been drugged. If you don't give it out, I'll get it."

He fengleng looked at Yingxue and Youfang, "however, the reason why they dare to do this to you must also rely on the company behind them. By the way, what's the name of their company and what's the specific situation like? "

Hearing he Feng's question, Ling Weiyu didn't think much about it. He said: "their company is called Wantao film, which is a film and television company. Today, Yiqin called me and said that he wanted to talk with me about filming. I heard that their company's situation is OK. In the past two years, they have made a lot of dramas. There are three directors in the company, more than ten professional screenwriters, and signed several Internet celebrities as actors. They are a very capable film and television company. However, it seems that none of the dramas they have made has become popular. "

"Well, the staff are quite secretive."

He Feng touched his chin, and suddenly an idea came out of his mind. Looking at Ying Xue, he said carelessly, "I just heard Zheng Qian say that your company owes more than 30 million yuan to Yuncheng group?"

Ying Xue shook his head and said, "well, I'm not very clear about this. It's the business of the boss of our company. There's only one boss in our company. He never let us get involved in capital matters."

He Feng said immediately, "is that right? Now call your boss and I'll ask him face to face. "

"Ah? Let our boss come? This... This is not very good. He should go home from work now. If we ask him to come, he may not come. "

Ying Xue and you Fang are a little nervous when they hear he Feng's words.

It would be a bit of a hassle to let their boss know that they want to resell the copyright.

Even if they are not expelled, it will not be their turn to do anything good in the company.

"Don't talk nonsense. Brother Feng doesn't have so much time to stay with you here. Call him to come. Otherwise, I'll have to call Zheng Qian over to greet you. " He Feng light way.

"OK, OK, I'll call. I'll call our boss now."

Hear he Feng said to Zheng Qian called, should learn quickly took out the mobile phone.

He knew Zheng Qian because he went to their company to collect debts.

At that time, he saw Zheng Qian's means.

If he Feng really called Zheng Qian, he would have to lose several layers of skin even if he didn't die.

"Hello, Yingxue. I'm very busy now. I'm with my teacher. If you don't have anything important, just hang up."

The phone was soon connected, and there came a middle-aged man's impatient voice.

"Mr. Yuan, you Fang and I are in a bit of trouble now. They want to see the boss of our company. You... You'd better come here." Should learn to say.

"What's your problem? What's the name of the man who wants to see me? "

The middle-aged man's tone is more unhappy.

Ying Xue had to look at He Feng and asked, "our president yuan asked your name."

"He Feng!"

He Feng said his name, and then added, "in addition, you tell him that I am the director of the Finance Department of Yuncheng group, responsible for debt collection. If he owes our company money, let him come quickly. "

"It turned out to be the head of the Finance Department of Yuncheng group..."

Ying Xue was curious, but on the surface, he reported it quickly. "Mr. Yuan, he said his name was he Feng, the head of the Finance Department of Yuncheng group. He said, "if our company owes money to their company, you should come here as soon as possible. He wants to talk to you face to face."

"Talk about it, talk about what? I'm very busy now. I don't have time to see him. Let him make an appointment another day. "

The yuan general manager snorted, "besides, don't he know that in this society, the one who owes money is the uncle? Well, I won't talk to you first. You can deal with it yourself. Anyway, you are also the vice president of our company. Don't even be able to deal with this little matter. Hang up. Goodbye... Dududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududu

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Ying Xue could only helplessly look at He Feng and say, "we are always Mr. Yuan. He said that he is very busy now and has no time to come over."

"What? At this time actually said no time? It seems that he has not paid any attention to our Cloud City Group. "

He Feng not only did not get angry, but raised a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Zheng Qian's phone in person.

Should learn to look at in the side, in the heart uneasy, ponder He Feng this phone call is to whom.

"Hello, Mr. He Feng..."

Soon, Zheng Qian's voice came.

"Zheng Qian, how soon will your people arrive at Wantao film?" He Feng asked.

"We are on our way to Wantao film now. We can get there in ten minutes at most."


He Feng nodded, "after going in, don't collect debt first."

"Ah? If we don't collect debts first, then... "

"Smash their company until I call you to stop. But if you don't have to, don't hurt people. Do you understand? "

"OK, no problem."

After hanging up the phone, he Feng's eyes fall on Ying Xue and you Fang.

They are just ordinary people. He Feng really doesn't want to fight them.

However, if we don't teach them a lesson, he Feng is very upset.

"He, Mr. He Feng..."

By He Feng so stare at, should learn in the heart a little hairy.

"Do you... Like orange juice?"

He Feng asked with a smile.

"Hehe, are you ok?" Should learn embarrassed smile.


He Feng pointed to the waiter not far away.

"Hello, sir. May I help you

A young waiter came to He Feng and asked carefully.

Just he Feng called to say, they also heard, know he Feng is not ordinary people, naturally dare not make him unhappy.

He Feng said, "give them ten bottles of fresh orange juice on this table, just like this one."

The waiter was stunned, "ah? Ten bottles? "

"Well, as soon as possible." He Feng nodded.

"Oh, OK, ok..."

The waiter didn't dare to ask any more, so he hurried to the kitchen.

But should learn with you Fang two people, immediately had one kind of bad premonition.

About ten minutes later, ten bottles of fresh orange juice were on the table.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you can drink these ten bottles of fresh orange juice and go. If we haven't finished before we finish eating, I'll add ten more bottles for you... "

He Feng said, pointing to the fresh orange juice on the table.

"Mr. He, we'll have an accident if we drink so much orange juice..."

Should learn to swallow saliva, a face embarrassed said.

This bottle of orange juice is not a small one. It takes at least 1.5 liters for one bottle.

The ten bottles are divided in half, that is, five bottles for one person, 7.5 liters.

How can their stomach stand drinking so much orange juice in a short time?

This is definitely the rhythm of entering the hospital!

"You don't talk nonsense. Why should I let you drink so much if nothing happens? You can't forget what I said before, but I said I would let you go to the hospital. "

Finish saying, he Feng no longer pay attention to should learn, turn around to look at Ling Weiyu and Jiang Qingyan, "little feather, Qingyan beauty, let's go there to eat."

"Brother Xiaofeng, they drink so much orange juice, won't they have an accident?"

Ling Weiyu walks to another table not far away with He Feng, and asks anxiously.

He Feng chuckled and said: "don't worry, with your brother Xiao Feng here, as long as they don't die, even if their stomach is broken, I can cure them. In a word, I must give them an unforgettable lesson this time, otherwise they may harm other women in the future. "

"All right!"

Ling Weiyu was relieved.

Just as he Feng said, she also hates to learn from you Fang. This kind of person should teach you a lesson.


"Teacher, this is the hotel I ordered. I've ordered a good meal. Let's go in and eat directly."

Yuan Jiajun and Tang Kan have come to the door of the hotel now. He gets out of the car first, and then helps Tang Kan in the back to open the door himself, and says with a smile.

"Ha ha, OK."

Tang Kan got out of the car and gave a faint smile.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

At this time, Yuan Jiajun's mobile phone vibrated again.

He felt it out and found that it was his assistant who was calling. He estimated what was the matter. When he said to Tang Kan, "teacher, I'm sorry, my assistant is calling. I'll take it first."

"It's OK. You're busy ahead of time." Tangkan doesn't care about Tao.


Yuan Jiajun went to the side and answered the phone.

"Mr. Yuan, something happened and our company was smashed."

As soon as the phone was connected, the assistant's anxious voice came over, "Zheng Qian just brought a group of people to our company. After he came in, he didn't say a word, and he just smashed things. Mr. Yuan, what's the matter? "

"What? Is Zheng Qian too bold? call the police! We have to call the police! "

Yuanjiajun smell speech, a face of resentment roar.

Originally, he also thought about letting Tang Kan introduce a good buyer and sell the company at a high price.

But now the company is smashed, when the scandal spreads, how can he sell it at a high price?

It's good to sell 50 million!

"Call the police? Mr. Yuan, if we call the police, it may be a big deal. At that time, Zheng Qian will hurt people. " The assistant was worried.

"He dares!"

Yuan Jiajun yelled angrily.

Although he said so, he didn't have any confidence in his heart.

After all, Zheng Qian is not an ordinary man, but the leader of the Wolf Gang. That's the black one.

What kind of people dare not do?

If you really want to screw someone up, it may not be to screw up the company, but to screw up the people.

"Now let Zheng Qian answer the phone. I'll tell him."

After thinking about this, Yuan Jiajun still gritted his teeth and chose to compromise.

Although he was very depressed, he had to admit that Zheng Qian was not a small boss like him.

"All right!"

The assistant nodded.

Before long, I heard him talking to another person on the other end of the phone: "Mr. Zheng, Mr. Zheng, we always want to talk to you, you..."

Before he finished, Zheng Qian interrupted him, "get out of the way, I don't want to talk to him."


Assistant helpless, had to pick up the phone to continue: "Mr. Yuan, Zheng Qian, he does not want to talk to you, how to do?"

"What does Zheng Qian want? All of a sudden, I came to smash the company and didn't talk to me. Where did I recruit him or provoke him? "

Yuanjiajun roared loudly, there is an impulse to drop the mobile phone.

At this time, Tang Kan suddenly walked up behind him and asked, "yuanjiajun, your company has been smashed? Have you offended anyone? "

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